And then obviously we spent some time talking about the show Manson’s. Well, yesterday, Val Shemershkovsky went on a podcast and he talked about show Manson’s on dancing with the stars. And he said they can be incredibly unprofessional.
Which is something he was guilty of early on, well, before he got with Jenna, he said a long time ago, my first couple of seasons, I’ve been given partners that I did have romantic exchanges with incredibly unprofessional to do so in my mind, because I’m here by the way, he was on the lightweights podcast with host Joe Volpis.
He said, because I’m here as their teacher. And as their partner, I’m probably, in some way or another, in a position of authority to them. Like, don’t shit where you eat kind of thing comes into play. He said, I’m very serious about my job and craft, and so to have allowed myself to get involved during, now after this season, that’s different.
We’re both adults, we’re not at work, but during this season, I feel like that was a bit irresponsible at times. Behind closed doors, I undermined my own season by doing that. He says seeing an on screen romance play out for, makes for a quote, really dope show. But he also said, when I was doing the show, social media wasn’t as vibrant as it is right now.
It was only tabloids and stuff like that. But social media now has really elevated the game. And I think the one thing that kind of bothers him this year, Based on what he said, he said, I’m fine with the showman says if they’re genuine, he said, if it’s genuine, it’s awesome when it’s authentic, and it’s to consenting adults enjoying their time together.
I love that. He says. The exception though is when he sees people playing it up for Che, playing up their chemistry for votes, he says, but when it’s two adults putting on a show because they know they can manipulate the algorithm to give them more likes and more views and more this, I just don’t like anything that’s inauthentic.
So if it’s authentic, I love that he said. When they say chemistry, a lot of times that term chemistry has been hijacked by romance, and chemistry doesn’t always have to have sexual essence behind it. Chemistry is camaraderie, chemistry is compatibility, chemistry is friendship. When you trust somebody, you open up to somebody.
So, I don’t know exactly who he was referring to when he was talking about his early partners that he clearly was hooking up with. So I did a little digging and it looks like it says he was linked to his season 19 partner Janelle Parrish and season 23 partner Amber Rose. He married Jenna in 2019 and they had their son in 2023.
So it sounds like those are the two that are coming to people’s minds, I guess, or the ones he was referring to. Um, I don’t know for sure, but that’s what the article said, because clearly I was interested in what he was talking about there. So was he taking a shot? I don’t know. Was he taking a shot at Brooks and Gleb?
Was he taking a shot at Sasha and Jen? You heard Kristen and I talking about it yesterday. This is part of the show now. If you don’t take advantage of whatever you can do to increase your visibility on social media, whether it’s through a showmance or whether it’s you just pumping out Tik Tok content and behind the scenes content, then you’re falling behind and you can’t complain if you don’t win at the end of the year.
I don’t know if Val’s taking a shot at any of the couples this season. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t, but I honestly have no problem with what he said. It makes sense. And he was a guy that was involved with his partners early on, and now he’s done a one 80 and says, yeah, not a good thing. So I appreciate Val speaking out, but whether it’s showmances or putting out content on any social media channel, it’s what you got to do now, if you really want to go far in that dance with the stars game, it’s So I’m not going to get political here whatsoever.
Um, the story is just sad enough to begin with. We’ve all seen probably the video. If you haven’t even seen the video, you know, the story about the United healthcare CEO, Brian Thompson, that was gunned down in New York, seemingly a premeditated attack, uh, from somebody that they haven’t identified. At least as of this recording, they haven’t identified him yet.
But they’ve got his face now on, uh, the video cams at Starbucks where he went before he shot this guy, here’s the only thing I’m not going to talk about the shooting and the targeted attack and why he did it and our healthcare in this country. I’m not going to get into any of that. My thing is this, I was on E online yesterday looking for stories for the daily roundup where I find a lot of them.
And this was the top story on E online. This was the headline. United healthcare CEO, Brian Thompson was living separately from his wife before death. Now I haven’t dove into a lot of this story. I’ve seen the video. It’s just, it’s hard to watch, but what does this headline have to do with anything? Like that’s put it this way.
When I heard the story yesterday and then ended up seeing the video, not one point did it come into my mind? I wonder what this guy’s marital status is. I mean, maybe some people did like, does he have a wife and kids? I mean, I get that maybe to a certain extent, it doesn’t make it any more or less tragic if he had a wife and five kids, or if he was a single man, we shouldn’t even be focusing on that part.
And E online is running a headline to tell us, Hey, he was living separately from his wife before his death. Great. What does that have to do with the shooting? What does it have to do with finding this guy? Who committed this murder at 6 45 in the morning in cold blood right there on the street and didn’t seem to have a care in the world.
I Don’t know that just rubbed me the wrong way seeing obviously the story rubs me the wrong way, but seeing this headline on Eonline covering it telling us that he separated from his wife. It’s like okay, and I don’t know Didn’t like that at all. I don’t know why we got that What does it matter? If he was still with his wife or he’s living separately from her because it has nothing to do with the shooting Itself like if the wife was the one That shot him.
Okay. That would make a little more, you know, but that’s not the case. He was gunned down clearly by somebody who had some sort of ties to United healthcare or some sort of ties to Brian Thompson himself. We’re going to find out this guy’s going to get caught. I would think in the next 24 to 48 hours, there’s too much info out there about him.
Now we have his face. Someone that has seen his face now on the news, I’m sure is going to call a tip line and say, this is the guy’s name. And then once they get his name, I’m sure. They’ll find him in within, like I said, a couple of days if he doesn’t take his own life by then, but just, just bothered me that that was a headline since I just didn’t think it had anything to do with anything.
And finally, another headline that I saw as I was searching for stories for the daily roundup was this one. The ultimatum creator breaks down that unexpected twist in season three and one man’s zero to a hundred meltdown. So I’ve seen clips of the ultimatum, which I think is, I don’t even know the exact plot.
Of this reality show, but I think it’s couples that are one of the, one side of the couple wants to get married. And the other side is obviously dragging their feet. So they go to an Island where they spend time, I think with other couples and maybe singles, they throw them on the Island too, to tempt them into making an decision of basically either shit or get off the pot.
I think roughly that’s the plot or that’s the basis of this show. The only thing I don’t know for sure is. Is it just the couples or do they throw singles in there to kind of screw with them? That’s what I don’t know. I’m sure anyone that’s obviously if you’ve seen the show, you know, I didn’t realize this was the third season of it.
I know I’ve heard of the show before, but I’ve never watched it. But then when I watched that, I did not click on the story. So I don’t know what the unexpected twist in season three was and what one guy’s zero to 100 meltdown is. Now I have to determine because sometimes it gets suckered in. Look, sometimes I get mad.
At clickbait headlines. You know, that I’ve talked about that numerous times. This isn’t a clickbait headline. Cause this is just the creator of the show talking about, Hey. This just happened on our season that was released. So now after reading that, maybe I have to get sucked into the ultimatum. Anyone that wants to email me about it, please don’t spoil it for me.
Just in case I do end up watching the show. If I don’t, then I’ll probably just go back and read this article and find out what happened. But, um, you know, it’s, it’s almost like the big D last year, you Jojo hosted. Where it’s, uh, that was, you know, that was couples that were divorced and then singles were thrown at them and stuff could happen, but yeah, I don’t, this is, this is actually, this is kind of Temptation Island ish, right?
I mean, that’s essentially what it is. It’s people that are at a crossroads in their relationship. And they’re put together and basically told work on things. And then at the end of this thing, I’m guessing it’s like on finale day, it’s like, are you going to stay together? Are you going to break up? I’m guessing that’s what it is.
That’s why it’s called the ultimatum. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily coming up in an hour from now, check that out as well. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
I will talk to you Monday.