You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. A good Tuesday show for you. We are going to discuss the Golden Bachelorette finale coming up tomorrow night. We have a start date for Grant’s season that is now official, even though I told you this was going to be the start date over a month ago.
Brianna chicken fry update as she is responding to people calling her out. I’ve got a question about Chris Harrison. I’ll fill you in on that today. We are going to find out, I don’t know when it’s announced. It might be announced by the time you listen to this. We’re going to find out who people’s sexiest man alive is today.
I’ve been talking about this for four months. I’ve told you who I think is going to win. We’ll see what happens. And the Wicked movie, very popular, coming out I think this weekend they are directing people to porn sites. We’ll talk about that story. And we’ll get to all that momentarily. This podcast is brought to you by Cacao Bliss.
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All right. Something I wanted to look into for this Wednesday nights, tomorrow night’s finale for Jones season. And that is the fact that In the past, for any Bachelor or Bachelorette finale, what do we always get? We get a three hour finale. You get two hours from what happened during the filming and then an hour live after the Final Rose show.
So I was like, they can’t possibly be doing three hours for Joan’s season, right? I understand, you know, the episodes are only an hour and a half. Does it go to, does it go two and a half? No, it’s only going to be an hour and a half on tomorrow night, which is really good. And it’s going to have the live element to it.
So they will be coming in and out of commercial breaks with Jesse in the audience, talking to Joan. And then obviously when she eliminates Guy and sends him home, that will be, they’ll probably go to Guy on the couch and then we’ll see the engagement to Chuck. We’ll see them out on the couch. Couches for the first time as a public couple and then find out what their plan is going forward.
So yeah, actually very excited to hear the fact that we only get 90 minute finale, even with the live finale aspect, hell, maybe, maybe the bachelor bachelorette should take a page out of golden bachelorettes book and reduce their. I feel like, cause we all say it every year, three hours is way too long.
You don’t need to show us two hours from what happened back during filming when it’s only down to two people. I mean, there’s so much unnecessary, at least for me, if some of you really need, you know, they it’s, you know, guy’s going to meet her children. Chalk’s going to meet her children. Guy and chalk are each going to get one last date.
And then the whole thing about ring shopping and then getting ready that morning, and then we have to hear all of her, you know, Doubts, but then her she’ll immediately do a 180 and say I know who I want to be with Obviously you got to show her sending guy home early, which she does but I don’t know hour and a half is perfect timing Thank you golden bachelorette for only giving us 90 minutes speaking of the bachelor We got our quote unquote official start date And it’s the start date that I told you when I went over this a month ago and I was like look There’s no way that grant season can start before January 27th because ABC has college football on Monday nights and the college football national championship this year on ABC is on January 20th.
So they can’t start it on the 13th, take a week off on the 20th and then have episode two on the 27th. This is starting on the 27th and we know that there’s only nine episodes this year. Because episode 6 is hometown dates, 7 would be overnights, 8 would be the women tell all, and episode 9 would be the finale.
So if you go 9 episodes from the 27th, you got the 27th, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 3rd, Again, the finale looks to be March 24th, which is exactly what it would need to be because you can’t go into April. And they’ve never gone into April for the Bachelorette finale. So the 24th is usually, sometimes it’s been like mid March.
So if they double up at any point this season, your finale will be March 17th. If they don’t double up and they just do nine straight weeks, every week gets their own episode. Then the finale will be March 24th. Again, I have nothing new to report in regards to Grant season. When I do, you will know. Cause there’s no reason to hold that from you.
Obviously I want to get out there. That’s all I care about. I just, all I care about is getting the spoiler, right? So once I hear, and I’m comfortable with my sources, have I heard rumblings? Of course I hear rumblings all the time. Once filming is over, but rumblings don’t mean anything. Rumblings aren’t confirmation of anything to me.
So I’ve heard rumblings. Doesn’t matter what those rumblings are. Once I get something confirmed, I will absolutely fill you in and tell you. Another topic that we talked about a couple of days ago, and I want to bring up again because she took to social media yesterday to discuss it. And that is Brianna chicken fry, who turned down 12 million from ex boyfriend Zach, Brian, to sign an NDA and basically not talk about the emotional abuse he put her through.
So people are calling Brianna out now, which just seems to be people that. Dislike her because she did nothing wrong in any of this and you should be applauding a woman turning down 12 million dollars To keep secret how she was treated in a relationship She did but now people are saying well, of course She turned down 12 million because Dave paid her 10 million dollars to do that tell all so she took money anyway, and she said I see a lot of people being like, well, Dave definitely just gave her 10 million to do a tell all.
So she took the money anyway. She said, Dave didn’t give me any money. A tell all you think that was a tell all I took the high road. What I did was set a scene, paint a picture. If you can’t see that very clear picture, I don’t have time to hold your hand and walk you to lens crafters. It’s a good line.
People who are so blind, I might use, I might steal that one from you, Brianna. Thank you. I don’t have time to hold your hand and walk you to lens crafters. Hey, I go to lens crafters. That’s where I get my frames for my glasses. I like lens crafters, so I’m going to use that. Thank you, Brianna. I’m stealing your stuff.
She says ever since her split from Zach Brian and leaving their Massachusetts home, she’s worse off now. She says, I’m losing money right now. I’m paying for storage. I’m paying for movers. I’m paying for fucking flights back and forth to New York to go try and find an apartment. So I’m guessing things aren’t great for her right now, but.
I didn’t, I mean, it never even crossed. So who’s saying that she took 10 million from, from Dave was that, did that come from a, I hope she didn’t respond to a troll saying that, I mean, I didn’t see any reports out there that said her doing that podcast last week was because Dave paid her 10 million.
Where did that come from? Please tell me that was just made up if it was. I mean, she can do what she wants, but I don’t think she needed to address that. Cause I don’t, I had never crossed my mind that she did that podcast last week to tell everybody I turned down 12 million to be able to tell my, my side of the story and to be able to not fill people in on how I was treated during this relationship, boy, she would come across as very, very hypocritical.
If she does a whole podcast where she gets America behind her. All while, all the while accepting 10 million behind the scenes, just to talk about it, there’s no way I don’t, I don’t think, and I don’t even, you know, you can think what you want about Portnoy. I don’t think he paid her that either. So I’m just saying, I don’t know where that came from, to where she felt she even needed to address it.
It sounds like it came from trolls and people that just don’t like her and probably the Zach Brian fan base, because look, I believe everything she said about Zach Brian. I have no reason not to. She’s very credible. She’s very reputable in the podcast world. I have no reason to believe she just made shit up just to make shit up.
Regardless, Zach Bryan is a very popular country artist. So no matter what he does, and no matter what his ex girlfriend says to the public, it’s not like he’s going to be cancelled. It’s not like people are going to stop going to his shows. It’s not like people are going to stop being fans of his.
Because they’re going to be like, Oh, I can separate the music from the man. I’m sure that’s what their excuse will be. He’s not going to lose. He’s not going to all of a sudden have sellouts that people are, you know, 10 people are showing up to his concerts now. It’s just not going to happen. Just like anybody else in the celebrity world, they’ve got a fan base that is going to either turn a blind eye or say, she’s a scorned ex who cares what she has to say, blah, blah, blah.
And basically discredit her for no reason other than, Oh, I like Zach Brian. We talk about this all the time. It’s everybody. The facts don’t matter. And it’s everybody’s own self truths, their own narrative. If they believe a certain narrative there, they don’t care what facts are presented to get them to be like, wait a second, maybe I shouldn’t believe this narrative.
It’s their own self truths is what people want to believe. And that’s exactly what’s happening here. I’d ever thought for a second, she took money to do that podcast last week. So she addressed it. She said, I didn’t spend any money on that, or I didn’t receive any money from Dave for that. And I believe her.
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