You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Friday. Got a good show for you a lot of stuff to talk about including last night’s over hour and a half live Talking about the Clayton Eckerd Lauren Owens case and also Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively about 45 minutes the first 45 spent on the Clayton and Laura Owens case, and then the next hour on Justin and Blake, and I’m going to repost it again today.
It’s on my videos on my YouTube channel, RealitySteve24. It’s the most recent video. You can’t miss it. It’s got a thumbnail and everything and really good conversation. So we’ll discuss that a little bit. I have a correction on special forces last night. Traders episode seven aired last night. We’re going to talk about that.
Spoilers will be involved. So once we get to that point, if you don’t want to know. Fast forward, and are we going to get a back to the future for, we’ll get to all that momentarily. This podcast brought to you by Factor, ready to optimize your nutrition this year. Factor has chef made gourmet meals that make eating well easy.
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So last night we did a live on YouTube. Thanks to everyone who joined in. Thanks to everybody who chatted, comment, liked, super chat, all that stuff. For the first 45 minutes, myself, Rachel Juarez, and Dave Neal discussed the latest discussed David Gingras and his approach to everything, his recent brief.
What was the latest in that case? And Rachel giving her thoughts, me going over some of the things that he wrote in his brief. And Rachel kind of picking it apart. And again, we’re just, it just seems like David Gingras is the only person who understands what he’s writing because every other lawyer that has chimed in about this, and I already know if David is listening, his response is those people don’t know what they’re talking about and it’s like, okay.
I tend to give a lot of credence to what Rachel Juarez says, given her resume and. When he kind of went down his brief, almost point by point in the first 20, 25 pages of it, and she’s just saying, look, and breaking it down the way she did. I’m not going to go over every point. We don’t need to rehash the whole thing.
You can go watch for yourself. But she makes excellent points as to why David Gingras is kind of taking things and making a mountain out of a molehill or making things more important than they really are. Or maybe he’s just misinterpreting the law. But Rachel I think does an excellent job in the video of that.
And you just gotta go watch it. Because obviously there’s a lot of legal stuff and it’s a lot easier to watch the video, follow along, read the brief. And then listen to Rachel’s response. The last hour we spoke about the Justin Baldoni, Blake Lively case, because it’s the biggest case in America. Every single content creator is talking about it.
We had Rachel on two weeks ago to talk about it, but so much has happened since then. And I think. You heard us talk about it last night. I think one of the biggest things in all of this is how crazy it’s gotten from the point of when Blake Lively released her first complaint about this, and we heard this for the first time, or you read the New York times hit piece on Justin Baldoni, and you’re just like, wow, this guy is ruined.
I cannot believe he treated Blake lively this way. She did any woman this way on set. And it was. 90 to 95 percent in favor of Blake Lively. Now the tide has turned. Now it’s probably 90%, 95 percent people on social media that are, you don’t have to say team Justin, but they are believing more of what Justin is putting out there because he has put way more out there than Blake has.
So I’m not anti Blake and I’m not team Justin, but. I absolutely am acknowledging the fact that Justin Baldoni is wiping the floor with her in the Court of Public Opinion. The Court of Public Opinion means absolutely nothing if and when this thing goes to trial. Which it probably won’t, but the damage has been done to Blake Lively, regardless of whether you believe all of her claims or none of her claims or some of her claims, so many people read the room on where this is going in terms of public opinion.
Because of what Justin has produced, he’s produced evidence of texts and emails and the 12 minute video clip from unseen footage of the movie that directly disputes what Blake wrote in her complaint. And when you look at it, you’re just like, yeah. And I think one of the biggest topics that we talked about last night that Rachel and I are just kind of shaking our heads at is, where is all the Blake evidence?
Now, it’s very possible she’s got a stack of stuff just ready to fire off and she didn’t want to play this out. In. The court of public opinion. That was probably a mistake now considering what Justin has done. But one of her biggest things was when she released her complaint, she made it seem like the behavior of Justin Baldoni and Jamie Heath, who’s the CEO of Wayfair, the production company.
She made it seem like both of them were highly inappropriate to numerous people within the, it ends with us. Casting crew. It wasn’t just this all happened to me. Blake made it clear in her step by step breakdown of I’m not coming back to filming unless these changes are made. And it was almost like Blake was speaking for a lot of people on set.
As far as we know, none of those people have come out and said anything. And if they have, it hasn’t been specific. There hasn’t been any evidence, any proof, any texts, any emails, anything like that, any video. So that’s going to be big for me is. I’m just waiting. I don’t hate Blake. My opinion has definitely been swayed based on what Justin is presenting.
Maybe some of the stuff that Justin is presenting doesn’t have the correct context. A lot of the stuff that he has presented does seem. And I say seem very strongly, it does seem like he’s backing up what he is saying, which is she tried to bulldoze the whole production. Her and her husband, too much power, tried to bulldoze me, tried to overtake everything, and the only reason they’re coming after me is because they knew that I had hired a PR team to try and defend myself, and they wanted to get out in front of it first.
And it worked until Justin started releasing text messages, emails, and video, and gave a little context to things. Blake hasn’t done anything outside of her complaint and her lawsuit. So I’m not saying that she doesn’t have a case, and I don’t want to sit here and say she wasn’t sexually harassed. But I’m saying here, right now, on February 8th, based on everything that has been shown so far to the public, it doesn’t seem like she was sexually harassed.
But I’m not saying 100%, because I don’t know. None of us know. But it certainly She’s getting destroyed in the court of public opinion, and somebody has given her some bad advice because it is not going well for her at all right now, at all. Like, I can’t think of one thing that’s gone well for her from the time Justin responded.
When she released that first complaint and the New York Times hit piece came out, we were like, holy shit, this guy’s career is over. But ever since, Justin responded for the first time by hiring Brian Friedman, who whether, however you feel about him, he’s very good in these situations. It’s absolutely taken down Blake Lively and now brought Ryan Reynolds into it and they are looking about as poor as you can possibly look.
So still a lot more to come. There’s literally stories every day about these two or what happened and more stuff getting leaked. So, we will see what’s upcoming. This story is not going away any time soon until there’s a settlement. Because right now, basically two things are gonna happen. Either this is gonna get settled, or it’s gonna go to trial.
And you heard Rachel say, 90 for 95 percent of cases end up getting settled. This one, probably will, but more stuff will get out probably before it gets settled. And it’s just a matter of what does that settlement entail. Regardless If there’s not any sort of admittance by Justin Baldoni that he did some of this stuff, it’s not going to matter because if they settle and Justin doesn’t have to admit in as part of any sort of settlement that he mistreated her on set, everyone’s going to think that Blake and Ryan are complete jerks and tried to ruin a man’s career for whatever reason they’re obviously claiming.
He harassed me on set. They haven’t come with any sort of proof. Doesn’t mean they can’t, but it’s almost like, come on. They have filed Justin Baldoni. His team has filed five lawsuits in response to you and you haven’t come back with anything. Like we said, maybe she’s got a pile of stuff that she’s waiting to reveal and just going to do it by using and doing it the correct way.
And not releasing a website and all that stuff. Okay. It’s very possible. She could, when it’s gotten as bad as it has, you would think somebody or someone in Blake’s camp would start leaking stuff and they haven’t. And it’s very, very head scratching. Her plan of attack here seems to have backfired. This podcast is also brought to you by Rula.
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