Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 3/10 – Grant’s Women Tell All Tonight, Love is Blind’s Finale From Friday, the Reunion Episode Last Night, & the Overarching Theme I Thought While Watching

So, here’s something that I said at the beginning, and I actually like this reunion show. I felt like Nick and Vanessa, unlike the last couple seasons, I felt like they talked way too much and they interjected way too much. They let the contestants talk, and then when they had a question, About something the contestant said they will fought they were following up with it like the very first couple We saw Ben and Sarah that they talked about after they talked about Taylor and Daniel But when it’s a positive couple and a and a and a marriage, you know We got to see videos and photos of them over the last year and they seem happy and good for them so they immediately went to the couples that we all wanted to hear from first up was Sarah and Ben and They did a good job of letting Sarah explain herself, letting Ben explain himself, but then when Ben said something, where he said he spoke to somebody from a past season, and he doesn’t want to throw anybody under the bus, and that person that he spoke to from past seasons told him to basically get your shit together for a reunion, and talk to Sarah to make sure you have your answers right for the reunion show.

Ben didn’t say, Ben said, I’m not going to throw anybody under the bus. And then they asked Sarah, she’s like, yeah, it was Jimmy from Charlotte. So that’s what I mean. Like, let’s just get to the bottom of stuff. And essentially what it comes down to Sarah and look, Sarah has every right to not want to marry a guy that she doesn’t align with morally and.

There were obviously two of the three breakups that we saw on Friday one. We knew at the time had to do with Beliefs and that was Sarah and Ben we found out at the reunion show last night that Virginia and Devin Had different beliefs as well. And a lot of people are jumping on them I mean, I’ve seen some horrible shit being said online just because people don’t agree with Sarah’s beliefs and Virginia’s beliefs and it’s just like Again, you’re just banging your head against the wall, trying to argue with somebody like that.

They just, they don’t have an open mind. They can’t even listen to somebody. They’re like, Oh my gosh, they literally were saying, I saw, I saw tweets about, Oh my gosh, why would you want to marry someone as a left leaning wacko? Like Sarah, it’s just like, you can say that about Sarah, but if Mike, God forbid, somebody said, Oh my God, why would you want to marry a right leaning wacko?

Like so and so. The right leaning people would just be jumping down their throat and being like, why are you calling us that? It’s just like, you can’t have any sort of discussion when it’s that harsh. It’s like, oh my gosh, Sarah was, was, was Sarah the worst person in the world because her religious beliefs didn’t line up with Ben’s and she didn’t like the fact that he didn’t really insert himself.

He wasn’t curious about her, but now she’s a left leaning wacko for that. Like, that’s what I mean. It was just, it’s awful. Some of the things that people go to on the internet, but it’s pretty much what we expect at this point. The interesting thing about Sarah and Ben was. Finding out that they were going to try and give it a run after she broke up with him on the wedding day.

And this whole story, it’s just like, kind of like a lot of the things last night, there was a lot of, he said, she said, but based on what we know post show of Ben, of Dave, of Alex, it’s hard to give these guys the benefit of the doubt. It really is. I mean, Sarah laid out a. A plan that seemed very, very detailed.

Hey, I was going to go down to Nashville. You were going to come down with me. You were going to stay there either two weeks or two months, and then we were eventually going to move back to Minnesota if things worked. She goes, the second I got down there, the day I got down there, he unfollowed my location.

And then he says, I felt like the night before we left, it was pretty much, we were done. She was like, we literally talked about moving down, you were going to fly down, you didn’t need a car, you were going to have my car, you were going to live with me in Nashville. It’s just, I’m sorry, I tend to believe Sarah more than I believe Ben.

Ben’s the guy that’s giving out YouTube cards. By the way, Sarah has done an interview where she has said she’s very well aware of Ben giving out his YouTube card, business card, to women that he sleeps with. So she knows about it. And she basically followed it up with it last night without going into detail by saying, Yeah, everything that I’ve heard about Ben post show.

Lines up with how he acted after our breakup. So, that was interesting to hear that story because I don’t think a lot of us knew that story yet. Virginia and Devin, once again, we didn’t know about this back when we were watching the wedding episode. She said that things didn’t line up morally. She’s like, I don’t want to speak on Devin’s morals, but I’ll speak on mine.

And mine are I support LGBTQ, support that community. And I support women’s rights to have an abortion. So it’s like, well, we pretty much know where Devin stands on both of those. Like, so while she said she didn’t want to throw Devin’s beliefs under the bus, or she didn’t want to out Devin’s beliefs, didn’t she basically out them by saying what her beliefs are and then saying Devin and I’s beliefs didn’t line up.

I have no problem with her saying it because she’s speaking her truth. And. Again, this is, it seemed like there was a lot more harshness between them post breakup, but then again, and this is something that I kind of felt throughout the whole show. I don’t know if you guys picked up on it either. I felt like every guy that got broken up with Joey and Devin and even Dave, all of them, nothing but complimentary towards the women that broke up with them.

I feel like. They said that on TV and it’s better than going after them and attacking them for their beliefs or something like that. I’m glad they at least did that and I’m glad they at least gave their women who broke up with them grace. But I feel like the second the cameras are off, these guys probably talk shit about all of them.

Like I just, I mean, you heard Lauren’s interview on Thursday on my podcast. You heard Lauren on the reunion show last night. I’m skipping ahead to Lauren and Dave, but she’s like. I appreciate you saying all this Dave. I don’t hate you. I don’t think you’re a narcissist or anything like that, but I’m also having a hard time buying this, what you’re saying, because Dave basically fell on the sword at the reunion show.

He was just like, yeah. Listen to the wrong people. Everything that I had said to Lauren, everything that Lauren had said to me, my whole feelings about Dave was, why didn’t you believe your fiancé over your sister and your friends? And now he’s admitting, I should have listened to my fiancé. And then they asked him, is she the one that got away, and he said yes.

And she’s like, what? You haven’t tried to talk to me in a year! And now you’re telling me, you think, or you’re saying publicly, you think I’m the one that got away? It just, it rang hollow to me, and it certainly seemed to rang hollow. Ring hollow to Lauren as well. It just seems like these guys were saying whatever they could to save face on the show last night.

And it’s, I don’t know, for me, it was hard to believe Joey making that comment to Madison in her DMS. I think it’s one of these things where Joey basically like threw the bait out there to see if Madison would buy it. And if Madison would have responded with, you know what, Joey kind of dig you. I liked our vibe in the pods.

I’d love to see where it goes. Joey would have been all over it, but since Madison shot him down, he’s just like, well, I didn’t think it was a big deal. It was just, just, just being friendly. No, I don’t buy that either. Hopefully one of these days I’ll get Madison on the podcast and I will say the same exact thing to her.

I’ll say Madison, while I think what Joey said to you in the DMs wasn’t all that bad, he was trying to gauge your interest and if you would have shot back with Want to meet up or you want to go somewhere or something like that? I guarantee he would have took you up on it So it’s one of these things where he just wanted to see and then once she shot him down He’s just like I was just checking to see total friends, you know great vibe with her.

Just wanted to be nice It’s like uh huh We’ve seen many guys play that game before hell the guys in the bachelor franchise Do it all the time and Devin just kept repeating over and over as well to Virginia. Hey, I think you’re great And it just and she seemed way more annoyed with him Then he was with her because I, I just get this sense that Virginia has been dealing with Devin shit for the last year.

And then she gets to the reunion. She calls him out for it. And he’s like, Hey, I got no problem with her. I love her. I think she’s great. She’s a great woman. And she’s just sitting there kind of rolling her eyes, probably like. Yeah, this is exactly what he’s saying to make himself look good to the public, just like Dave did and kind of just like Joey did and Joey and Monica, that whole thing again, it just seemed like Monica was way more bothered by Joey and Joey’s just like, Monica is a great girl.

I kind of dipped into a Minnesota accent there, didn’t I? My, you know, Monica is a great girl. Love her to death. Glad I did this experience. It’s like all these guys were just saying like, almost like, you know what? I just going to say the nicest things in the world on this reunion show and then get me off this show.

And I guarantee all of them talk shit about those girls off screen. And I would love to dive into it more. We are going to have more guests on. I don’t know who yet. I have feelers out there. Netflix knows who I want to talk to. I’ll see who I’m recording with this week. I’m going to get somebody from the show.

This week, but that was my overall sense of the reunion is that the guys absolutely were just saying whatever they could to save face with the public. And then I think behind the scenes and literally for the last year, they’ve probably been shit talking these women, the Madison Mason thing, the Mason and Meg thing, there is so much there to dive into.

And what we saw last night, I felt like a lot of it was probably edited out. I’m guessing that Madison’s text messages that she had, she had three pages of it. We saw her read like two. So a lot of people are calling out Madison saying, honey, the texts that you read were not what you said about him. We’re not what you said that Alex said, my guess is she did read stuff that they did and for whatever reason, it wasn’t shown because she, she had way more paperwork there than she did text that she actually read, but I did, I do think she made the point correctly that, Hey.

And she has told this in other interviews, and maybe you saw it, maybe you didn’t. Once they got out of the pods, Alex immediately reached out to her and said, Stay with me in L. A. She’s like, You just broke up with me. Why am I gonna stay with you? And now this guy is trying to run it back. Look, Alex has no legs to stand on.

And you gotta remember, when we had Storytime, when we had Rickywise on a couple weeks ago, she specifically said, all the stuff that she reported was after they had recorded this reunion. So anybody asking why didn’t any of the Alex stuff get brought up, Madison knew about it. But she wasn’t going to throw it out there without any proof.

She had heard about it. Women had contacted her, but she wasn’t going to throw it out there on the reunion show. She made, I think one comment about just the kind of person that Alex is. And you knew she was alluding to it, but they couldn’t bring up the allegations. And honestly, even if Ricky wise had that information before they recorded the reunion.

I doubt Nick and Vanessa would have brought up Alex’s allegations on that show. But I, again, I am really surprised at the hate. Some of the women on this season are getting Madison took the most heat last night, text messages. First off, everybody wants receipts and then she brings receipts and they say, Oh, this wasn’t good enough, but you seem to believe her when she said Joey slid into her DMS because Joey did slide into her DM.

So she’s got credibility built up. She said, Joey slid into my DMS. And then Joey admitted he did. And then Nick and Vanessa both said, do you see where that was probably inappropriate while you were still engaged to Monica the day after they all met at Buck Hill, so she’s built up credibility there.

She’s not just making shit up. And then with the text messages, I think there’s so much more there that hopefully we’ll hear about in the future, Mason and Meg, their attitude towards Madison. I mean. Madison, probably the most polarizing figure of the season. This is a woman that didn’t even get engaged.

And in terms of contentiousness on that stage last night the most was Alex, Mason, and Meg seemed to go after Madison the most. And then Madison was involved in the Joey stuff, but it’s not like she did anything. Joey slid into her DMs. All she was doing was relaying the story. So, I don’t know. I know people have got thoughts on Madison and that situation.

I didn’t think it was as bad as what I’m reading online. And that she was just this master manipulator and man eater, but maybe that’s just me. I mean, if, if I really thought that way, I would tell you like, man, I’m just not seeing it with her. I think she’s out to get these men. She’s making it all about herself or anything like that.

I just, I don’t know. I didn’t see it. I thought she was being honest and we all love, you know, when it comes down to, he said, she said, sometimes it’s tough. You’re just like, well, I don’t know who to believe. Well, Madison produced receipts and it’s like, oh, those receipts aren’t good enough. Well, I got the sense from the things that she did read from those text messages from Alex.

Alex was making fun of the fact that Mason and Meg did their own reveal. And I tend to believe Madison when she said Alex was talking shit about them. I guarantee he was. I have no way to prove it. Madison is credible to me. Alex? No. Alex has got no credibility. We probably can talk about this even a little bit more tomorrow.

Those are my initial thoughts on the Reunion show last night. So anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple Podcast. Also rate and review, but you gotta hit play. It’s the only way it counts, is to download Sports Daily coming up in an hour from now. Again, thank you all for listening.

We’ll be back tomorrow with another daily roundup. So talk to you back please.

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