Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” BIP’s Filming Location This Season, Lauren from LIB Season 8 on the Podcast Tomorrow, & Your Daily Roundup Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

Jax Taylor in the news yesterday, he publicly admitted. What basically anybody who’s followed Vanderpump rules over the years and even watched the valley season one Knows probably one of the worst kept secrets in the reality TV show world especially in the whole Vanderpump rules world and the valley world that he was a drug addict and The drug was cocaine He said yesterday on Alex Baskin’s hot mic podcast, I have substance abuse issues primarily with cocaine.

It’s hard to say out loud. I’ve been dealing with this on and off since I was 23, and now I’m 45. There was times where I would stop doing it, but then there were times where I’d go heavy on it. He said fans had picked up on this over the years. He said they could kind of tell I was on something obviously production and other people they didn’t know what what I was doing Everything I was doing was on my own, but I was just on that train and I couldn’t get off He said people ask you do you have an alcohol problem, too?

He said I don’t necessarily think I have an alcohol problem, but the two go hand in hand I can’t do cocaine without drinking. So I just gave up both. I’m proud to say I’m 83 days sober right now Which is the longest I’ve ever gone in my life without either He went on to say, I just want to let people know it’s a really, really tough disease and it’s a really tough sickness.

I’ve never said this in my life, so to come out and say I have an addiction and that I have a sickness that I have to work on the rest of my life is a really big deal for me. Obviously, it’s a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. The statement he gave to Us Weekly was, For many years, I’ve depended on alcohol and drugs as a way to cope and mask my many deeper issues.

This past year has been the hardest year of my life, but also the most eye opening and transformative. Coming to terms with my many mental health challenges, being honest about my addiction both with myself and others has been a crucial part of my healing. It’s been a day to day process, but I’m committed to my recovery and working towards a healthier future, in order to be a better person and someone my son will be proud of one day.

End quote. Brittany Cartwright immediately responded to this, his ex wife and the mother of their son Cruz, and she gave a statement to People Magazine, and said, I’m glad he finally admitted to what was really going on. For the first time, I can speak openly about the extent of trauma he’s instilled on our family over the years.

I’ve tried to desperately help him without success. I pray that one day he completely knocks this addiction, but I’m skeptical. His behaviors are still alarming, and his treatment plan seems to be the bare minimum. I’m trying to navigate this as best as I can for my son and I, but every day is still a challenge and very difficult.

Jax has caused an enormous amount of damage, and I have very little trust in him at this point. My only hope is that one day he will be a better person for his son. So Credit to Jax for publicly admitting what was the worst kept secret. Like I said, in the Vanderpump rules fan world, a lot of people knew this and he just wouldn’t admit it.

So the first step is admitting you have a problem. And publicly admitting he has a problem, but even his own wife is doubting it. And this is one of these things where it’s great that he released a statement and he great, he wants to change. He wants to be better. He’s 83 days sober. When you’ve been doing cocaine for 22 years, look, I’ve never done coke in my life.

I don’t plan on doing coke in my life, but I’m guessing when you’ve done it for 22 years, he’s got a very, very tough road ahead of him. I hope he kicks it. Obviously. I hope the guy can turn his life around and be a good father because he. Seemingly hasn’t been one for Cruz’s life thus far, his three year old son.

I hope he does, but even his wife is skeptical. And this, when something like this credit for coming out, credit for releasing a statement, credit for being vulnerable and open and honest about a cocaine addiction. But right now it’s just words. What you do after this and what you continue to do in your journey to sobriety.

Is all that matters because if you turn around and we watch you on the Valley season two, and you’re still being a total dick wad to your wife, your ex wife, everyone’s going to be like, really what now granted the 83 days sober is all post Valley because 83 days is what three months, the Valley stopped filming this summer.

I mean, we’re in March right now. So 83 days is basically right around sometime in December. He started getting sober. So basically. All of season two of the Valley, we’re going to see him assuming I assumed he was still a user back then. So I don’t think the behavior is going to be very much improved in season two, and we’re going to actually watch it and we’ll be actually say, look, we said it all the other times we saw him on Vanderpump rules and Valley season one is he has to be on drugs because This isn’t normal behavior, but here he is.

Like I said, props to him for coming out and admitting it, but he’s got a long road ahead and for his sake and his son’s sake, I hope he does change. But you know, everybody, I was not a Vanderpump rules watcher up until scan of all broke, but people that have been fans since the very beginning have said they don’t ever see him changing and.

Maybe he will, and prove them wrong. Maybe he won’t, and he’ll prove them right. But, 22 years doing coke, that is not going to be easy for him to kick. Congratulations on 83, but that is a day to day thing. He could wake up tomorrow and use again, and you just don’t know. You don’t want him to, but you just don’t know.

And, you know, we’re going to have to watch a season 2 of him on The Valley, still when he was not sober, so I’m sure that’s not going to be fun. But all you can do is hope there’s no guarantee here that this is going to get better. I’m sure a lot of people doubt him and hell his ex wife is still even doubting him.

She even says she’s skeptical about it. She doesn’t think his treatment seems to be working. So who knows, but this is going to be a wild ride in the Valley season two. That’s for sure. You know what else is a wild ride? The show I’ve been telling you about all season. Paradise on Hulu for the first time all season.

I actually watched it once it was released because it comes out technically on Monday night into Tuesday morning at midnight Eastern time. So I watched it immediately at 11 o’clock central time on Monday night. And it had a very fitting season finale, but. Also, while they wrapped up a lot of loose ends from season one, it gets us on a, just an absolute rocket to the moon.

So we know where season two is headed. And we know exactly what the seemingly the main storyline of season two is going to be. I don’t want to ruin it for anybody that hasn’t seen it yet, but it was a good episode. We found out about the biggest storyline went on throughout all of season one. And I’m guessing zero people could guess who that person was.

That was ended up being the main suspect and ended up being the person behind. The main thing that happened in all of the first season, nobody would have guessed that because they’d never gave you any reason to believe it was that person until we saw it all play out. And they show us the backstory of how it all came to be.

So that was fitting the shooting at the very end of the episode. Very, very curious about that. I think that’s going to elevate somebody’s character in season 2 very, very heavily. I think they’re going to be a much bigger player in season 2 as they are in season 1. And then the end scene. I’m coming to get you, baby.

I have a feeling that’s what season 2 is going to be all about. And I cannot wait. I didn’t I don’t know if I mentioned this. God, I already forgot if I mentioned this or not. I think I did. Anyway, if you don’t have Hulu, It’s going to start airing on ABC starting in April. I think I did say that the other day, right?

So if you have not watched paradise on Hulu or you don’t have Hulu and you don’t want to order it, that’s fine. They’re going to start airing it on Mondays or I don’t know what days actually, they’re going to start airing it on ABC starting in April. I’ll give you that date once the first official date is out.

It’s only eight episodes, season one. I really hope we don’t have to wait till 2026, you know, for season two. Some of these shows, yeah, you have to wait a year. For love is blind. We get what two episodes or two episodes, two seasons per calendar year. That’s great. I’m fine with that. Usually February and October keep giving me that.

But with television shows, you just never know the fact that it ended though, first week of March. I mean, if this thing started in October, but I just don’t know. I don’t even know if they’ve, I know the creator of the show, Dan Fogelman in an interview that I read said. When he came up with this idea, he had three seasons of Paradise mapped out in his head.

After that, he would have to start thinking about other things to do, but he had three seasons mapped out in his head. I don’t know if that’s what Hulu is just gonna decide and just end it after three seasons, but if they haven’t even started shooting season two yet, even if they started shooting it this summer, we’re not getting it in October.

We’re probably gonna have to wait till 2026. Which would suck. Especially for eight episodes. My gosh. It goes by so quick. And it’s such a good show, man, but a very fitting finale. I really liked it. Good show and can’t wait till it comes back. But once I get the start date in. April when it starts airing on ABC, I will notify all of you who just don’t have Hulu and don’t want to order Hulu.

I get it. You can watch it for free on ABC and I’m sure season two will be on Hulu as well and then they’ll probably release it on ABC as well again. So anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily coming up in an hour from now.

And then I am going to have a reader emails column with some links to Costa, sir, as well in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico so you can see the resort itself of where they’re filming bachelor in paradise in the month of May. So anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.

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