Speaking of the Laura Owens case, Clayton side, he’s represented by Greg Woodnick out of Arizona.
They have to have their response to Laura’s lawyer, David Gingras is appeal. They have to have their response in by Friday. So I don’t know when that response is getting in. I don’t think I’m going to wait till the last day or what we’ve got a lot to talk about Rachel Juarez. We got a lot to talk to Rachel Juarez about coming up soon.
I don’t know if I’m going to do it all this week or next week. I know Rachel Juarez and I have been going back and forth. We’ve been texting. I said, look, I want to have you on once Woodnick’s appeal brief. In response to Gingras has been posted. I also want to have you on to talk about the Blake Lively, Justin Baldoni stuff, which she has read both Blake’s complaint and Justin’s lawsuit towards the New York times.
I know a few of you have asked me on email. When are we going to have Rachel on? It’ll be soon a lot will determine on when wouldn’t it drops the appeal brief I don’t know if they’re going to wait up until the last day, if they wait till Friday, then Rachel, I’m assuming we’ll read it this weekend and we’ll have her on next week to go over all this stuff.
So, but if they release it Monday or Tuesday or whatever, maybe we can record Wednesday and get it out to you on Thursday for Thursday’s podcast. I almost want to do two separate ones. Maybe we’ll do a live. I don’t know. Rachel’s going to be on quite a bit. I would think in the next few weeks to discuss all this stuff, because she obviously being a family law attorney herself.
She obviously is following everything going on with this Clayton case and has for the last few months. She is very dialed into this. She is not a fan of what Laura is doing. She is not a fan of what David Gingras is doing as her lawyer. And I just think It’s great to have her on. She’s very knowledgeable about this stuff.
She can get through all the legal mumbo jumbo and explain it to the lay person who maybe gets too caught up on the legal side of things. But one thing that I didn’t mention about Laura’s podcast is it kind of goes along the lines of what she. Laura’s what Rachel has been saying, what I have been saying, it’s like, I don’t know if Laura comprehends that she is currently under investigation by the Arizona Prosecutor’s Office.
The la I, look, I said I was going to give you some advice. I said, hey, here are your first three guests you should have on your podcast, Clayton Eckert, Greg Gillespie, and Mike Maracini. Here’s some more free advice, Laura. You doing a podcast? When you were under investigation is just about the fucking stupidest thing in the world.
But Hey, don’t listen to me. Listen to your lawyer, because I’m telling you right now, Laura, what you’re doing with this podcast upcoming can do absolutely nothing but hurt you. There’s nothing about it that can help you. So what’s the point of doing it? I want to get my story out there. Laura, we know your story.
Every time you’ve written a Medium article, you’ve made it perfectly clear why you feel the way you do. You’ve been victimized. The JFC crew is a cult. Like, you’re gonna repeat that same shit over and over and over again, and nobody’s gonna buy your garbage. Because you’re gonna leave out so many of the things that you did to provoke people to have interest in this case.
She doesn’t seem to grasp the concept because this was a very popular case. And because it was filled with so many twists and turns and lies and manipulations, people took an interest in it, why her and her lawyer have such again, hard on for other content creators talking about this online and making money.
Yet her lawyer has just started a YouTube channel two months ago. Laura’s starting a podcast now. So aren’t you guys doing the exact same thing you’re criticizing others for the hypocrisy between these two is laughable. They get so mad that Dave Neal has put out over a hundred videos and made good money covering this case and not just covering it and talking about it, uncovering things.
That were used in the trial. They get mad at people like Laura Knighty and Bruce and Megan Fox. They get mad because they’re talking about a public case. They are so bothered every time. Listen to David Gingras, his videos, listen to any of Laura’s podcasts. When it starts the amount of times they will reference content creators, capitalizing and monetizing this case.
It’s like, yeah. And there’s nothing wrong with that. There are plenty of cases in the world that people talk about on a daily basis on their YouTube channel. Why aren’t you criticizing them? It’s because it’s against you and they have caught you in numerous lies. It’s just laughable, but Hey, you don’t need to take my advice.
Laura, go start your podcast that probably six people will listen to. Everyone will laugh at you. It’s never go. I know you say like, Oh, I’m not going to change the JFCs mind. Well, no, you’re not. But here’s the funny thing. I know for a fact, deep down, Laura, you want to change the JFC’s mind. And you’re never going to, because they’ve already proven all of your inconsistencies in your story and your lies.
And you so desperately want to change that narrative and it’s never going to happen with your garbage podcast. There’s my advice. All right, let’s get, move on to the golden globes. This was something I was looking forward to. Nikki Glaser is a former podcast guest. She is a standup comedian, a host of F boy Island, a show that we all watched and enjoyed.
She’s one of my favorite comedians going right now, and I will always be team Nikki. So I will always be rooting for her. This was a huge deal that she got to do the golden globes and. I mean, you look at some of the past golden globe hosts, Nikki Glaser, getting that gig was huge. The New York times did a piece that ran this weekend about how much preparation and how much, I guess, trial and error went into Nikki prepping for her golden globes, a monologue 91 standup shows that she did in the last.
I guess ever since she knew she was getting the gig, she did 91 shows. The New York times writer basically was allowed full access and followed her around for the last few months, going to as many shows as possible, where she was trying out material for the golden globes. And if you just think a standup comedian just gets up there and fires off a bunch of one liners and hopes that it hits.
I would suggest reading the New York Times piece on Nikki Glaser prepping for the Golden Globes. I thought it was excellent. I mean, you get into the nuts, the meat and potatoes, the nuts and bolts of how diligent she has been of wanting to craft the perfect set. Now look, we all know this, comedy is subjective.
Some people, no matter what she did on stage last night, Are gonna say she sucks. I don’t like her. I don’t think she’s funny. And there’s some people that absolutely love Nikki Glaser. So, I think she understands. No comedian in the world is universally liked. You can name the, who’s the best stand up comedian.
Some people say Jerry Seinfeld. Some people say Louis C. K. Some people say Chappelle. Some people say Chris Rock. You’re always gonna find people that say, can’t stand them. So, comedy, very, very subjective. So, I always look at it with a critical eye. Even though I’m a huge Nicky fan, if she did not do a good job at the, on the monologue last night, I would say it.
I’d be like, man, disappointed. With that said, I’ll say no, that wasn’t the case. I thought she did an absolutely fabulous job. It wasn’t as rough as the Comedy Central roast, but you’re also going to a different audience. Comedy Central audience is different and performing in front of other standup comedians and a bunch of athletes than it is doing a set at the Golden Globes in front of a nationally televised audience in front of some of the world’s most famous actors and actresses.
It’s just a different room and that’s covered in the New York times piece. She really dives into what am I looking to strive here? Am I looking to win over the audience watching at home, or am I looking to win over these actors and actresses that I frankly have no business being in the same building with, it’s a really, really interesting look as to how she put that monologue together last night.
Now, I didn’t know what jokes were coming. I had an idea based on a few things that were written in that article, but I thought it was nails. I’d give it B plus a minus. I thought it was really, really good. There wasn’t any one of them that was just like, man, that absolutely bombed. I’m not talking about the whole set.
I’m talking about like one or two jokes that really bombed and she wasn’t like cruel either. Like it was, it was good roasting based on the material that she had and the people that she had to work with. I thought it was. I thought she was great. And then throughout the course of the night, obviously the 10 minutes at the open of the show is what everybody is going to start quoting.
And that’s where people are going to get their stories from and write their stories about after that. You get, you know, 30, 45 seconds here coming back from a commercial break, stuff like that. You can only do so much during that time and you’ll get off some one liners here and there. But she’ll be judged on the 10 minute monologue.
And for me, B plus a minus, I thought she was great. I really did. I thought, and maybe I, and maybe I’m a little biased because I read the New York times piece and I know what hard work went into that and it wasn’t just her. She’s got a writing team, I believe of 10 people, numerous people on her writing team and just how she goes about crafting a joke.
Like everyone, like we’ll pitch a line and she’ll be like, okay, good. I like that, but let’s possibly go here with it. It’s not just, Hey, someone write a joke out for me and I’ll, I’ll read it. It’s a really, really fascinating piece. You should probably check it out. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it.
Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily coming up in an hour from now or NFL playoffs are set so much to talk about there. So go check that out if you’re interested. Anyway, again, thank you all for listening. I appreciate it.
And I will talk to you tomorrow.