Man, Where do I begin with?
Love is blind. I’ll hit on what I hit on in the beginning. People seem to complain a lot that they don’t spend enough time in the pods and we don’t get to know the couples as well. And then after Friday’s six episode dump, it turned into, oh my gosh, this was the most boring thing in the world. They spent too much time in the pods, not to mention a lot of the time they spent were on people that didn’t even end up getting engaged.
So you’re going to have complaints either way. There’s probably a happy medium that they can get. Do I think six was too long? Yes, it was because I really did feel like even in the six that we got the six episodes that we got, there’s two couples that I feel we know nothing about that got engaged and that’s Joey and Monica and Devin in Virginia.
So let me go in order of the ones that got engaged again, once, if you don’t want to know who got engaged. I would just suggest not listening to this podcast until you’ve watched the first six episodes, Joey and Monica might’ve been the most bizarre and weird engagement we’ve ever seen on this show, because number one, it happened in the first scene of episode three.
Like I said, I’ve only got three seasons of history with this show. I did not watch seasons one through five, but that seems rather early to show an engagement, but maybe not. Maybe episode three is where engagements usually happen. But basically at the end of episode two was the right before they opened the doors and Joey and Monica saw each other for the first time.
So episode three opened with the reveal and these two, I mean, I’m glad that they were happy to see each other. But there was seriously not a whole hell of a lot of substance there. It was a lot of them giggling and laughing and jumping up and down. He didn’t even say, will you marry me? He said, will you be engaged to me?
I don’t think they even ever kissed, or at least they forgot to kiss until the very end. And then, you know, like every season, I know a lot of people wait for the reveal because they want to see if somebody’s cringe and they want to see if somebody is totally not attracted to the other person. I think Joey and Monica are attracted to each other.
By the way, it’ll be easy to remember their couple name because two characters from friends. It’s not that I don’t think they’re attracted to each other, but. It’s the whole, let’s sit down over here and talk and look at each other. I mean, it’s literally the same conversations every single year. Oh my God, this is so wild.
This is crazy. I can’t believe it’s you. Did you ever see yourself sitting here five days ago? Oh no, no. I can’t recall. It’s the same stuff. It’s very, very cringy. But Joey and Monica just seem like buddies. They don’t seem like a couple that is going to last. I mean, maybe they make it to the altar. Maybe they get married, but I don’t know.
I didn’t get good vibes from them at all. Not that they didn’t like each other. I just think they came across way more as buddies than they did as lovers. He didn’t even ask him to, he didn’t even ask her to marry him. He said, will you be engaged to me? Huh? What was that? Ben and Sarah? No boy. So there’s a lot going on online with Ben.
Because at least I think three women have taken to TikTok and shared their dating experiences with Ben. Now, I don’t want to say this is in the same vein of some of the bad things we’ve heard about Bachelor guys. I, as far as I know. The tick talks that I saw was more about just him as a person and the dating didn’t have anything to do with sexual assault or anything like that, which we’ve gotten out of certain men from the bachelor franchise.
I don’t think there was any sort of restraining order mentioned when it came to Ben, just that he seems to be a player plays the field and has a really weird quirk when it comes to sleeping with women, because these women have not been shy about sharing their experiences with Ben. So this is a very questionable couple, not to mention if you watch the six episodes, Sarah was very, very hell bent on her stance on black lives matter on the George Floyd situation.
And she asked Ben. What are your thoughts? And he basically said, yeah, I just stay out of it. Like I felt Sarah was giving Ben every single opportunity just to say, I don’t agree with what happened to George Floyd. I don’t think he should have been treated that way. And all this guy could do was deflect and not even give an opinion on it.
Which makes me think either one, he is so worried about his image, or number two, he truly, truly has had his head buried in the sand since 2020 and honestly couldn’t tell you exactly what happened to George Floyd. That type of level of ignorance. And, when you saw Sarah ask him this, and you saw Ben’s answer, Sarah was giving facial expressions, she was literally telling him, that’s not good to hear, but yet she accepted the guy’s Engagement proposal.
They were the second couple to get engaged. I was stunned. I thought they were done after that because it’s not like he came back the next day and said, you know what, when you asked me that kind of caught me off guard. Yes, I do feel a certain way and I do support black lives matter. And I can’t believe what happened to George never even got into it.
Never even gave an opinion. One way or another, like maybe he disagreed with Sarah and obviously if he disagrees, there’s no way they’re ever going to make it because Sarah was very, very clear and vocal about how that plays a major role in her life, her support of the Black Lives Matter movement, what happened to George Floyd, injustice in this country, and this guy didn’t have a fucking opinion on it, like, I’m sorry, there’s no way they’re still together, right?
I don’t want to know the spoilers because I know there are spoilers out there of who’s still together, if any. I’ve just heard kind of the gossip stuff about the contestants. I haven’t read any spoilers in regards to who’s available and who broke up or whatever, who even made it down the aisle. We do see there is a wedding day.
I do believe Joey and Monica make it to wedding day because one of the things that this show does that the bachelor doesn’t do at least while the bachelor will give away stuff in the previews up to a certain point, if you watch the season preview for love is blind before the first episode aired on Friday.
You could pretty much make out who was getting engaged. They’re literally showing people behind the screen. They’re literally showing people down on one knee. If you pay close attention or you pause your screen, you could see who made it to Mexico, which clearly means they got engaged. Like. This show gave away a lot in the season preview.
So I don’t really think I’m ruining anything here. So those were your first two that got engaged. Dave and Lauren are another couple that you just look at and you’re like, what? How in the world is this going to last? Dave is. Based on what I’ve gathered on social media, he is literally one of the most disliked men this show has ever had, and rightfully so.
Maybe he’s the greatest guy in the world. Maybe he’s a great brother, and a great friend, and a great son. But the way he came across on television? He comes across as a total narcissistic douche. And, again, this is a guy I’d love to talk to when this is all said and done, and ask him. I understand he was using sarcastic humor.
In the very beginning when he asked, I think it was Lauren, the woman he ended up getting proposed to, one of the first things he asked her was, how old are you? And she said 30 and he’s like, oh, so you’re not attractive anymore. I get that he was trying to break the ice. I get that he was trying to make a joke, but when you’re in a setting where you can’t see the person, how is she supposed to know that he was joking?
It’s just a, it’s just a bad read on his part. And not to mention talking about how he’s been an asshole in the past, in relationships, he’s been a cheater. He only deals in the super, he deals in the world of medical device sales, but mostly to do with, with Botox and injections and lip filler and breast implants or whatever you could tell this guy just comes across as totally superficial.
I don’t think that Lauren is his type physically, maybe the guy has done a 180 and maybe he has changed, but the way he came across in those first six episodes, I’d be stunned if he was still with Lauren. And I think Lauren can do a lot better than him. Maybe Lauren, once she realizes who the real Dave is based on what we’ve been shown, she’s just like, yeah, I’m out.
Then you had Devin in Virginia, which I’ll just skip through straight to their engagement, man. That was cringy. And maybe Virginia is just a very shy, quiet kind of secretive person. But when they were sitting there, first off. Once they met, he re proposed, she said yes, then they went to go, but never, never exchanged a kiss.
They went to go sit down. She couldn’t even look him in the eyes. And then when she did, she told him he had nice eyes. And it’s just like, his eyes were just brown, like there was nothing. Well, can you look at Devin? I’m sorry, his eyes didn’t jump out to me and I don’t think they jumped out to anybody. I think she just didn’t know what to say.
So I don’t have a lot of hope for these two either. And I just thought she was, look, I could be misreading it and this could be the way she is. It’s a very weird situation. I get it. You’re now engaged to somebody that you’re literally seeing for the first time. But we have seen couples that once they see each other.
We’re just blown away by the other person. They can’t keep their hands off each other. They’re kissing, they’re hugging. Virginia seemed so put off, like I don’t see how in the world these two make it. So that’s 0 for 4. And then Daniel and Taylor, I mean, do I need to explain anymore? The guy looks like he’s been stalking her for the last year, and she noticed it.
This was the biggest drama. So far of the first six episodes, we get 24 hours after they got engaged while they’re still out in LA. If you didn’t know the pods are shot in LA, then they go back to their honeymoon and then go back to their hometown of Minnesota Minneapolis area. So 10 minutes, the last 10 minutes of episode six, Taylor basically had a weird pit in her stomach that she felt that Daniel tried to Instagram before the show.
And a lot of the stuff that she had on her Instagram page was stuff that. Is very noticeable to her talking about Taco Bell, talking about being a nurse, all this stuff. She basically felt like Daniel stalked her, so she questioned him on it. Now, the whole time this situation is going on, she says, you know, Do you have a picture of yourself on Instagram of you sitting in front of a Christmas tree with a drink in your hand?
And he’s like, No, there is one of me sitting by a fireplace. And it’s like, Why don’t you just take out your phone and show them your Instagram? Unless they didn’t get their phones at that point, but it seemed like they would get, And she would get her answer rather quickly. If she’s just like, Hey, whip out your phone, pull up your Instagram page, and let me see if this is the guy that I thought tried to add me a month or two ago or whatever it was, but they don’t seem very long term, not to mention if you watch the previews for everything that happens the rest of the season, now it’s very possible Netflix did a smart thing and Took any footage of them in Mexico out, but from what I saw, and I didn’t go through it with a fine tooth comb, I didn’t pause everything, but I didn’t see any footage of Daniel and Taylor in Mexico, but I could be wrong.
So either way, if they go down to Mexico or whatever, they get through this. They just don’t seem to match to me either. I didn’t feel like she was attracted to him and. I mean, that’s 0 for 5. I’d be stunned if any of these couples are together. If you’re saying, well, Steve, maybe one of them is together. I mean, I guess Joey and Monica, just knowing that I think a lot of the times from what I’ve been told, the first couple that you see get engaged on this show usually is one that’s solid.
So maybe it is them. I’m not sure, but I can’t see any way. Ben and Sarah are still together. Dave and Lauren, Devin, Virginia and Daniel and Taylor. I cannot see it. Now, the other thing with Ben is in the season preview, excuse me with Dave and Lauren in the season preview, I could have sworn. There’s a clip of him in Mexico talking to Lauren saying.
Yeah, he had sex, they had sex within 48 hours of seeing each other, and we still haven’t had sex. Yeah, the narcissistic dude that’s hung up on looks, he’s the one that apparently said that to Lauren, which I can’t imagine that goes over too well. So, so those are the five main couples, and then you had the whole Mason And his love triangle with Megan Madison.
And then Alex had his thing with Madison. So Alex, Madison, Mason, and Meg, none of them get engaged. And I can’t wait to see when they show up at the cocktail party and have their conversations exactly what happens there. But I say Mason, Madison, Meg, Alex, they got just as much camera time. Well, they got way more camera time than Joey and Monica because Joey and Monica were basically done after the first.
10 minutes of episode three, Ben and Sarah, I feel like didn’t get nearly as much camera time as Mason and Madison and Meg and Alex. They just spent a lot of time on couples that did not get, end up getting engaged. Now I understand they want to show you what happened in there and they’re going to have obviously storylines when we see Alex and Madison and Meg and Mason show up at the mixer or whatever, we’re going to have conversations, they probably split off and have conversations about what happened and all that stuff.
But it was, it seemed like you could have cut down their conversations, knowing that none of them got engaged and maybe had a full episode dedicated to honeymoons, at least start episode six with honeymoon stuff. That’s the way they chose to go. I know a lot of people are complaining about it. A lot of people aren’t thrilled with the lack of diversity in these five couples with the lack of diversity in just the men and the women they feel like.
Every single guy looks the same. Ben looks like Dave, who looks like Daniel, who looks like Alex. I mean, they kind of do, and you know, it just, let’s, let’s see how it plays out. But I can’t wait to talk to a lot of these people. Cause look, I don’t want to immediately just start destroying them. Because there is an edit and we know everybody’s got a story.
Like I said, I think, I think Madison is one of the most polarizing contestants on this season and she doesn’t even get engaged. Because of what she went through. Some people think that she manipulated Alex. Some people think she manipulated Mason, or manipulated Mason into saying he wanted her. Then there are some people that love her.
One of the things that she did reveal on her Instagram Q& A is that she’s bisexual. That was never shown. Of her telling that to the guys, she was asked that on a Q& A after she had revealed that she was bi. She was asked, did the guys know about this? And she said yes, and they were all supportive. It’s like, why wasn’t that shown?
I’d say that’s a pretty big deal. You know, her telling the guys that she’s bisexual before you’re supposed to get married to someone you’ve never seen? I think the guys would want to know that. So, so much stuff to talk about with this. I’ll probably still have some stuff to talk about tomorrow about this, but you know, I did a good 25 minutes on on love is blind and I still have some thoughts, but it’s, it’s, it’s a fascinating show really, because if you think the bachelor and bachelorette concept of getting engaged to somebody after eight weeks where you can actually see them go on dates with them, they can meet your family is kind of ridiculous.
You can’t tell me that this concept isn’t a hundred times more ridiculous. To get engaged to somebody without them ever seeing your family, talking to your family without ever meeting them and without ever visually seeing them. I mean, come on the people that have lasted, the people that have gotten married, even had children on this show.
They’re the exception, not the rule. So much more to talk about on this show. It is, I, it’s just, you go on social media right now on your 4U pages, so many people are talking about this. So, I want to talk about it a little bit more as well. I’m just glad they don’t drag it out. We’re at three more episodes on Friday, which I’ll knock out in a row, and then in two weeks this thing will be over.
So. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple Podcast. Also rate and review, but you gotta hit play. It’s the only way it counts is a download. Sports Daily will be coming up. And again, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. See.