You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality C podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Wednesday. A good show for you today. We got a lot to talk about in the Bachelor Nation world. Jesse Palmer went on a podcast and talked about the Bachelorette going on pause.
Rachel Rekia claims she has some news in regards to the Bachelorette being on pause. Talk a little bit about Monday’s episode. Again, we learned a little bit more about Beverly and why she was medically. evacuated. Well, she wasn’t medevaced out of the show, but she couldn’t continue due to a medical condition.
We found out what that was yesterday. And we’ll talk about that. We’ll also talk about Donde deal or no deal Island last night with a very disappointing ending. I’ve got more Travis and Taylor stuff to talk about in regards to SNL, basically going to revisit my take from a year ago, but I think it’s way more accurate to do now.
And then I’ve got two food related stories. That happened to me yesterday. Well, not both happened yesterday, but I got two food related stories that I want to pass on to you guys that has me a little bit miffed. And we’ll get to that momentarily. Jesse Palmer went on a podcast yesterday. That I’d never heard of before.
It’s a bachelor related podcast. It’s called playing the field, a bachelor podcast. They are hosted by Ryan field, Jen, Matt, Reese, and Gina. So Rico, I don’t know who they are. I think one of them works for an ABC affiliate in New York and. Look, Jesse’s allowed to do whatever podcasts he likes. Maybe he’s got a relationship in terms of someone he’s worked with in the past.
This is an ABC affiliate based out of New York. They have a podcast about the show, but. This is a podcast, a bachelor data pointed this out to me. It has six reviews, so this isn’t a major bachelor podcast. There are plenty of bachelor podcasts that Jesse Palmer can go on and spend 20 to 30 minutes on like he did on this podcast and talk about the show, but he chose this one, or maybe he was told to do this one.
I don’t know. I have no idea. What his relationship is with any of the people on that podcast. Anyway, I listened to the first five minutes because in the first five minutes, they got to the question that I wanted to hear answered. And they asked him about the bachelorette going on pause. And Jesse Palmer said, look, I’m not involved in those decisions, but he also made it clear the bachelorette.
Is not being canceled. It is on pause and he fully does expect it to return, but he didn’t go into the why of it. You know, they kind of tried to get it out of them. And he just said, I just know this is going to be bigger and better when we come back. So again, for all those that are a little bit worried, just remember last year, bachelor in paradise was taken off the air.
We didn’t get a bachelor in paradise in 2024. And maybe a lot of people thought, Oh. That thing’s getting canceled and it’s back this year. I really do think bachelorette is coming back in 2025 for whatever reason, they just decided to pause it. Now, Rachel Rekia was filling in on the almost famous podcast this week with Ashley.
I, because Ben Higgins and his wife, Jessica Clark are due any day now, they might’ve already had their baby by the time you listen to this, but. He’s off this week for obvious reasons. So Rachel went on there and she relayed a story where she specified. It was just a rumor, but she said, I was shocked about the bachelorette being on pause because I heard they picked a lead.
I heard the lead was decided, and it made sense to me who they picked. Again, rumors. And she wanted to clarify that, hey, I know this sounds juicy, and it’s pretty good tea, but it’s just rumors. She said, we all hear so much, but I heard this like it was two months ago. They knew who it was going to be. I heard a name.
I heard from someone who usually knows. Normally it’s a good source, but I don’t know. So, again, Rachel is probably getting I’m not saying you need to go hit her up and be like, why even bring it up? If you’re not going to tell us what you heard. And I only say that because that’s what I get from people.
So why wouldn’t she get the same treatment? If I were to do that exact same thing and say, Hey, everyone. I heard a name two months ago, but I have no idea if it’s true or not. So I’m not going to tell you, you’d be all over me. I don’t think, I mean, obviously Rachel has connections. She probably still talks to producers and stuff like that.
And I’m sure names were floated around, but to say all she’s saying here is she heard a name and she did say they picked someone, but that’s just very, very vague. Because did she see a contract? Did this person sign a contract? Even if they did sign a contract, we know that doesn’t mean anything because multiple people signed contracts.
Like, I don’t think this, I think this is being made into something bigger than it was. I’m not saying Rachel didn’t hear a name. I’m sure she did, but we all know multiple names are thrown out every year. And did they really decide back in what the end of November, who their bachelorette was going to be?
And then all of a sudden in February, they decided, well, I can have a bachelorette season. I don’t, I don’t know. I’m not saying she’s lying. I like Rachel. I’ve never spoken to her, but I like her. I’ve always liked Rachel. I like the fact that she’s very self deprecating when she talks about her season, and she knows that she, she talks all the time about how she was a mess on her season.
But what’s interesting to me is, I think there might have been a game of telephone here. And just the way she said it, like I said, we know they look at multiple women every year. I don’t think somebody was chosen as their bachelorette two months ago. Somebody might’ve been told, we really want you to be the bachelorette, but just be, and maybe that person was the one that related to somebody who related to somebody related to somebody who got back to Rachel, who knows how the chain of events happened and how many people had passed through for Rachel to get this information.
Hell, even if she heard it directly from one of Grant’s women, and one of Grant’s women told Rachel, I’m going to be the Bachelorette, or they want me to be the Bachelorette, we don’t know if that person knows how the process works. They might be very naive to the process and not understand. Just because they told you they wanted you, just because they may have had you sign a contract, that doesn’t mean you’re the Bachelorette.
We know this. This happens every single season. So, Again, I’m not saying Rachel’s lying, but she’s literally in the same breath saying, this is just rumors. So while it’s making the rounds, it’s making the rounds as rumors. You know, like I say, I hear stuff all the time. I didn’t hear anything about bachelorette.
I didn’t hear anything about this pause, but when I hear stuff and I specifically don’t tell you guys, it’s because. All it would do would be to stoke a bunch of stories and negative speculation and even maybe cause whoever I hear a story about that much grief if I put it out there and say, but this is just a rumor, I have no idea if it’s true or not, you know, it’s a case by case basis.
There are some things I can relay and say, this is what I’m hearing. I don’t know if it’s 100 percent true or not when it comes down to spoilers. I usually don’t like putting it out there until I know for sure. But everything is a case by case basis when it comes to this show now and information that I get there will be some times where I do reveal something that I’m hearing to be a rumor because I’m hearing it from like numerous people and it’s a very strong like, Hey, I haven’t gotten the exact confirmation that I need, but look, this is what I’m hearing.
So I’m just going to put it out there for you guys. As long as that information doesn’t put somebody. Like the person I’m reporting about in a very precarious position where they’re going to have to feel the wrath of toxic bachelor nation. So it’s tough to say off the top of my head, which stories I have held back on and which stories I haven’t, because it’s a case by case basis.
It’s the best way I can put it. And I can’t remember if it was yesterday in my podcast or if it was yesterday in my column where I had said, by the way, Beverly went on a podcast and said the reason that she was not. On her one on one date. And the reason she had to be medically taken off the show was because she had appendicitis.
I think I said it was the almost famous podcast. It was actually, it was actually bachelor happy hour. So sorry about that. Misreported the podcast, but she was on bachelor happy hour and said. On the day of the group date, which was two days before her one on one would have taken place. She woke up, stomach wasn’t feeling well at all, and basically she said she was throwing up on and off for 12 hours.
And so they had to get her to the ER. At some point during those 12 hours, they got her to the ER. She continued to throw up. They were running tests on her, and basically they told her, You have to have your appendix removed and because she doesn’t live in L. A., she couldn’t get on a flight and go home.
They did the surgery in L. A. Family came out to visit her here and when she was okay, she was finally allowed to fly back. But we now have our reasoning as to why Beverly never got her second one on one is because she had appendicitis. The other thing I want to mention about Monday’s episode was, did you notice member first two episodes of the season during commercial break, they ran an ad for applying to be on the bachelorette.
Did you see that that ad was taken off of last week’s show? And it was. Apply your grandparent, your grandmother, or your grandfather to be part of the golden bachelor series. So again, I think it was being discussed. It wasn’t officially decided on until late last week. And then Friday night, the news dropped that the bachelorette was going on pause.
But if they knew for a fact before grant season started that the bachelorette was going on pause, they wouldn’t have run promo ads during grant season saying apply to be on the bachelorette. Go to this link. So I really do think it was being talked about. Maybe it wasn’t officially decided until the end of last week, but yeah, this season, the calendar year of 2025, we’re going to have the same amount of shows in bachelor related shows that we had in 2024, 2024, we had Joey season.
We had charity season and we had Jones season this year in 2025. We’re going to have grant season. We’re going to have bachelor in paradise and we’re going to have golden bachelor. That’s what we’re getting this year. So we’re not losing the amount of shows in a calendar year. We’re just losing which show it is.
We’re losing Bachelorette, but we’re picking up Bachelor in Paradise, which didn’t air last year. And then instead of Golden Bachelorette this year, we’re going to have Golden Bachelor.