Reality Steve


Podcast #414 – Answering All Your “Reader Emails” (including transcripts)

All right, we got to talk about that Love is Blind finale. Last night, yesterday that dropped. If you have not heard it, you have not watched it, or you have not read anything about it and you don’t want to be spoiled, I’ll give you three seconds.

Then I’m going to start talking about it. Three, two, one going into the episode. We had three couples left. We had ramp. I’ve been calling him Ramsey’s. But I guess it’s Ramses, Ramses and Marissa, then we had Garrett and Taylor and we had Tyler and Ashley. So let’s start with the first couple where the end of episode 11 left us scratching our heads because all of a sudden Ramses woke up one morning and all of a sudden had some serious doubts about Marissa.

So the episode starts with where it picked it, where it left off in episode 11 and that’s Ramses and Marissa talking about he is struggling with getting married. And she’s like, where did this all come from? Just because you had a conversation two days ago with your friends. What is this about? And the answer that he gave her, well, one of the answers that he gave her was your energy and my energy living and coexisting in the same place.

I guess was an issue with him. She’s, I don’t know, too upbeat for him, too positive for him. He kind of left it generic with that answer. And he also gave her, it’s not you, it’s me, which usually means it’s him. And he just doesn’t know how to let her down. The other thing that’s interesting is yesterday, Marissa did an interview with glamour.

com. Let me see if I have it here on my phone. Do I crap, but I had it anyway. Marissa does an interview with glamour. com. And in the interview, that interview basically broke it down. She said throughout the whole breakup, which made it worse. He couldn’t really give me a reason to this day. I don’t know if he even really has a good reason.

I think he has tried to pinpoint certain things like that. I listened to podcasts in the morning and I sing in the shower type of stuff. But at the time of the breakup, he was just like, I don’t feel at peace anymore. And I feel like our energies are off and I’m going to hurt you in five years, but I love you and want to be with you.

But this is moving too fast. She’s like, I’m like, well, okay, let’s just not move fast. You stay in DC. I stay in Baltimore, but let’s stay together. And he was like, no. And that’s a very hard thing to grasp. How do you supposedly love this person so, so much and they don’t even want to be with you. Then I’m thinking it’s me because he’s saying it’s my energy.

I offered to not get married. We can stay engaged or we can do everything on our own timeline. We don’t have to move in immediately. That was never the plan anyway. We don’t have to be engaged to date. It was a hard no. And that. is what really tore me up, which makes me think if this guy still hasn’t given her an answer.

And here she is a year later, still saying, I don’t know if he really has given me a solid reason as to why he broke up, makes me think that he was never interested in getting married to her in the first place. However, with that said, in the same interview, she said. She tried to get back with him six months later, and he said no.

She said we saw each other a few times after we broke up. I took the break up really hard as you can imagine from the scene of me crying and stuff. It took me probably six months to get back on track and really start moving on. Saw him a few times when I was in DC and there was one time where we talked for like eight to nine hours on the phone, and I thought we were gonna get back together after that.

She said in February or March, I did ask him if he wanted to get back together. I’m not really ashamed to say that because I’m someone who’s like, if you feel it, you feel it, like what’s the worst can happen. And he’s like, so after that, we just stopped communication. Look, I’m risking, do whatever she wants.

I’m shocked that she even wanted to try with him again after that. And the way he broke up with her, it’s like this guy really bread crumbed her. I mean, It’s one thing to break up with her and not give the greatest reason in the world, but then reconnect with her months later and have an eight or nine hour conversation.

I understand she probably thought, you know, maybe he really wants to start this back up again. And then he immediately shoots her down again. I don’t see that as her fault. Kind of see that more as, as his, I understand. She’s just taking a shot. Maybe, I don’t know. It just seems very, very confusing. And.

Again, like I said, here we are a year later from her filming this show and being broken up with by him two days before their wedding day. And she still says, I don’t know if he’s really given me a real reason or a good reason as to why he didn’t want to be there. A lot of it stems from a conversation he had with friends.

Two days before that they did reference in that conversation that we saw. And I guess during that conversation with his friends, he found out that his ex wife was also getting married in the same month and because he hurt her, he thinks he’s going to hurt Marissa. It’s just, that seems like a cop out answer.

Like, Hey, I’ve hurt people in the past. I’m just going to hurt you. So I’ll cut it off at the pass and we’ll just end it now. Or I’ll just end it now. That seems really weak. So what’s fascinating to me is. I think, and I don’t know the filming schedule, obviously next Wednesday is the reunion show. My guess is they haven’t filmed the reunion show yet because at the end of the episode last night, we didn’t get any previews for next week’s reunion show.

So my guess is clearly they got to be filming it before next Wednesday. So they turn that around a lot quicker. It’s not like bachelor and bachelorettes tell all episode or, you know, it’s because if they filmed it before the finale stuff could have gotten out. So I get why they film it after the finale airs and we see what happens with the three remaining couples.

So Ramses and Marissa break up, Tyler and Ashley have gotten married, and Garrett and Taylor got married. Now you heard my prediction last week. I said of the three couples, I think Ramses and Marissa aren’t walking down the aisle. They’re going to break up. I said, I bet Tyler and Ashley do get married, but we find out they aren’t together in present day and Garrett and Taylor.

I’d be shocked if they weren’t together. I’m sure that they’re the most solid couple of this season. So we’ll find out next week. If I went three for three, I’m already one for one. I’m pretty sure Garrett and Taylor are still together. It’s just a matter of our Tyler and Ashley still together. We’ve heard what his baby mama has said.

The day before he left for the show is the last time he has spoken to his kids. Tyler has got a lot to answer to, because we then find out he’s referring to them as sperm babies on the show, and yet The twins aren’t even sperm babies. So why did you say that about on the show about your children, your biological children, that you had sex with someone to produce those children, and now you’re calling them sperm babies.

What does Ashley think of all this? When she found out they weren’t sperm babies, is Ashley still with him? If she is. I’m sorry, I’m going to question Ashley’s sanity. How can you be with this guy, who talked about his children that way? His biological children that he had, did have a hand in help raising, according to the baby mama on her Instagram story that was five parts long.

Unless she is just making everything up, I don’t see how Ashley would want to be with a man like this. I don’t get it, but I will give them the benefit of the doubt until we watch the reunion, until we get some more answers out of Tyler, because things aren’t adding up and the fact that he has not seen his kids since the day he left for the show.

Day before he left for the show and hasn’t spoken to them and hasn’t seen them. Gosh, it does make me think that maybe him and Ashley are still together. And he basically just said, if I’m going to make this work with Ashley, I have to start a new life, which is a shitty thing to do, dude. You’ve got three kids.

Maybe don’t shut them off for a reality TV show relationship. You know, maybe be a father first, call me crazy, man, I cannot wait till the reunion show. There’s, there’s just so much stuff here. I, and then like I said, Garrett and Taylor, I’d be stunned if they weren’t together. And then finally the story from people.

com that I mentioned earlier this week that didn’t get around to talking about was this, the title of the story said groom kicks his mother out of his wedding after she bought his, after she brought his ex girlfriend as her plus one. And he said, And then the quote underneath, my mom tried to explain that ex girlfriend Margo and I are soulmates and wife June is just in the way of true love, but I wasn’t hearing it.

The groom wrote on Reddit. Good Lord. So I read the whole story. And at no point during the story, are there any pictures of this groom, any pictures of his mother with her plus one, which is his ex girlfriend, any pictures of his bride, and any proof that this is even true, Story starts with in a post on Reddit, am I the asshole?

A I T M assuming that means am I the asshole? And it just tells the story. 30 year old groom talked about how he. Started dating his now wife, June, about three years ago. And his mother really never warmed to her according to the groom. It’s because June didn’t let my mom push her around. She kept firm boundaries, which I admired.

And she even helped me do the same. And his ex’s name would Margo. His mother loved Margo. The groom said his ex was very controlling and manipulative. Their dynamic was horrible. So he finally got the courage to leave her. And he finally did. It was hard, but my, I had help and my life has improved since.

Then he announced his engagement in June to June. His mom seemed to take the news. Well, she didn’t freak out. She was calm, but I took it as she just finally accepting of this. And so I didn’t think much of it. However, things took an unfortunate turn on his wedding day. The groom said he gave his mother and father who got remarried to people after he graduated college, plus ones for their respective spouses.

And his mom brings his ex girlfriend and basically says that that line. That Margo, his ex, and he are soulmates and the wife, June, is just in the way of true love. So he kicked his mom out of the wedding. You read the comments in this story. People are saying this sounds all made up because this is a story that it doesn’t take like some sort of John Grisham novelist to make this story up.

This isn’t very hard to think of yet. People. com prints it as a story with no proof that this is even true. It’s like, that’s what we’ve come to these days. Really? I, I, I just, I find it hard to believe. I don’t believe this story, honestly. Because it’s, while it’s, it’s like not the most far fetched thing in the world, it’s, the people that are commenting that, that do believe it are siding with the groom.

Yeah, your mother shouldn’t have done that, and I don’t think he had a problem with you kicking her out of your wedding. But there’s a lot of comments that are like, I don’t believe this. I don’t, I don’t find this believable because why would a mother do that to her son? Never mention it at no point. Did he ever ask, Hey mom, who are you bringing to the wedding?

I just, I just cannot believe that they showed this whole story. And at no point did they say they vetted the process and they vetted the story. They just took a random post from, am I the asshole on Reddit and made it into a story that was front page on people. com. Sorry. Not buying it anyway. Thank you all for listening.

Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download on the sports daily. Today, former bachelorette contestant on Deanna season and bachelor pad three contestant Ryan Hogue, who was also. The last pick in the 2003 NFL draft.

He was Mr. Irrelevant. We talk sports. He’s going to be on the regular podcast. He’s going to be on the weekly podcast coming up fairly soon. We’re going to have him on to talk about his life on the show. He was also recently on the floor. Season two, he won in episode one of the floor. He won 20, 000 cause he stole the most squares, but then lost in round two.

We’ll talk about that, but he’s going to be on a talking rate reality TV stuff. I would think in the next couple of months. But he’s on the sports daily today. So we talk about sports. We talk about the chiefs, the Raiders. He does some pre and post games work for the Las Vegas Raiders and very good conversation with him today.

So check that out. And then podcast number four 14 coming up at 9 15 AM Eastern time. On my YouTube channel, reality C 24, also on Apple Podcast and Spotify. So check that out, answering all your reader nails. Again, thank you all for tuning in. I really appreciate it and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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