So the big story in Bachelor Nation this week was the story by Deadline that dropped on Friday evening, the ol’ Friday night news dump, that was a scathing hit piece on the Bachelor production team. What’s going on behind the scenes of this show is something we don’t hear about much. We heard it when it happened with Fleiss and his troubles that led to him eventually getting booted from the franchise. But the amazing part of this piece was the fact you had producers who are still employed by the show openly criticizing it. Granted, they didn’t attach their names to it. But reading that article, if you’re Claire Freelund or Bennett Graebner, aren’t you on the warpath now trying to find out what people who work underneath you are openly going behind your back and taking shots at you to the media? I mean, what they said wasn’t wrong. Doing Jenn bad like they did at her ATFR deserved to be called out, and allegedly that was all Claire’s call. I think this will ultimately lead to just a complete rehaul of the production team. It’s not like Claire and Bennett are currently leading this franchise to record ratings numbers, right? So if you continue doing the same thing with the same leaders, how can they expect different results? Seems like they’re on short leash and I expect changes in the higher ups to happen sooner rather than later.
Check out Courtney Robertson’s “After Reality” podcast today as she has an interview with Jonathon Rone, one of Joan’s men from the “Golden Bachelorette,” who just in the last few days became single again. I don’t know when this show is set to choose the next Golden Bachelor, but I gotta imagine Jonathon has gotta be the front runner now that he’s single, right? He was definitely well liked by the fans. Then again, so were most of Joan’s men. Well except for Gil. And maybe the dude that came in second. I’m blanking on his name right now. But all the other ones? Fans loved them. I’d say Jonathon has got to be a top choice as they choose their second Golden Bachelor. Definitely more of a personality than Gerry. Regardless, if you’re not sold on Jonathon, go listen to him on Courtney’s podcast today. And after that, head on over to Call Her Daddy to listen to Monica Lewinsky. That story will always fascinate me. I know she’s done interviews in the past, but has she ever done an hour sit down and talk about everything? Really interested to listen to that and I’ll have thoughts on the Daily Roundup tomorrow.
Reader Emails begins now…
The Challenge All-stars-
Agree with you that it’s not the best. What do you think would make it better? In my opinion (not just about All-Stars but about the regular Challenge as well):
-I can’t figure out a rhyme-or-reason to a lot of the contestant casting. Some are from so long ago and were so inconsequential that I don’t even remember them or am not invested in them. Why do they cast these randoms (let’s face it: they’re never going to win or make good TV anyways)? It looks like I’m not gonna watch All-Stars this season. I’m already too far behind and I doubt I’ll catch up. I don’t know why I can’t get into it. I guess it could be because of some of the casting where I don’t remember these people, what they did, who their ex was, who their rival was and why, etc.
-Conversely, some contestants are new and from different originating series (like random “survivor,”/“Big brother” contestants-especially the ones from different countries) that they cast them for a single “Challenge” season and right as I get invested in them, they go away for 5-10 seasons and then come back, then all of a sudden we’re supposed to care about their backstory or remember their alliances/enemies/storylines from 5 years ago?!? Exactly. I feel like at least on the regular Challenge, I know everyone there. Yes, they’ll bring in people from overseas shows on occasion that I’ve never heard of. But after one season, then I know who they are so I’m familiar.
Like pick a lane, MTV/Paramount+ : either recycle old contestants consistently every season until they’re all 60 and the show dissolves, or give us fresh contestants but keep them on consistently for a few seasons so we have some time to get invested in them and their storylines until it’s time for a new crop.
I have been watching the challenge since it started when I was a teenager so I’m not just being negative- I think the daily challenges and elimination challenges are constantly creative and evolving so I can only bring my thoughts back to the cast in terms of where it is lacking. (They also stopped doing fun twists like the “redemption house”- would love to see that again where there is essentially a secret parallel house of challengers competing to get back in the game.)
Oh last thought- this season of All-Stars seems completely uneven. I know you haven’t watched it, but let’s say in the last elimination challenge (SPOILER) KellyAnn/Sylvia finished the puzzle at the EXACT same time as Adam/Steve, how are two contestants with the combined weight of probably 225# supposed to match up against two contestants with the combined weight of probably 375# In holding up ropes/chains? (P.s. this is NOT a gender/weight thing— just a straight-up fitness/strength observation).
Do you think the Challenge adjusts weights/distances of certain challenges to be proportionate to each contestant so it’s an even playing field or do you think things “are just the way they are”?
PLEASE have more former or current Challenge contestants on your podcast!
Thanks! Can’t wait to hear any thoughts!
Comment: Yeah it does seem like certain challenges were just not meant for certain people to win. There’s always been rumors that they don’t want Bananas going home early either so they do whatever they can to keep him there. People have been saying that for years. I’m sure there’s something to it.
Hey Steve,
In its bio, ABC describes Grant as a “day trader”. Is it that the gals on the show don’t realize that “day trader” is code for “unemployed,” or do they just not care?
Comment: I mean, day trader is a job. Whether or not you think it’s a successful or lucrative one I guess depends on how good you are.
Boy, when I heard Darva was going to be on, I couldn’t wait to listen to it, I thought to myself, What a blast from the past! I really enjoyed it, I remember watching it. I listened to it on the weekend where I could listen to the whole thing, she probably got like $500,000 for posing for Playboy, I think I remember hearing that. Jenny McCarthy posed for playboy long time ago, she was on Oprah and said she got $25,000 for it, wow what a big difference, that’s before she was famous. It was a great interview, you really nailed it, not one bit boring for being long, I could have listened more, but I think you covered everything.
Comment: I was thinking either $250k or $500k. For her to say it was life changing and she was able to help out family, it was definitely six figures and I tend to think it was minimum $250k. If it was actually $1 million, that wouldn’t surprise me either.
Hey Steve –
I thought it was pretty clever to have 500 Miles played in a classic music style as The Proclaimers are a Scottish rock duo. I wonder how many other final 4 contestants never got a one on one date. 2. Corinne on Nick’s season, and Kendall on Arie’s season.
On Special Forces, they mentioned the trolling and online bullying faced by Travis Kelce’s ex. It is amazing that having one’s ex date a superstar would result in that. Trolls gonna troll. She won the show for Christ sakes, and all she got was Swifties trolling her online. I love Taylor Swift. You know this. But the Swiftie Army is out of control sometimes.
I’m watching the last episodes of Cobra Kai and Ralph Macchio’s hair is looking very toupee-ish.
I keep seeing pictures of Bill Belichick and his girlfriend and wonder if they made a very successful guy who looked like him the Golden Bachelor with contestants in their 20s and 30s, would any of the women stick around. Well, they’d never do it.
Darva podcast: Strictly to understand the story better, I did an image search for her Playboy pictures – wow! To me, her show was an unintentional version of Joe Millionaire. I don’t remember having negative views of her back then. I was more focused on how the show did not vet the guy to make sure he was a multi-millionaire or if they knew and didn’t care or if he was simply a liar who tricked them somehow. Jay Thomas, the host, was married to Carla on Cheers and was also on Mork and Mindy. Challenge: Say “nurse anesthetist” 3 times fast. That’s right. It kept escaping me. Carla on Cheers. Thanks. And yes, every time I see “anesthetist” I want to mispronounce it.
In the world of politics and football, I really enjoyed former kicker Chris Kluwe’s speech protesting a plaque celebrating a library also celebrating MAGA. Screw the kicker for the Chiefs!
Comment: Fun Fact: Chris Kluwe went to my high school. I’m 7 years older than him so he wasn’t there when I was there. Another Fun Fact: He kicked a 60yd FG as time expired to win a playoff game his senior year.
Hi Steve
Thanks for the heads up that Hometown dates are coming up next already. I feel like the season just started and don’t feel that Grant has any real connections to any of these women. But when you think about it, he hasn’t really gotten to know them that well yet. As it is, it’s a stretch to believe that someone could be ready to propose in the length of a typical season, but they lobbed off two full weeks of getting to know them. Have you heard what the reason for the shortened season is? Not that I really care as I’m not finding this season very entertaining. Way too much Carolina drama, which, like you mentioned in your Daily Roundup, is plain hard to watch. Grant must be feeling like a jerk watching the season back! I’ve talked to a few friends who are Bachelor fans and everyone agrees that this season is a real dud. Maybe because, after watching the Joan’s golden season, we’re all spoiled having a cast of characters who get along and like each other.
Do the producers really think that watching Carolina act like a spoiled toddler is entertaining? If they want to improve the success ratio of the couple lasting, shortening the season sure isn’t helping. It’s too bad they sabotaged Grant’s season. He was my pick for Bachelor and I had looked forward to watching. Maybe it’s just a bad batch of women? I’m not warming up to any of them. And I feel Like Zoey got robbed. I think she is probably the best match for him. I do like Latia, but I think the reason he didn’t pick her is her religion. That, to me is a deal breaker.
Comment: Well the issue is now unless the show starts doubling up on episodes every season, because of the college FB playoff ending later in January, the show is starting later, but it can’t finish later in March. Remember, it ALWAYS used to start the first Monday in January. And even went up against the college FB national championship in Week 2. But that’s when the nat’l championship aired on ESPN. Now it’s on ABC and goes deeper in January. So unfortunately, it’s possible this could be the new norm. We won’t know for sure until next season.
Hi Steve…
I haven’t watched latest Bachelor episode yet but will stream tonight.
I had to laugh when you wondered why the string quartet was playing the 500 miles song because i think of it as one of the most Scottish sounding songs ever, in a meme sort of way. The Proclaimers are a Scottish duo, so I’m guessing it was just a recognizable nod to Scotland.
Also, listened to Ben & Ashley’s podcast and they claim from an “inside production” source that BIP will be in Puerto Rico or Dominican Republic. That doesn’t exactly narrow it down but only tells me it won’t be in Sayulita, MX I guess.
Comment: I haven’t heard yet but that’s an awful lot farther away than Mexico. Definitely not in Sayulita anymore. I reported that a year ago. That place is under new management and they don’t want the show there anymore.
Hello Steve, I’ve been listening to your podcast for a couple years now. I love it. This is the first time I wanted to message you lol Are you sure everyone is blaming Carolina for the drama? I get that being alone was kind of asking for attention, but how can you expect Carolina to have the energy to fake smiles towards the girls who are constantly scolding her and saying underhanded comments to each other about her? I just feel that she was in a tough spot and couldn’t get out of her new role. Because of the drama, I ended up not liking any of the girls except Alexe, the only non-problematic one.
Comment: I think from everything I read on socials, it was most people bothered by Carolina because she was acting like a child. Yes, the others ostracized her, but it was because of her behavior. And on the group date, Carolina sat by herself on her own. Nothing happened on that group date yet to where any of the women made her want to go sit by herself.
Hi Steve,
I’m so happy you’re into Love is Blind cuz I always love to hear your take on things. For the couples who get engaged early, ie Monica and Joey this season, what do they do for the rest of the pod portion – do they stay with the other women/men in the living quarters? Or do they go stay in a hotel somewhere? OR, is that just an editting trick and everyone gets engaged around the same time?
Thanks, as always, for keeping us entertained and in the know!
Comment: It’s a good question that I don’t necessarily have the answer to since I’m still pretty new to LIB. I’ve only watched seasons 6, 7, and 8. The fact they got engaged at the end of episode 3, and the reveal was at the beginning of episode 3 – and we had 6 episodes in the pods – makes me think maybe they didn’t get engaged at the end with everyone, but possibly later than they showed. But I don’t know for sure.
I’m thinking that other than a big snub of Zoe, the reason Litia got the second solo date was because they couldn’t just drop the religion issue on Grant when he showed up in Utah. But, I’m wondering how that didn’t come up on their first date. Do you think the producers told Litia to hold off on that info to set this up?
Just watched the latest Paradise episode. Holy shit!
Comment: It’s possible they did. And Zoe not getting a 1-on-1 was purposely done. And I don’t think the explanation for it was really a good one either. Because they’d had “moments” earlier in the season, Grant felt she didn’t need one? Yeah, that’s pretty weak. It’s now happened 3 times, and 2 of the 3 ended up even getting to final 3, but no one will ever win this show without a 1-on-1. Just makes no sense.
Daily Roundup 2/26 Transcript on Page 2…