Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 3/11 – Grant’s Women Tell All, Did Anything Get Accomplished, Dina vs Carolina, the Unfortunate DeAnna Pappas Story That Broke Yesterday, & Jason Tartick News

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Tuesday. We’re going to go over, whatever the hell that was we watched on the Women Tell All last night. No typical episode. A lot of bickering back and forth.

I’m not sure anything got resolved, but we will discuss it. There are a couple things that I wanted to go over. We will also discuss, unfortunately, the story that came out yesterday regarding Deanna Pappas, Pappas getting arrested for seemingly domestic violence against her husband, ex husband, excuse me, Steven Stagliano.

Rested after an altercation with the ex husband. So, we will discuss it. I will read you the quotes that Deanna gave to us weekly. And, something’s not adding up here. So, we will we will get on this. And then maybe I’ll tell you an email I got yesterday regarding Jason Tardik. And, probably gonna open it up to you listeners, because I don’t know what to do about this.

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And right off the bat, we had a record set last night at the Women Tell All. I’m pretty sure never in the history of this show has everybody who was up there on stage, either at the Women Tell All or the Men Tell All, ever both gave, and let’s face it, the men don’t do this. This is a woman thing to do when they are introduced at the Women Tell All.

You either just smile, you do a one handed wave, or you do a two handed wave. And that’s always been my thing, is how many two handed waves can we get? Yesterday, we had 15 women up on stage and they went 15 for 15 on two handed waves. If there was one that was possibly in question, it would have been Alex.

Alex like raised both of her hands very high when her name was called, like, Yay, me! But then she kind of went into, when she lowered her hands, a little bit of a two hand wave. So even if you don’t want to say that wasn’t a standard two hand wave, That’s still 14 out of 15. I don’t know the statistics. I know bachelor data has the statistics, but just off the top of my head, there is no way that every woman except one has ever in the past given a two handed wave.

Usually it’s half of them, maybe three quarters of them, but 14 out of 15. And honestly, I think Alex did do a two handed wave. So that’s 15 out of 15. They set a record last night. It can never be broken. It’s almost like the guy who set the record in major league baseball with back to back, no hitters.

That record is never going to be broken. Nobody’s going to pitch three consecutive, no hitters. Hell, I don’t think anyone’s going to ever do two in a row again. You can only tie that record. Well, apparently the record has been set last night. You can only tie that record of what the bachelorette contestants or the bachelor contestants did last night.

15 out of 15, they had to have gone into that knowing. Hey guys, let’s do this. There’s no way they all independently decided that when their name was called, that they were going to wave with two hands. No fucking way. Right? There’s no way they had to have gone about that in a group setting, or maybe it was a, Hey, as they go down the line, they see the woman before them do a two handed wave and they’re just like, okay, I’m going to do it too.

And the next year I’m going to do it too. And then maybe once they got to about six or seven in a row, no one wanted to break the streak. Actually, this is something I need an answer to. Can someone tell me if these women actually decided this before they took the stage, like, Hey, how about all of us do two handed waves?

Wouldn’t that be cool? Wouldn’t reality Steve get a kick out of this? The answer is yes. Thank you women for doing it. You set a record that can never be broken. So right off the bat. Once that started after the introduction of all the women, Jesse went to Carolina and said, Hey, Carolina, you’ve got an interesting jacket on.

And she had a jacket on that on the back said crazy and evil. Okay. She can do whatever she wants. Is it my cup of tea? Not particularly. You’re only drawing attention to yourself. You’re only feeding into exactly what these women’s impression of you is. You could have just showed up in a regular outfit like 14 of the other 15 women did, and just not drawn attention to yourself by writing on a blazer that said, in giant letters on the back, Crazy and Evil.

You could have not fed into it. I don’t know. Like I said, I mean, Carolina can do whatever she wants. I don’t hate Carolina. I don’t think she should get hate online. You don’t need to call her names. You don’t need to leave anything on her captions on her Instagram. You don’t need to DM or any messages.

But did I find her exhausting this season? Yes, I did. I just think she’s a bit much. And as I watched two hours last night, I was shocked that at no point could she take ownership of anything. It was always blaming the other women. And you were mean to me. So I did this, you all hated me and I did this. And these women were trying to explain to her, we didn’t hate you.

We were trying to console you, but you were inconsolable. And it just did anything really get accomplished at the women tell all last night? I don’t think so. I don’t feel like any of them really got the answers that they wanted. Maybe Dina did because Dina literally went in there seemingly trying. To make amends with Carolina for how everything went down.

And then at the end, she said, Carolina, do you even know the definition of the word accountability? Because you’ve taken none of it up to this point. That’s not what accountability is. So, I don’t know. I feel like there was a lot of back and forth. Nothing was ever settled. The same woman who had an issue with Carolina during the season, when this was filmed back in September and October, are the same women who have an issue with her today.

She doesn’t seem to have really shown much remorse. And she is taking her stance of why should I have any remorse? You guys all hated me and you treated me this particular way. I mean, it just, this once again, comes down to like a lot of things in this franchise, when it comes to the viewing public, it just comes down to who you like.

If you like Carolina, you’re obviously going to make excuses for her and you’re going to offend her and you’re going to shit on the other women. And if you don’t like Carolina, you were going to make excuses for the other women and you’re going to. You know, find a way to shit on Carolina. It’s just the way it works in this franchise.

Everything has to be so black and white when really it isn’t. I think there’s a lot of gray area with what happened with Carolina. There are some of the things that Carolina said that I agreed with. And there are some of the things that she absolutely said that I didn’t agree with. I just, I don’t know why we all have to be so black and white.

And so, oh, it’s absolutely, she’s absolutely right. Everybody else is wrong or they’re absolutely right. And Carolina’s wrong on everything. I think there’s a little leeway on both sides. Do I think it was more leaning towards Carolina being a little dramatic and exhausting? Yeah, I think so. Because if one person had a problem with Carolina or two women have had a problem with Carolina, I’d be like, okay.

Seems like there might’ve been a misunderstanding, whatever. There’s not literally one woman that stuck up for her. Not one woman there said, you know what guys, maybe we are too little, too hard on Carolina. They all seemed like they tried. And when everybody in the house has an issue with somebody, it’s very hard to say that that one person was the one.

That was in the right and everybody else was wrong. You know, last year when we were dealing with Maria, whether you liked Maria or you didn’t, she did have people on her side, Carolina, based on what I saw last night had nobody on her side. Nobody agreed with the way she handled herself on the show.

Nobody agreed with the way she spoke to people on the show and nobody really agreed with her behavior on the show. And it’s just like, it’s just very hard to get behind somebody that has that many people against them and then she turns it into see nobody liked me. So I’m going to act out and do this.

And it just like, I don’t know, seems to get a little old, seems to get a little exhausting. I don’t think she’s a horrible person at all. I just found her a little bit exhausting on the show. And I found her a little bit exhausting on the women tell all last night. Do I think that at times she was cut off and she had a right to say, will you let me finish?

Yes. But then she would cut other women off too. And. It just, it was a lot of bickering. You watch the episode. I’m sure it was definitely a lot of bickering, definitely a lot of back and forth, and it didn’t seem like much got accomplished. We know this. Unfortunately, it’s the way it works. And this is the way the show is no need to throw hate out there against anybody.

But. If you’re asking me, I just, I didn’t really feel like much was accomplished and people got the answers that they wanted to in terms of Dina. I thought she said something very interesting last night that we did not know until last night because this whole notion going around before that episode aired last night.

And when last week’s episode aired with the hometown dates was this whole deal about her family, not showing up to the hometown date. And yeah, that’s kind of a big deal. She even said it, she’s like, I’m surprised. Grant didn’t have a problem with it because you kind of kind of have to meet your family. I get it.

And her thing was, we all thought that her family didn’t want to show up or something along those lines. And she said, no, half of my family did want to come, but the other half, I knew we’re going to cause an issue. And we’re going to be basically, if they all showed up at my hometown date, we were going to basically be, have to be putting out fires because Grant would be, have to asking, Grant would have to be.

Basically put on the firing line and she said, I think she said on last night’s episode, her brothers had the biggest issue with it and her brothers would have been grilling him, which families have a right to do, but she didn’t want that and she basically just did a one 80 and just called an audible and said, you know what, now that I’m finding out that not my whole family is behind them showing up to the hometown, only half of them want to be here and half of them don’t like this whole experience and are going to question grant on everything.

She was looking out for Grant, in my eyes, and didn’t want him to get grilled, so she’s like, Okay, well, we’re not gonna do that, and she just decided to have a hometown with her friends. Look, whether or not that was ultimately the reason Grant sent her home, he said it wasn’t. I’m sure it played a little bit of a role, but we don’t know the percentage of what it played in terms of sending her home.

I gotta believe it did play more of a role than he’s claiming it did, because even, even Dina’s like, Well, yeah, you should have had a problem with it. Like who doesn’t want to meet the family? You met everyone else’s family. So, yeah, but they’re just, there was a lot of yelling last night’s episode. And it basically, I mean, Zoe wasn’t there.

The first person they talked about in terms of, you know, taking over too much time or whatever it was Zoe, but. Zoe also wasn’t there to defend herself because she’s in next week’s episode. Now we get to, well, what’s going on here and it’s all about Carolina. And it was the Carolina show pretty much for the rest of the episode.

After they were done talking about Zoe, nothing got accomplished. I think the thing to look for now is what we talked about last week when Carolina took to her Instagram stories and is basically saying, well, I know my truth and I can’t wait to basically tell it on podcasts. Well, she also said that the show would not allow her to talk to media that was there at the Women Tell All after the taping.

So, we will see if Carolina shows up on anybody’s podcast. And if she does, is it approved by the show? My guess is, if they’re not letting her even talk to media at the Women Tell All, my guess is they’re not gonna let her go on podcasts. I don’t know if she knows how this works, but they control you Carolina for the next year.

You cannot do anything on your own unless you want to go outside your contract, which some people have done in the past. Sometimes they get a slap on the wrist, and sometimes production goes after them. So, basically it’s a, I guess it’s a situation where Carolina will call their bluff. Either she will decide to go on a podcast and not get it approved by the show, and we’ll see what the show does, or she will abide by her contract and not go on anybody’s podcast unless it is.

Approved by the show. Only time will tell on that

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