Joined once again by good friend Kate Casey from the “Reality Life” podcast for her somewhat quarterly visit to the podcast. A lot of “Love is Blind” talk as she’s been just as entrenched in the off screen drama as I’ve been, so it’s a good conversation surrounding the couples, the reunion show as a whole, etc. We also discuss a particular documentary I’ve heard a lot about, and we get her recommendations for other TV shows in the pipeline that she’s watched or is getting ready to watch. Don’t forget, the Daily Roundup and the Sports Daily are also posted on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. In addition, the transcripts for this podcast and the Daily Roundup are below for those that would rather read. Enjoy…
Today’s podcast also now up on my YouTube Channel. Watch and subscribe here:
You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
(SPOILERS) I begin by briefly talking about what’s on the Daily Roundup and previewing the Kate interview. Then Kate joins me (8:29) to discuss the “Love is Blind” reunion, her feelings on Ashley/Tyler, Ramses/Marissa, the reunion as a whole, documentaries she’s watching, what she recommends, and much, much more.
Instagram – @katecaseyca
(SPOILER) Your Daily Roundup covers Joan’s MTA taped yesterday, a tweet that I couldn’t agree more with, Survivor’s blindside, my thoughts on the “Love is Blind” finale, and a article that I’m still having a hard time believing.
You can listen to that podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in here:
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Thursday. I’m going to tell you what’s coming up in a couple hours from now on podcast number 416. We’re going to talk about the Golden Bachelorette. Men tell all last night.
Ashley from Love is Blind shows podcast and basically doesn’t answer any of the main questions I’ve been having I’m Literally since the reunion show We are also going to talk about Survivor from last night and maybe get into some other pop culture stories as well. Did not watch the challenge. We’ll get to that probably tomorrow.
We’ll get to all that momentarily. This podcast brought to you by Earth Echoes Cacao Bliss. It’s not just any chocolate. It’s a superfood powerhouse that can transform your health routine. Unique blend is designed to activate your metabolism, help you burn the most stubborn fat. And it’s very easy to use.
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Kate Casey from the reality life podcast. She will be on. And of course, remember, she will also be on YouTube. 9 15 a. m. Eastern time is when it will hit my YouTube channel. And I think the interview is about with everything in it, maybe 55 minutes to an hour. If you join in anytime between 15 AM, while it’s playing, you can join in a live chat with anybody there.
I understand that not many people can get to it right when it’s airing, or you can’t get to the video part of it. You just want to listen on audio. That’s fine as well. But at some point, if you can get to the video, go to my reality, Steve channel, my YouTube channel, reality, Steve 24, check it out. Actually.
Leave a comment. If you want to chat while it’s playing and you can get there. Great. But if not, please subscribe, like it, leave a comment. That would be best just we’re building up this YouTube channel. Hopefully we’ll do more in the future. Right now. I’ve basically been keeping it to Thursdays, my Thursday interview podcast.
There has been talk about my daily roundup going on YouTube as well. I don’t know if I’m going to do that. That’s a lot of extra work. It’s already a lot of extra work to do once a week to record myself every single night. I just don’t know. We’ll have to see. It would take a, it would, it would be kind of a, a big leap if I did, but I don’t know, I’m not ruling it out.
Maybe just do it on like the Monday and Friday show. I don’t know what I’m going to do yet, but. I have internally discussed it, but coming up a couple hours, check that out. Kate Casey, we talk about quite a few things. We talk about love is blind reunion show. We talk about the golden bachelorette, couple of documentaries that she’s interested in that she explains to me and a couple that she recommends for you, the listener, something.
One of the reasons I always like having her on is because she’ll always give some really good recommendations and. She’s got a substack, akc. substack. com, where she sends it out a newsletter weekly especially every Monday to tell you what’s on TV that week. So if you want to sign up for that, go check that out as well.
One spoiler update. On Joan’s finale next week. Nothing changes in regards to who she chose. She’s with chalk. You’ve known that ever since the first episode of the show. I can say that she does let guy go early. If you watched the premiere last, the premiere, if you watched the preview for the finale at the end of the men tell all last night, Joan is seen walking.
I believe it’s when she had the umbrella, she had a white top and jeans on. Later on you, if you paused it, she’s actually hugging guy. In one of those huts in Bora Bora. That’s because she lets him go before the final rose ceremony. She, if you didn’t hear me earlier this week, she, yes, she is engaged to chalk.
I don’t know what their plans are in terms of living situation earlier this week, I totally butchered where chalk lived. I mixed him up with Gary. I said, chocolate, where did I say chalk lived? I said, chalk lived in Indiana. That’s Gary chalk lives in. Wichita, right? Did I screw that up too? And we obviously know that Joan is in the DC area, right?
So I’m not sure what their plan is, but we’ll know next Wednesday, because we’re going to get them with a live after the final rose, and I’m sure they will update us on what’s going on. But if you didn’t hear it over the last two months, this, I’ve probably said it three times. Yes. Ever since I posted the spoiler that I didn’t know if she was engaged.
Yes. Her and chalk are engaged. And I do know that she Lee, she lets guy go early on after he meets the family. It’s after that. And it’s that scene of her walking to his room. So, you know, that going in, it’s going to be chalk and they’re engaged. So let’s talk a little bit about the men tell all last night, very different from bachelorette men tell all, as we know, because those revolve around the fact that literally.
You ask any former contestant who appeared on a tell all, when you are getting ready, hell, even before you are flown out to L. A., producers are gassing you up, telling you, or asking you, what do you plan on saying, what do you plan on talking about, and if you say, I got nothing, they will tell you who to go after and what to say.
That is well known in the franchise, and basically, If you play along, you’re probably get cast on paradise. If you don’t, you won’t get cast on paradise. Now it doesn’t mean that if you don’t say anything or you don’t cause any sort of divisiveness or speak up that you won’t get on paradise, but it’s mostly for the people that are first episode, eliminate tease, second row ceremony, third row ceremony, people that didn’t get a lot of screen time on the season.
It’s like, if we’re going to invite you to the tell all. You better chime in and you better go at somebody. And we all know, we say this every year, the bachelor and bachelorette tell all shows or auditions for bachelor in paradise. And we know it’s coming back next summer. So I’m, I say that because last night was absolutely the complete opposite of what we usually see on a tell all.
And we could tell that by what happened this season. This show is a love fest, which I’ve got absolutely no problem with. It’s just a different show for anybody to say that the bachelor and bachelorette is the same as the golden bachelor or the golden bachelorette. No, it’s not because producers aren’t looking to embarrass you on the golden bachelor or the golden bachelorette.
They’re not looking to play stupid music behind you. They’re not looking to make sure that people. Don’t like other people in the house. They’re not out for women hating and man hating and making you say things in an ITM about somebody else. This love fest continued last night for 90 minutes. It was refreshing to watch and just a few things that I wanted to bring up in regards to it.
I’m glad they brought it up when they brought Charles up to the hot seat. And that was Charles coloring his hair. And I’m like, look, he was the most talked about guy all season. Everybody loves Charles because he was so genuine and real. Shout out to Matt. I approve it. You was so genuine and real and you just, he oozed sincerity.
And then he shows up at the fucking tell all with coloring his hair. I’m like, wait, wait, wait, wait. No, Charles, not you. Please don’t tell me you’ve given into Hollywood. And no, I don’t think Charles is going to have his own sitcom next week, but I just, I’m just curious of why he did that. Like he didn’t need to, did somebody tell him, Hey man, color your hair, look younger.
Like I almost feel like he had an insecurity of watching himself on TV. Cause why would you color your hair dark when we’ve all seen. You have plenty of gray hair and you look fine with the gray hair. Actually, I didn’t even like the dark hair on him. I liked it the way it was on the show. I don’t know. I mean, I’m not going to like totally kill the guy for it, but I was a little disappointed because I was like, Oh my gosh, is he getting caught up in the bug?
Like I, I get it. You get older. People want to color their hair. I’m getting grays. I don’t think I’ll ever color my hair. I say that now, but you know, who knows? I, I don’t know. I’ve just never had a big deal when it comes to gray hairs. I don’t, it doesn’t bother me because I know it’s part of the aging process.
I, I do feel like if you color your hair, you’re just kind of. Putting on a little bit of a front. I don’t know. I don’t plan on it, but I say that now, who knows? I don’t think it would be as extreme like that, you know, maybe touch up here and there, but to, I mean, he had probably when he was on the show, what?
Yeah. 60 percent 70 percent gray hair. And now he’s like jet black. I’m just like, Oh, Charles, but at least they brought it up and he made a joke out of it. It wasn’t like we weren’t talking about the elephant in the room when it came to Charles, the whole thing with the burgers between Keith and I can’t remember the other guy’s name.
But they showed Keith before the show out in the back lot cooking burgers and like Keith did a lot. He cooked burgers for everybody, please to quote John Paul Jones. Don’t insult my intelligence, Derek, because Keith did not make burgers for everybody there. It was fucking catered from a local place. Just tell us who catered the burgers.
Stop pretending that that guy literally cooked, I don’t know, 150 burgers before the show. So dumb. I do appreciate the fact that when they talked about the Chippendales date and that the money went to a charity and it was stand up to cancer. I’m glad they did that. Jesse said on the show last night, ABC is going to match the donation of stand up to cancer.
I wish they would have told us, why not tell us how much it raised. I mean, that would have been interesting to know. Did you raise 200? Did you raise 5, I’m glad they matched it. It just would have known, like, there’s nothing. I don’t think there’s anything braggadocious either by saying we, you know, even bring out a check, bring out one of those giant checks.
So just show that this is what you did to just say it. I don’t know. It rang hollow to me. I’m not saying they didn’t do it. I’m just saying, why not tell us how much was raised for them? There’s nothing about back padding on that. And just like, Oh, look at the show, trying to be performative. No, if you’re giving money to stand up to cancer, nobody’s going to be mad at you for it, even if you talk about it.
And. You mentioned it as part of the date. So it’s, it’s fine. Totally fine to say that. And I just didn’t understand why they did it, but yeah, just a it just, just a different, I mean, the bloopers sucked, man, the bloopers haven’t been good on this show or bachelor or, or bachelorette on the tell all shows in probably 10 years.
It’s just always the same things. It’s an animal making a noise in a background. One of the light fixtures falling during someone’s ITM. Somebody tripping over something. It’s like, there’s got to be better bloopers in this overall a very, a good show it fit with the theme of the season that these guys all get along.
They’re planning trips together, probably going to be lifelong friends. And it was, it was good to see. And the fact that they brought all their kids there, I thought that was a cool, that was a nice touch. They even got to, we even got to talk to some of them. Wouldn’t be surprised. I don’t know how old Charles daughter is.
I could absolutely see her on an upcoming season of the bachelor would have to be next year, obviously, because she wasn’t on grant season. I don’t know how old she is or if she’s in a relationship, but absolutely could see her and same with Pascal’s son. He might be too young. I don’t know. I think he’s.
21 or 22. He might be too young, but I could see him being on a future season of The Bachelorette for sure. This podcast is brought to you by Prolonged Life and people nowadays talk about fasting and the benefits of fasting, weight loss, mental and physical performance, gut health. But when it comes to talking about fasting, some people a little weirded out by the whole, well, you’re not eating.
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