All right, yesterday I had a major question in regards to the season finale of Special Forces because I was very confused on why Cam and Golden were eliminated because I was like, wait a second, they were eliminated and Brody and Kayla weren’t eliminated, but it seemed like all four of them kind of threw up the white flag and surrendered.
And gave up and gave up their mission. And I didn’t understand why cam and golden were eliminated. Well, surprise, surprise, good old reality. Steve here really wasn’t paying attention to the episode and thank you to numerous people who reached out to me yesterday on email and Instagram DM. To explain to me exactly why cam and golden didn’t make it to the end.
So that guy who they couldn’t show his face, I forget what they call him. Anyway, he explained the quote unquote, the rules. And basically you were supposed to keep up your cover story. That you were there to collect seaweed until you felt your life was actually being threatened. And the second you felt that you were going to be killed, then you say I’m here with special forces training and all that stuff, and that’s what Brody and Kayla did.
Cam. Like I said, I was watching, but I guess I wasn’t paying close attention. Cam was just sitting in that cage and he was getting water put on his head and. He gave himself up maybe because he was just, maybe the water was cold. Maybe he was just tired, but he gave himself up and his life really wasn’t in danger, not in real danger.
Obviously they weren’t going to kill him on the show, but the threat of being, we are at the brink of, we’re about to take your life. That’s when you give yourself up. Apparently he gave himself up way too early and. They actually even asked him if his life was in danger. And he even said, no, I don’t think so.
So he gave himself up too soon and that’s why he failed. And then golden, he just was out of it. He just was standing on that board and then just was pushed off. He didn’t even have to def he didn’t even try and help Kayla. So that’s why I’m like, oh, okay, that makes sense. And then Brody and Kayla gave it up at the very last minute, like the very last second to where if it was a real situation, they were about to be killed, then they gave up.
Hey, we’re with special forces. So that’s why they lasted. And cam and golden didn’t. So thank you to all those who didn’t. And like I said, surprise, surprise, I wasn’t paying attention. That happens a lot to me sometimes when I watch television shows, if you’ve listened to this podcast enough, I feel like I ask a lot of questions and then it gets answered by you guys by just telling me, well, if you listen to the episode or you watch the episode intently, you would know Steve.
I’m like, oh yeah. So yeah, that’s, that’s what it comes down to. Traders last night. If you did not watch episode seven, fast forward through this. Cause I am going to talk about spoilers. So Derek is gone. He was murdered at the beginning of the episode, even though the three traders could not get along with each other.
Granted by the end of it. To us, the viewers, it made it seem like they had no clue what they were going to do. They even left it as to the viewers that maybe no one’s getting murdered because these three can’t agree on anything. But once Derek did not walk through the breakfast doors, they showed us a clip back to the traders talking about it.
And Rob just said, I got to get rid of him. Both women went along with it. Both Danielle apologized to Carolyn and said, Hey, let’s put it all behind us. Literally the second tourette meeting in a row where Danielle’s like, Hey, I’m sorry, can we put it behind us? I don’t know if Carolyn believed her, but for the sake of just getting out of there and moving on with the game, she did agree.
To do that with her. And then the mission was, you know, put your hand in bugs and all this, whatever. I don’t care about the missions. It came down to the banishment again. And as I’ve been saying for weeks, whether you think Boston Rob was a traitor or not, you just don’t need to leave that guy in a game like this.
And once again, he tried to manipulate everybody at the table into thinking that Brittany was a traitor. And he’s using like this reverse psychology of like, because everyone brought up the fact that even dumb ass Tom Sandoval, whose IQ is about equivalent to a box of rocks. Even that guy was like, look, Boston, Rob, everybody that’s come at you at the round table has been murdered immediately.
Bob, the drag queen. Wes, everybody comes at him gets murdered the very next night and Rob’s like Exactly, wouldn’t it be so obvious that I’m a traitor if I’m murdering the people that came after me So he’s using reverse psychology because that is an answer to give but everybody kind of saw through it now and Rob just couldn’t last Much longer and he was banished So now we’re only down to two traitors and they are gonna murder somebody in plain sight I forget the people that are up.
I believe it is Tom Sandoval. It is Dylan, it is Gabby. Is it Ciara? Can’t remember. That’s three of the five. They’re going to be murdered in plain sight at the beginning of next week’s episode. And usually when it gets down to at least going by the first two seasons, usually when it gets down to two traders, don’t the traders recruit somebody?
So it looks like Carolyn after this next murder, Carolyn and Danielle will be able to recruit. A traitor. That’s my guess. Just because there’s been a traitor recruited in Seasons 1 and Seasons 2, once traitors were eliminated. So I would look for that next week. I would not be surprised if that’s what happens.
And then I want to end with this. You know Back to the Future. It’s obviously a major part of my life. I talk about it a lot on this show. There was the Saturn Awards last weekend. And the back to the future co writer Bob Gale was asked during the Saturn awards, if there will ever be a fourth film made.
And its answer was people always say to me, what are you guys going to do a back to the future for? And we say, F you, you can quote me on that. He said, we’ve made three terrific movies and people keep asking for more back to the future. So we made back to the future. The musical we’re taking it around the world.
And he basically said, if there’s going to be a fourth movie, it’s going to be back to the future, the musical. Released in theaters, which I’m fine with. There are certain things in my mind you don’t touch. Now, granted, I was a guy that didn’t want the karate kid touched. I didn’t think that the Cobra Kai would succeed, or at least they would be able to do six compelling seasons about it to where I’m so invested and I cannot believe it’s over next Thursday with the final five episodes of Cobra Kai.
So I guess my mind can be changed, but at least with Cobra Kai, you were bringing back the original cast. At least major players that were in the original movies from Daniel to Johnny, to John crease, to Terry silver appearances here and there by other people alley with an eye, all that stuff. And it’s been great, so much better than I ever thought it would be.
And hats off to them that they pulled this off back to the future. I just don’t see it. Michael J. Fox cannot, he would only be able to probably make a cameo. Christopher Lloyd as well. I just, I, Christopher Lloyd could be in it. I just don’t want them to touch this sequel. They made three excellent movies.
It was basically one long movie. It wasn’t three completely separate movies that had nothing to do with each other. It was one long movie. And at the end of three doc in 1885 had built a time machine. I don’t really know how, because how could he have the parts in 1885 to put together a time machine, whatever.
He did. And then he rides off into the sunset with Clara Clayton and their two children. And that was it. And I felt like. You know what we don’t need to do anymore. We don’t need to add on to this anymore. This is a great, great trilogy. Please let’s not touch it. And co writer Bob Gale says, Hey, we’re not going to touch it now.
I don’t know how it works in terms of rights to this franchise or this movie, because what if someone else, an up and coming writer in Hollywood or any writer in Hollywood says, I’ve got a great script for four. Do they have to run it by Bob Gale? Does he have to say. I’ll allow this can someone even bother writing a script for back to the future for
even if Bob Gale says, no, I don’t want it. Can they go above him? I don’t know how that works. How about nobody just write a script for this? Nobody write anything for a back to the future for just leave it the way it is. It was a great ending. Let’s not touch this and let’s not taint the magic. That was back to the futures.
One, two, and three, please leave it alone. Just like Bob Gale says, F you know, back to the future for coming. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily coming up in an hour from now, where I give you my stone cold lead pipe refrigerator lock of the century for who’s going to win the super bowl.
I’m kidding. I have no idea who’s going to win. I’ll give you my leanings of where I’m going, but it doesn’t really mean a whole lot. Anyway, thanks again for listening. I really appreciate it. Have a great Super Bowl weekend, and I will talk to you on Monday.
See ya!
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