Jumping head first into the Netflix world with my first guest ever from the “Love is Blind” franchise. This will hopefully be one of many going forward as I plan on speaking with quite a few of the women involved this season in the coming weeks. Today I’m joined by Lauren O’Brien, whose engagement to Dave you saw end last week that has everyone talking. Yes, we cover it all. From the pods, to Honduras, to Minnesota, to what it’s been like watching it all back now. We go over every cringey moment, where she felt her relationship went south with Dave, do they still talk, is there chance for rekindling, etc. So much to go over today with Lauren as she had one of the most polarizing relationships we’ve ever seen on this show. Lets face it, I’d say 95% of America is on her side so far, and that may not even be enough. Everyone’s certainly got an opinion on Dave for sure and we dive into all we can in today’s episode. Such a fun chat with Lauren and I appreciate her being open and honest with me about the whole ordeal. Hope you enjoy…
Today’s podcast also up now on my YouTube Channel. You can watch, subscribe, like, and comment here:
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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
(SPOILERS) I begin by previewing today’s talk with Lauren O’Brien & what’s on the Daily Roundup. Then Lauren joins me (8:04) as we discuss her journey this season on LIB from the pods, to Honduras, to back in Minnesota to watching it all back a year later, from the engagement to the breakup, to where does everything stand now, we cover it all in this nearly 60 min conversation.
Instagram – @laurenmariaobrien
(SPOILER) Your Daily Roundup covers my first “Love is Blind” interview ever today, DONDI episode #9 thoughts, Survivor episode #2 has my new favorite contestant, Kaity Biggar with a truthful IG story, & I’m chiming in on 90210 accounts.
You can listen to that podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in here:
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. Good show for today. We’re going to talk about podcast number 433. Coming up, my first ever interview with anybody from the Love is Blind franchise. And we’ve got a good one.
You saw her engagement end last week. It is with Lauren O’Brien. I can’t wait for you to hear her coming up later on today in Podcast 433. We’re also going to talk about Donde because I didn’t watch it on Tuesday night because it was the president speaking. I didn’t even know what that was. I didn’t even know until 7 o’clock I turned on my TV.
I knew it wasn’t the State of the Union. Did he just throw a speech together? Was this planned? Weeks in advance? I don’t even know. Anyway, because it did not air on the East Coast and Central Time Central Time out here, 7 o’clock. It goes on Tuesday nights. The speech aired. So, I didn’t watch it until yesterday on Peacock, so I’ve got some thoughts on it.
We’re also going to talk about Survivor Episode 2 last night. Maybe get to a story about Katie Bigger and We’ve got some 90210 talk today. We’ll get to all that momentarily. This podcast is brought to you by Factor Meals. Ready to optimize your nutrition this year? Factor has chef made gourmet meals that make eating well easy.
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com slash factor podcast to get 50 percent off plus free shipping on your first box. All right. So coming up at 9 15 a. m. Eastern time on my YouTube channel and in your podcast feed, you finally get to hear the conversation I had with Lauren O’Brien earlier this week, love is blind. Season eight. You saw her engagement end last week in the episodes with Dave.
Obviously a lot of people have thoughts on Dave. So does Lauren. Now, if you’re expecting her to trash him, she does not do that. I didn’t expect her to trash him. I didn’t want her to trash him. I didn’t think she would, but. She does make her feelings known of everything that she’s hearing online from people.
We kind of, I tried to go in chronological order, so we just kind of walk through her journey. We don’t talk about any other couples on the show because it’s airing before the finale airs tomorrow. I didn’t want to get into any of that and give her thoughts on any of the couples because it possibly could lead people to think certain things.
So, this whole interview is just about her and Dave and then briefly about the relationship he had with Molly in the pods. And then some talk about Molly at Buck Hill when she met up with him in episode 11, but it’s all about Lauren and Dave and we start in chronological order. I said, like I said, start at the pods and we talk about what happened when they went to Honduras and then what happened when they left Honduras and came back to Minnesota.
And then we talk about what’s been going on the last three weeks while the show has been airing. Because as you know, the show filmed a year ago, every season of this show. Basically has a year wait. So when Denver starts airing in October, season nine, they filmed in October of 2023 or excuse me, 2024. So by the time it rolls around in October of 2025, it’ll be a year for them.
And Boston, I believe is filming right now. So we’re not going to get that. So probably February of 2026 and March of February, 2026. So that’s what I mean. It’s just a bizarre experience. I wanted to talk to Lauren about all of it. She has done. A few interviews, but as far as I know, she has not done a 50 minute sit down podcast.
I know she went on Nick’s podcast and it did about 20 or 25 minutes. But we got double. So nanny, nanny, Billy goat to Nick and oh yeah, very, very classy of Nick after he has Lauren on his podcast to call her sloppy, the hypocrisy it’s so laughable. With that guy. Anyway, 9 15 AM Eastern time on my YouTube channel.
You can watch me talk to Lauren, or if you just like the audio portion, that’s fine as well, that’ll be in your podcast feed, 9 15 AM Eastern time. So be on the lookout for that. Great, great conversation with Lauren. So excited to talk to her. The interview lived up to my expectations, if not exceeded it.
I thought she was great. So as I said, Tuesday night, I turned on my TV at seven o’clock because. Excuse me. Eight o’clock central time because I wanna watch the, is it, wait, is it on at seven or eight out here? I can’t even remember. Whatever the case may be. I turn on my TV at seven, thinking it’s on at seven.
It might be on at eight. I forget. ’cause I usually watch it on t. on DVR, but turn on my TV at seven o’clock and it’s the president speaking and I’m like, wait a second, am I not going to get dealer? No deal island? Cause frankly, I’d much rather watch that. And I guess we didn’t East coast and central time did not get dealer.
No deal island on Tuesday night because every network and including the cable networks was running the speech. So it’s like, okay, well I guess I’m just gonna have to watch it on Wednesday. So I watched it yesterday and I have some things that I, okay. That I had written down about this the first thing is and I’ve said this in the past in regards to Picking the suitcases.
It’s like I don’t need a story behind why you’re picking a number that you are. I don’t care It doesn’t matter. None of it is relevant just because it’s a number that is oh, I got three kids I’m gonna take number three It means absolutely nothing that could have one cent in it It could have five million dollars in it has nothing to do with your kids I get people that maybe are superstitious or whatever, but it really has nothing to do with anything What I thought was interesting was Letty ended up being the person who had to play against the banker and the case she chose for herself She’s like I’m gonna choose my volleyball number number two, which I think the show because it’s a reality show They do extensive background checks on anybody they put on the show, right?
I’m guessing they are very well aware that Letty was a College volleyball player. My guess is they probably knew what Letty’s college volleyball number was. A simple Google search probably found you that. You don’t think that maybe? If you choose a number that basic, like I, I’m going to go with my college volleyball number, something that she’s really, really known for her college volleyball career, outside of her wrestling career, you don’t think that maybe they’re going to try and put a small value on that number.
They’re like, Hey, just for the heck of it. If she ever goes with her volleyball number from college. Let’s give her a small value and you know not to spoil the ending here, but they did they put 250 bucks in suitcase briefcase number two, so I just thought that was interesting do these people not think ahead and Don’t pick a number that is literally directly related to something that is easily very Google able.
It’s just, I just didn’t think that was smart to do anyway. Letty first round of four suitcases. Hey, three low ones and one high one. Wow. She’s gotten an advantage. Second round of four cases, three high ones and one low one. Oh, what do you know? With four cases left, two of them are low and two of them are high.
One of them’s got one cent. One of them’s got 250 bucks. One of them’s got 1. 75 million. One of them’s got 2. 5 million. Then she has to pick one case and she picks the 2. 5 million one. So with three cases left. Two of them are low. One of them is high. Her offer is 550, 000. She takes the offer and it ends up being better than what she has in her case because she had 250 in her case.
And as she said, before she even sat down or stood up there to play the game, she said, if I win Dixon, you’re going home. And that’s exactly what she did. She sent Dixon home. So now we have four people left. Letty, CK, Parvati, and David. Oh, and the other guy. Richard? No. I don’t know why I thought it was Richard, but Philip.
He’s the fifth guy, but we find out, I guess, a twist for next week’s episode is there’s going to be a double elimination. So it looks like next week is the penultimate episode and then we’re going into the finale with only three people in the finale. And so it looks like the finale will be in two weeks, I believe.
That’s good. Because hopefully after the season is over, I have calls out to poverty to come on the podcast. I think poverty is going to come on, but I said, I don’t want to bring poverty on until she’s off Deal or No Deal Island. Because if I bring her on like next week, I can’t do anything with it.
Especially if she’s still on Deal or No Deal Island, because she can only talk about up to the point that we’re at. I would much rather talk to Parvati once everything is over and we can go over the whole season and talk to her about that, talk to her about her new podcast, Nice Girls Don’t Win. She’s got a book coming out this summer.
She’s got a podcast that she just started with former Bachelor producer Amy Bean. You can check that out anyway. Poverty is going to come on the podcast within the next three weeks or so is, is my hope as long as Deal or No Deal Island is over in two weeks. So within the next month, poverty will be on this podcast.
I can’t wait for that. Never spoken to poverty in my life.