You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Seed Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. A good Wednesday’s show for you. We are going to talk about the David Gingras video that he dropped yesterday. It was only eight minutes long, but Just an absolute.
It was, it was comical because once again, every time this guy opens his mouth, he contradicts himself and I’ll explain how we’re going to play about two, two and a half minutes of the eight minute video, and we will just, and I’ll tell you exactly what I’m talking about. We are going to discuss the sexiest man alive from people magazine.
I have one of my favorite all time things to talk about on this podcast. You know me, you know, I love game show bloopers and we had a big one this week on wheel of fortune. If you didn’t see this, it’s making the rounds pretty funny. Hock to a girl, Haley Welch tells us who her boyfriend is pretty underwhelming and guess what’s coming this Friday.
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So yesterday, David Gingras, the lawyer for Laura Owens took to posted a video on YouTube yesterday to just talk about, I don’t know, nothing for eight minutes, but gave us a heads up that we are supposedly going to get about a two hour video that he and Laura. Are going to record today. I have no idea what time it’s going up.
It will be discussed on tomorrow’s podcast. I don’t know if I’m able to listen to two hours of them talking about the same stuff that we already know they’re going to talk about. It’s almost like eight mile. Remember the final battle between B rabbit and Papa doc? Well, Papa doc didn’t even get to rap because Eminem B rabbit basically in his rap said, I already know what you’re going to say about me.
And then B that Papa doc was just like. I’m done. I’m out because we already know what, what’s coming to today. If this video drops. Nothing Laura says is going to earn her any sympathy. She’s going to play the victim card. She’s going to say that the JFC crew has been so mean to her. She’s going to talk about how much weight she’s lost.
She’s going to talk about everything that she’s been through. She’s going to talk about her autism diagnosis. Like, she’s just going to play the sob card and nobody’s going to buy it. Nor should anybody buy it. She’s not credible. Period. End of story. I want to talk about what Gingras said yesterday, though, because I thought he made an ass of himself, honestly.
In eight minutes, this guy did so many things wrong, but let’s just start for the first minute and 20, and then I’ll fast forward to the three minute mark, because these are the two things I want to talk about.
Hi, everyone. Welcome to the first and probably last, hopefully last ever, Gingras Law podcast.
Everyone knows I am not Dave Neal. I am the other Dave, who is most certainly not a professional vlogger of any sort. Coming to you live and direct from my webcam here at the, uh, wonderful Gingras Law Office. Uh, today is Tuesday, the 12th of November, and it’s about 4. 30 in the afternoon here in Phoenix.
Um, I just finished a little project that I think some people are waiting for. Uh, this is Laura’s opening brief for the Court of Appeals. It is done. It is, uh, 75 pages, give or take, um, including Table of Contents, Table of Authorities. Uh, this document has not been filed yet. Um, I am planning to file this.
Whenever I feel like it, I guess. Um, obviously we have over a month, uh, December 16th is our due date. We are way ahead of schedule. Um, but Laura and I both feel that there’s really no time like the present. Uh, she’s been through hell dealing with all this and she feels that, uh, the only way forward is forward.
So we’re going to try to get this thing filed. I don’t think I’m going to do it today. There’s just no reason to rush. Um, we’re gonna try and do it tomorrow. Whenever we tentatively have. Session booked for tomorrow to do a video. She and I, um, she’s sort of a professional, uh, vlogger. I’m clearly not, as you can tell, but anyway, um,
so I just wanted to point something out there and then we’ll fast forward it to the other point I want to make.
He said right then and there that Laura Owens is sort of a professional vlogger. Okay. That’s fine. Gingras, do you realize what you’ve been calling Dave Neal for literally the last six months? You’ve been telling him, get a real job. All he does is make fun of Dave for making YouTube videos, yet he just called his client, Laura Owens.
I’m just going off what you said, Gingras. You called your client, Laura Owens, sort of a professional vlogger. Okay. So two things here, number one, you just admitted you could be a pro at vlogging, making it a legitimate job because you just called your client sort of a professional vlogger. Number two, the point I want to make calling Laura, a professional vlogger.
As far as I know, Laura Owens hasn’t posted a vlog in at least 18 months since everything started. And Dave Neal has posted over a hundred of them about this case. So if someone who you believe is sort of a professional vlogger, hasn’t posted a video in 18 months and you call them a professional in this space, what does that make Dave Neal?
Who’s done a hundred videos and has built his brand and increased his subscribers on his YouTube channel by triple of what he started with. Do you understand how stupid you sound when you just called Laura a professional vlogger when all you’ve done for the last six months is make fun of Dave and tell them to get a real job?
Okay, you just said Laura is a professional vlogger. Based on what? She hasn’t released a video in 18 months. Probably longer than that. Actually, she did release one video and in it she just turned a camera on herself and was crying the whole time and got mad because I called her a dumbass. I remember that video.
Would that be considered professional vlogging? This is what I’m talking about with Gingras. Like he can’t have it both ways. You’re literally acknowledging that vlogging is an actual thing. Someone can be a pro at, but then when Dave does it for a living and produces a hundred times more videos than your client does, she’s the pro and he needs to get a real job.
Okay. Dumbass. Anyway. So let’s go, let’s go to this part. Uh,
I know some people commenting about this case have said, Oh, I told my lawyer friends and they said there’s no way that Laura could, uh, you know, could win and, and Clayton’s going to win. Folks, that’s just a gaslighting and it’s, it’s, you’re, you’re, if you’re telling that kind of story, you don’t know what you’re talking about or you’re not telling your friends all the facts.
So I have all the facts here. I’m going to make the legal arguments to the court of appeals and I don’t see any chance in hell that Clayton walks away from this thing winning. Um, he had a very, very Uh, unique trial experience with a judge that he should not have had as far as, you know, what Mata did and what she didn’t do.
Um, there’s a small update on that, by the way. Uh, I got it.
Okay, I just want to write that down for the record and have it out there for everybody to say and to go back to because David Gingras in that video, he said it in that clip, but he also said it before that clip at another point that he said, we’re going to win this case.
I don’t see any way we don’t win this case. So I just want that on record and it is on record because he said it on his YouTube show. And I think the other thing that he said in the beginning, which I found very interesting is he even said in that first minute and a half that I played, first off, he can’t stop talking about the justice for Clayton crew and Dave Neil, hell, even his thumbnail on this YouTube video is basically a rip off of Dave’s with a clown face over Dave’s face.
He cannot stop talking about haters, trolls, the JFC cult, Dave Neil, and Yet in that first minute and 30 that we listened to, he also said he thought that they were doing a better job of getting their message out there, the JFC crew and Dave, then he probably should have been, he admitted it. I probably should have been better at getting my message out there because I don’t want those other people getting their message out there.
So again, you can’t have it both ways. Gingras. Is getting your message out there and putting out YouTube videos a good thing to do, like Dave has been doing since September of last year? Or is it something that, if it only benefits you, it’s a good idea? This is what I mean. I literally played you two and a half minutes, or actually two minutes total of the eight minute video.
And look at how bad he looks in it. Calling Laura a professional vlogger, when he’s basically insulted Dave about being a professional vlogger for six months. Saying that, you know what, haven’t done a great job of getting our message out there. All the JFC crew and Dave have done is get their message out there and tell their side of the story, which has so many truths to it.
Later on in the video, he says in the video with Laura, they’d love to answer questions from the JFC crew. Bullshit. That’s never going to happen in a million years. Do you honestly think he’s going to answer the question? Hey, Laura, When you were on the pretrial hearing and you didn’t even realize you were on a zoom and you had a baby bump in November, please explain that because we’re all lost of when you lost the baby.
If you lost the baby in July, like Dr. Medchill seemed to assume you did. What are you doing with a baby bump in the first week of November? It just, there’s so many questions, they’re going to avoid it and all that, but I just wanted to play those clips from Gingras because it just makes him look like a horse’s ass.
It really does. I’m taking his own words. This isn’t my opinion. I’m taking his own words and saying, how could you be so hypocritical? Really? How can you be so hypocritical? You make fun of Dave. You insult Dave. For six months, ever since you took over the case, you think he’s, you know, needs to get a new job and what he does isn’t a real job.
And you say that to him over and over and over again, but then you just called Laura sort of a professional vlogger, which you’re already admitting that somebody can be a pro at vlogging and you’re calling it your client who hasn’t put out a video in 18 months. Okay. Makes a hell of a lot of sense.
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