Reality Steve


Podcast #414 – Answering All Your “Reader Emails” (including transcripts)

Would you go on a season of celebrity big brother if offered? I think the way to answer that question is this They would never offer me celebrity big brother. I’m not a celebrity. I have a niche podcast that is popular among bachelor nation, but that’s not big enough to be considered celebrity.

Big brother. Would they have somebody who’s a podcaster on celebrity big brother? Sure.

Alex cooper could be somebody that would go. I mean That’s probably beneath her. She’s almost too popular for celebrity big brother But something like that where somebody that has a very popular I could see nick vial going on celebrity big brother He his podcast is big enough to where he’d be considered a celebrity to go on that particular me They would never ask for celebrity big brother.

I have a better chance of getting on regular big brother just because I would apply You It’s not something that I would I think I could do big brother But i’m not a historian when it comes to the show. So I don’t know if that sits well with them and I think i’m just saying it’s a show I could Do like I could I feel myself could could handle a show like that Because my days usually consist of me being at home all day long So being in a house for a whole summer is not really too far fetched for me But would they ask me to be on celebrity big brother?

No, they wouldn’t any sig oh wait Next one. The buzz going around is Mark is a villain. What happened on Golden Bachelorette that I missed? Well, I guess my question to you is when you say the buzz going around, where is that coming from? Because if it’s coming from the internet, you probably have your answer.

Because the internet says Mark is a villain doesn’t mean that Mark is a villain. I don’t see how Mark was a villain on the Golden Bachelorette. What did he do? He didn’t do anything wrong. He didn’t even step on anybody’s toes. He didn’t interrupt anybody who was having one on one time. So I don’t know where that’s coming from.

Next one. Any suggestions for how I could get on Survivor? I think I’m funny and I’m likable. I think getting on Survivor is going to be tough because it seems like they do a lot more recruiting these days than randomly taking somebody’s video that they send in or application that they send in. I’m sure it’s a lot like Bachelor or Bachelorette where it’s more about, you know, They have casting departments that are reaching out to people, hoping they will send in a tape and be on.

I just, I think it’s very tough now to get on reality shows where you’re just like, oh, I like that show. I’m gonna apply online. I just don’t think it works that way anymore. Did it used to work that way in the past? Absolutely, but it doesn’t work that way anymore, and I’m sure you are funny, and I’m sure you are likable, but I’m guessing a lot of people feel They’re funny and likable and want to be on a reality show.

And it’s just almost kind of a, who, you know, thing. If you have a friend that’s been on survivor, that’s probably your best bet to tell them to put in a good word for you. So I’d go that route. And if you don’t have a friend, then I would just say, and I’m being honest here, you’re slick. Your chances are probably slim and none.

to get on. All right, let’s get to the next one. Hey, Steve, I wanted to start a podcast in the reality pop culture niche for a while now. Someone that’s listening to your podcast since day one, you’re one of the reasons why I’ve been so inspired to want to start one. Well, thank you. I’d love to get your advice for someone thinking about starting a podcast.

What are some of the things you wish you had known before you began? I’m excited about the opportunity, but nervous to take the plunge since you do 11 podcasts a week. I’m sure you’ve got plenty of great insights to share. That’s what I get for not I have no problem with, with the question that you asked, but that’s what I get for not actually vetting any of these emails.

I just put them all into a Microsoft word doc, cut and pasted without reading any of them before this was basically asked earlier, and I’ll give you the same answer. Be consistent with it. If you say it’s going to be a weekly podcast, put out an episode every week. Do not take breaks. Do not say I’m doing season one and then taking a break for season two.

Do not quit because you feel like nobody’s listening. And I’m telling you right now, unless you already have a following, you’re probably going to have very few listeners in the beginning. If it’s just something that you want to do as a passion project, kind of like how my sports daily is more of a passion project than anything I really make much money off of.

I’ll tell you right now, I make about 500 bucks a month. Off the sports daily, but I love talking sports and that’s why I do the podcast It’s certainly not paying many of my bills, you know It’s just not but it’s a passion project and i’ve done it every single day since I started january The first monday in january of 2023.

It’s a year and a half now that i’ve done it. Oh, wait. No have I done it? Yeah, 2023 I started. So that’s what I mean, and I’m still doing it. And I don’t think I’m gonna stop just because it’s not really making me any money, but it depends. I, I, if, if you’re wanting to start a podcast and I’m assuming you’re, you’re someone that doesn’t have a giant social media following, I’m assuming you want to start one just because you have something you’re passionate about.

That’s great. Just know that if you’re trying to get into it because you see all these other podcasters making money, Just know that if you don’t have a following already, it’s going to take a while to build up an audience and make money. Doesn’t come easy. I had to do a podcast, I had a following and it took me six months before I got my first ad.

Because you have to show them three to six months of an audience and then you can go try and sell that. So just know, depends on if you’re doing it to make money and you don’t already have an established audience, just know it’s going to take a while. And it’s not going to be life changing money. You’re not all of a sudden going to be Caitlin or call her daddy or Joe Rogan or anything like that.

That takes a while so just know that going in it’s the best advice I could give is be consistent next one I know you’re on the bachelor lifestyle podcast. Occasionally we get jason and brian on yours, please love them Actually yesterday we recorded a world series podcast for the baller lifestyle If you want to go listen to that let’s talk about dodgers and yankees as three dodger fans they’ve been on my sports daily podcast I don’t know if my audience is ready for them.

You listen to them, you know exactly how they are when it comes to this show. They know it. They like to bring it up to me all the time that I don’t put them on a reality seed podcast. I only put them on the sports podcast. At some point they will be on the regular podcast. They will. I just don’t know when next one.

Hey, Steve, this is not batch related, but it has to go with your sports daily pot. I listen to both every day. I look forward to all your picks on Friday, even when you pick against my team. I’m shocked at the number of terrible injuries. The NFL this year and my team is struggling with the Kua Evans, Kittle McCaffrey all out.

And I have to say my biggest regret is picking McCaffrey first in my fantasy draft. Have you ever thought of doing a fun pick them or fantasy for your listeners? A few years ago, I did an NCAA tournament and I actually gave money to the winner and it was free And you could I think do up to 10 entries and it was just whoever had the most points at the end but it got to be too much and I just decided against it.

Some people didn’t have their picks in and I just I was just like I don’t want to do this Fantasy, probably not maybe a fun pick them game for NFL since it’s, you know, but it’s, that’s a weekly thing that I would have to keep track of. I don’t know if it is, it would be starting next season. I’m totally with you on McCaffrey.

You’re not the only McCaffrey owner that feels jilted because San Francisco certainly didn’t make it seem like he wasn’t even going to play in the first 10 weeks of the season. They did say, Oh, he’s got an Achilles strain or his calf hurts, but you go back to draft day, which was a week or two before the NFL season started for most fantasy leagues.

Most people had Chris McCaffrey going first and they’ve been screwed all season long because the Niners, I think were a little dishonest in his injury. So next one, Luke Bryan isn’t from the voice and he’s also not Gwen Stefani’s man. That’s Blake Shelton. Total total brain fart on my part yesterday when I was talking about when I was mixing up luke bryan with Brianna chicken fries guy.

I’ve already forgotten his oh zach bryan And then I said, oh no, that’s that’s zach bryan. Luke bryan’s the guy on the voice who’s married to gwen stefani I know blake shelton was the voice and married to gwen stefani, but I was just my mind immediately went to Oh judge on singing show and it’s just yeah, I know the difference between luke bryan and You Blake Shelton and just totally brain farted yesterday.

Sorry about that. Quite a few. You did call me out on that, which deservedly. So, Hey, Steve, absolutely love your podcast. They get me through my long dog walks. My question is this, you do such a great job spoiling the bachelor franchise. I’m so here for it. Are there any other reality shows you would like to spoil?

Have tried to spoil. There’s so many out there aside from big brother, which spoils itself that need your touch. And of course, inquiring minds need to know. Thank you for what you do. Honestly, no. You know, I’m watching love is blind. I’m sure spoilers have been out there since it taped in October of 2023.

I did not want to go look to see who got married and who was still together. If anybody, I’ve said this numerous times, the bachelor, the bachelorette, bachelor in paradise, golden bachelor, golden bachelorette. They’re the only things in my life that I want to be spoiled on. I don’t want to be spoiled on any other reality show that I watch.

I don’t want to be spoiled on survivor. I don’t want to be spoiled on big bro, even though that’s a lot of Basically live outside of the live feeds. I mean live feeds are obviously but the episode that we’re seeing on Wednesday Thursday and Sunday has already happened days earlier that one i’ve i’ve kind of leaned into I have obviously read the live feeds and what’s going on there But no, I don’t I don’t Read the end of books first before I read a book.

I don’t want to know the end of a movie before going in to see it. And I’ve just always said the reason I spoil the bachelor franchise is because ultimately I don’t think it matters that, you know, the ending before the season starts, because it’s probably going to end ultimately end in a broken engagement anyway.

So. What’s the big deal in knowing who wins? Next one. Hey, Steve. I haven’t heard you discuss anything about Clayton and Laura case recently. Is there a reason? Are you still following? Would love to hear your thoughts. Yeah, I still follow along on whatever is happening online. There hasn’t been a lot going on.

I know they’re true. They haven’t even filed the appeal yet. David Gingras, her lawyer, has not filed the appeal yet. I do see his tweets. I do see him fighting with the JFC crew. I do see him never admitting to taking an L in anything in this case. What I can say is this. Remember when I had Rachel Juarez on from Hot Bench, a judge from Hot Bench who is a family law attorney.

And if you heard that interview, you heard me say, I will send you all the pertinent things you need to know to get caught up in the Clayton case. Well, she got back to me and said, I sent it to her. I sent her what I felt she needed to see, which was a 45 minute video from Megan Fox, which kind of explained everything, explained the whole case and even had clips from some of the hearings that was done about a month or six weeks before the trial took place.

So I told her, watch, I 45 minute video, but watch this. This will catch you up on all the main details. I said, here is judge matters. PDF file, 19 page PDF on her judgment on the case. And then I sent her one of David Gingras, his blogs, because I needed to her to see how unhinged that guy is and what he wrote about judge modest decision, how he called her biased, said her father was there.

And she’s just doing this to appease her father. And then she got back to me and said, this is absolutely nuts. I’ve gone through it all. Would love to come back on again. If you have a copy of the two hour trial. Send it to me. I sent that to her and I’m waiting for her just to watch the two hour trial.

We’re going to have her on probably either next week or the week after. And it’s going to be all about the case. Probably going to bring Dave on as well, since he is more well versed in the certain details about the case. I know them, but Dave knows them better than I do. It can recall timelines better than I can in regards to the case, but she said she is floored by the stuff that I gave her and now she wants to watch the trial.

Which will take her a couple hours because it was a two hour trial, but I sent that to her. So hopefully by next week or the week after, I’m guessing she’ll get around to it.

Chandler and Brandon didn’t win immunity from elimination this week on Dance With The Stars. They just won’t be participating in next week’s Dance Off since there are an odd number of couples left, seven. One couple can’t participate, so they gave them immunity to the couple with the highest score.

Chandler and Brandon only get three points added to their score, but they can still be eliminated if they don’t get votes. Gotcha. I think I knew that I spoke too fast yesterday. In fact, I did know that now that you bring it up So I didn’t even know until you mentioned in that email that that’s what I said It happens a lot when you record 11 podcasts a week.

You say things you don’t realize you say until A lot of you bring it to my attention, just like the whole Luke Bryan thing. And I said, Luke Bryan was a judge on the voice. Married to Quinn Stefani, stupid me. Hey, Steve, what do you think of Pascal as the next golden bachelor? I think he’s entertaining and great shape and made for TV type personality.

I’m sure he’s in the running, but I haven’t heard anything in terms of who’s a front runner and who isn’t. He’s in the running because he finished in the top four. He’s definitely a character that everybody has been talking about this season. So. If he ended up being the golden bachelor, would I be surprised?

No, but I have no idea who’s in the running for that at all. All right. Here’s something that’s got a few questions in it. So we’ll get to these and I’ll answer them as we go along. Hey, Steve, I hope you’re keeping the main thing. The main thing. Barf with every big brother practice of naming alliances, creeping into survivor this season with the breadwinners.

Do you think this will become a trend on the challenge? We have the vacation Alliance. You appear to be in the Vegas Alliance with Courtney and Dave, the dirty salesman. Is that Gingras’s name for Dave, the dirty salesman?

The Vegas Alliance. If you’re going to call us that, you have to include Stephanie and Jackie because they came too. Definitely include them. I like it. The Vegas Alliance, me, Dave, Courtney, Stephanie, and Jackie. How about that? Do you agree with Josh letting down era four and not putting a lot of pressure on Rachel or should he have done whatever he could,

I’m not a big fan of Josh, the player in this game. And I’ll admit it. A lot of it is a little personally biased because this goes back to when I was dating cat and he was openly texting her when I was with her and he didn’t seem to care. So I don’t really like the guy too much. I’ll say that, but as for his gameplay, I can separate my personal dislike for the guy for his gameplay on the show.

He just never seems to be much of a good game player. I mean, every season, somebody is yelling at him for something, right? And the only constant in all those con in those arguments, every single season is him. Because it seems like somebody new is yelling at him every single season. So not a fan of his gameplay at all.

No. All right. Gut feel, which arrow will win? At least, well, at least one winner be from, I’m guessing four. They are really building Kylan up in the edit.

I haven’t really been paying attention to the challenge at it. I mean, even just thinking about it now, it seems like a lot of, you know, obviously bananas is going to get a lot of camera time. I could see Kylan winning. He’s very, very good. Yeah. I honestly, I haven’t given it much thought. I don’t know. Gut feel will this season survivor winner be a man or a woman?

I’m guessing woman. Sorry hiccups I

could see survivor winner being a woman this year. Yeah Off the top of my head of how many people are left. How many are men or women? I, that one, I don’t even know off the top of my head either. I know you don’t have time to watch the other country. Love is blind, but they are pretty interesting to watch for cultural reasons.

Japan, no sex, Brazil. Everybody is banging quickly. Habibi mix of Arabian backgrounds with contestants who seem well educated and wealthy, no sex. And the women are revered. Until the man hears or sees something he does not like. I just can’t get into other seasons of love is blind. I can tell you right now, I’m not going to watch other countries.

Love is blind. I can barely tolerate the U S version because. While I enjoy the drama that it gives, it drives me batty. Finally, does this former football player have a chance of beating Ted Cruz? Cruz seems to be widely hated by everybody, but keeps getting elected. What do you mean, Colin Allred? I don’t know enough about politics.

I didn’t even watch the senator debate out here in Texas. Change the channel. I’m not a politics guy. I don’t talk politics on this podcast very much. So I have no idea. But what you said is true. Ted Cruz seems to win every year. Texas is obviously a very red state and no matter who they’ve thrown up against him, he seems to win every time.

So he probably will win again. I guess. Hey, Steve, read her email question. I listened to the day of the round of every day on my morning commute. Thank you for everything you do question. You haven’t talked about your health recently, and I don’t want to pry, but how are you doing? How are you doing with managing diabetes?

I’m doing fine. I haven’t had any health issues. I haven’t really had any side effects. You know what? I will say this. One side effect that I have noticed about Ozempic, and this isn’t a major one, but you could probably, maybe you’ve noticed it if you listen real intently to my daily roundups, because it literally just happened a couple minutes ago.

I feel like I get the hiccups a lot more since I’ve been taking Ozempic. And that’s only one shot a week. But I feel myself, not gasping for air, but constantly getting hiccups way more than I remember ever getting them. That’s one side effect. That’s the only thing I can think of. So health has been good.

I’m allowed to eat, you know, I’m allowed to have a soda and a burger and fries and pizza here and there. I try to minimize it way less than I was doing before. And it’s not like I get a crazy spike when I do eat. You know, foods that are high in sugar, high in salt. I have noticed my blood sugar levels have been solid.

When I did my three month blood sugar level measurements, everything was back down to normal from when it was when I went into the hospital that day. So things have been going well, have not had any issues whatsoever outside of, I feel myself getting the hiccups a lot and a lot I think might have to do with when I’m recording a podcast.

I could be way off on this. Maybe a doctor can fill me in here when I’m recording a podcast. Obviously I’m talking a lot and air is going into my lungs. And maybe that’s why I get it more when I’m doing a podcast. Cause I don’t feel like I get the hiccups when I’m just sitting around the house doing nothing and not talking to anybody.

It seems to happen. Almost every podcast though, and maybe that’s because a lot of talking a lot of air going. Is that right? Doctors, please help. I have no clue what i’m talking about moving on. Hey steve I just heard nick’s show where they’re interviewing joan the golden bachelorette Natalie said they’re trying to get her mom on the next golden bachelor as a contestant not sure if you care But just some minor scoop I heard today on that show.

Great. Hey steve Not I’m not, I’m no problem with your question. It’s just when it’s Nick related, it’s just in one ear out the other. Hey Steve, now that you know where the final rose destination is, just wondering why you are not going deeper. I feel like you are losing a great opportunity to get more content and engage with your audience.

For example, weather. I just looked up the weather for the area. It looks horrible. What are they going to do for dates with so much rain? Ask what followers have been there, what activities, excursions they did, what are rainy day options? I mean, I see what you’re saying, but I don’t care what their dates are.

And I don’t have any say in if there is rainy days, what they possibly could do. I’m not, I’m not in the business of predicting what dates could possibly happen on the bachelor, the bachelorette. Like I just, I’ve never done that. It’s not like I did it once before and I’ve stopped doing it. That’s never something I’ve ever been interested in.

I just don’t care enough to, to know like, Oh man, what if it rains? What are they going to do? I don’t care. All I care about is the spoilers of what they actually. Do end up doing which hopefully i’ll find out after the fact and then they went on to say the hotel It’s easy for you to find out if they are open.

I tried to book a room and yes, they are open Do you ever go on instagram look at people posting from that location and contact them? No, I don’t need to i’ll get the information as I get it. I Secrets is a cheesy all inclusive hotel, but Some of the restaurants are open to the public. If so, name the restaurants and ask listeners if they have friends on the Island and encourage them to book a lunch or dinner.

Okay. I see what you’re doing here. I just have no interest in doing any of that. It’s not how I need to get spoilers. I’m going to get them. Look at how many spoilers I’ve given you already this season, and I’ve done none of what you asked. I’ve never asked anybody, Hey, anybody in Madrid, go look for them!

Or anybody in Scotland! And then they end the email with this, Or better yet, why don’t you just book a trip and head down there? One, because I don’t want to. Two, it just, I don’t know, I have no interest in going down there to see if I can see something. It just doesn’t interest me that much. Because, put it this way, I’m going to get the spoiler for this season without spending the money to book a flight down there and get a hotel.

It’s gonna get it. I get it every season. Might as well just save myself some money. Not to mention, even if I did do that, I’m not gonna be able to see the final rose ceremony. They don’t allow anybody near that. That thing is closed off. They’ve got production people keeping an eye out for anybody walking by.

Outside of Zach getting into a boat with Katie and the picture I got of Ben on a mountain in Switzerland with Courtney has any photo ever gotten out of the final row ceremony? No, it doesn’t happen. They go to literally CIA lengths to keep that shit private. So it’s not like if I went down there, I’d be able to spoil it with my own two eyes.

I wouldn’t. Hey, Steve, love your podcast and YouTube channel actually started out by reading your spoilers on your website. Longtime fan. I just listened to your podcast this morning. Want to tell you that you missed the best part of dance with the stars last night. You need to go back and watch the entire segment of the team dances from how the teams were picked to their practices to the camaraderie to their actual team dances.

It was fun to see Jen and Joey dance together on the same team. The goofs, their team was awesome and blew the other team away. I loved it. Had to watch their team dance over and over. You’ll be proud. Keep up the great work and enjoy the rest of the week. I’m trying to remember if I still have it on my DVR.

I guess if I don’t, I can still go back and watch it on Disney plus, right? I Or hulu, whatever it’s on. Maybe I will. I don’t know. It doesn’t the group dances don’t interest me all that much But I still like the show and yeah, maybe I will maybe I won’t i’m not sure hasty first question Have you heard anything about the upcoming season of paradise next summer specifically which cast they plan to pull from?

I personally would love to see feature regular contestants from And golden contestants i’ve seen a lot of people talk about wanting golden paradise or some sort of golden spinoff But I don’t even think they need it. Just put them all together in paradise I’d love to see cross generational friendships to see the older contestants giving advice to the younger ones to see the younger contestants hyping the older Ones before the dates it’s clear paradise has tried to mimic love island While obviously love island has seemed to stay ahead of the curve the cross generational content really has The potential to give paradise the ads i’d love to watch that.

I think jesse palmer He hasn’t said what they’re doing, but we know they’re going to have four seasons to pull from. They’re going to have Joey’s women. They’re going to have Jen’s guys. They’re going to have grants women. And then whoever the next bachelorette, her men, that’s four seasons are going to have to pull from.

There has been talk. Jesse Palmer has said, would love to see it. He thinks. They should do it. So, but he doesn’t know he doesn’t book the show. So it’s possible. I haven’t heard anything yet. I’ll hear it as we get closer. It doesn’t start filming till next June anyway, but we’ll know if there’s golden contestants down there.

Second question. Do you know if golden franchise has a different set of producers from the regular series? I get the impression. That the senior contestants are getting generally more humane treatment, getting the FaceTime, loved ones, getting to go to the pharmacy. Is production different or they just do play by different rules?

I think they do by different rules. I’m pretty much sure a lot of the same producers do the Golden show than they then do the Bachelor. One final thought to tie my two questions together. Paradise has notoriously treated their contestants horribly. I wonder if simply having the senior crowd there would inspire more humane treatment in general on the beach.

Well, we, the one thing we know for sure is it’s not going to be. And Sayulita anymore. Because that resort was bought out. It’s under new ownership and they’re not going back there. So wherever they do it, it’s going to be at a new place. Again, we’re six months away, actually seven months away, actually eight months away.

No, seven, November, December, and then January through April starts or January through May. So it starts filming in June, seven months away. As we get closer, hopefully I’ll find out the location of where they’re at. Hey, Steve. So we know that since season 33, Survivor has been filmed in Fiji for various reasons.

But I’m wondering if they use the exact same locations for all these seasons, and if so, how do they replenish resources or whatever is necessary for the contestants on the following season? It seems like things such as coconuts and other plant based food sources found there would be completely depleted from past seasons, since they pretty much fell back to back.

In addition to that, is the water from the wells safe to drink, or does it need to be boiled? It seems like last season’s losing tribe would have been a whole lot of trouble not having Flint for the first time in a while, and therefore not being able to boil their water. I wouldn’t quote me on this.

Because I don’t know the exact answer. Someone like Stephen Fishback, somebody like Dalton Ross, Gordon Holmes, they would know the answer to this question better than I would. I don’t think they film in the exact location and the tribes are in the exact same spot. In Fiji every season. I’m sure Fiji is big.

It’s got a lot of places. They can film and put A camp down at as for the water. I’m I think you have to boil it or else it would possibly cause Or be bad, but I I wouldn’t quote me on this. I’m not good with the details of survivor All right. We’re at 46 minutes. How many questions we got left?

Probably about 10 Okay, we’re looking at around an hour. I think Depending on how long I take to answer these questions. What do you think is the hardest sport to play? Football or hockey? Why?

Skill wise? Hockey. For sure. Not even close. Physically, on your body? Gosh, it might be hockey too, just because they play 82 games. And they run into each other on skates. But in football, probably bigger collisions, but it’s less games and practices have been relegated to less hitting in pads. So I don’t know.

That might be a tough one. Skill wise, definitely hockey. Do you have any memorable dances that you love from dance with the stars or a specific type of dance that you enjoy watching? Didn’t Cheryl and Drew Lachey have a really good freestyle that one year? Was that to save a horse, ride a cowboy? Dance.

That was Cheryl and Drew, right? Or was that Cheryl and Emmett? It was one of those two. I think it was Drew. I remember that one being good. One that really sticks out to me for sure was Kelly Pickler and Derek Hough’s Contemporary because I think that was like the first season you could do a contemporary for freestyle.

I just remember the dance. I remember them both being very emotional after it. Because Derek wasn’t planning on being on that season, but he said Kelly was like a godsend for him And I do remember that dance to a very popular song at the time by labyrinth That one probably sticks out to me the most.

Hey, steve Do you think devin will end up on bachelor in paradise or any other reality show? I don’t care for him at all But just wonder if these types of villains are favored by production while we have seen villains go on to be on paradise or other reality shows You Like Victoria, Queen Victoria is on this season of House of Villains too, which I haven’t watched.

There’s a difference between being a villain because you had great sound bites and you shit talked other people on the show, and being a villain because you had a restraining order taken out against you. I don’t think Devin can make another reality show because I would think most reality show contestants applications say you cannot be convicted of a felony in the past or have had a restraining order taken out against you.

So, no, I don’t think Devin will be on any future show, nor should he be, because the second he goes on a show, whether it’s something Bachelor related, which I don’t think will ever happen in a million years, but say he tries to go on something else, isn’t that fan base going to be like, wait a second, this is the guy that has his shirt, what’s he doing on this show?

I, I, I don’t see it. Nor should he guy needs to disappear work on himself work on his life get out of the public eye. Hey steve I’m sending in a question for your podcast Have you ever heard that a bachelor bachelorette lead was all in on choosing someone that changed overnights?

The one I can think of only because i’ve talked to both women was matt grant who ended up choosing shane lamas but If you heard my interview with Chelsea Wansrath, which happened over, I think, COVID, she basically said, he told me he was picking me on our last date, and then the next day he didn’t, so I was stunned.

She thinks production got in his ear and thought it would be better TV wise and more of a shocking ending. That’s, I think, was her opinion of it.

That’s the only one I can think of. You mentioned on one of your daily roundups that you doubted Mark would be the golden bachelor. Do you know something about the next season or have reason, other reason for thinking so? It seems like ABC has been priming him and his likeability for that gig. Oh, he’s likable for sure.

But so are a lot of other guys from this season. I just don’t see why he stands out over anybody else. They all have good stories. I think you can make a case even for a guy like Keith and Charles and the other Charles and Pascal, probably not guy, just because of what happened and the restraining order that came out we found out against him, but I think any of those guys could end up getting it.

And we’re so far away. It’s just not something I’m putting a lot of thought into. I just think I was more speaking to the people that are just 1000 percent like, Oh, it’s going to be Mark. It’s totally going to be Mark. I’m just like, Based on what? I just don’t see it. And finally, oh, here’s the last one.

Anecdotally, I gather that interest is slightly down for this season’s Golden Bachelorette compared to last year’s Golden Bachelor. It’s nothing personal against Joan, she’s a great lead, but the newness of the concept has worn off, plus this season’s episode lengths of 90 to 120 minutes compared to last year’s 60 minutes has my whole friend group complaining of Bachelor burnout.

I’m sure ratings are fine enough, but thoughts? There definitely isn’t nearly as much buzz around this season of Golden Bachelorette as there was to Gary’s Golden Bachelor. The ratings aren’t nearly what they were for Joan’s season of the Golden Bachelorette as they were for Gary’s Golden Bachelor. I think it could be a variety of reasons, some of which you mentioned.

It could be a burnout. It could be the longer episodes. It could be maybe this Is already tired by the audience. Maybe they don’t want to watch older people date. I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out when the next golden bachelor rolls around. And if it picks up, I also think it airing this late without a paradise before it simultaneously with it.

Could that have hurt it? Possible. Could it have been the burnout from everything, the negative attention it got off Jen season and the Devon stuff that could be it too. And people are just like, I don’t want to watch this franchise anymore. I guess we won’t know until grant season starts airing in January.

All good points and all could very well be reasons why it isn’t as popular. Anyway, that’s it. That was probably 25 or 30. I appreciate all the emails that you guys sent in. I appreciate you listening. Obviously follow. On apple podcasts rate and review, but you got to hit play this podcast Obviously will be up on my youtube channel at 9 15 a.

m Eastern standard time if you want to watch me answer in my hey Butthead say hi to your mom for me t shirt as opposed to just listening to me answer these questions on apple podcasts or spotify The daily roundup was posted a couple hours ago. The sports daily was posted an hour ago. If you’re interested in that it’s actually with a former bachelorette contestant from years ago, who’s now involved in the sports world and something that we connected on.

And that is the circa survivor contest. That is on my sports daily, which came out an hour ago with former bachelor at contestant, Ryan Hogue. Anyway, again, thank you all for listening. I appreciate you tuning in. I appreciate you being there. Appreciate you always tuning in, whether you are walking your dog, listening to me at the gym, doing your morning chores, getting your kids ready for school, whatever.

I love that I could be that morning voice for you and you. Like I said, try to be as consistent as I can. I’ve been consistent, never not put out an episode Monday through Friday since I started this daily. On July 11th, 2022 sports daily started the first Monday of 2023. And I haven’t missed a Monday through Friday.

I’m guessing at some point I’m going to miss something’s going to come up. That, you know, obviously some bad news will come up where I’m just like, I can’t record. I’m not in the mood. I can’t, I’m not in the headspace to record or something. Audio wise, we’ll get screwed up and I won’t be able to, but until then we will be there and I, and I will be there for you guys and I really appreciate you tuning in because I see my numbers and it is very, very important.

Consistent the daily roundup download numbers along with the sports daily, even though they’re not nearly as many as the daily roundup, they’re consistent. It’s almost the same number practically every day. So again, thank you all for listening. I appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.

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