Coming from, I told you last week that when squid game came out at the end of last week, when it came on, it came out on what Friday, I think I said I would get to it and I thought it would take me a week or so to get to it.
And then I started watching it and it was one of those shows where, yeah, you kind of need to watch the next episode cause you’re all into it. And I ended up doing five episodes Friday and the final two on Saturday. spoilers here in terms of storylines and stuff like that. I don’t know if this is a major spoiler or anything, but what I’m saying is when I was watching it and I was watching that seventh episode, which is, you know, they dropped all seven episodes on Friday.
When I was watching that seventh episode, I’m watching it going, well, there’s no way they can wrap up everything in this episode. What’s going on here? And I didn’t realize until after the seventh episode ended. Oh shit. This is like wicked. They filmed the whole thing already, but they’re splitting it up into two parts.
So season two, there’s already a season three. That’s already been filmed because it was filmed all together. They’re just splitting it up, but they say it’s coming in 2025. I never realized. I mean, I know it was a while ago, but if you were to ask me before I sat down and watched Squid Game Season 2, Hey, when was Season 1?
I thought it was last year. Maybe two years ago? I didn’t realize it was three years ago. I didn’t realize we’ve had to wait three years for Season 2. But I guess I never put a lot of thought into it of when I watched it. But yeah, this was basically during COVID, right? And so I’m watching Episode 7, I’m like, I know, I knew it was the last episode of Season 2 because They dropped the whole season and there’s no episodes after that.
When you go into the guide and I’m watching it. And I knew that there was like, okay, there’s like 15, 20 minutes left. It was like, there’s no way they’re wrapping all this up. And then I was like, oh, wow. They must. And I can tell you season two does end on a cliffhanger. I’m not gonna tell you what it is, but maybe later on in the week, we’ll be able to talk about it.
I’ll just say my overall view really liked it. You know, I, season one was caught America by storm, really took off by word of mouth. So to wait three years to get a season, you’re just like, can they top it? It’s a little slower to start out, but once it gets going, you’re, you know, you’re watching squid games day that much or squid game.
It’s a, it’s really good. You’ll like it. If you like season one, I think you’ll like season two, but. Season two and season three are basically one season split up into two. So we don’t know what’s coming in season three and what the ultimate end result of this is going to be. But I think season two definitely keeps you engaged and you’ll like it if you like season one.
I mean, I I’ve seen stuff online, but it’s, it’s no different than any TV show or movie. You’ve got people that hate everything and you’ve got people that really liked it. I felt I read more people that were positive about season two. And liked it more than disliked it. But obviously not no person, no TV show, no movie, no, anything is universally liked, of course, you’re always going to have detractors out there, especially squid game, nut jobs that were waiting three years.
And I guess we’re just expecting it to be even better. And I don’t think I expected it to be better than season one. I expected it to be, to hold my attention and be like, do I want to continue watching this? And the answer for, at least for me, it was a definite yes. So that’s coming out. They said 2025 now, I don’t know if it’s coming out next December and we have to wait a year for it.
Like we have to wait for part two of wicked for a year, but I’m not sure. So I guess time will tell on that. Maybe we’ll get a date from them sooner rather than later. I want to read this first part of this one email that I got it’s in regards to the live aid song. Do they know it’s Christmas? Cause a couple of you.
Sent me emails and they both, both basically said the same thing. So I’ll read this one. It said, I think you’re interpreting the do they know it’s Christmas songs incorrectly. I think it is summarized more of as those of us in more developed economies have times of joy. And we should remember that there are people in the world whose lives are a daily struggle for survival.
So that holidays really don’t mean much to them. Bono’s line means to me that we should thank God or be grateful that we can celebrate and have joy and that we are not born into a life of hardship as a real world example. I got restructured out of a high paying job in 2017 and I’ll see people on LinkedIn talking about getting laid off and needing to sell possessions to pay bills.
I thank God that I saved and invested over the years and I’m not in that situation, but I’m looking, I’m not looking down or criticizing those who are in that situation. So I see what you’re saying and I get, I got the gist of the song. It was just that line of saying tonight. Thank God it’s them instead of you.
Well, yes, I understand that. Of course, none of us would want to be in that situation, but it almost, it’s just the line itself seems a little harsh. It’s maybe the line should have been something about just, we should just appreciate more. I don’t think you need to throw in. Thank God it’s them. You know, maybe the line just should have been more about appreciate what you have, and I’m not saying that should be the line in the song, but you could have easily written that whole song and left that line out or had it to be like reminding people, look at what you have compared to what others have, but just the line of saying
tonight, thank God it’s them instead of you. It almost seems like, yeah, I, I get that. Of course we would rather be in the situations that we were born into here than they were born into. I totally get that. I just don’t think it needed to be expressed in the song like, Hey, thank God it’s them and not us.
Because I think that’s almost just universally accepted or known. Like, why, why point out for them? Like I said, this is the way I am interpreting that particular lyric, not the overall gist of the song. I get why they made the song and I get that a ton of money was raised and sent to the famine that was happening in Ethiopia.
At the time, hundreds of thousands of people were dying. They weren’t getting any food. I get it. I just didn’t think the lyric should have pointed it out. So. Yes, totally understand that we should be thankful for what we have. I guess I just think that’s what the lyrics should have gotten across more than thank God It’s them instead of us, you know, I’m saying anyway I’m gonna get to this story on people.
com that they ripped right out of reddit because this is becoming I don’t know if it’s a daily thing with them or a weekly thing but we had one of these stories a couple weeks ago where they just went into a Chat on Reddit and took a topic and said, Oh my gosh, look at this. And this is the same one.
And I was just like, first off what they, it was like from the the, am I an asshole? They took it from that category. Am I an asshole Reddit? And this thing isn’t even that really that big of a deal. And yet it was front page story on people. com. And again, they don’t vet anything. They just say, Hey, somebody on Reddit posted this.
Look at what they posted. They don’t have anybody’s name. They didn’t say they spoke to anybody involved in writing that. Like, what are we doing here as journalists? And this is people. com. This isn’t the sun. This isn’t daily mail. It’s people. com. How do we even know the story is true? I don’t get it.
We’ll get to it tomorrow. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. Sports Daily will be up in an hour from now. And yeah, we’re back tomorrow with obviously another daily roundup.
So again, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
See ya