Reality Steve


Podcast #414 – Answering All Your “Reader Emails” (including transcripts)


? You are listening to the reality. Steve podcast with your host reality. Steve, he’s got all the latest info and behind the scenes juice on grants, upcoming season of the bachelor and interviewing some of your favorite reality stars. Now here’s reality.

What’s up everybody. Welcome to podcast number four 14. Your host reality, Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Thursday weekly podcast, which is coming up on seven years I’ve been doing this

Coming up on seven years, December 6th, I think will be seven years I’ve been doing this podcast. The weekly one, we had just passed the two year mark back on July 11th of the daily roundup. So for this week, I’m just going to answer your reader emails and we’ve got a ton of them. A lot of you sent them in, whether it was on Instagram or emailed me.

I don’t even know if I’m going to get to all these. I want to keep this to around an hour and I’m just going to start answering them. I have no idea how long this is going to take, but I’m going to keep my eye on the clock and see, okay, if we’re at an hour, I’ll probably either skip the last few that are at the end, or maybe just answer them really quick.

And we will get to all that momentarily. Just wanted to start out before we get to answering these emails. Have you noticed? Because this is back to the future week back to the future day was this past Monday, October 21st. It’s when they went to the future. So of course had to wear a back to the future shirt in honor of that.

Let me back up a little bit.

Hey, butthead say hi to your mom for me. Now, if you’re really getting technical. That’s not the actual line that he says in the movie. What he says in the movie in the first one is, what are you looking at? Butthead, say hi to your mom for me. As he walks out the door, he doesn’t say, Hey, but I’m not going to get caught up in semantics now.

Are we? Of course not. We’re talking about one of the greatest movies ever made back to the future. Biff Tannen, one of the greatest performances ever. Do you realize in back to the future too, he played five different characters. He played 1985 Biff, 2015 Biff, 2015 Griff, 20, 1985 alternate Biff, and then he had to go back and play 1955 Biff.

Oscar winning, if you ask me. Alright, we’re just gonna jump right into these questions, because like I said, there are so many. So you’re gonna see me look off camera to read these, and I’ll try and look back at the camera to answer them. But, there’s so many of them, if I had to count, I think there’s over 30.

Some of them are really short, literally like one sentence questions. Some of them are longer. So let’s just get right into it. I’m going to try and keep this to about an hour, maybe no longer than an hour. 15. Here we go. Hey, Steve. I’m enjoying this season of the challenge eras, but I really hate what happened with the recent Rossio.

I really was looking forward to seeing them play this season together. I just love the two of them together. What is your opinion? Well, I mean, There’s nothing you can do. They got beat fair and square. Norris did. Horatio’s is still debatable. If we’re going by the rules, he got beat by Derek. However, I think a lot of people can question those rules because when you had to put 40 pegs in a board and Horatio’s 40 pegs were in the boards before Derek’s, but the rules actually just stated you just needed those pegs to cross a line and Derek’s 40 pegs crossed before.

Horacio’s 40 pegs did. That’s why Derek actually ended up winning. So, like I said, you can sit there and debate that until the end of time. I thought it was a Bush league rule, but it was the rule. So I am disappointed. I think Horacio is still one of the best players this show has. I think he will win a final one day.

But he just didn’t, you know, if he gets by Derek, I’m not saying he’s going to win, but at least he still lasts. And you just don’t know. I mean, it, it was unfortunate that he lost and then the Reese lost fair and square. So there really isn’t much to say about it. Do you have any info on some of the earlier contestants from Grant’s season?

Like this season’s villain? Well, I don’t. God forbid I use the word villain and watch the whole internet blow up and take everything out of context, even though every time I have used the word villain in recent seasons, I have clearly explained what villain on this show means. Do I have info on earlier contestants and what happened earlier in their season?

Yes, you will be getting that in due time. I’m not even going to say the word villain. Is there a person this season that consistently stole grant away from the other women and who the other women weren’t too thrilled about doing that? Yes, but I ain’t using the V word on them, even though within the context of this show, that’s what’s considered the V word.

Did you watch the anonymous? If so, would love to hear your thoughts on it. No. All I know about the anonymous is it comes on after Monday night raw on USA on Monday nights. So I usually watch raw on my DVR and then once it ends, it goes straight into the anonymous. So I’ve seen like the opening credits for like 30 seconds, but I don’t know.

I know it was a show with 12 or 14 people. I know Xavier from big brother was on it. I don’t know any, anybody else who was on it. I don’t think he won and they played for money and they eliminated people. That’s all I know. Can’t really offer much there. Merry fuck kill. 90210, back to the future, Karate Kid.

Let me just say this. How dare you put me in a spot to answer that question? That’s like answering which of my kids are my favorite. And I don’t even have kids. But it’s the equivalent of asking somebody with multiple kids which one is your favorite. 90210, Back to the Future, and Karate Kid, you’re asking me to choose which one I would marry, fuck, or kill?

Well, I can tell you right now, I’m not killing any of them. And saying I would have sex with one of them is probably not politically correct. Can you have sex with a TV show? I don’t think it’s possible. I’ve seen weirder things. But isn’t there that one show that dude was having sex with his car? He would like stick his dick in the gas pipe, the gas tank.

So yes, there are weirder things that have happened on television for sure. But so instead of saying Mary fuck kill, why don’t we just rank them?

I can’t rank those. I literally cannot rank those. That’s impossible. I like them all the same. They’ve all had major, major influences on my life. I know two and Oh, back to the future. Karate kid. I believe karate kid. Yeah. Karate kid. Gab definitely came out first in 84. Back to the future. It came out in 85, nine Oh two and Oh, started in 90, but I didn’t start watching it till college.

So I didn’t start watching it. Till 93 94. I can’t answer it. I can’t I feel like I would be insulting One of the three if I said if I put one above the other They’re all number one for me if i’m ranking them next one. I need help with my survivor football picks Give me some advice, please Also who in bachelor nation couples do you talk to or have ever met in person?

I love your podcast listen to you every morning as I get ready for work. Thank you very much for listening. Appreciate it first off survivor football picks All I can say is the first five weeks of the season, so many people lost in the survivor pools, just because the top team that was picked in the four of the first five weeks ended up losing ever since then.

It’s been all chalk, meaning the favorites have run rampant. Vegas has gotten their ass kicked by the public. The last two weeks, I would say after that bloodbath for the first five weeks of the season, things are going to start evening out. There are a lot of big favorites on the board this week off the top of my head.

I believe Detroit is an 11 point favorite. The chiefs are 10 point favorites, and I know survivor picks don’t include point spreads, but that’s what people look at. Who’s the biggest favorite on the board. I’m just going to bet them because they’re supposed to win, but there’s like five games of a seven point or more spread this week, maybe more.

I think you’re pretty safe going with a Detroit or a Kansas city this week. If you haven’t already picked them. Because Detroit’s not losing at home to Tennessee. Kansas city. Yes. You know, they’re a division. It’s a divisional road game and they are a road dog, but if you listen to the sports daily, you know that Patrick Mahomes is 18 and one on the road against division in his career.

He didn’t lose division games on the road. He’s lost one. And one of them was last year. And the only one was last year to the Broncos. He’s never lost to anybody else on the road in division. That means Raiders chargers and Broncos. Only one he lost to last year was the Broncos. So he’s 18 in one.

They’re probably a bet, a good bet to beat the Raiders. I don’t think, I think in the next few weeks, you’re going to see the favorites probably winning. So I would go with the top favorite on the board for the next few weeks. But there are some really bad teams in the NFL. You maybe just want to bet against a bad team.

Anybody that Carolina plays bet against them. Anybody that new England plays bet on whoever new England is playing. I just think it’s going to start to even out. It already has advice for someone wanting to start a podcast. I’m not good on the technical side of things when it comes to podcasts. I know how to record mine, upload mine and stuff like that.

The best advice that I could give you, and I’ve given this advice before is you got to be consistent. You know, we’ve talked about it of people in bachelor nation. They feel like they need to start a podcast because they’ve got a following and then they quit after eight episodes or they quit after season two.

Or whatever it is, you know, they, they label their seasons and it’s just like, you know, look, not everybody can do what I do and I’m not saying that to pat myself on the back. I’m just saying not everybody can do 11 podcasts a week. Not everybody has the time to do that. Not everybody can put a episode out every single day.

But if you’re going to do a weekly podcast, do a weekly podcast and do 52 episodes a year. Do not do, say you’re going to do a weekly podcast and then just take weeks off and not give an explanation as to why. Okay. Just do it. And if you know, you’re going to be gone or out of town, bank, some have some already pre recorded and then let those go because people want consistency.

I think the one thing that I get from a lot of you listeners is the fact that we already heard one of the emails say it earlier, I listened to you every day. As I get ready for work, it kind of becomes comfort for people. They want to know that you’re going to be there every day for them. And ever since I started the daily, I have posted a Monday through Friday podcast since July 11th of 2022.

I’ve never missed the only time I will miss is if God forbid something bad happens or there’s an audio issue I will not miss a daily roundup because I just didn’t get around to it. Even when I’ve gone out tonight I’m going out to the Mavericks game probably not gonna be back till 10, but I don’t record my podcast till 11 Anyway, so it will never be an excuse if I go out of town, you know, I pre record When I go to Vegas, if I leave on Thursday morning, my Thursday podcast is recorded Wednesday night, and I’ll either have a prerecorded Friday podcast, or I’ll record Thursday night in Vegas, and then the Monday podcast.

If I’m coming back on Monday, I’ll record Sunday night in Vegas. You’re going to get it every day, Monday through Friday, daily roundup and my sports daily, and you’re going to get my weekly podcast. So that’s what I would say, whatever you choose to do, whatever topic you’re doing on your podcast, just be consistent with it.

And if you see that you’re not getting a lot of listeners or whatever, just know that it’s not going to come right away, unless you already have a giant following, you’re going to have to build it through constantly putting content out, letting people know, even if you have to be annoying about it.

Letting people know on podcast is up and then you build it that way and you might do it for three years, four years and not get much traction. Dave Neal’s the best example of this. Go ask Dave how long he did a podcast show where he was getting very minimal views and now look at him. It’s just because he kept at it.

That’s why I’ll always respect Dave for, for what he’s done because he built it on his own. He didn’t build it because he went on a reality show. He didn’t build his following because he made national news and everybody said, Hey, Dave Neal. No, he built it because he was consistent in putting out his content.

That’s my best advice I can give you is always be there. Whatever day you say it’s going to be done, or at least if it’s a weekly podcast, just make sure you put out a podcast weekly. If you say it’s going to be biweekly put out to a week. So there you go. Hey C, been a long time reader and listener since 2013.

Which season of The Bachelorette was your favorite and why? Mine was Desiree’s personally, but that’s just me because she’s super nice and she seems overlooked by ABC most of the time. I don’t know why I’ve always said this has been my favorite season. But Ashley bears, and I don’t know why I can’t even give you an answer.

I just remember watching that season and being thoroughly entertained. Liking Ashley as a bachelorette who then became Ashley Rosenbaum. I’ve always said that’s been my favorite season in recent. If you’re asking me to choose something a little more recent, I really liked charity season. And I liked Jen’s season.

I did. I enjoyed it. It’s not like, oh my gosh, I gotta go back and re watch. I’ve never re watched an episode of any season outside of having to go back and re watch a scene so I could get a particular quote or a particular screenshot. But I’ve never watched Any episode more than once in this franchise history.

Hey steve There have been a few bachelorettes that come to mind where the fiance male turns out to be not who the lead thought they were Rachel and tino hannah and jed jen and devin curious Can you recall or can you recall a season of the bachelor where the winner female did a big old switcheroo betrayal after the engagement?

Okay, I have all the Seasons in my phone. So let me look here and just Brad and Emily. No Ben and Courtney. Well, you know, I’m friends with Courtney, but Ben certainly thought the Courtney that he got on the show was different than the Courtney that was playing out on TV. She would even admit to that. Sean and Catherine, no JP and Ashley.

No Chris and Whitney. No.

Ben Higgins. And Lauren? Nick and Vanessa. No. Ari and Oh, Becca. No. Colton and Cassie. No. Peter and Hannah and no, that was the other way around. Peter ended up being the person that wasn’t who he said he was. Matt and Rachel. No. Clayton and Susie. No. Zach and Katie. No. Joey and Kelsey, I’d say Courtney is probably the only one that I, and she didn’t do any sort of switcheroo or betrayal.

I think Ben even said it in the podcast I did with him six years ago, when he watched it back, that was not the woman that he said he fell in love with. He didn’t particularly like some of the things that she was saying on camera. So that’d be the closest one, I guess. Gosh, we’re 15 minutes in. We’ve only got through like six questions.

Oh boy. Hey Steve, two questions for this week’s reader emails. One, is there a mental all for Jones season? If so, do you have any details? Yes, there is a mental all it’s actually taping as I speak. So it happened. You’re listening to this on Thursday. It taped yesterday. So at the time of this recording, obviously it’s not done taping.

I don’t know anything, but the men tell all for Jones season is going to be completely different than a bachelorette men tell all because all these guys like each other, there was no drama this season. So it’s just going to be a giant love fest and we’re going to probably see Charles get up to the hot seat and we’re going to see, Jordan go up to the hot seat and maybe Keith, it’s just going to be a giant love fest, you know, it’s basically the way it goes and I guarantee that Jesse Palmer has not gone down to the Dominican Republic yet because he needs to be at the mental all for Jones season unless someone has fell in to host for him.

That’d be the only thing to be questioned about, but Jesse doesn’t need to be. In the dominican republic for overnight dates until the final rose ceremony or not the final the final three rose ceremony Which would be on? Saturday, so that’s my guess is that jesse is in la today as I record this hosting jones Men tell all number two best of your knowledge are joan and chalk still together.

Thanks for all you do yes, they are next question.

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