You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Wednesday. Got a few things to go over here. Gonna address Jason Kelsey yet again, because apparently I misidentified him numerous times yesterday, Teresa Nist, the one that Gary Turner chose on the golden bachelor last season was on the almost famous podcast.
And she revealed a little bit more about why it didn’t work out. I’ve got a reader email to go over for you. That’s got a bunch of questions in it. And also Tori spelling has Brian Austin green on her podcast misspelling. And basically talks about back in the day when they used to sleep together. We find out when the first time they slept together was, where it was at.
Fascinating, fascinating stuff if you’re a 90210 fan, and we’ll get to all that momentarily. This podcast brought to you by Cacao Bliss. This isn’t just any chocolate, it’s superfood powerhouse that can transform your health routine. Imagine indulging in rich, velvety chocolate that’s only, not only guilt free, but actually it’s good for you.
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All right, first off. Right off the bat, I’m recording this close to midnight central time. Been watching election coverage all night. It’s certainly leaning towards a Donald Trump victory as the next president of the United States. You’re not gonna hear me talk any politics on this show. Did I vote for Donald Trump?
No. But I’m not gonna sit here and say I want to leave the country now. I’m not gonna sit here and badmouth him. Guy’s going to be president for the most part, probably for the next four years. There’s nothing I can do about it. I’m not going to sit here and bitch. He wasn’t the person I voted for. If Kamala one, I wouldn’t have gloated about it.
It’s just one of those things. Obviously a lot of people voted. A lot of people voted for Trump. A lot of people voted for Kamala. Looks like he’s gonna win probably the popular vote, too, by a few million. And, so it goes. You know, I’m not gonna sit here and say anything. I’m just, you know, never been a huge fan of the guy.
I just don’t like the rhetoric. I don’t like the leadership qualities. I’m not someone who sits here and reads bills and policies all the time. I was just looking for you know, I, I know what I felt from 2016 to 2020 and I just, I just didn’t like the vibe. I didn’t like the leadership. I didn’t think the leader of the free world should talk and act the way he does.
Just my personal opinion. That’s why I didn’t want to vote for him. I’m sure plenty of people shared that opinion and I’m sure plenty of people don’t share that opinion. That’s fine. But it looks like he’s going to win. Obviously we can go to bed and wake up in the morning and maybe more votes happen.
But the way. Kamala is down in the battleground states as of this recording of the seven battleground states. Two of them have already been called for Trump and she’s losing in the other five. Is it fairly close? Yeah, it’s two, three percentage points, but a lot of them are over 85 to 90 percent reported already.
So is it possible? Yes. Probable? Probably not. So that’s where we’re at with that. Just wanted to get that out of the way. Obviously I wasn’t just going to completely avoid election talk, but. Until we know for sure, but that’s pretty much the way it’s leaning right now. All right. Something that was brought to my attention yesterday by a lot of you.
And you know, when I record 11 podcasts a week, I say things all the time and I don’t go back and re listen to any of my podcasts, especially before I post them. Sometimes I’ll turn them on in the car, but before I post them, no, I just record them at night, immediately upload them. And for the most part, again, I don’t listen to them.
So if I would have listened to yesterday’s podcast, clearly I would have caught myself calling Jason Kelsey, Travis, Kelsey, numerous times. Jason Kelsey was the one that at the Penn state game this weekend had a fan heckling him fan called Travis the F word. That is a homosexual slur. Jason turned around, grabbed the guy’s phone, threw it on the ground, and then took it and then said right back to him three times in a row, who’s the F now?
Who’s the F now? Who’s the F now? And he apologized yesterday. But when I talked about his apology or he apologized two days ago on Monday night football and the pregame show, when I was retelling the story of him apologizing, I kept calling him Travis apparently, and his name is not Travis. Clearly. But what’s interesting.
Is, you know, I’ve given you my thoughts on what Jason Kelsey did. I’m glad he didn’t assault the kid and put hands on him because that wouldn’t have been good. But some people do need to be held accountable. All this guy did was slam a guy’s phone down. If for some reason he has to pay for that guy’s phone, Jason Kelsey makes millions of dollars a year.
Didn’t podcast deal? Him and Travis. Him paying for a guy’s phone doesn’t matter. I don’t think he will, but if he does you know, whatever, I’m fine with that. If he wants to, he can, but here’s the interesting thing. How come we haven’t heard from the kid who got his phone slammed? How come he hasn’t come out and said, you know what?
I took it too far walking behind Jason Kelsey and calling his brother, the F word to his face. You know, I’ve, I’ve seen a lot of people online say, look. Say whatever you want to me. Tell me I’m a horrible broadcaster. I’m saying this as Jason Kelsey. Tell me I’m a horrible broadcaster. Tell me the Eagles suck.
Tell me I wasn’t any good. But leave my family out of it. And everybody that has come to Jason Kelsey’s defense is pretty much saying the same thing. Say whatever you want about me. I can ignore that. Or just turn around and laugh in your face. But don’t come after my family. And, you know, he said, I I responded to hate with hate, and I shouldn’t have done that.
It didn’t progress anything, but I think it’s really curious that the guy who was being heckled and the guy who slammed somebody’s phone down is the one having to apologize. Why not have this kid come out? Why hasn’t this kid come out and said anything like, maybe I shouldn’t have done that. Maybe I shouldn’t have been such a dick to him, to his face.
Because he was. I mean, there’s no other way around it. The guy was a total dick to him, to his face. And Jason acted the way he chose to act. Again, I don’t condone violence, but this was violence on a television television, on a telephone, not violence against the kid. If he got in the kid’s face and pushed him, or shoved him, or threw him to the ground, or kicked him, or punched him, we’re talking about something completely different and Jason Kelsey is out of line.
This? Could he have walked away? Sure. Could he have turned around and laughed at the kid? Sure, but I’ve got no problem Because this guy was using his phone He was sitting there recording Jason if he didn’t have the phone and he was just harassing him and Jason turns around and this guy Isn’t recording it and then Jason reaches into the guy’s pocket to break his phone Okay, probably not but that’s not what he did kid had his phone out and was recording as he was walking and I’m just I’m with Jason Kelsey on this, but I do find it curious that we haven’t heard from the kid who got his phone smashed by Jason.
Why not? Why can’t he come out and say something? Why can’t he apologize and say, I took it too far. And you know what? I probably would have done that if I were him too. I was totally crossed the line, but we haven’t gotten anything from him. It’s just curious that Jason’s the one that has to apologize when he was the one being attacked verbally.
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