You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality. Steve podcast. I’m your host reality. Steve, thank you all for tuning in on this Friday. Good episode for you. We’re going to talk about the traders last night. A very interesting episode, but it also is starting to wear on me a little bit.
And I’ll tell you why. What happens today? Well, besides the fact that it’s Valentine’s day. We get the first six episodes of love is blind season eight. By the time you’re listening to this, they’ve already been posted. They went up at 3 AM Eastern time this morning. We’ll talk about that and you might need to fast forward.
If you haven’t watched Cobra Kai, the final five episodes of the series, I’m going to talk about it and give you my thoughts. You know, this has been a major show in my life for the last six years. It finally aired the series finale, the last five episodes. I’m going to discuss it on today’s podcast and we’ll get to all that momentarily.
All right, let’s get begin. Let’s begin with the traders last night. Oh boy. Okay. We started out with the murder of Chris shell and then we had a mission. I’ve told you all season. I don’t care for the missions. They’re the least interesting part of the show. I understand it’s a way for them to build a bankroll, but I don’t know.
I just, I don’t really think people watch the game shows that don’t have a prize of at least 750, 000. It just doesn’t seem as interesting to me. Like, I don’t think I’m really watching the traders to see if three or four people can split 250, 000, you know, when you take away taxes and the fact that maybe everyone gets one, maybe two people get one 25 each or whatever the case may be, it just doesn’t seem all that relevant.
You’re gameplay and I guess the drama. But man, these missions are so bad. They’re very repetitive. I feel like in the first two seasons of the traders, there was always a mission where they had to do exactly what they did last night. Maybe it wasn’t listening to dolls and relaying it back to somebody in the castle and they had, but the whole idea of playing the game of telephone, I feel has always been a thing in.
The traders, right? Where some group of people are out in the field, they have to call back to the mansion and relay something. I feel like that’s always been a mission. And then yet again, and this is the thing that’s really grading on me when it comes to the traders. I don’t buy for a fact that every single mission comes down to the last 10 seconds.
In fact, I’m pretty sure people in the first season have admitted that. Yeah, that’s just for TV because I feel like it seems every mission starts out the same way, whereas they start whatever mission they have to do. And Alan is basically saying these people have no idea what they’re doing. They are running out of time.
They’ve barely gotten anything done, and then all of a sudden it picks up and they end up winning some money. If I’m not mistaken, there was like eight minutes left. It was a 30 minute mission. There was eight minutes left and they hadn’t found anything yet. They hadn’t found any doll and relayed the right thing and singing the song and all that with eight minutes left.
And then they got all eight in the last. They got all four dolls in the last eight minutes. What were they doing for 22 minutes? And don’t say they were looking for a shield because it just. It’s so silly. It could at least make it interesting, at least make it compelling, at least make it to where you would think maybe during some of these missions, some people could get exposed or I don’t know.
I just. I don’t need that for TV, because I know it’s not true when every single mission comes down to the last 10 seconds. And every single mission starts out the same way, where they’re completely fumbling and bumbling around, and nobody seems like they know what the hell they’re doing, and they’re never gonna get any money on this, and oh my god, here they go, they made all 20, 000.
The max they could have made on yesterday’s mission. It’s like, oh, of course they did. So that’s just dumb. I’m sick of it. It’s just, I would rather see an hour of round table talk than them even doing missions. The round table was probably the least interesting round table of the season because everybody voted Ciara.
There was no drama, there was no intrigue. Ciara got every vote except for her vote and she voted for Brittany. So it’s like, okay, well that didn’t really do anything. I guess the interesting or the most talked about of last night’s drama at the round table Was Tom Sandoval having a Freudian slip, saying that women are most likely to be cheaters.
And everybody jumped down his throat, obviously because we know about Scandaval. Look, I knew he was trying to say traitors, but for television purposes, yeah, they got their moment with Tom. And every woman jumped down his throat, which they should have, but it’s not what he really meant. The guy is human garbage anyway.
I’ve never liked the guy, even though I didn’t watch Vanderpump Rules until Scandival broke. But just seeing him on those last three episodes of Season 10 and then watching him in all of Season 11. Yeah, I don’t care for the guy at all. But, he wasn’t That was a slip of the tongue. I there’s no need to harp on it.
Slip of the tongue. He clearly was trying to say traitors. And because he probably has the IQ of I don’t know, an earthworm. He he, he said I think women are most likely to be cheaters instead of women are most likely to be traitors, but so Chris shell and Sierra were eliminated and then Danielle and Carolyn go to.
The turret and you knew it was coming because it happens every season. Alan was going to come in and say, you have the ability, you have the chance right now to recruit somebody to be a trader with you, or you can murder someone tonight. If you do recruit somebody and they turn you down, then nobody. So here’s the question I have, even though I know it’s not going to happen.
I don’t know who they’re trying to get. They are 1000 percent going to bring in a trader and try and recruit somebody. And that trader is 1000 percent going to say, yes, we all know what’s coming. They’re not going to turn it down. They haven’t turned it down in the first two seasons. They’re not going to turn it down next week.
They’re going to recruit somebody to be a trader and they’re going to say yes. And they’re going to end up murdering somebody. So. With that said, my question is, let’s just say, for the sake of playing devil’s advocate here, let’s just say they recruit a traitor, and that traitor does say, I don’t want to be a traitor.
No. Then no one gets murdered at breakfast, wouldn’t that be a telltale sign that somebody was recruited the night before and said no? Because why else wouldn’t somebody be murdered? They’re always expecting somebody to be murdered at breakfast. I don’t know. That’s why I pretty much know someone’s going to say yes, whoever they try and recruit.
They say they want either Gabby or Brittany as the recruit. Danielle wants Brittany, Carolyn wants Gabby, and Carolyn, as of what we saw at the end of last night’s episode, said, absolutely not, are we going to bring in Brittany as a trader, because you, Danielle, She’s like your bestie and you guys are going to team up against me.
No way. I’d be stupid to take that. And Danielle was trying to convince her like, no, not at all. I want to win this with you. The two of us win this thing. It’s kind of tough when she has voted for her in the past and tried to get her out. So I don’t know what’s going to happen, but what I do know is they will recruit somebody and that person will say, yes, my guess is Gabby’s going to end up being a trader.
That’s my guess. And. In terms of how this thing is going to play out. Alan reiterated it last night. Hey, once we get to the end, once somebody is eliminated, they don’t have to reveal if they are a traitor or a faithful. Now, I don’t know if there’s a set number of what’s considered quote unquote, the end of this show is there.
Is it when it gets down to four people, five people like that’s the end. I can’t even remember. I remember in season one, when you had half the people as. Reality TV people and half the people were normal people. It was a final four, right? It was Suri and our Suri and Ari versus the two non reality TV people.
And then last season, I remember, I know CT and Treshelle one, but I forget who was with them in the end. So yeah, I don’t know what’s considered the end. We’ve got eight people left going into next week, right? As the, as last night’s episode ended, we have eight people left. So I guess we’re getting close to the end.
I think last night was episode nine. I believe there’s 13. So we only got a month of episodes left. I don’t know. I just don’t know what it is. I don’t know if it’s necessarily the cast cause I’m fine with this cast. I just feel like something’s missing this season. I feel like it’s just the same thing.
There’s nothing new or original. The show is starting to kind of bore me a little bit. But then again, when you think about it, if you look at any of your favorite reality shows, isn’t it pretty much the same thing every season, just with different people kind of is. And I feel like we’re just getting a little stale with the traders because.
It’s the same rules, and I just feel like I’m watching the same thing every season and there’s nothing too innovative about it anymore. ?