So Teresa Nist, who Gary Turner picked as his quote unquote winner for the golden bachelor last season.
Went on the almost famous podcast with Ben and Ashley yesterday. And while she didn’t get into too many details, she did kind of pull the curtain back a little bit more on their divorce. And she said the divorce had more to do with just the distance. She said you can’t really know somebody in four weeks.
I’ll say that that’s all I can say I don’t want to say anything more than that. I don’t it’s not something I want to discuss at this point It’s not just a location thing. That’s all I’ll say and She said the plan was to move to Charleston, South Carolina, that they had talked about that. She said, I wasn’t ready to sell my home until we found a home.
We never got to the point where we found a home. Gary came up with the idea of doing six weeks there and six weeks here. I truly wanted to have our home together. I was willing to move. I wanted to have our big home where our family could come visit. I didn’t want to go back and forth to our homes. They initially had agreed upon that.
But then plans changed. It wasn’t what we had discussed. We had never discussed six weeks here, six weeks there. So the other thing that she mentioned, I thought was really interesting. And this is something that we can all point to because we were just like, this is way too fast is. They moved too quickly with the faith and hope that the marriage would work out.
She said they weren’t offering the show was not offering to have the wedding later. It was now. And we said, if we really are going to get married, we should do it because we’re going to get the wedding of our dreams. We are older. Why waste any time? Do it now. There was a time constraint on the off offer end quote.
And I think that’s where the show completely missed the boat. I mean, this is. Show filmed most of August of 2023. The finale airs the first week of December and yes, it, they had been engaged at the end of August, but we don’t see them get married until the first week of December. And then they literally got married on TV five weeks later.
What was it? The first, second week of January, they got married. Everybody thought this is way too quick. I understand they’re older. They don’t have time to wait. But you just got engaged in August and you’re getting married on television in January. And I think a lot of us knew, let’s face it, the reason they’re getting married on television is because it’s being paid for.
If they had their own way and they said, and the show said, look, we’re not doing a televised wedding. We’re not doing your wedding. Do you really honestly think that Gary and Teresa would have gotten married in January? No, they wouldn’t have. So that’s the disappointing part. And I think we saw that at the time.
You can, you can go back and talk about all you want. How, Oh my gosh, they look so in love. And did you hear them say their vows to each other? Those vows were five months after they literally met each other. And I’m not saying people can’t fall in love right away and get married real quick, because I’m sure there’s outlier stories out there where, Oh, my mom and dad have been married 36 years and they dated for six months, right?
You realize those people are the exception and not the rule. And they are very, very much the exception to put these two and to televise the wedding because you wanted a quick buck and you wanted a quick ratings grab, it wasn’t realistic. I mean. It was proven that it wasn’t realistic because these two couldn’t even last two months.
They were broken up by March after getting married on TV in January. So that’s what I mean. The show did them no favors by giving them a wedding so quickly. And unfortunately, this is what happens. So I appreciate Teresa still not wanting to get into too many details, but her saying like, Hey, everybody look.
It wasn’t just the distance and I’m just going to leave it at that. Read or email I got yesterday. This came before election day. So I said, I want, I’m writing to distract myself from election day. They asked, did you do anything for Halloween? Did you notice the lack of Halloween sketches on SNL? No David S.
Pumpkins this year. I don’t get dressed up for Halloween. Halloween’s not a big holiday for me. Just went over to my sister’s house and we had dinner there because my sister’s birthday is Halloween and had dinner there and passed out candy. And that was it. The lack of Halloween sketches on SNL, probably because there was no episode because it was what?
The 30,
31st was a Thursday, right? Was there a, was there an S a new SNL on the second? Well, yeah, I guess second was this past weekend. Yeah, that was, I’m already forgetting. That was, yeah, that was John Mulaney with Chapel Run. Yeah, no, maybe it was because, because Halloween had already happened. And usually maybe in the episode before, but there was no episode the week before, which would have been leading into Halloween.
Maybe that’s why they didn’t do any, but yeah. Definitely no Halloween sketches, maybe because it was November 2nd and they feel like it’s too late and the way the timing works with SNL, maybe they only do Halloween sketches if the Saturday before Halloween is when they have a live show and they do it.
So I think I can think of did Jerry O’Connell reading the standard Julie Chen lines on big brother proved that she is completely replaceable. Well, yeah, I didn’t think that she was ever not replaceable. Maybe there are people out there that, you know, love Julie and they associate her with the show. Just like you associate Phil Keoghan with amazing race and you associate Ryan Seacrest with American idol and Jeff probes with survivor and TJ Lavin with the challenge.
People just associate Julie Chen with big brother. I just, she doesn’t have that big of a role. All she’s doing is telling people what the next twist is and asking them what their vote is. Yeah. Anybody can do that, but we’re just so used to Julie that people just like to see that. Part of the greatness of the challenge is they recycle so many players and they have to change up their game, work on pregame alliances, and know each other so well.
Do you think this approach could ever work on Survivor or Big Brother? For example, if they ran the same cast on two consecutive seasons, would it be dull or would the strategies be elevated? I don’t see that for Survivor or Big Brother, and I understand, you know, the challenge definitely has repeatable players in back to back seasons, if not back to back to back seasons, if not back to back to back to back seasons.
I get it. We’ll see the Bananas be on three or four seasons in a row, or the Laurels, or the Cara Maria’s who’s back in the fold now or Devin or something like that. Tori, Josh, we we’ve seen them on multiple seasons in a row. I don’t think that works for survivor or big brother, and I can’t really give you an answer why, but I’m just picturing a second consecutive season with this exact same cast.
I just, I don’t know. I, I, I think maybe because those shows don’t rely on preseason alliances and vets versus rookies. Unless you do a kind of like fans versus favorites season of survivor or a fans versus favorites or whatever for big brother, the challenge. Likes to do that and thrives off of vacation alliances and pre show alliances and who’s hooking up with who, and who’s in a relationship with who survivor and big brother.
Don’t rely on those for their seasons. I think that’s probably why you’ll never see that. Especially in back to back seasons for the weekly podcast. Have you ever thought about bringing on reality? People have been canceled to see that how they were affected and how they changed their lives to cope with it.
Examples, Camilla and D from the challenge, Jeff Varner from survivor Taylor from the bachelor. No, I really haven’t. Just because, I mean, honestly, I haven’t given it much thought. To be honest with you. I just think those people are so far removed that I don’t think having them on right now is relevant, but.
It’s not to say that it’s out of the question. I would just have really have to think about what would be the benefit of having Camila or D from the challenge on or Jeff Varner, because immediately the, the consensus, I think a majority of people will be, why are you giving them a platform? And. Can’t say I disagree with it, but the thing about having people like that on is it’s going to be an uncomfortable conversation because I’m not going to let them come on and gaslight me.
And I’m not going to let them come on and not talk about the reason why they were quote unquote canceled. And that just makes for a very uncomfortable interview. And I just don’t think most people want to talk about uncomfortable things when they go on a podcast. Most people don’t want to be held responsible for what they said or did or will start making excuses.
And then I have to jump in and say, I’m sorry, I don’t agree with that. And then it just gets contentious and you don’t want to do that. Yes. You want to hold people accountable. And I think the best interviewers out there are the best listeners. And I think I do a pretty good job of listening to what my interviewees say and then follow up accordingly.
But on something like that, where there was something major and a major falling out with the show or a major falling out with the audience and having to relive it, especially something with Camilla and D which happened what four or five years ago. It’s like, do I really want to bring them on and confront them about this?
Probably not. I just, I don’t see the benefit, not saying it wouldn’t happen with, you know, somebody else. I was just using your examples, but it’s just, it gets to a point where you don’t want to make your podcast guests feel uncomfortable and it would all have to be approved beforehand. And I think even if I did approach them and said, I want to have you on, but I am going to challenge you on some of the things you send it.
I’m guessing they would probably just say, I’d rather not do this. I’d rather not relive this, which I can understand on their part. They just want to move away from it. So that’s where I stand on that. And then finally, what did you think of bananas? Chaos strategy this past week, I expect nothing less from bananas.
I really don’t. I mean, this is what he does. And I can’t say I disagree with what he did. He was drunk at that party. When they were at the bar, he was clearly drunk. So I think that added to him being so loud and getting in Tori’s face and getting in other people’s faces. But this, I just, it’s bananas.
Like it’s the best way to answer it. It’s bananas. This is what he does. I expect nothing less. He’s not going to go on that show and not try and make entertaining television. Years ago, when I had bananas on this podcast, he said it himself and he has said it in numerous podcast interviews on his own podcast, when he goes on other people’s podcasts.
He is just as much a producer on the show, even though he doesn’t have producer credits. He wants to think like a producer when he goes on the show, so a lot of the things he does are what will make good television. So, that made interesting television that night, the way he absolutely went after people and called other people out and started calling out the alliances in the house.
That was interesting television, and that’s what he’s there to do. And finally, Tori Spelling had Brian Austin green on her podcast. Yes, Donna Martin and David Silver were back together on the misspelling podcast Talking about when they used to hook up and date back in the 90210 days She basically asked him.
Do you remember the first time we hooked up and he said I have zero memory of that but please fill me in and she told him the place is irrelevant and Then she asked him if he could remember the events and he said no You And she said, what? And he’s like, no, I’m judging myself for mentioning it. She said to him before green asked if they had sex that night.
And she said, yes, first night we slept together. And he said, that wasn’t the night. Because he thought it was at Shannon Doherty’s house the first time they slept together. She said she had a strong memory of that night because she was, that, that Brian Austin Green was the second guy she had ever slept with, noting that she could remember details of it.
She said, we had sex for the first time at Disneyland. Now he asked, wait, Disneyland? And she’s like, well, it was in your hotel room. So it wasn’t like at Disneyland, Disneyland, like on a ride or in Haunted Mansion, which Okay, we won’t go there, but she also said they had been fighting so much. He theorized that they were super drunk to which she agreed.
She said she felt so stupid for recalling the events with so much detail. And he said, well, no, because you have a better memory than I do. So good for you. So she said she had a specific memory about it. That’s why, not because it was just him. She said they were waiting in line for the Matterhorn ride when she asked him why they always fought.
And she said. You said have you ever thought maybe I always fight with you because I love you and then they started kissing He’s like wait what I love this story. I feel like I’m hearing a story of you and someone else right now She said it was basically kind of out of a John Hughes movie and Right after that happened.
He was like, do you want to get out of here? And she’s like, yeah Then we left and she called Jenny Garth the next morning He said, he remembers the other times they had sex, but he goes, I don’t remember that time at all. I don’t know how that’s possible. He did remember pulling tissues out of Spelling’s bra a different time.
He said, I do remember that the tissue. And she laughed. I guess I could listen to Donna Martin and David Silver talk about their sex life until the cows come home. But yeah, that was That was their podcast. I didn’t, I was reading that off of Us Weekly’s recap of it. I did not hear it. Maybe I should go listen to that and see if there’s any more juicy details of Donna and David getting it on when they were teenagers.
But That was the latest that they talked about. I think there’s two parts. I can’t remember if both parts are out right now or it’s just only part one, but if you’re interested, it’s the misspelling podcast. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play.
It’s the only way it counts as a download. Sports daily is up in an hour from now, but check that out. Thanks again for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.
My good friend used to say it’d be signin up, But life real well ain’t supposed to get rainin up, Seems to rain, but it’s just a dream, This is what I’m supposed to do when it’s raining