By the time you’re listening to this, Love is Blind Season 8 will have already released its first six episodes of the season. It was released at 3 a. m. Eastern Time this morning.
I did not watch it because, which I will get to in a minute. Yesterday was a busy day. I didn’t end up getting home from the Mavericks game until 11. 45 on Wednesday night. I took a two hour power nap and woke up at 2 a. m. So I could watch the final five episodes of Cobra Kai. And it’s why I didn’t post my interview with Jacqueline Trumbull yesterday.
Because right after I watched Cobra Kai, which ended at about 6 a. m. or 5. 45 in the morning, I went right back to sleep. I didn’t post that until I woke up again. And I’m not doing that again for love is blind because I feel like I can stay away from love is blind spoilers. Cause basically when I do wake up, I will watch all six episodes today.
And the plan is either tonight. Or tomorrow night, I want to go live on my YouTube, bring somebody on. I don’t know who yet. I’m going to bring somebody on to talk about love is blind. And the first six episodes and kind of go over it. I don’t know any spoilers. I know that my podcast guests from a couple of months ago, Ricky wise, I know that they’ve already been reporting stuff that they are hearing about contestants.
I guess, X’s of contestants have already apparently spoken out on social media and tech talk and all that stuff. So it’s out there. I don’t know if final couples are out there or anything like that, but. I am, I am planning on going on my YouTube tonight or tomorrow. So keep it on my socials. I’ll let you know.
I don’t know anything about this season and I don’t really want to know kind of ruins it for me. I’m really going to have to struggle and really going to have to fight to get through these first two to three episodes, the pod episodes, cause they drive me absolutely batty where. It’s just hard to believe anything that anybody says in those, because you know they want to be part of a couple.
Because they want to start building a brand, and be on the cover of magazines and whatnot, and they’re just saying through the wall what somebody else wants to hear. Yes, I’m well aware, even though I only started watching two seasons ago, I’m well aware they do have some successful couples from this franchise.
Including some successful couples that stayed married, have children now, I get it. But you also got to remember those people are the exception, not the norm. So when I watch these people and I watch them talking through a wall and just absolutely declaring their undying love for somebody that they’ve never even seen visually before, it’s just a bunch of hogwash to me.
I know it’s a TV show and they’re just saying it because they want to be picked. And so it’s, I know that’s what the first three episodes are going to be about. Maybe even get into the fourth episode, still doing pods. But my gosh, it’s just, I’m really, really going to have to fight through it. I’ll get through it.
I’ll watch it all six today. It’ll probably be B tomorrow, just because if I want to bring somebody on to talk about it, are they going to be able to finish all six episodes today, which happens to be Valentine’s day? They might have plans tonight. Your boy here, single. Then I have to worry about any Valentine’s day plans tonight.
So I will have no problem watching the episodes. And then I was actually supposed to go see a captain America this afternoon with my nephew, but he has to work. So I’m going to watch all six this afternoon and probably sometime tomorrow afternoon, or even in tomorrow evening, whatever I’ll, I’ll figure out a time.
I will be going live on my YouTube to talk about. The first six episodes of love is blind. So if you’re interested, check that out. I do, I do enjoy the show. I just enjoy it once we get past the pod parts, even though I have a lot of questions about it and the, the concept just as I think the bachelor and the bachelorette concept is very flimsy.
This one is about as flimsy as the badger. I mean, you complain about how can people get engaged after two months? On the bachelor. That’s so ridiculous. You barely spend any time with them. Yeah. Well, now you’re having people literally get engaged to somebody, engaged to somebody within 10 days of never seeing them and only talking to them.
So yes, you can’t ever convince me that. The premise of this show isn’t just as flimsy, if not flimsier than the bachelor and the bachelorette, because it is all right. Now I’m going to talk about the final five episodes of Cobra Kai. If you have not watched it yet, I would suggest fast forwarding. And I do want to give you some time.
Cause I, I definitely have some thoughts here about what we witnessed. In the final five episodes. And this goes back to being a kid of the eighties. I was a 10 year old fifth grader. Actually, I think I was fourth when karate kid came out and it literally shaped my childhood. Not because I was in karate myself.
I wasn’t. It was a basketball player, but just go into the movie and seeing this, you asked any kid my age back in the mid eighties, we all loved the karate kid. It was just such a great underdog story. The fact that golf and stuff where they shot, when they went on their date, that was 15 minutes from where I grew up.
I had been there numerous times. It was just really cool as a young middle schooler to see this movie on the screen and see places, a place that I had been numerous times on this movie. So. I’ve talked about it numerous times. I never thought in a million years that Cobra Kai would ever succeed. I was very leery about them releasing a Cobra Kai series.
I’m like, how are they ever going to do this? Like really? 35 years later, we’re supposed to have an idea about the karate kid and what him and Daniel are doing. There’s like no way this is going to work. And it worked. It was beyond my wildest expectations. It worked so much better than I ever thought it would.
So I have no problem admitting I was wrong about this. I didn’t want them to do a show about this, just like I don’t want them to do a back to the future for just wanted them to leave the franchise alone, but they knocked it out of the park and the three creators. Did such a good job because they have all had said in every interview they’ve ever done, they were Karate Kid fans like myself growing up.
Like they never wanted to just do a Karate Kid reboot or update everybody on what’s going on in these people’s lives years later, just for the fun of it. They didn’t want to disparage the Karate Kid name and they did a hell of a job. So the final five episodes were released. And I’ll say this, I liked it.
I didn’t love it though. And it not because, and I’m not going to say it ruined the whole series. It didn’t. I will always recommend Cobra Kai to anybody who asks me. There were just some things in these final five episodes that was just, it just had me scratching my head a little bit. And I understand it’s a TV show.
I understand there was, look, it was very predictable. Once we knew who was fighting in all the finals, the male final. The female final, and oh my god, look, they tied. Now the senseis have to fight each other. It was obvious Miguel, Tori, and Johnny were going to win. Like that, there was no way they weren’t going to win, okay?
But with that said, I don’t have any problem with that, that it was predictable. I just wanted a better story about why they won. Take the women’s final, for example. So Sam says, I don’t want to do it. Tori gets to the final. We knew she was going to win before they even stepped on the mat. It was obvious.
But here’s the thing. In episodes 6 through 10, which were released in November, when they were in Barcelona, Zara, the other woman’s finalist from the Iron Dragons, basically wiped the mat with everybody. Just this unbelievable force that we had never seen on screen until episodes 6 through 10. And she killed everybody.
And then in the first round against Tori, she gets 5 points and Tori gets none. So during the changeover, before round 2, Robbie comes over and talks to Tori and kisses her, and that was it. That gave her all the motivation she needed, and not only did she go out and beat Zara to become the Women’s Champion, she literally wiped the mat with her.
And built up so many points that Cobra Kai now had a chance to actually tie the Iron Dragons in points. It just didn’t make any sense why all of a sudden Tory could flip a switch like that and Zara, all of a sudden didn’t know how to, was just getting her ass kicked by Tory. And look, I, you, your, I underst understand that it sounds like I’m acting like I’m dissecting something that.
I understand this is a TV show. I get it, but it has to have at least some believability to me for me. Like when I watch back to the future, I know the whole thing is fiction. There’s no such thing as time travel. So everything you have to suspend disbelief, but on a show like this, it didn’t like when you watch the original karate kid, it wasn’t unheard of that Daniel could have beat Johnny.
You knew he was going to, but the way it was done was perfect. This to me, wasn’t perfect. It just didn’t make any sense for czar to be this absolute fighting machine. Who, by the way, is a world champion in, I believe Taekwondo in her real life, go on her Instagram page, and she is just a bad ass that all of a sudden dominates everybody in Barcelona, she’s in the finals here, she dominates Tori in round one, and all it took for Tori to flip a switch was.
Her boyfriend kissed her like, come on, give me something more deep than that. Miguel over Axel. I mean, I guess you could say the same thing, you know, it just Axel fighting champion, whatever, and all of a sudden Miguel beats him and then we’re ending up as a tie, so the only way to break a tie and the sake, I take, I say, I take high final.
Is, oh yeah, by the way, the senseis have to fight each other. What? Where, where did this, just, again, it was made for TV, so we could get Johnny to redeem himself 40 years later, like, I get the whole story behind it. We all knew Johnny was gonna beat Sensei Wolf. That, in and of itself, you have to spend, suspend, a shitload of disbelief, because I don’t think a 60 year old Johnny is beating somebody 20 years younger than him, who literally, when we saw him on the screen for the first time in episodes 6 through 10, Was beating somebody to death with his bare hands in a cage.
Come, I,
I said, I don’t, I didn’t hate the, I didn’t hate it. I’m just saying, I, I wish it would have been a tad more realistic, but I get why they did it. Because now after watching six seasons of Cobra Kai, this was, this show was way more about Johnny Lawrence. Then it was about Daniel LaRusso. That is evident. And I appreciate William Zabka’s performance over six seasons.
He was the star of this series and it’s not even close. I. The kids were whatever to me. I was more interested. I’m sure if you’re a younger generation watching this, you were more interested in the kids on this show. Myself, I was much more interested in Johnny and Daniel and the Miyagi backstory, and then all the cameos they made from people from the originals.
Whether it was Chosen, Mike Barnes, Terry Silver, John Kreese, all those people. Like, that’s the part that interested me. So They had to blend. Well, who do we give time to? Is it more about the original story? And, look, it came full circle. Johnny Lawrence finally was able to reclaim what he had back when he was a teenager in the first one.
I get it all. It just, couldn’t he have just had Cobra Kai just win? Like, I, I, it just, it wasn’t believable. That Johnny was going to beat somebody 20 years younger than him, who literally was a killing machine. Killed a guy with his bare hands. In Barcelona, you know? I know, you’re like, Steve, you’re taking this way too seriously.
It’s because I wanted to love the show, and I did love the show. I just wanted it to be a little more realistic, that’s all. I still recommend it to anybody. I would. And it’s, it’s going to be talked about for a while. I’ll go see the Karate Kid movie. With Ralph Macchio when it comes out in May. I think it’s actually coming out the weekend of my party, so I’m gonna have to watch it the following weekend.
But I’m interested to see, do they carry on anything from the Cobra Kai series into that? I thought Ralph Macchio said the movie is still shot within the Cobra Kai canon, so maybe we will get a Johnny appearance in the movie and stuff like that, but I’m really interested to see where that movie goes and if it sets up something else.
My guess is it does, I just don’t know what. It’s going to set up anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me and Apple podcast also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily coming up in an hour from now. Again, thank you all for listening.
I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend, everybody. And I’ll talk to you online.
This is a dream. My good friend just said to be silent. But like real man, it’s supposed to be raven. The rest of all your faces rain above. It’s just a dream. This is what I’m supposed to do when
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