Okay. Traders talk took a little bit longer than I suspected, but oh, well, moving on. Obviously the fires in Southern California continue to burn on.
We are hearing more and more celebrities that have lost houses. Did you see who lost his house and went back was filmed by a news crew. That’s got to be surreal. First off it’s Milo Ventimiglia and he said him and his wife. Watched it on the security cams, just watch their house burn down. And after a while, he’s like, you know, yeah, we were watching it.
And then after a while we just have to stop. I mean, it’s just too painful, but yet he went back to the house, went there with the reporter, you know, one of those things where they’re just looking at a charred house. And it’s just, you know, for anybody that watched, I was going to say it ends with us. It’s got that on the brain for anybody that watched this is us.
I mean, talk about eerie. Remember in the beginning seasons of this is us where. I can’t remember at what point we found out in episode, in season one, or maybe it was the very beginning of season two, where we knew that Jack eventually died. Jack Pearson played by Milo. We knew he eventually died. Maybe we found that out about halfway through season one.
I’m forgetting. But we knew there was going to be a point in the, this is us show. Kind of like in lost where at the end of season three, we knew that X amount of people had gotten off the Island, but we didn’t know how. And that’s basically what season four was all about. Well, once we knew, I think it happened sometime during season one, we knew that Jack Pearson died, but we didn’t know at what point we had an idea.
It was while he was rather young, but it was like, when are we going to find out? I think we found out what 10 episodes into season two, something like that. Anyway, when they kept doing interviews about that, once the first episode aired where we found out we knew Jack was dead, I think that was the funeral episode where we see the kids at the funeral and Jack’s face.
Every time they started doing interviews, every single person from that cast would say, nobody’s going to guess. We’ve seen all the guesses nobody’s guessed it on how he died because everybody was thinking it was some elaborate thing and You know when the cast says that you’re just like, but how do we know what guesses you’ve seen granted?
I was reading a lot online during that time trying to see if Something made sense that somebody threw out there about how Jack died and I was like, oh this this could be it This could be it, but I never saw anybody say well, he saved the family from a house fire But then went to the hospital for smoke inhalation and had a heart attack.
Because everybody was thinking it was something more elaborate than he was already in the hospital for something else and then just died of a heart attack. It was almost like, too simple. And I guess that’s why they were saying, because they were looking at all these extravagant ways people thought Jack died.
And he didn’t really go out in a very extravagant way. Because he survived the house fire. Hell, even at the beginning of the episode when we found out there was a house fire. Everybody just assumed, Oh, this is how he goes out. He dies in the house fire and he didn’t, he got out of the house fire, save the family, goes to the hospital.
He’s talking to his family at the hospital. And then Rebecca walks out of the room and he passes away within a couple of minutes. So anyway, bringing it back to the fact that that was such an iconic character and an iconic show. And it’s just the character of Jack Pearson dying after a house fire. And now here, Milo Ventimiglia is looking at his house burned down in a house fire.
Like just it’s eerie. And for, if you never saw this as us, you’re probably like, what, what do you, what correlation are you making? Trust me. It was a very, very big deal. If you watched, this is us about how Jack Pearson died. It was almost like who shot Jr. I know I’m dating myself there with a Dallas reference, but it was that type of mystery and that type of water cooler talk for everybody, because they were so, so hell bent on trying to figure out how he died and nobody ever could.
And then when it aired, they were like, wait, that’s how he died. So yeah. And finally, I want to end with this. I talked about the challenge the other night and Kylan, who was such a good competitor all season long. The guy’s a whiz at puzzles. And yet the challenge final airs and they have eight checkpoints and every single one of them have to do with swimming for the most part.
And the guy can’t swim. He can’t swim very well and he’s the worst swimmer of anybody that made it to the finals. Of the eight people in the finals it wasn’t even close. It was just, it was almost hard to watch him. And it was almost like, Production should have known this guy didn’t swim and could you change up the final to make it a little more fair?
Whatever the case life isn’t fair sometimes Well, there is a guy who has a lot runs a lot of statistics on Twitter in regards to the challenge And he said not counting quitters and DQ’s Kylan had one of the worst final performances in challenge history. That said I gained more respect for him because I basically watched him get punched in the face for two straight days.
And he just kept smiling and pushing through knowing Kylan, he’ll come back better and stronger. And what Kylan did was he tweeted out the other night and he said this. It’s a little bit long, but I just want to read it to you. He said, honestly, I don’t think I could ever explain to anyone how difficult it was to repeatedly line up over the edge of that boat, waiting for TJ’s horn, looking at the distance, knowing there was nothing I could do to change my placement.
It’s the first time I’ve ever worked so hard at something, knowing my efforts were essentially in vain. In those moments, I focused my thoughts on two things. Number one. My grandparents, my maternal grandmother who at 90 years old forces herself out of her wheelchair every morning to walk laps around her community center, refusing to let her legs atrophy, and my grandfather who was still battling terminal cancer while I was competing, showing a strength that continues to inspire me even after his passing at the end of last year.
Since they don’t quit, I couldn’t either. Number two, I promised myself that I would never let this happen again. More than that, if I keep getting to come back, I’m not just going to win, but I’m going to deliver a season and final that will stand as the most dominant victory this game has ever seen. So I love the effort from Kylan seems like such a good dude.
And by the sounds of that tweet, it makes me think this guy literally will not accept an invitation back on that show until he feels like he is a. He’s not going to turn into an Olympic swimmer, but until he feels like he’s a very, very good swimmer, because I don’t even know if he would go back as an average swimmer.
I think this guy is hell bent on turning the narrative around. That’s already out there about himself. That. He is going to fail at any swimming challenge makes me think that this guy is absolutely going to win a final one day And he will win it because he became not a good a better than average Swimmer he’ll never be a great swimmer I don’t think but he will get to better than average because with that attitude.
I don’t see how he doesn’t Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily coming up in an hour from now, it’s an interview with one of my favorite guests, local sports talk show host here in Dallas on 96, seven, the ticket.
He co hosts the hard line from three to seven every evening. It is Bob Sturm. And we just talk playoff football for about 45 minutes. Great, great conversation with Bob. One of the best radio voices here in Dallas, one of the most knowledgeable guys in sports that I know. And it’s a great conversation.
If you want to check that out as we talk playoff football college game tonight, and then the six playoff games in the NFL this weekend. So that’s on the sports daily coming up in an hour from now. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. I hope you have a great weekend. And I’ll talk to you on Monday.
See you.