You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality C Podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Tuesday. It is the last day of 2024. We will take a retrospective look back at every episode of the Daily Roundup. No, I’m just kidding. No, that’s not gonna happen.
But we are gonna talk about New Year’s Eve a little bit as one of the most overrated events of the calendar year. David Gingras, the lawyer for Laura Owens, got caught using a Reddit account. And I just wanted to pat myself on the back and say, I called exactly what he was going to say an hour before he did.
I’ll read that to you. Kristen Cavallari talks about her F buddy relationship with Morgan Wallen, which leads me down a rabbit hole to something else that I had no idea about. We have two more women come out in support of Blake Lively that had nothing to do with. It ends with us, but. Goes back to what I said the day the story broke.
I said, you’re going to start hearing more actresses come forward now that Blake Lively did and talk about their experiences on set being uncomfortable around either a director, a co star, whatever, two more names came out yesterday in support of Blake. And maybe I’ll get to that people story from the other day.
We’ll get to all that momentarily. So first I want to start out and say happy 2024 to everybody. Looking forward to a great 2025. Appreciate everybody. That’s tuned in, listened, commented, emailed anybody that has supported this podcast in any way, shape, or form on socials, on my website. Thank you. You are the ones that keep me in business.
You are the ones that are allow me to throw a party every year and. Pay for it all and don’t charge you anything to come to the party. and provide you with, well, next year, four hours of an open beer and wine bar and appetizers. So I thank all of you for that. And I hope everybody had a very prosperous 2024 and looking forward to an even better 2025 before you ask, Hey, Steve, what are you doing for New Year’s?
Pretty much the same thing I do every night. And that’s nothing I’ll be watching some either old TV show, uh, when the clock strikes midnight tonight, or watching an old movie, I’ve never been a new year’s guy really ever. I can’t remember the last time I did anything on new years that was like party related.
There is a memorable new years from about, I want to say 10 years ago, but we won’t get into that. But yeah, I just never been a huge new year’s guy. I think it’s quite overrated. You know what? I shouldn’t say that because when I was in my twenties, going out for new years was the thing I wanted to do. But as you get older, I don’t even have kids.
I would think most people who have kids, especially young children, do not care whatsoever about, Oh, got to get out to a new year’s Eve party this year. No, most people want to stay home with their families. I don’t have any kids and I don’t care for new years. I don’t have to be out at some party. I don’t want to be out at some party.
So yeah, this is not, uh, I’ve just never been a new year’s guy. And, but if you’re in your twenties, early twenties, mid twenties, late twenties, I understand wanting to do something big or not even something big, but just wanting to be out and about on new year’s Eve and celebrating with people around you.
I get it. I was there. Once back in the day, but I’d say from the time I hit about mid thirties, I don’t think I’ve done a damn thing on New Year’s in terms of a group of people. I’ve done stuff on New Year’s. I was in New Year’s. Uh, I was in Vegas for New Year’s. I think three years ago, that was fun. Saw Katy Perry at her show got out maybe 45 minutes before, uh, the new year rolled in.
So that was, that was fun. I enjoyed that trip. And then, like I said, 10 years ago, there was another, uh, trip. Well, was it a trip? It’s just what happened that night, but I’m not going to get into that too personal, but other than that, I’ve just never been a guy that had to be out at a party on new year’s.
So happy 2024 to everybody. 2025 is coming and my gosh, that means, I mean, we’re past eight years now on the podcast and boy, oh boy, time flies, isn’t it? 2025. We are just as close to the year 2050. As we are to the year 2000, I’m sure you’ve seen all that over social media in the last couple of days, but man, that is, that is wild to think about for sure.
All right. Just wanted to point this out. If you’re part of the people following everything going on with Laura Owens, Clayton Eckerd, her lawyer, David Gingras, well, he got busted yesterday for having a Reddit account and people found old tweets of his from two days ago where he said. Literally in his tweet two days ago.
I don’t use Reddit. I don’t need to send a DM and hope they don’t lie about who they are. I’m entitled to the person’s real contact info. Cause he’s trying to subpoena a Reddit account. So he knows who said something about him. And then they found a tweet from May 21st of this year. Of course, I’m not above it.
Never said I was Twitter is short form. I’m willing to spend two minutes giving out info. I’ll blog only when a longer discussion is necessary. Reddit never. Discord, no chance, life is too short. So basically saying like, Oh, I would never be on Reddit. And, um, the people at the justice for Clayton Instagram account found that he does have a Reddit account.
He has posted on there in numerous different subreddits. And what’s funny is I talked to Rachel Juarez all the time on text about this case, about Gingras, about his asinine tweets that he sends out. And by the way, I haven’t spoken to David, David Gingras in almost a month. Like we had those conversations.
I’ve talked to him four times in my life. All four of those phone calls are recorded. They’re still on my desktop, probably never going to use them. No reason to, I just wanted to have them, uh, for safety purposes. But after my fourth phone call with him, I realized he was a lost cause and I really don’t have any reason to talk to him anymore because I see the way that he is.
I mean, he was nice to me on the phone. We never had any contention in any of our conversations. I just feel like. The stuff that he tweets out, um, his intentions with things. The guy can never admit that he’s wrong. I just, it’s just too much for me. I just don’t want to deal with him anymore. But what’s funny is I was texting Rachel about this after she said, Hey, did you see that Jinger’s got caught with a Reddit account?
And I said, I know exactly what he’s going to say. Cause at the time he had not said anything. He hadn’t addressed this as was going on on Twitter and people were tagging him and everything saying, what do you mean you don’t have a Reddit account? We found it. Here it is. This is you making comments. Never commented on the justice for Clayton Reddit account.
He does have a Reddit account. And I told Rachel this specifically, I texted her this at 7 37 central time. He didn’t address it until. I think an hour later or three hours later. And I said, I texted this to Rachel. I said, I know his response is going to be, I was talking about the JFC stuff. When he said in those tweets that I just read, I don’t use Reddit.
I said, it’s exactly what he’s going to say. He’s going to say, Oh, I don’t use Reddit to talk about justice for Clayton stuff. Uh, but yeah, I have an account, which look, there’s no way to prove if he did, but he can, he can say what he wants. But if he has an active account, I guarantee you he’s looked and he’s been on Reddit and looked at the things that people have posted.
And he can say, no, I don’t. And you can never prove that. No, I can’t. I will just believe just like there are certain things that I can’t prove, but I believe in the Laura Owens case, a lot of the stuff I can prove. Dave Neal has proved it. There are things, certain things that I just believe because I think she is not very credible.
So this, when this came out, I just think it’s hilarious that I texted Rachel that. And three hours later, what does David Gingras say when he addresses the fact that people caught, he has a Reddit account, he says, Guys, seriously, chill. I never said I used Reddit. I have. Never said I’ve never posted anything on Reddit.
I have. What I said was, I wouldn’t debate this case on Reddit. I have not. Never posted anything about this case on Reddit. Exactly what I said he was gonna say. He cannot take the L. He cannot just admit. Because look, when he wrote those tweets two days ago, Why wouldn’t he have just said, yeah, I got a Reddit account.
Just like he did in this tweet last night. Why wouldn’t he have just said, yeah, I have a Reddit account, but I don’t look at JFC stuff. So that’s what I mean. I mean, this is, this is the type of childish behavior we’re dealing with. And like I said, it’s the reason why I really, I have not texted this guy.
Let me look at my text messages and I can tell you the last thing that I texted to David Gingras. It was, oh, I got to go under G’s in my phone. I don’t have them under David. I have them under Gingras. Send message. Friday, December 6th, 8 23. And it was about the whole podcasting thing with not the podcast.
He was going to do with me the whole podcasting do all that much ado about the podcasting studio that him and Laura used that Laura decided to report to the attorney general and the, uh, better business Bureau. So December 6th, I mean, literally three and a half weeks ago was the last time I ever had any contact with him just because I just decided it’s pointless.
I don’t agree with basically anything he tells me, and we never had a contentious conversation, ever. I have four conversations saved on my desktop with David Gingras. Not one of them was bad. It’s just, we literally don’t agree on anything, and I just don’t think he listens. I mean, here’s a, here’s a guy that admitted to me in one of those conversations that all the JFC crew wants to talk about is stuff in the past.
I’m dealing with her appeal and everything moving forward. And I said, I totally understand that, David. You have to understand those people know way more about this case from September to April of last year or this year when you took over in April. They know way more about this case from September of 2023 to April of 2024 when you took over.
He said, I agree, but yet in the same breath, he says he believes everything Laura tells him. And it’s just, it makes no sense. You can’t possibly believe everything that your client tells you. When you admit, on the other hand, you don’t know everything about what happened between September of 2023 and April of 2024.
And the second we disagree, you know, the second we have this disagreement on that. And the second I realized he told me that, but yet he still stands behind everything Laura has told him. It just makes no sense. It’s very, very hypocritical. You can’t say, I believe everything Laura Owens tells me, and she’s never lied to me, when you admit you don’t know everything about the case.
Seven months of the case, not a couple weeks, not a month, not two months, seven months of the case, you don’t know all the details to. So then how in the same breath can you say, she’s never lied to me? That’s what I mean. It’s just, we’ll never go anywhere once he can’t admit that, he can’t admit. I mean, that’s the thing, he has admitted, he admitted to me on the phone call.
The JFC crew knows way more about this case from September till I took over. I’ll admit that. Great. Then you can’t say in the same breath, you believe Laura and everything she tells you. That’s what I mean. So we just really get nowhere. And I just realized there’s nothing more to talk to him about, but it was funny to see him get called out on Twitter yesterday and me text Rachel.
I said, this is exactly what he’s going to say to get out of this. He’s going to say, Oh no, no, no. I was just talking about, I’ve never used Reddit to talk about the case and the JFC crew. And then three hours later, it’s exactly what he tweeted.