Reality Steve


Podcast #433 – Interview with Lauren O’Brien from “Love is Blind” Season 8 (incl transcripts)

Photo Credit: Netflix

As we know, one of the shows that poverty has been on in the past and what she made a name for herself on is Survivor. So Survivor had episode two last night and. Something I didn’t bring up after episode one that I wanted to point out. I don’t know if a lot of people know this, but when you go on reality TV.

Usually no matter what show it is. I think there are certain shows where maybe you can get away with it. Cause I know that not every single article of clothing has nothing on it, but for the most part, you’re not allowed to wear brand clothing when you are a contestant on a reality TV show, you just can’t show a Nike swoosh for the most part, or any sort of brand clothing because you’re not allowed to promote anything on these shows.

Probably some sort of copyright issue. All you got to do is look when you’re watching these shows, just look at these people’s clothes that they wear. Sometimes it’s actually blurred out and sometimes it’s just plain clothing that you can’t see any sort of label or anything like that. So what I found interesting was in the first two episodes, there’s this guy on Survivor this season, season 48.

His name is Justin. And if you look at his occupation, he’s a pizza restaurant owner. Works at a pizzeria and so I just think it’s I don’t know. It’s just so simple yet It’s so funny to me the t shirt that he’s wearing and we’re gonna see for how many to ever many days He is on this season of survivor His shirt just says pizza.

It doesn’t, it doesn’t say anything about obviously the name of the pizza place. He works at, it doesn’t say anything of the city where it’s in. Sure. Just says pizza. How can you dislike somebody who has a shirt that just says pizza, not pizza. Mm. Good. Or I love pizza. It says five letters. Pizza. I don’t know.

I find it utterly hilarious. I almost want this guy to win just cause he has a shirt that says pizza. But, he works in the pizza industry. It makes sense why he’d have one. But you know that guy is dying to wear a t shirt that has the name of his pizzeria that he owns. Where he works at, I think he owns it, but it’s just, he can’t.

So it was just like, all right, well, I’ll just rep pizza in any way I can. And just put five letters across my chest in very big writing. By the way, you can’t miss the fact of what his shirt says. It’s not like it’s in the upper left hand corner in the breast pocket or anything like that. No, just pizza in large font right across his chest.

I love it. Two episodes in, we have our first blind side of the season. As Kevin went home, he thought he was running the show. He thought my threesome is going to vote out either, well, he didn’t want to vote out Mary. He wanted to vote out Cy. And then one of his, well, someone he thought he was in alliance with.

Went to Psy and said, play your idol. Kevin wants you gone. You play your idol, you’ll be safe, and either Kevin or Mary are going home, but we could actually turn the tables on Kevin. And the tables got turned on Kevin. He’s the guy who separated his shoulder in the very first challenge, but it was popped back into place.

He was ready to go. It’s not like he was hurting, although he was terrible in the most recent challenge and he ended up getting sent home. He got completely blindsided by a vote of three to one. He was going home anyway, even if side doesn’t play her idol because only five people voted, Mary lost her vote because when she went and went for the challenge, she didn’t complete it.

So there were only five people voting and three people voted for Kevin. So even if the. Fifth person voted for Cy, it wouldn’t have mattered. Kevin was going home anyway, so Cy actually probably did the not smart thing. She, I mean, she had to cover herself because you just don’t know who’s lying to you and who isn’t.

But, sucks for her that she no longer has an idol on a tribal council where she wasn’t going to be voted out and she didn’t have the majority votes. Katie Bigger, the winner of Zach Shawcross season of The Bachelor, did a Q& A the other day and I found this answer interesting. Took a screenshot of it when she put it out.

And the question she got asked is, What do you think is the biggest misconception about the show and your relationship? She said, Zach was labeled boring because the season felt like a snooze fest, and although viewers said they wanted to see genuine love and real friendships, when that actually happened, it still wasn’t enough for them.

Zach was up front and had one clear goal to find his person. He even told me on the fantasy suite that he had informed the executive producers before starting the show that he would walk away if he couldn’t see his future wife. Among these 30 women, you only saw a fraction of who Zach truly is, and that’s okay.

The man you witness is a stand up guy. Smart, sweet, goofy, athletic, compassionate, loyal, and more importantly, human. While some people need physical intimacy to progress a relationship, I didn’t. He followed his heart throughout the season. With so many incredible women in front of him, it would have been nearly impossible for anyone to pick their forever in just two months.

At the end of the day, you wanted to see more successful couples from the Bachelor franchise. Well, we have a true winner here and I can’t wait for the day to get officially call him my husband and the father of my children. A hell of an answer by Katie Bigger. And she nails it on the head because I hear it every season.

Look, I’ve been covering 48 of the 50 seasons, obviously with the advent of social media coming to life in the last 10 years, I get way more opinions that people have sent to me than I did in the first. Ten or twelve years that I was covering this show, but you’re obviously you have more access to people nowadays and I hear a lot more things and you know, Katie nailed it.

It’s like, what do you want when you watch this show? Because if they focused on all the love stories and everybody got along. Exactly what she said. People would call the show boring. But, when there is drama, and there is people going back and forth, they’re like, ugh, why do they focus on the drama so much?

Why don’t you give us a love story? It’s like, you’ll never make the fans of this show happy. First off, if you are watching The Bachelor because you want to watch a love story, I’m sorry, While you might get one, and we’ve had plenty of them that happen at the end of the season, the episodes leading up to Final Rose Ceremony Day, which seems to be the most romantic and the one people talk about the most, the episodes leading up to that, I’m sorry, they’re always going to focus on drama.

There will be love stories here and some really romantic dates mixed in. But the main focus is going to be the drama. You’re not going to your friends the next day who all watched the bachelor or the bachelorette and saying, Oh my gosh, did you see how lovely that. Hot air balloon date was last night. Oh my gosh.

I loved it so much. No, you’re talking about the women that are shit talking each other. You’re talking about the guys that are broing out and you’re talking about the guys that are shit talking each other as well. Like that’s what keeps people engaged. I say it all the time. Just look at the housewives franchise.

I don’t even care what city it is. If the New Jersey housewives all got along and all you watched was them going to events and supporting each other and saying great things, you’d be like, this is the most boring fucking show in the world. You love the fact that they all rip on each other. You love the fact that there’s drama on screen and off screen.

That you can follow. So it’s just funny to me that people complain about drama on a reality show. What do you think you are tuning in for? What do you think you are getting? You are always going to get for the most part outside of like three seasons out of 50, for the most part, you’re getting an engagement at the end.

That’s your love story, but they’re not going to show a love story for 11 episodes and it’s just, everything’s going to be rainbows and daffodils for 11 episodes. So it’s like. You’re going to get it at the end, but you’re not going to get the actual love stuff and the romantic stuff really until the last, probably two, three, maybe starting at hometowns, but every single season, like clockwork for the first, every episode up until hometowns.

This season it was only five, most of the time on Bachelor. It is seven. They are going to focus on the group date after party drama. And who doesn’t like who, and who’s talking shit about who. Or, the cocktail party, or the rose ceremony. They’re gonna focus on drama at that one. It’s just the way the show works.

And, it’s been doing this for fifty years. Fifty, not fifty years, fifty seasons. Like, if we don’t know this by now, you know, I don’t know what to tell people. Like, this is what you should be watching the show for. While there will be a love story at the end, most of the time, it doesn’t end up working. As for Katie and Zach, they certainly seem like they’re on the right track.

Normal couple, moved to Austin, they don’t do a lot of LA type stuff. You don’t see them all over social media doing ads and doing couples ads and stuff like that. Not saying that that’s wrong, but I know that turns off a lot of people. So You got a great couple there in Katie and Zach. And based on what she just said, certainly seems like she can’t wait to marry the guy and have kids with him.

So again, she put it out there, like you got what you wanted, but yet how many people are paying attention to them because they’re not at the forefront of everything and maybe that’s what they’ve chosen to do. But they moved to Austin. I think Katie does ads here and there. But it’s not like they are bombarding your Instagram feed with ads, so good for them.

And finally, I just want to bring this up. I’ve talked about this Instagram page so many times. BH90210 Restored, where all it does is go through the seasons of Beverly Hills 90210 and put up clips every day. For the longest time, they were literally putting up one scene from an episode a day. Like sometimes it was only a minute long.

Now it looks like they’re combining a lot of scenes so you can get through the season much quicker. But right now, they’re in season 7 on episode 17. And for those that don’t follow the show or don’t know, off the top of your head, this is the episode where just, the last clip they posted yesterday was the, the end result of the hostage situation at CUTV, where Evan, the camera operator, was harassing and, Stalking Donna.

Everybody thought it was her attempted rapist from sophomore year, Garrett slan, he had been released from prison. The show wanted to make you think it was him or even the other guy at CU TV ended up being Evan and that got resolved. But what’s funny is even though I watch those every day. I literally take time out of my day, whether it’s a 12 minute clip or 13 minute clip, I always watch it.

Do sometimes I use the two times fast forward, which I literally found out about last week. By the way, did you know you can fast forward stories on Instagram? I literally found that out last week. By holding your finger to the right side of the screen, you can speed through it by two times the speed. You can’t go five times or ten times, you just, it’s only two times the speed, so it speeds it up a little bit.

And. I don’t know why I didn’t know this until last week, but I did. I just thought you hit, I just thought you, if you put your finger on the screen, you could pause videos. Well, you can still do that, but yeah, you can fast forward through videos on Instagram and maybe some of you were like, Steve, we’ve known that for years.

Well, sorry. I found out last week. Anyway, now what I’m doing is if you go on BH 90210 restored, the last two videos, you will see. A comment in the captions from Reality Steve. In fact, I think every video that I watch from here on out on BH90210 Restored, I’m going to be commenting about the clip that I just watched.

And the last two videos were basically all the scenes of Evan holding the newsroom hostage and holding Donna at gunpoint because he wanted everyone to know that Donna loved him. And he held her at gunpoint to go on TV live on the college campus TV station and tell everybody she was in love with Evan.

Needless to say, Evan has a few screw loose, screws loose, right? Yeah, it was just kind of weird. This guy was keeping a journal about her. He was sending her flowers. He was leaving her threatening voice messages back in the day, though. You couldn’t trace something like that to Evan’s phone. He would have been caught in three seconds in this day and age of social media, but this was 1997.

So no, he wasn’t caught back then until he literally gave himself up and told Donna, it was him and told her. I’m going to kill you unless you tell everybody that you’re in love with me and you’re my girlfriend. Oh boy. Anyway, you want to go check out my comments from here on out on BH 90210 restored.

You can go see them there. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. Sports Daily coming up in an hour from now and once again, 9 15 a. m. Eastern time, the conversation I have podcast number 433 with Lauren O’Brien from season eight of Love is Blind 915 on Eastern time on my YouTube channel.

You can watch the video of it or just get the audio version in Apple podcasts wherever you listen to your podcasts. Thank you all for listening again, I really appreciate it. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Podcast #433 Lauren O’Brien transcript starts on Page 3…

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