Okay. Something came up yesterday that has never happened.
It was announced yesterday that survivor is going to have a two night four hour finale, not on back to back nights. It’s going to air over the course of two weeks. So this is the first time they’ve ever done this. Usually, as we know, when it comes to survivor, it’s usually a three hour finale on a Wednesday night.
Sometimes it’s been Sunday nights in the past, but it’s mostly been on Wednesday night when it airs. And usually the first two hours. Maybe bleed into the first 10 or 15 minutes of that third hour. And the votes are finally read at the, you know, Two hours and 15 minutes in and then we get the reunion show for the last 45 minutes or 40 minutes, whatever Well, they announced yesterday.
So instead of a three hour finale They’re gonna have part one of the finale is gonna air on December 11th on CBS from 8 to 10 Eastern Time and Pacific and then the following Wednesday, December 18th, the week before Christmas, I can’t even speak the beat of the week before Christmas on December 18th, same thing, two hour finale, which I’m guessing is going to be an hour of what happened out there.
And then go into an hour, maybe 45, 50 minutes of the reunion show that we know now films out there. They don’t do a live finale anymore. So. We’ve never seen this before. They’ve never done it this way over the course of two weeks. So, it means they basically are getting it are getting a survivor season spread out over 14 weeks, as opposed to the traditional 13 weeks.
So this is something new. It looks like we’re going to get a lot there at the end. Doesn’t mean it’s like some bafo finale. It couldn’t be another, you know, seven to one vote for all we know. We have no idea. Other than the people who were on the show, they know, but I like that they’re giving it more time and I’m guessing we’re going to get a little bit of a longer reunion show because wasn’t it last year that when the votes were finally read, it was like two hours and 20 or two hours and 25 minutes into the three hour finale.
And then we got literally 30 to 35 minutes of the reunion show. Look, I’m not one that’s huge on. I hate that they’ve gone away from the live shows. I, some people hate the live shows. Some people love the live shows. I like the live shows. I’ve always liked the live finales. I don’t like how they spend some of the time, like going into the audience and hearing from Cochran or something like that.
I just want to hear from everybody that was on the show that season go around. Talk to everybody, get an update on what everybody is doing. Talk to the winners. I’ve always liked that and they’ve gone away from that in the new era. So it sucks, but what are you going to do? I don’t like the fact that these people have to talk about the game four seconds after it’s over.
It’s very hard to process things. They’re not, they can’t even comment on what they saw play out over the season. I just think we miss a lot by not doing that. But some people think it’s better that they talk about it right away versus. Being able to watch all the episodes and then comment about edits and stuff like that.
I don’t know. I’m more old school. I want to see people watch the show, watch the edits, and then give their thoughts on people and what they said in the game, because when you film it right after it, you have no idea what anybody said about you during the game. And any strategy that might have taken place that never gets brought up during the reunion show.
So I’m always in the camp of live finales, but it doesn’t look like that’s ever going to happen anytime soon. Maybe they’ll do it for season 50, which we know is going to be some form of an all star season. If they bring it back, I would say, let’s do it for that season, but we just don’t know yet. I wanted to get to this Instagram story that Kelly Flanagan posted.
It’s not a lot to add to it, but in case you miss it, it was either last Thursday or Friday when I was out of town, Kelly Flanagan post to her Instagram story. She was on pilot Pete season. She dated him after the season. And then she posted this she she was dating a a guy named, forget what his name, anyway, he wasn’t from bachelor nation.
And then they, she didn’t post about him for a while, but then there were pictures of them seen together. And then she posted this on her Instagram story lat end of last week. She said, I know many of you have been curious about my dating life and I’ve tried to keep things private for a while. I thought working on it away from social media would have helped, but sometimes things don’t go as planned.
I found out that he was being highly disrespected. Disrespected for the past seven months and if it wasn’t for all of you my followers and girls being girls I would have stayed in the dark and never known my heart is shattered, but I’m so grateful to have you all So I think we can deduct from that message from Kelly That he clearly, the guy that she got back together with was cheating on her, had a side girl, had a girl, maybe he had a girlfriend, hell, maybe he had a wife, I don’t know.
He clearly had another girl that either the other girl went to Kelly and said, here’s the story, or other women saw him with another woman, notified Kelly because she said, If it wasn’t for all of you, my followers and girls being girls, I would have stayed in the dark. So clearly, this guy was running around on her in some way, shape, or form.
Didn’t tell her about it, and he got caught. And, you know, it’s, it sucks for her. We don’t know all the details. Maybe at some point she’ll go on somebody’s podcast and talk about it. Kelly, you are more than welcome to come on this podcast and talk about it. Doubt she will, but the invitation is there. I will say that in this day and age, especially when it’s involving reality show people, especially people from bachelor nation, if you’re two people from dads or nation that are dating each other, or somebody from bachelor nation and somebody outside of bachelor nation, you do realize how easy it is to get caught if you’re doing something like this guy seemingly did.
I just don’t understand it. It seems like a real chore to cheat on somebody in this day and age in 2024. How do people even get away with it? Like, I don’t even know that seems like way too complicated to be managing all this stuff. And obviously I understand people talk to multiple people at one time, but if you’re in a relationship with somebody, how much work must that be to have a side girl And to keep her private and make sure that nobody sees you and make sure that when, if somebody does see you, it doesn’t get back to the girl that you are seeing, like this is because if two people in general are just dating, I guess it’s tougher, but Kelly is a known person and people knew who she was dating because she had hard launched him back when they were dating the first time around.
So. Anybody sees that guy with somebody, not Kelly. It’s very easy to fire off an Instagram message or a Twitter message to Kelly and be like, are you dating this guy? Because I saw him or Kelly posts with him and his side girl is like, wait a second, I thought I was with you. I I’m sorry. Guys, first off, do better.
And secondly, I, I’m, I honestly think, and maybe this is just a weird take. I honestly think I’m too lazy to cheat. I just can’t see how I would pull it off. That’s way too much to keep track of in 2024. Did I cheat in high school? Yes, I did. I was an athlete in high school. I took advantage of it. Absolutely.
1000%. I own up to it and not saying this is right, but didn’t everybody cheat in school? At least when I was going to high school in the. Early 90s, it seemed like, I mean, it was just, it was just, there was no social media back then. It was a lot easier athletes. I mean, everybody, I know I can name 10 people, I could give you their names right now that were cheating in high school.
Not saying it was right. I’m just saying. If there was social media back then, I don’t think I ever would have, because I’ve been like, I’m going to get caught. This is impossible because the reason I was able to get away with what I did in high school was because there was no social media and there was no cell phones and everyone didn’t have a camera on them.
Yes, I did it. I, and the funny thing was I cheated in high school a few times I got to college and the first girl I fell for in college cheated on me. And I was devastated, devastated. Let me tell you, I know her name. I remember exactly what she looks like. I remember when I pretty much found out that she had cheated on me.
Greek ski trip. Somebody came back from the Greek ski trip and told me, Hey, I thought you were dating so and so I am. Oh, well, she was cozying up to somebody at the Greeks. Okay. So anyway. Where was I going with this? Oh, she, I had totally fallen for her. She cheated on me. And from that point on, I vowed to never cheat on anybody ever again.
And I haven’t. So while I may have cheated in high school on more than one girl that I was seeing since 1994, I have not cheated. And in 2024, I wouldn’t even think of it. Because I would get caught. It just seems way too hard to cheat nowadays. I mean, I guess it’s not hard to cheat. Let me rephrase that.
It’s not hard to cheat. It’s hard to cheat and not get caught is seemingly the hard thing to do. So why even do it sucks for Kelly? Like I said, invitation is open to come on this podcast and rail on this guy. She probably won’t, but the invitation is there. And this is a long podcast. So I wanted to wrap up with this.
I did watch episodes six through 10 of Cobra Kai on Netflix. They released the first five episodes back in July, episodes six through 10 dropped on November 15th on Friday. And then we found out. The last five episodes, 11 through 15 are dropping on February 13th. So we only got to wait three months for the final five episodes.
These are the final five episodes of the Cobra Kai franchise. There is probably going to be a spinoff. I’ve read enough interviews with the producers. They’ve hinted at it. I just don’t know who it’s going to be with. Probably going to focus around one or multiple kids and the show. I don’t think it’s going to be.
Of Ralph Macchio, or William Zabka, or anything like that. I don’t think it’s gonna be around Daniel or Johnny or anything, or Chosen. But, I do think that this is going to have another spinoff. Because it’s been way too successful for them just to stop. I understand they’re stopping Cobra Kai after six seasons.
But, it doesn’t make any sense to just stop this all completely. Whether it’s Miguel, whether it’s Sam, Tori, who knows, Hawk. I think it could be multiple. People that they focus this around, but who knows? I just know that there’s no way there’s never going to be another Cobra cry related series come out of this.
They’d be dumb to just stop it altogether. With that said, I thought episode six through 10 were excellent. They were really good. They were action packed the best fight scenes that this season, this show has had in any season, twists, turns, humor, nostalgia. Look, if you haven’t seen it, I it’s been four days.
It’s like, what’s the, what’s the point where I can just talk when I can actually talk plot points, I won’t do it yet. Maybe I will later on this week. Cause it’d be a full week since it came out. Maybe on Friday I will, but. Just really good stuff. They go to Barcelona, quote unquote, they didn’t film in Barcelona.
They filmed the show in Atlanta, but they never went to Barcelona. But the idea that they were all in Barcelona for the sake, I take high tournament and yet so much went haywire. It’s almost like what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. This was absolutely the definition of what happens in Barcelona stays in Barcelona because hookups between people that hadn’t been together do happen.
There are hookups that almost happen. It is a wild ride. I loved these five episodes. Might’ve been my favorite five episode chunk of any season. I thought it was excellent. A great, great cliffhanger at the end. So yeah, those are my thoughts. Maybe I’ll get into more detail later on in the week when it’s been out for a full week, but I’m guessing most people that want to watch Cobra Kai have probably watched it by now, but just to be on the safe side, I’ll give you a full week.
And then on Friday, go more in on my thoughts on Cobra Kai, but. Those are my short thoughts for now. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Sorry this is 30 minutes. I appreciate you listening. Please follow me on Apple Podcasts. Rate and review if you can. The Sports Daily is posted an hour ago, or it will be posted in an hour, so check that out.
Again, thank you. All for listening. I really appreciate it and remember to always tune into this podcast. I thought I was doing this sports daily ending here. Anyway, thanks again for listening. I appreciate it and I will talk to you tomorrow.