We are joined today for our bi-annual visit from “Survivor: Tocantins” and “Survivor: Cambodia” contestant Stephen Fishbach to break down this season of 47. A lot to dive into right away as we discuss whether Rachel’s win was the best of the New Era, how impressive of a move was Operation: Italy, did Sam deserve more than 1 final Tribal vote, who from this cast could be on season 50, and much, much more. Before that, I cover the topics on the “Daily Roundup” today where I mention the passing of Kelley Flanagan’s dad, a “Lost” tribute, & an issue I have with a classic Christmas song. This has always bothered me. Thanks again to Stephen for coming on at the end of every season. He’s an encyclopedia when it comes to this stuff and really knows how to break down a season and its moments. We will see him next May once season 48’s finale airs.
Today’s podcast also up on my YouTube Channel now. Watch, subscribe, comment, and like here:
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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
(SPOILERS) I begin by going by previewing Stephen’s appearance, discuss the passing of Kelley Flanagan’s dad, a “Lost” tribute, & my issue with a classic Christmas song. Then Stephen joins me (6:05) to recap season 47 of “Survivor,” we discuss is Rachel’s win the best of the new era, was Operation Italy the best move we’ve seen, did Sam deserve more than 1 final tribal vote, who from this cast might we see on season 50 & much, much more.
Instagram – @stephenfishbach
(SPOILER) Your Daily Roundup covers podcast #423 preview with Stephen Fishbach, Kelley Flanagan’s father passes away, a trip down the “Lost” memory lane, & my big issue with a Christmas classic song.
You can listen to that podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in here:
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality C Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Thursday, the day after Christmas. Good show for you today. We’re going to preview what’s coming up in around a couple hours, 9, 15 a. m. Eastern Time on my YouTube channel and your podcast feed.
That is Podcast 423 with Stephen Fishback. Some sad news in Bachelor Nation. Kelly Flanagan’s father passes away. We’ll briefly discuss that a little lost talk today. We all remember lost, don’t we? Well, I totally forgot that two days ago was a very important day in the lost world, saw it all over my Twitter and I totally forgot to talk about it.
And then, yes, we will discuss. My issue with a very, very popular Christmas song. And someone needs to explain this to me. We’ll get to all that momentarily. So. Coming up in a couple of hours, 9 15 a. m. Eastern time in your podcast feed on my YouTube channel at reality. Steve 24 is podcast number four 23, and that is with Steven Fishback.
You know, we have him on twice a year. We have him on in December when the survivor finale airs and we have him on in May after the spring season of the survivor finale airs. And we discuss it. I asked Stephen, is Operation Italy the best move of the new era? Is Rachel the best winner of the new era? Did you think Sam should have gotten more than one vote at Final Tribal?
Stephen’s got some really good answers, really thoughtful answers. As we know, he is an encyclopedia when it comes to this show. The amount of stuff that he knows blows me away, but we always have him on. Cause he’s the best survivor guest to have on. And I just can’t thank him enough every season for coming on.
Right after the finale air so we can discuss and go over everything. And I purposely did not read anything that he wrote. I did not listen to any of his podcasts because I want to talk to him and hear what he has to say for the first time. So that’s coming up 9 15 AM Eastern time on my YouTube channel and in your podcast feed, some sad news to report over the last week or so, if you were following Kelly Flanagan on Instagram, you knew that her father’s health had taken a turn for the worse very quickly.
And unfortunately he passed yesterday. Kelly made an Instagram post. Saying she wants to thank him for being the absolute best to mom and all six of us kids I can’t begin to explain how much we all loved you and how much we appreciated how much you did for us on a daily Basis, I know you’re up in heaven now We’re going to watch down on all of us until we meet again We will all miss you dearly and you won’t and won’t forget the patience you had for each and every one of us Our house was always chaos and you were the calm soul that somehow handled it with grace You held on so strong these last few weeks You And I truly believe you held on until Christmas, your favorite holiday, so that instead of feeling sadness in the future, your family could celebrate you together.
I’m so glad I got to spend 32 amazing years by your side. I’m going to be heartbroken for a while, but I know you would want me to bounce back and celebrate you instead of sadness. The family dynamic will take some getting used to without you, but with us, but I’m going to strive to celebrate you every day.
I’ve never met a kinder, smarter, more giving soul. I’m proud that you were my dad. You left an amazing legacy behind you and you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace. So great note by Kelly there, she had a, photo carousel of 20 pictures on her Instagram of her and her dad throughout the years. So if you were following her recently, you, you knew that his health wasn’t great and it seemed like it happened kind of suddenly he went into the hospital and then unfortunately he passed.
So, thoughts and prayers out to Kelly, condolences out to her and her family. Especially after she’s won what she’s went through this year, obviously, what is just two months ago, she went on chicks in the office podcast and talked about her breakup with Ari Raptus, her ex boyfriend, who basically gas lit her and totally made her believe things that weren’t true.
Come to find out after the fact that he was cheating on her. It’s just a ugly scene all around. And then for have to have this happen to her on Christmas day, you know, I just, I feel bad. So Kelly, our thoughts and prayers are with you. I wanted to bring this up because I have not talked about this show in a while.
And December 24th is always a big day in the lost world. Now I watched lost from the very beginning, but this is also a show that I’ve only seen every episode once. I think I’ve seen a couple episodes here and there more than once, but I watched the season all the way through, but I’ve never done a binge watch after, because this is a show.
Where you really have to pay attention and think, and sometimes I don’t want to watch TV and have to think, and this show is full of information that it’s like, shit, if you don’t even write it down, you’re going to forget and you’re going to forget storylines. And obviously we know this was the show that one of the first shows ever, if not the first show ever to constantly incorporate flashbacks in their storytelling.
And that’s where it gets kind of confusing. Cause you’re like, what was their backstory and stuff like that? All these people that crashed on a plane in the first episode, we start learning about each character more and more through flashbacks, we learn about who they were before they got on the plane.
There are a few episodes in the six seasons of loss that stick out to me. Number one was the season finale. In episode season three, it was the season finale of three, right? Yeah. Where it was a Jack centric episode and the whole time we’re watching it, they’re doing the same storytelling as they had done for the first three seasons and every episode, which is, you know, have the music or have the whoosh where you think you’re going back in time.
But we find out at the end of that episode, that whole episode, we’re watching a flash forward of Jack. And we realized for the first time, because when you’re watching the show in seasons one, two, and three, the whole question you’re always asking yourself is one, did these people ever get off the Island?
And two, if they did, what happened? Well, we didn’t know when that was coming. And then in the finale of season three, the whole episode, we’re watching. What we think are flashbacks are actually flash forwards of Jack’s. And we realize. Oh shit, he and some of them did get off the island and that’s what season four was basically about filling in the blanks of that.
So that was just, it was one of those episodes we were like, whoa, you can be like, how did you not figure that out? Obviously now there are clues during the episode that proved it wasn’t in the past, but you’d have to really, really, like I said, pay attention. So that was one episode that really stuck out to me.
The other one that I always remembered was the constant. And if you’re a lost fan, you know exactly what I’m talking about. I don’t even think I could do it justice trying to explain the constant and that episode, because even when I saw it popping up on my Twitter feed, I had to go back and reread an episode recap of the constant to remember exactly.
I remember the gist of it. Which was Desmond was going back and forth in and out of conscience, but within 1996 and 2004. So we see his body in 1996, but. His body and where he was in 1996 has the memories of what is happening in real time. Where lost was at that point, which was 2004, and then when they flash to 2004 where he’s on a helicopter that lands on a freighter, he has the memory of he only knows what 1996 was.
Don’t ask me to explain why. It all has to do with light, lightning, and radiation and electromagnetic fields. Lost was very, very, if you were not paying attention, you wouldn’t have a clue what was going on, but it was such a good episode and one of the best written episodes. So once I started seeing it on Twitter, I was like, I got to go watch it again.
So I did watch it again yesterday. And there are a lot of great episodes in television history. You could probably name some, this is probably a top five episode I’ve ever seen on television of how well it was written, how it was acted. The story in and of itself, how it all worked with time travel and everything fit perfectly of him.
And his 1996 persona, but in 2004 telling Daniel Faraday, this is where I’m at right now in my brain and Daniel Faraday says, Oh, you’re going back and forth between consciousness between 96 and 2004. When you go back to 1996, I need you to go to the university, meet me there and tell me this coordinate.
It was just like. It all fit. Anybody that knows about the constant knows exactly what I’m talking about. I would go back and watch the episode for how good it was. If you’re a loss fan, if you’re not a loss fan and you have, you would have no clue what the hell was going on. By going back and watching that episode.
But man, that episode was just as good, if not better yesterday when I watched it than it was in 2004, when I watched it, it was a masterpiece in episodic television of how good it was. Holy crap. Excellent. Excellent episode. So I just wanted to say that because, Oh, by the way, the reason I’m pointing it out is because December 24th, that was the day for those that have no idea what I’m talking about.
That was the day that Desmond told Penny he was going to call her and she needed to pick up the phone. You might be like, what the hell does that mean? Unless you saw the season and unless you saw the series, you would have no clue what I’m talking about. But he called, she picked up, and tears flowed between both of them.
Great, great episode.