Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/25 – Golden Bachelorette Thoughts, Challenge Reunion Filming Overseas, Sexiest Man Alive Prediction, Posting More Fake Stories, Morning Radio Bits That Are Fake, & More “Reader Emails” I Never Got To

All right. So yesterday I was talking about a story on people. com that I mentioned in the open, mentioned it on yesterday’s podcast, where it was a story taken straight from Reddit. Clearly no vetting was done because there was nothing in that story that proved the story was even true.

It was a story about a groom who kicked his mom out of his own wedding because his mom brought his ex girlfriend as her plus one and she did it because she wanted his ex to be with her son and not the woman he was marrying. And I was just like, they had a bunch of quotes. It came directly from the, am I an asshole thread on Reddit?

And I’m like, I cannot believe that they’re running this as a story without even vetting it, without even including any pictures, without even giving names of people. I don’t even know if those names were real. And come to find out people does this basically all the time. There was a story sent to me yesterday.

Bride and groom want wedding guests to buy food and collectively prepare meals for three day nuptials quote excessive. They said that if people weren’t up for that, they didn’t deserve to be at the wedding, a guest detailed on Reddit. Again, second paragraph starts in a post on Reddit’s popular Am I the Asshole forum.

A user explained the bride and groom are considering having a ceremony at a resort they frequent that would cost a minimum of 300 a night with a minimum stay of three days. There’s no restaurant on site. The closest town is about an hour away and basically they want the wedding guests to cook together for three days and collectively make food for the wedding.

I’m telling you right now. This story’s bullshit. It’s just so easy to write this stuff. What are we doing? It’s just what journalism has turned into. Is this such a slow day on people. com that you have to fill so many slots with stories that you’re just like, Oh, let’s see what Reddit is talking about today.

And we’ll just post it. Won’t do any vetting. The S the photos that we use for the story are just stock photos of people at a wedding without their faces in it. I’m looking at a stock photo of some woman, obviously the bride, in her gown, sitting there at a buffet table about to pick something off of the buffet table, labeled Wedding Food Table via Getty Images, but has nothing to do with this story.

There’s are there any names even brought up in this story? No. It’s just Reddit and now it becomes a story on People. com. That’s just embarrassing. What are we doing here? I don’t, I don’t understand this. There’s gotta be something better to post about something. That’s actually, I don’t know, real. It kind of reminds me of the morning radio bit that I’ve talked about for years.

And if you haven’t heard it, I’m probably going to spoil something that you thought was real. Just like these people. com stories aren’t real. I’m sure wherever you live, you listen to, if you did, obviously people listen to Spotify now and Apple music, maybe morning radio is kind of going away. But if you have a morning radio station in your town or you did growing up and you listen to it, your morning DJs, you know, Jim and Adam.

Jim and Mary, Jim and Lisa, 97. 5 the mix, you know, people that talk like that in the morning, I guarantee you at some point, the morning show that you listen to did a segment. They do it on, I always reference Ryan Seacrest because he has the most popular morning show, Ryan’s Roses, where they randomly call up some guy and they say, Hey, we’re with the local florist and you’ve won a bouquet of flowers, a dozen roses to send to your significant other.

Who would you like to send it to? And basically they’re doing this because a girl has called in and thinks that her boyfriend is cheating on her. So they think by giving him a free bouquet of roses, dozen roses, if he sends it not to his girlfriend, then she finds out he’s cheating. I’ve said this, I probably told this story, I don’t know, probably five or six times, but having worked in radio in the past, I just want to tell you that’s not real, but Steve, they have them.

It’s not real. Every single city. That does this on their morning radio station, the Rose game, whatever you want to call it. It’s not real. The two people on the phone are actors. And if you think about it, logically. It just doesn’t make any sense why every single time you’ve ever heard that bit on a radio morning show, the guy always sends it to somebody that’s not his girlfriend.

So it’s like, wait a second, wouldn’t that just kind of be bizarre? How does it work every single time? Well, it works every single time because it’s all pre planned. The people on the phone are hired actors. They’re just told what to say. It’s not real. So, as much as the people. com stories about brides and grooms, Charging their guests and telling them to bring their own food and grooms kicking their mother out of their own wedding because they brought their ex as her plus one.

Let’s just lump Ryan’s roses and any morning show roses game in with that. It’s all fake. It’s not real. So I hate to burst your bubble. I know a lot of you think that segment is funny and you probably listen and you’re like, Oh my God, I can’t believe he sent it to another girl. Oh, his girlfriend’s going to be pissed.

And then they bring the girlfriend on the phone and she chews him out. Oh, Mark, it’s Lacey. What are you doing? What do you mean? I did what, what is this? It’s all fake. They’re actors. They’re hired to do that. Because it’s morning radio, and morning radio does bits all the time. Finally, I just want to get to 1, 2, 3, 4 reader emails that I didn’t get to yesterday.

They were sent while I was recording, or afterwards. Hey Steve, I’ve been following you since you began. I’ve watched every episode of every season of Bachelor and Bachelorette, every spin off also. I remember back in the days, a group of us in an online forum used to take still shots of the previews of the season, investigate where they were, what the shapes of the fingernails were of the ladies.

We’d call resorts. We did the best we could with the resources we had. Shit getting old sucks, right? When we start thinking of prevention, I am a pediatric dentist. And normally most dentists have neck back issues, but fortunately I have never had any. I also purchased the ergonomic pillow about a year or two ago, and can’t sleep without it.

I have one in my house in the Dallas area, one in our second home, and one in my apartment. I commute for work. So when I was listening to you talk about trying it out, I thought, he’s gonna get hooked. Thanks for your dedication to finding the spoilers. I’m not sure why I continue to watch this show as it’s so dumb, but I’m a sucker and continue to watch.

Have a, thanks for the company. Have a great day. Yeah, I love the ergonomic pillow. I told, did I tell you I got a second one? I told you that right? Or maybe I told you I was purchasing one. It, it has arrived, so now I switch off every night. One night I used one of ’em one night, the other night I used another one.

I like ’em. They’re definitely different than what I, I mean, I can’t, I definitely feel the softness. I definitely feel less shoulder pain. If there was one pain that I did have from sleeping on a regular pillow, it was my shoulder that does because I’m a side sleeper. So the shoulder that I sleep on sometimes is sore.

I haven’t noticed that since I got my ergonomic pillow. Next question. What is your olive garden order? Come on now. I’ve actually talked about this numerous times, but obviously. There are people out there that can’t listen to every single podcast or can’t remember everything I’ve ever said in every single podcast.

So I will rank my dishes in order. Number one, tour of Italy. Number two, Chicken parm and number three, fettuccine chicken Alfredo. I mix it up. Although I can’t say since I was diagnosed with type two diabetes in March, I’ve never gotten the tour of Italy. You know why? Because there’s zero chance I could ever finish it.

That’s too much food. A one slight, a one side of chicken parm, one little. Helping of fettuccine chicken alfredo and lasagna. Not a chance. I could finish that now I probably couldn’t even get through I could probably finish one and a half I finished the chicken parm and I could probably eat half of the Fettuccine chicken alfredo and wouldn’t even get to the lasagna.

It’s too much food for me now I can’t eat that much as for super salad. I go back and forth. Sometimes I order salad Sometimes I get soup, but the only soup I do get there is the pasta fagioli. Fagioli, fagioli, I don’t remember. My Italian family in New York pronounces it pasta fazool. So, maybe that’s it.

But, I’ll go back and forth between salad and soup, and then obviously I always get breadsticks. Hey Steve, long time fan, first email. I think. I’m guessing this would never happen, but what if The Bachelors started varying the ages every season? So instead of it being Bachelorette in their 20s, maybe early 30s, and Golden Bachelor 70s and Golden Bachelorette 60s, What if they had one season where they were in their forties, then thirties, then fifties, and just vary it every time?

The golden seasons have so much less drama, I bet that even seasons with people in their forties and fifties would not be quite as crazy dramatic as the regular franchise seasons. These days, most people, I think, tend to get married the first time in their thirties. Wouldn’t that be the ideal age to be on a dating show, where engagement and marriage is the goal?

I’m guessing you’ll probably think it will never happen. And you’re probably right for one thing, not enough drama, but obviously they experimented with the golden seasons. Maybe they could try a silver season. Just my thoughts, wondering your take. I just don’t think they would do that for the sole reason that you’re talking about what four different seasons, thirties, forties, fifties, and then into sixties and seventies.

That means we wouldn’t bachelorette. The ones that we’re used to with mid to late 20 year olds and early 30 year olds every four years. I just, I don’t see that happening. And not to mention if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. You know, this is what we’re talking about. This is their golden goose, that age range where no matter how old the bachelor is, you’re basically going to have women between 25 and 30.

Most of your cast is going to be between 25 and 30. We’ve gotten that for basically. What season are we on now? 48, 49. I’ve lost track. So yeah, I don’t think we’re, I don’t think we’re going to do that. That’s too many. It’s not having your flagship show air until every four years. Yeah, I don’t, I don’t think that’s going to happen.

And finally, Hey, Steve, I mean, it asks you for a while. I know you mentioned that night one at the mansion is usually the same every season. Do you remember Sean Lowe’s night one where he gave Tierra a rose right out of the limo and then gave like nine to 10 roses subsequently throughout the night. That was one of the more unique first nights I can remember big fan.

Keep up the great work. Yes, I do remember that. And for a regular season that didn’t have two people as the lead, that was something different. Jason Mesnick season. Do you remember what they did there? Jason Mesnick season. They had the women vote silently, like drop a name in a box of who they didn’t think was there for the right reasons, based on whatever happened the first night and that woman ended up getting, what did she get?

It was Megan Paris. I know that. I think she got immunity or I think she was safe on the first night. Everybody thought it was going to be that woman’s going to get eliminated and she wasn’t. So that definitely. Put a target on her back for sure. And then you had the Caitlin and Brit season where the guys had to vote for one of them.

You had a different thing with Rachel and Gabby, and then you had something different with Jay and Byron back in the early seasons where they had two bachelors. But yeah, outside of Sean season and maybe Jason Mesnick season. And I guess you can even go Joey’s with the whole, Hey, let’s give Leah a card.

She has to open it. She has a choice to make. Oh, I’m going to throw it in the fire. They’re just trying something different this season. The whole thing with Alex, whoever got the first impression rose got the first one on one date of the season. So Alex ended up getting first impression rose and we know she got the first one on one of the season.

So that is something that. They’re just trying something different. I have, I have no problem with it because there really isn’t a lot you can do on the first night to change things up. We know it’s going to be an intro, some of the women’s intros, the limo exits and a cocktail party and then a rose ceremony.

I mean, what else can you do? On the first night. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you gotta hit play. It’s the only way it counts as download sports daily coming up in an hour from now that has my picks for this weekend in college and pro football.

We are back on Monday per usual here. On the daily roundup. Thanks again for listening. I appreciate it, and I’ll talk to you Monday. See you.

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