So I want to spend the last few minutes of this podcast talking about Sunday night’s Saturday Night Live show, 50th anniversary show.
It’s about three and a half hours long. And I mean, talk about star studded, anybody who’s anybody in the history of SNL. Cast members and former musical guests and or hosts was there. I mean, it was a party and you know, me, I’ve said it numerous times that Saturday night live is a show that I haven’t missed since high school.
Maybe I don’t watch it on Saturday night. But I have seen every episode since I was in high school. I’ve literally watched that show for over 30 years. So I’m very familiar with the last 30 years of the 50 seasons it has aired. So I was all about Sunday night. Hell, I had the NBA all star game in the background with no sound because the 50th annual, the 50th anniversary show was on my main TV and.
For someone who loves SNL as much as I do, I just Did some sketches hit and some sketches not hit? Of course. It’s kind of the way any episode of Saturday Night Live is. Very rarely does every single sketch, along with Weekend Update, just kill. You can have some duds in there, but you can have some good ones.
I thought that there were some really funny sketches, and some that were just, okay, we know what this is. It was just more along the lines of the overall nostalgic feel of the episode, seeing everybody together. Hell, they did a lot of segments where they shot people in the audience, and they would pan to the audience because, you know, what, Rachel Tina Fey.
And Amy Poehler did a Q and a and said, let’s go to the audience. And everybody that stood up to ask a question was a famous celebrity. But then when they stood up, you see everybody around them was also a famous celebrity. The Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively thing. I know people are making a big deal out of it.
And Oh my gosh, how rude of them to show up. It’s like they didn’t do anything wrong. They literally were invited to this. And it was a one sentence joke in a three and a half hour show. If they would have done a whole segment on the It Ends With Us drama, you could say, Okay, that was out of line. Or, what are they doing?
I did not not expect them. They’re an A list couple, and this was literally the place to be on Sunday night. Of course they were gonna be there. I did not expect that they wouldn’t be there. And, they made a joke. They asked Ryan Reynolds, do you have a question? He stands up and have a question. They say, Hey Ryan, how you doing?
Good. Why, you hear anything? And that was it. They didn’t talk about the lawsuit, they didn’t throw shade at Justin Baldoni, it was not a big deal. If you’re gonna shit on Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, shit on them for the stuff actually happening in the lawsuit, not for what happened on Sunday night.
That was a bunch of nothing. It was one sentence in a three and a half hour show. But yet, that’s all anybody is talking about today. Or yesterday. Very, very bizarre. I didn’t think it was uncalled for behavior. Really, I didn’t. I just, it was whatever to me. Anyway. Some of the sketches that I thought really hit the biggest one to me was one of the last ones, if not the last sketch of the night, I don’t know how many of you made it to the scared scrape to the scared straight sketch with Kenan Thompson and Eddie Murphy as people.
That we’re jailed coming in to talk to juvenile teens. It’s the same thing every time, but that sketch absolutely kills me. I did not realize until I read it yesterday, I did not realize Keaton Thompson has not done that sketch since 2012! I cannot believe it’s been 13 years since he’s done that sketch.
I could have sworn he did it 5 years ago. I, that astonished me. And the reason I like the sketch is because it pushes the envelope. You know? And it’s always, and look, it’s always ends, not ends, but every time Kenan Thompson is confronting the juveniles and trying to get a message across to them, he’s always threatening them with basically prison sex.
And the line that they dropped at that one, I couldn’t believe was told on network television. Did any of you, did you saw the sketch? Did you catch it? Because that was one of the more unbelievable lines that I didn’t even think could be said on network television, but holy shit
So he’s yelling at the kid basically saying basically threatening him like hey, man, if you’re in jail This is what’s gonna happen to you. And he says there ain’t gonna be no Santa coming to your town There’s only going to be Santos coming on your Brown. I didn’t even know that could be said on network television.
Yes, it was probably 11 o’clock PM Eastern time, but shit, that’s 8 PM Pacific. Cause I think it was shown live in all four time zones. That sketch has always pushed the envelope. I could not believe one of the more unbelievable lines I’ve ever heard uttered in that sketch. 13 years. It was always very, very raunchy and very, very pushing the envelope of, can we say this, that one?
I didn’t know that they could say that on network TV, but one thing, another takeaway that I had when I was watching it, I’m like, how is Bill Hader? Not a part of this show. There were two things floating around. Number one, Bill Hader has always said, even though he was one of the more well liked and well loved cast members, that show gave him anxiety and he never watched any of the things that he ever did on SNL claims to never watched anything he ever did.
So there was question of, did he just skip it because of the way that show makes him feel? His publicist released a statement saying he had some conflicting schedules, long time conflicting schedule with that show. Not necessarily, not sure I necessarily believe that because everybody else was there, everybody made time for this.
And Bill Hader had something that important going on that he wouldn’t go back home to the place that put his name on the map. I mean, I was. I watched the pre show and I didn’t see him walking the red carpet. So I was like, he’s probably not there. I just didn’t know why until yesterday. That’s the reason that they gave.
The other one was Dan Aykroyd and apparently he had scheduling conflict as well, but those are the two biggest names that weren’t there. They couldn’t bring back everybody who was ever a cast member, but they brought back seemingly almost everybody. Damn near close. So yeah, it was, it was quite a nostalgic show.
Some good sketches. It’s the sketches we’re all familiar with. I think the biggest surprise of the night, at least for me, was the return of Mike Myers, because not only is Mike Myers, not really come back to SNL in a long time, Mike Myers has kind of disappeared from everything. He doesn’t even do anything.
He doesn’t do movies anymore. What was the last movie Mike Myers was in 10 years ago. Was it the last Austin powers? Like he’s just kind of fallen off the face of the earth when it comes to social media, when it comes to television, when it comes to movies, he’s just not an actor anymore. So for him to come back for this and play the Linda Richman role from coffee talk.
That was, I didn’t see that one coming. I don’t think anybody did because he must’ve been kept under wraps because I didn’t see him in any of the pre show stuff either when they were doing red carpet stuff, but I could have missed it. I didn’t see every minute of the hour long red carpet show. So maybe he was on there and I was just, and I just missed it, but I didn’t know he was going to be there, especially showing up for and do Linda Richmond.
But yeah, overall great show. I enjoyed it. It’s got to be one hell of a show because normally Saturday Night Live is 90 minutes. This one was three and a half hours and you had to incorporate so many different people. So you had every single sketch that they did was a recurring sketch that is very popular, but they had to incorporate former musical guests, former hosts, and former cast members.
So that couldn’t have been an easy show to write to say the least. And, but they got a lot of our favorite characters in there and it feel like almost everybody who was there got into a sketch outside of Chevy Chase was there. He didn’t get in a sketch. Larry David was there. He didn’t get in a sketch, but Larry David was never part of the cast.
He was part of the writing team. I’m trying to think of cast members who were there that didn’t get in sketches. Jay Moore was there. He didn’t get a sketch. But I feel like almost everybody else that was there did get in just a great, great show. Very nostalgic. I loved it. Anyway. Thank you all for listening.
I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcast. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily coming up in an hour from now. And then my thoughts on last night’s episode on my column coming up on reality, Steve. com as well as the transcript for this podcast coming up around 9 30 AM Eastern time.
Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Talk to you tomorrow.