Now I’m going to spend the rest of the episode talking about episode seven through nine of love is blind that aired on Friday, and I honestly thought episodes seven through eight were quite boring. Because it was all rainbows and daffodils.
Like every single couple was getting along. We literally had maybe one hint of negativity with one of the five couples. But everything else was just like, Oh my gosh, we’re on our honeymoon. Here we are taking a selfie in bed. Everything’s great. And it was just like, okay, can we get to the drama? Cause we know there’s no way all these couples are getting married.
Now I will go over spoilers here for those that haven’t watched it. So if you haven’t watched it yet, maybe just fast forward, but. What was really interesting to me was, first off, they did the whole editing trick at the end of episode six, the six episodes that launched the week before and were released, and the last thing we saw was Taylor confronting Daniel the day after they got engaged, and she said, I could have sworn That was fun.
You followed me on Instagram. I remembered it, all this stuff. So we started off episode seven with the finality of that. And it literally lasted, I don’t know, three, four minutes. She went through her phone. I guess there’s an app. You could see who unfollows you. I didn’t know that she went through an app.
You can see who unfollows you. She went through it and she’s like, maybe you didn’t. I’m good. And they went, they went onto Honduras. Now he did say like, Hey, if you don’t feel comfortable going to Honduras, we don’t have to. But they did, and basically that was all put to bed. And then if you just take their storyline over the next three episodes, if there’s one couple that seems one of the most solid, it’s Daniel and Taylor, because everything that she felt 24 hours after the engagement, she doesn’t seem to be feeling at all now.
And Daniel has just been actually kind of a rock for her. And he hasn’t said anything problematic. Unlike Dave, and he hasn’t done anything with a past girl. He dated coming out on like Ben. So it’s just, yeah, we fell for the editing and end of episode six. Cause they made you think like, oh boy, this guy’s creepy.
And he’s a stalker within five minutes. We knew that issue was resolved. They’re on the way to Honduras. And after episode nine, we realize. Shit, Daniel and Taylor, probably one of the more solid couples out there. Editing got us with that one. Joey and Monica’s relationship. Couple things I want to say about it.
One, their sleeping habits. She wants to sleep with sound on the whole night. I’m not one to tell somebody how they can and can’t sleep. I realize it’s very hard for me to go to sleep, just by myself, with no sound on. I have, I also have it set to sleep mode. So it’ll eventually turn off, and I’m asleep.
Usually within 5 or 10 minutes of my head hitting the pillow, but I’ll usually set my sleep to about 35 or 40 minutes. And I don’t go to sleep listening to music, I usually go to sleep listening to talk radio. And I’m, like I said, I’m, I’m asleep within 5 to 10 minutes. Monica leaves her sleep machine on all night.
I mean, if you’re somebody that has never had that before, I would say that’s gonna take some getting used to. I don’t know if I could have something on all night, because it would just, I think it would keep me awake. But, that’s just me. But that’s her. But now she’s gonna be sleeping in the bed with her husband, presumably, Joey.
Is he gonna be able to deal with that? I’m not sure. The second thing was obviously Monica’s sister having a huge problem with the whole process, and not thinking that Joey was her type. I don’t think I am the first person to say this. Seeing the social media reaction to Monica’s sister all weekend long.
I have the same reaction. Monica’s sister seemingly is jealous of Monica because we all know, we find out when Joey went to Monica’s house and met the family, we find out that Monica’s sister who has a boyfriend, well, that boyfriend actually dated Monica at first and Monica didn’t see anything between them.
So. Not that she passed him on to her sister, but she did suggest, well, maybe you would be interested in my sister and now they are together. And I think that eats at Monica’s sister’s insides. I think she is very jealous of Monica and is it going to ruin Joey and Monica’s relationship? I’m not sure. And look, there are spoilers out there.
Maybe some of you already know how many of these couples make it and how many don’t, but we’re going to get to the previews in a second.
The three other couples, Devin and Virginia, Ben and Sarah, Dave and Lauren, let’s go in order. Devin and Virginia, we obviously know their biggest thing is Virginia wants a prenup. When she first brought it up to Devin, he was a little taken aback because he basically had never thought about it before in a relationship.
And now she’s presenting it to him and it sounds like he’s a little more open to it. And I think prenups nowadays are a lot more accepted than they used to be because we see relationships crumble, especially public relationships crumble all the time. We just went through this with Rachel Lindsay and Brian Abasolo.
She said she would never, ever get into another relationship or get into a marriage. Without signing a prenup, it’s basically a deal breaker for her. And I’m not saying that she’s the end all be all of whether or not somebody should get a prenup, but we’re, I feel like we’re starting to hear this more back in the eighties and nineties prenups just weren’t really talked about that much.
And I don’t think a lot of couples did it because it obviously, I think most people took it as a negative thing. Like, Oh my gosh. So you think we’re going to break up? You know, it’s just like, I. No, I can understand, considering the way relationships go now and the divorce rate in this country, it would be smart to get a prenup.
I didn’t give much thought to prenups before the last few years, but now that I’ve seen things happen, and the way things have played out I, I don’t think I would be against it either. So the two most problematic relationships happening right now are Dave and Lauren and Ben and Sarah. So let’s start with Dave and Lauren.
Man, Dave just keeps putting his foot in his mouth. This guy, I don’t understand his deal other than he’s clearly very, very self absorbed. And, I also think him going around and asking everybody in Honduras when they first met up in a couples meeting. Hey, have you guys had sex yet? I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering the way Dave talked in the pods, so it shouldn’t surprise me.
Is it appropriate? Absolutely not. Especially when he would get an answer from Devin and then he would ask Brit, he would ask Virginia the same thing. It’s like, you already got your answer from Devin. You already know. Why are you asking Virginia? You know, so I think this guy, I mean, there’s not a single person online that seems to be defending Ben and his behavior keeps getting worse than this whole problem that he’s having with Lauren seeing somebody and having friends with benefits for two months leading into her leaving for filming for the show.
Again, do you honestly expect these people to just go celibate before going on the show? He’s, I understand the argument that he’s making, but I think he’s making it for the wrong reasons. I honestly think Ben is not attracted to Lauren and he hasn’t been attracted to her since he saw her. And I think he’s finding a way out and he doesn’t want to be the bad guy.
So he’s going to put it on Lauren and he’s going to keep telling her that this bothers me that you were in a friends with benefits relationship for two months leading up to leaving for filming and To the point where she’s not going to want to be with him anymore. And he’s just going to want out, but he wants her to do it because remember, this is the same Ben that couldn’t break up with Molly to her face, even though Molly was sitting there in the pods, basically saying, or I said, Ben, I meant Dave, Molly was sitting there in the pods telling Dave, Hey, aren’t you basically just breaking up with me?
And he’s like. Well, I thought I was pretty clear about that. It’s like, no, you weren’t. So yeah, this is Dave. He is absolutely getting crucified and rightfully so, because I don’t think this guy is, wants to be married to Lauren and I don’t think he’s attracted. And he’s so hell bent on the physical side of relationships.
Obviously sex is a big deal to him. And the fact that he went around asking everybody just kind of shows. What type of guy he is as for Ben and Sarah, obviously that’s the cliffhanger at the end of episode nine, which is a tick talker who came out back. Cause this film back in February and March of last year, and this tick talker came out back then, because that’s how she would know about it.
Once they got their phone back, this tick talker found out that Ben had left to go do the show. And she basically put out a tick talk saying this guy’s problematic, dated him. Very briefly and didn’t have anything nice to say about him. And now in real time back then, around March of 2024, Sarah is seeing this on her phone.
She confronts him on it and already his story is changing. He went from, I have no idea who this woman is too. Oh yeah. Yeah. We went out once, but I don’t really remember anything about her. It’s like, how do you not know about somebody you went out with, even if it was four years ago, I could tell you everybody I went out with at some point in my life.
Maybe not details of someone I dated 25 years ago, but four years ago, I think you remember who you dated. So Ben seems to be backing himself into a corner, but here’s the interesting thing. And this comes with I don’t know any spoilers. I have not looked at the spoilers. Reality Receipts podcast with Storytime with Ricky, Ricky Wise, and Reality Ashley.
They’ve given out spoilers to this already. And I think TMZ even spoiled some stuff in regards to this season. But I don’t want to know. And the thing that surprised me was, we’ve only got three episodes left and then the reunion show. And when they showed the previews after episode 9 aired and they showed the previews for what’s coming up.
I was shocked to see they gave away four people, four couples make it to wedding day. We clearly see Taylor in a wedding dress, we see Monica in a wedding dress, we see Virginia in a wedding dress. So that’s three of the five couples. And then we see Ben. So that means that at least on wedding day, Ben is there and Ben and Sarah have not broken up before wedding day, which is very, very surprising to me.
I was after first six episodes, I’m like, are any of these couples even going to come close to making it? Maybe I can see Joey and Monica. And now we know that at least four of the five couples get to wedding day. The only couple that’s not shown on wedding day, and this could be, that’s because they didn’t even, they just chose not to show it, maybe they’re leaving it out, was Dave and Lauren, but based on what we saw in episodes 7, 8, and 9, is anybody surprised if Dave and Lauren aren’t married?
They’re not. We just hope for her sake, she was the one that basically kicked him in the nuts and said, I’m done with you, I can’t deal with your pettiness, and I can tell that you don’t want to be married. But, look, maybe there’s fakeouts in the previews, but those previews were pretty straightforward. It is clear as day, you can see Taylor, Monica, and Virginia all there on wedding day.
And Ben is there on wedding day at an altar. So, I don’t know. Looks like four of them are literally getting to the altar, and then we’re gonna have to see. Do all of them say, yes, how many of them are still together? Like I said, there are spoilers out there if you want to know, but considering this show is going to be over in two weeks, I can hold out anyway.
Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily coming up in an hour from now. If you want to check that out. Again, we’ll be back tomorrow with obviously another daily roundup.
Thank you all for listening, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.