Reality Steve


“Reader Emails,” Your Podcast Guest Coming Tomorrow, Grant Episode 4 Thoughts, & Your Daily Roundup Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

Sorry didn’t have anything written up yesterday for Grant’s episode. Because I got so behind on Monday tuning in (more on that in a minute), I just fell behind in the night. Not to mention, really the only interesting part of the episode was the group date drama surrounding Carolina. That’s all anyone is talking about. But, the reason for the falling behind was because I was recording tomorrow’s podcast that night. It is with Darva Conger, she of the “Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire” fame from 2000. Nowadays, a show like that wouldn’t even cause anyone to blink an eye. Why? Because we see people get married sight unseen on “Married at First Sight” or engaged to someone they’ve never seen on “Love is Blind.” But back in 2000? Before social media and the internet in its infancy? “Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire” was the most talked about show on TV. You couldn’t go past a grocery story checkout line and not see Darva’s face on the cover of no less than 5 magazines. It was the talk of TV. A woman got married to man on television during a 2 hour show and she had never seen him. Again, par for the course today, but back then, 23 million people watched that episode and it became history. You know Darva’s name, but tomorrow, you’ll know the story behind it all. Can’t wait for you all to hear her go into how it came to be, everything that happened, and what life was like during it and now after. Fascinating story that I think will change people’s minds about her.

Some thoughts on Grant’s episode #4:

-Lets do away with Jesse Palmer, at least once a season, uttering the line “your flight leaves in an hour.” Or “your date begins in an hour.” Please. You had 10 women on a couch, no makeup, in their pajamas, in a mansion in Los Angeles, and you’re telling me a flight to Madrid left in an hour and they all made it? Sure it didn’t. Hell, even if they were all packed and immediately got up from the couch at that moment, loaded into a car and headed to LAX (or even Burbank), to get everyone checked in and boarded there is zero chance the flight was in an hour from when he said. Silly.

-I covered a lot of the Carolina drama on yesterday’s Daily Roundup, but here’s what I’ll say here. I do see Carolina’s side to it. It’s not like she’s uncovering some unbelievable truth about the show. All she did was point out that you barely know the man that you’re eventually supposed to get engaged to. Even though she had a 1-on-1, she says she felt like she barely knew him and they didn’t have enough time together. The problem with that sentiment is she also told the women later on that night at the group date after party, it’s the strongest she’s ever felt for someone so quickly. So wait, which is it? Because you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say you barely know Grant and haven’t had enough time with him, but in the same breath turn around and say it’s the strongest you’ve ever felt for someone so quickly. So she lost me there.

-Juliana seems to be taking the most heat because she pulled Carolina aside to call her out for her negativity and complaining, but from what I saw, Juliana basically was just the spokeswoman for everyone else there. Because we literally saw Sarafiena, Rose, Parisa, Zoe, and Litia ALL express their opinions on how negative Carolina was and how she made every date about her. Juliana’s takes were no different than any other woman’s. She just expressed it to her 1-on-1 whereas the others made their feelings known in a group setting. But Juliana was the bad guy? Make it make sense. If you didn’t appreciate what Juliana said, then that means you must show the same disappointment in the other 5 women who all called Carolina out. And I’m really not seeing that anywhere. Seems to all be being taken out on Juliana. Again, make it make sense.

-Put it this way, if Juliana had spent this past weekend in Montana with Charity, Kaity, Gabby Elnicki, Ariel and the like instead of Litia, do you think she’d be taking the same heat as she is now? I’ll answer that for you: No, she wouldn’t. But the confirmation bias amongst this fan base never ceases to amaze me. I’m not saying Litia did anything wrong. Nor am I saying to dislike Litia. Nothing of the such. I’m just saying that it’s clear there’s a pecking order in this franchise, and when you hang out with the “cool kids” or people that a lot of the fan base likes, it absolutely gives them a more biased, slanted view towards you. And Litia partying it up with those women and all of them posting it on their socials all weekend absolutely upped Litia’s popularity amongst the fickle fan base. But it doesn’t change the fact that Litia, along with every other woman not named Dina, all had issues this past episode with Carolina’s whining and negativity. And next week, we even see that it finally gets to Dina and she calls Carolina out.

“Reader Emails” begins now…

Hi Steve,

Long time listener here.. thank you for everything you do for us! Yours is the 1st podcast I listen to at 6am PST.

Are you still watching The Joe Schmo Show? I haven’t heard you mention it lately, but I wanted to thank you for making me aware of this ridiculously hysterical show! I have laughed so hard watching the stupidity, but it’s also so good! I hope he makes it all the way thru without trying to second guess the show’s validity, like he did last week.

I’m also looking forward to Vegas in May! Can’t wait to see friends I made there a couple of years ago, and to celebrate your 50th bash!

Comment: I mentioned this in today’s podcast. I finally got caught up on it this weekend and then watched last night’s episode. I just haven’t found it as funny as the previous seasons. I’m not sure what it is. If it’s the cast, or the fact that there doesn’t seem to be much risk going on? I’m not sure. I still enjoy it. But if you ask me to compare to any of the previous 3 seasons, or even the Jury Duty show on Amazon that came out last year, I just found those much funnier. The GOAT game show doesn’t seem to have the same ridiculous appeal like the other fake shows they parodied did. I guess I’m spoiled because season 2 was such a good parody of dating shows (in particular the Bachelor/ette) that that’s what I’m comparing it to and it’s not quite measuring up.

I am hoping that they asked Rachael K. To be the bachelorette and she said maybe next year. It would be way too soon for her to do it now. They need to announce her as the bachelorette maybe in August and they need to find men who want to marry her and it could be the best season yet!!

Comment: I’m not so sure she do it. The show needs her way more than she needs the show, and I think she knows that. I threw it out there after the break up as someone who’d be probably the biggest name from the franchise they could get right now. But when it’s all said and done, I really can’t see her doing it.

About Chipotle from your podcast…So hear me out … I think you need to give it another chance. Normally chicken is my favorite, but I can’t stand Chipotle’s chicken. I love spice, but it tears up my stomach – just something about it!

I like the Sofritas (tofu – but tastes like chicken?) and the Barbacoa beef tastes just like the slowcooker tri-tip I make at home. Give it a try just to see! But not the chicken.

Comment: I haven’t been back since but yeah, I gotta believe they have chicken that’s not spicy? There’s no way the only chicken they have is the one I had in my bowl that made my mouth burn. If that’s the case, I probably won’t be going back there anytime soon.

Hey Steve! What do you make of Litia going in a girls trip with a bunch of popular girls from past seasons this weekend. I think they went to Montana? They seemed really close already. Did she know one of them before the show? Just curious on your thoughts.

Comment: It’s definitely something we don’t see very often, if at all, when the show is airing. And I don’t know who, if anyone, from that group she was already friends with. All I know is that it screams “I didn’t win.”

Hi Steve –

Love is Blind:

-When Madison spoke to Alex and they shared some of their past traumas (bullying, family drug abuse), neither one seemed to ask the Jacqueline Trumball question “How has this impacted your past relationships?” Great callback to Jacqueline’s podcast. And 100% something that should’ve been addressed. Granted, it may have and it just wasn’t shown, so we always have to take that into consideration.
-From Ben’s answers to Sara, I felt like he did not know who ran in the election he didn’t vote in, who George Floyd was, or what BLM is. I’m honestly leaning that way as well. Because who in the world doesn’t even have an opinion on that? Which makes it all the more shocking she accepted a proposal from him.
-Overall I was struck by how many contestants got no airtime. In episode 6, there were very few guys left in the lounge. One was a black man with a rose pattern shirt. Since he was there so late, I have to believe he had an unaired relationship. I mentioned in my podcast today, the EP for the show did an interview and said there were 2 couples that got engaged who they chose not to follow. One was Kylie and Brian were one. I saw their cast photos and I honestly don’t even remember seeing :10 secs of them in the pods, not only not talking to each other, but event to anyone else. And I don’t know who the other couple is, but one half of them I believe is Brittany, the woman who was involved with Riley.
-I don’t know what to believe about Daniel, the accused Insta stalker. How would he know she was going to be on the show to even do it? I don’t think he knew she was gonna be on it. But it’s certainly possible he heard through mutual friends. Maybe someone tipped him off like “Hey, I know this girl Taylor who’s doing that show too.” But I think it could’ve been more of once they started talking, he remembered the details from her profile and knew in his head “I think this is that Taylor girl I’ve seen on IG before.”

You have not mentioned The Challenge All Stars but here are some thoughts:

-The rivals angle ranges from people who hate each other to those who had an insignificant beef.
-The daily challenges thus far are not nearly the level of the regular show.
-Loved Ashley Millionaire Mitchell saying “Aneesa is known for 1 thing: losing.” Aneesa’s claim that she works out hard at home but does no exercise during the show to avoid being seen as a threat is laughable.
-Some teams have no shot because 1 member is a lousy competitor or lacking fitness: Melissa, Big T, Aneesa, Veronica, Sam.
Right now, I would say that Fessy/Amber or Leroy/Devin are the biggest threats.

Comment: You’re right, I haven’t mentioned it. I thought I was gonna watch, but now that I have 4 episodes in DVR (or maybe 3), I haven’t gotten around to watching any of them yet. If I don’t get to it soon, knowing myself, I’ll never get to it. I don’t know why I can’t get into the All-Stars seasons. I’m 0-for-5.

Daily Roundup transcript 2/19 starts on Page 2…

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