Carolina had the one on one date. Like I said, when we talked about Alex’s one on one last week where they got to get an empty mall to themselves. Which was just a nothing burger for a one on one. Carolina gets a private jet to Vegas. And I’m sure they did more things than what was shown, because all that was shown was they jumped off the Strat and then had dinner at Dre’s nightclub.
Here’s something about, obviously I’m a big Vegas guy. I wouldn’t be caught dead going to the Strat. Is that considered bungee jumping or is bungee jumping a Is the reason it’s called Bungie because it’s tied to your feet and you’re just like diving headfirst because that jump was definitely different than what we’re going to see next week with Grant and Serafina.
You’ve seen it in the previews all season long. That seems like Bungie jumping to me. I don’t think it’s called Bungie jumping at the Strat. I can’t remember what the name was. But when you can jump and It’s attached to your back and you’re just falling straight down. I would think that’s, I have no interest in doing either one, but if we’re comparing the two jumping headfirst and basically diving off something and having all the blood rushed to your head and, you know, swinging by your feet, I’d say is a little more dangerous than what they’re doing at the strap, but still it’s a giant fall.
Like I said, I, I’m certainly not interested in doing it. Of all the times that I’ve been to Vegas, I’ve never done it once and I have no interest in doing it. So, but that’s what they did. And then they went to dinner and he finds out over dinner that Carolina has a disability. She suffers from epilepsy and she wanted to put that out there and let Grant know because apparently in the past, I guess guys have ditched her because they found out she had epilepsy or maybe she had a seizure in front of them and that was too much for them.
So. Again, somebody that has a one on one date that gets a tragic backstory. And then it continues when we have the, you know, they didn’t really go into detail. Like I said, you knew about this before the season started when I gave you the spoilers that Beverly, like I said, I was like told that she got sick.
She was rushed to the hospital and because she was like supposed to get a one on one date. I didn’t know for sure, but that’s what I was relayed and we saw what happened. She was supposed to get the one on one and she. They never really gave us a health update on her whatsoever. They barely even showed her in this episode, so most people, when Beverly was supposed to get her one on one, was like, wait, which one was she again?
Because they didn’t barely show her. But she went home, and the women talked about the fact that she went home, so they didn’t know what was going to happen. And basically, Grant got to take three women that were on the group date at the beginning of the episode, and they got to go on a mini group date, just the three of them, and that was Serafina, Letia, And Dina, and within that, he got to choose one of them to have private one on one later on that night.
And he chose Latiya and he finds out on Latiya’s one on one. Hey, hey, hey, tragic backstory. Her dad died when she was three months old. She has a white mom, a Fijian, Fijian, Fijian, Fiji. I don’t know, but her dad’s from Fiji. Her mom is white. She said her dad died when she was three months old. So she was raised by her family.
Obviously family, very important to her. And she got to call her mother on FaceTime. Obviously her phone or somebody’s phone was given to Grant to do that. Doesn’t mean she was able to have her phone the whole show. It was just, hey. For the sake of this date, we’ll let you call your mother on FaceTime and she was sitting on Grant’s lap and they call.
And that was it. But you can tell, he’s really into Letea. Then, obviously, the drama of the night surrounded Carolina, who went and told Grant that in an off camera conversation that she was having with Rose, Rose told her When Grant was dancing with Carolina on stage, Grant told Rose he was thinking about her.
Now, there’s a lot of revisionist history, but I brought this up last week. I brought you the quote. Remember on Tuesday’s podcast last week and in Tuesday’s column last week, I said, Look! Grant said specifically when he was talking to Rose during the cocktail party before the rose ceremony last week, he said, you’re somebody that I do think about.
I was thinking about you, but at no point did he say, while I was dancing with Carolina, I was thinking about you. So I think obviously there was a giant miscommunication. I said it last week. I said, there’s no way Grant said it. Like that, she clearly misunderstood, took it a wrong way because he did mention when the were dancing, but he didn’t say when Carolina was dancing yet.
That’s what Rose told Carolina. And here’s the thing, what I don’t understand, even if Carolina believe, even if Rose believes that Grant told her. Hey, when I was dancing one on one with Carolina when she won the date, I was thinking about you. How did Rose think that going to Carolina and telling her that she wouldn’t go running to Grant with that?
Like, of course she’s gonna tell Grant. Because that makes it seem like Grant didn’t care when he was having one on one time with somebody. The fact that Rose was put off by Carolina telling Grant that, I think Rose was in the wrong. So I don’t think a producer told Rose cause Rose said, that’s what I thought I heard.
Well, it’s clear she thought wrong because we have the clip from last week at no point, at least in the clip that they showed us at no point, did he mention Carolina’s name when he was talking to Rose? He said, I think about you. And when we were dancing, I was thinking about you, but not when I was one on one dancing with Carolina after she won the date, I was thinking about you.
So, I know a lot of people are trying to dissect this. I thought it was pretty obvious last week. I said, there’s no way Grant said that to her. Rose clearly misunderstood. Or maybe was hoping that that’s what Grant said. But again, even if she did think that that’s what Grant said, why would you run to Carolina and tell her that?
Like, of course she’s gonna be upset by that. So maybe that’s what Rose’s plan was the whole time. I don’t know, but boy, oh boy. Like it’s exactly, exactly the kind of reaction that I expected. So bizarre. So I mentioned big television week tonight or today. It’s actually, it’s already out paradise. Episode five of eight is out.
Haven’t watched it yet. I’ll watch it today. On Hulu. Great show. I know a few of you have emailed me and said, thank you for turning you onto it. I cannot wait to watch today’s episode, but Thursday at 3 AM. Eastern time, Wednesday night into Thursday morning. Cobra Kai gets released, the final five episodes of season six, so I’ll be watching that.
And then Friday, Valentine’s Day, the first six episodes of Love is Blind season eight. So I definitely am going to watch, since I don’t have a Valentine this week, I definitely am going to watch Love is Blind season eight. I’ll finish those six episodes on Friday. I’m thinking about maybe going live on Friday night or maybe even on Saturday and bring a guest on and talk about on my YouTube channel and talk about Love is Blind season eight.
So stay tuned for that. I’ll let you know. But that’s the plan because I’m definitely going to watch it for sure because I got nothing else to do on Valentine’s Day. And I want to end with this, you know, all season, anytime I see a headline involving Travis, Kelsey, and Taylor Swift by the entertainment sites, I like to make fun of it because these people get stuff wrong.
They don’t know how to talk sports when they write about sports and they make mountains out of molehills when it comes to Travis and Taylor, this one has more to do with Travis. And this was from people. com. This is just so ridiculous, but if it has Travis Kelsey in the headline, they know people are going to click on it.
Listen to this headline from after the game on Sunday night, after the chiefs got absolutely boat raced by the Philadelphia Eagles and they got killed 40 to 22 and it wasn’t even that close. Here’s the headline. Travis Kelsey sighs leaving the field after crushing loss in 2025 Super Bowl. Let me, let me repeat that for you.
Travis Kelsey sighs leaving the field after crushing loss in Super Bowl. So you’re telling me a guy that played in the biggest game of the year watched by As the reports came out yesterday, 126 million people, he didn’t play well, the team got embarrassed, they sucked, it was their worst game of the year, they lost the Super Bowl, and they put a headline out that a player walked off the field.
And sighed. He didn’t walk off the field and throw his helmet. He didn’t walk off the field in a temper tantrum. He didn’t walk off the field screaming at teammates or coaches or start a fight with somebody in the stands who was maybe heckling him. He sighed. And that was their headline.
And then the first paragraph. The Kansas City Chiefs tight end was tight lipped and was seen sighing while walking off the field with his teammates after losing to the Eagles. 40 to 22 at Caesars Superdome in New Orleans.
They literally made a stor like, I don’t know what’s worse. When they go steal headlines and don’t vet stories from the Reddit’s Am I an Asshole forum, or when they write garbage like this. Hey everybody, Travis Kelsey sighed after the game. After losing 40 to 22 as he walked off the field, he went, Ahhhh.
And People. com made that a headline. Oh, journalism is so far gone in this country. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It only, it’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily up in an hour from now. And then right around, I don’t know, nine 45 ish Eastern time.
My recap will be up. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Sweet!
My good man used to say to me, stand up. Be like a real man and you’re supposed to get right up. That’s what I’m supposed to do when
good enough.
Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.