Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 3/10 – Grant’s Women Tell All Tonight, Love is Blind’s Finale From Friday, the Reunion Episode Last Night, & the Overarching Theme I Thought While Watching

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Monday. We’re going to talk briefly about the Women Tell All. Something was posted over the weekend that is so overrated. I wanted to discuss it, but the rest of the podcast we’re going to be talking about the Love is Blind finale from Friday.

Everything that we saw there and then the reunion show last night, because I got a lot of thoughts on everything that went down, what we saw on Friday, the women just absolutely taking control on Friday as they were the ones doing the dumping, and then the reunion show last night, I actually thought it was pretty good, I was expecting another nothing burger from this reunion show, I actually thought it was one of the better reunion shows because I feel like they let the contestants talk, you know, I’m only three Seasons of love is blind in my life.

Six, seven, and eight. And I remember just remember six and seven being way overrated and Nick and Vanessa talked way too much. And I felt like too much editing this one. I feel like we got all the answers we needed and we will get to all that. Momentarily this podcast brought to you by factor. Ready to optimize your nutrition this year?

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We’re gonna release the seeding chart. First off, we can kind of see the seeding chart just based on the previews that they showed. But here’s the other thing. I don’t know if anyone’s ever paid attention to this, but the seeding chart on the Tell Alls is essentially the order they were eliminated in reverse order.

So if you look at the seating chart for this season, the front row, obviously the more important women, the women that were most recently eliminated, it’s literally in the order they were gone starting from left to right. So essentially left is closest to the stage. That’s Dina. Well, you know what? Dina was eliminated last week, so she finished in fourth place.

Then we know the episode before had three eliminations. You know who the three people sitting next to Dina are? Those three women. Serafina, Alex, Carolina. Okay? What about the episode before that, when they were in Madrid? Three women eliminated there were Natalie, Parisa, and Rose. The only switch up here is that Natalie and Parisa are on that front row, but Bailey is in between them and Rose is on the far right of the back row.

So they switched up Bailey and Rose. Everybody else now, now we’re on the back row. Everybody else were women that were eliminated in the first second and third episodes, Allie, Joe, Chloe, Ella, Vicky, Alicia, Beverly, and Janae. Well, actually, Janae was on the first night elimination, so releasing the seating chart means absolutely nothing because we already know go back to any seating chart of any tell all it’s basically in reverse order of how you were eliminated.

I don’t know why they thought that was a big deal to give us the seating chart, but they did, and they gave it to us this weekend. All right, let’s talk. Love is blind. If you have not watched the reunion show yet that aired last night. Go watch it or fast forward through this if you don’t want to know what was said, but I got a lot of thoughts first off let’s go to Friday and the weddings that took place wedding day and Three of the four couples that showed up on wedding day ended up breaking up and it was done by all the women Sarah broke up with Ben Virginia broke up with Devin and Monica broke up with Joey and I had a feeling Sarah was going to break up with Ben just because of the way they ended the episode the week before with the cliffhanger.

I just felt like she was going to be the one to do the breaking up and she was going to say no. However, I’ll be the first to admit, I didn’t really have much of a feel on Devin and Virginia, and I didn’t have much of a feel on Joey and Monica. If they would have gotten married, I would have been like, are they still together to this day?

I didn’t think any of them were super solid. But I didn’t think any of them were like, Oh my God, there’s no way they’re getting married that day. So I didn’t really have a feel for them, but once Monica broke up with Joey and Virginia broke up with Devin, you pretty much knew that Daniel and Taylor were going to get engaged.

Because as far as I know, based on what people have told me, there’s been at least one engagement every season on love is blind. They weren’t going to go a whole season with no engagements. So. I keep saying engagements. I mean, weddings, marriages, and Daniel and Taylor were last, everybody before them had broken up.

You kind of knew that they were going to get married, especially since after their little mishap, 24 hours after getting out of the pods, they were the one couple that didn’t seem to have any issues whatsoever. I think it was just kind of there where it’s just like, yeah, these two are going to make it now.

We kind of just get into the reunion now with this because there’s really no need to go over just like the episodes before when they’re doing wedding dress shopping and they’re having the bachelor and the bachelor party. I fast forward through a lot of that. Honestly, I saw this on, I thought maybe I was one of the few or whatever, but I saw this a lot on social media over the weekend.

It was like videos on Tik TOK of the title of it was how I watched the love is blind finale. And it’s just people fast forwarding through everything, all the pre altar walks, talks, and all that stuff. It’s just fast forwarding to the part running the altar. And honestly, that’s what I did. Now, once they gave their answer on the altar, I listened to what they said after the fact, but all the stuff leading up to it, it’s like, I don’t really care.

I just want to know what they said on the altar. And then if they end up breaking up what they say after the fact, and that’s pretty much what I did. But I noticed quite a few things popped up on my Tik TOK of people showing how they watch the love is blind finale. But here’s what I’ll say about the reunion to start right off the bat.

Something that I mentioned earlier, and you know, I’ve only watched seasons six, seven, and eight of love is blind. And apparently after watching the top five most popular moments. In love is blind history that they counted down last night during the reunion. Did you notice that four of those five moments were from the last three seasons?

They had two of them. He had, you had Jimmy with Chelsea and then you had Jimmy was, was number five. Jimmy with Jessica was number one when Jessica told him about the whole thing about the EpiPen and he’s going to have to use the EpiPen to not be able to breathe, all that stuff. That was the number one moment in the show.

And then they had the fight between those two from, I think, I can’t remember their names, but the fight on the couch, that was from Charlotte, I believe as well. And that guy that said, Oh no, I was in the parking lot. She’s like, No, you weren’t. I had your phone turned on. And then the other one from the last three seasons was, I’m blanking.

And then the only other one that made the top five of most memorable moments in Love is Blind history was the reveal. Of a couple from season one. I, what did I miss? Why was that memorable? Are they still married to this day? Was it the first reveal ever? Is that why people were saying it was the most memorable?

Because obviously I didn’t watch season one and now I have no interest. I mean, I probably wasn’t going to anyway, but I really have no interest in going to back in watching seasons one through five when for the top five moments in this show’s history, I’ve already seen. Because I watch the episodes, I watch seasons six, seven, and eight, but let’s let’s look at these couples and let’s break down what they said on the reunion show.

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