Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 3/11 – Grant’s Women Tell All, Did Anything Get Accomplished, Dina vs Carolina, the Unfortunate DeAnna Pappas Story That Broke Yesterday, & Jason Tartick News

Unfortunate story to come out of bachelor nation yesterday. And that was the story of Deanna Pappas getting arrested this past weekend, February 26th, to be exact. So actually it was first reported by in touch us weekly reported the story and basically

Steven Stagliano’s mother, her ex husband, his mother went to her house to pick up one of the kids. to get Austin to school. When she arrived, she said she smelled alcohol on Deanna’s breath. And then, Stephen went up, went there later to pick up Addison, their daughter. This is what Deanna alleged. She said, Stephen told me I needed to walk closer to him because he wanted to smell my breath to make sure I was not drunk.

I had not consumed any alcohol. I ignored Stephen’s comment and I walked back into the garage. I heard noise behind me. I turned around to see Stephen following me into my garage. Addison had been left alone, sitting in the car with the engine running. I tried to shut my garage door. Stephen pushed my garage door upward so that it would not close.

I shouted at Stephen to get out of my garage. Stephen refused to leave. She went inside and locked her door, but walked back out after she heard more noises from her garage and she alleged that Stephen was stealing items out of the garage. She also claimed Addison recorded the incident on her phone. She said Stephen took his hands, grabbing me, then forcefully shoved me.

He pushed my back again. In fear that he would hurt me, I immediately went back inside and locked the door, while I waited for police to arrive, since she said he called law enforcement. According to Deanna, the police told her that Stephen accused her of being drunk and was pressing charges against her for domestic violence.

She said Stephen told the sheriff that I was the aggressor who assaulted him, which was false. At no time was I requested to test for alcohol despite Stephen’s allegations. In fact, the officer that arrested me exhibited no concern that I was at all intoxicated. She went on to say the basis of Stephen’s Is based on his fabrication that I am an alcoholic, this is wholly false and fabricated as a way for Steven to gain leverage in his attempt to alienate the children from me.

I am not an alcoholic. She had filed a restraining order against him on March 7th, ordering him to be 100 yards away from her. A hearing has been set for later this month. Look, we weren’t there. None of us were there. Just like the women tell all. And taking sides on this and that and everything is so black and white.

This is not a black and white case. We have no idea. This is what Deanna has alleged. We haven’t heard Steven’s side. So, before everybody says, Oh my gosh, Deanna’s a drunk, or oh my gosh, Steven should be in jail. Why did they arrest? Look, the arrest of Deanna, based on what we saw, and what we just, what I just read you, Doesn’t make any sense.

Like I said, at the beginning, something’s not adding up here. If this is what happened, why did Deanna get arrested? If she told them, wasn’t drunk, never put my hands on him. He was the one that w that was the aggressor. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, but I’m not security. I’m not police officers. I don’t know.

They saw what they were told. According to Deanna, Steven told them she was drunk and she assaulted me. So they arrested her. Is it that simple? Don’t they kind of have to run some sort of test or something? They just take the husband’s word for it. And she gets arrested because he said that when she said in return, that’s not what happened.

I wasn’t drunk. I wasn’t drinking. So. We have no idea. Deanna could be lying. Steven could be lying. Deanna could be stretching the truth. Steven could be stretching the truth. We do not know. But I am not here to be judge, jury, and executioner on a case I have no idea about. All we have right now is Deanna’s side.

We do know that she got thrown in jail and she was arrested. She was arrested on February 27th and released the same day on a 20, 000 bond. She claimed she voluntarily submitted to drug testing after being bailed out of jail and tested negative for both. And again, she denies she has a drinking problem.

You know, when they got divorced, it was in the divorce decree that these two could not have any drugs or alcohol in their system 12 to 24 hours before the exchanging of kids when they had to drop off the kids to the other person. So, that is in their divorce decree. There is a lot of, to be exact, When they filed for divorce in June of 2024, they agreed not to consume alcohol around their children.

The deal read, neither party shall drink alcohol in excess of the legal limit during their custody periods, or have a child and or children in their custody in control when being intoxicated. They agreed also not to consume narcotics within 12 hours before or during the time with their children. Per the deal, Deanna would be paid 1, 000 per month in child support and an additional 1, 500 a month.

In spousal support. So look, there’s obviously issues here. It sucks that this got out. It sucks that it got to this level sucks that Deanna had to go to jail. Even if it was very briefly, just a bad story all around. You worry more for the kids in this situation. Probably didn’t want to see that. She said her daughter was in the car recording it.

Once again, if that recording is out there, was it played for the police? Did they, was the courting not clear? So many questions about this. So just wanted to bring it to everybody’s attention. People can make their own assumptions based on this, but to say that anybody should have a absolute black and white definition of what happened between these two, I think that would be very, very extreme.

We don’t know exactly what happened. And finally, this, I get a lot of emails every once in a while pitching someone to come on my podcast. Usually it’s from some sort of PR team that says, Hey, would you like so and so on your podcast to talk for? X amount of time because they’re collabing with this product and we want to do it.

And I think there’ve been a couple in the past where I did were to get them on the podcast. We had to talk about something they were promoting and then we got to talk about other stuff. Well, yesterday I got an email from a PR company in regards to Jason Tardik. And this is a. Sponsorship that he’s collaborated with.

And they asked me if I wanted to interview him and obviously I’ve never had Jason on the podcast. We’d love to have Jason on the podcast. The problem is they gave me 15 minutes. We have to talk about the collaboration, which I have no issue with, but. Off limits topics, in bold in the email, past relationships, Jersey Shore, past controversies.

So you’re really tying my hands there. I mean, obviously, Jason Tardik is not going to come on my podcast and spill his guts to me about his relationship with Caitlin. I get it. The fact that I can’t talk about it at all. I can’t talk about Kat Stickler at all. The Jersey shore thing, any past controversies.

It’s almost like, I don’t know. I mean, I kind of need to know today because they only have two times available for me to talk to him tomorrow or next Monday. First off, if I can’t get 30 minutes with them, I’m not doing this. I’m not doing a 15 minute interview with Jason Tardik. I’ve got way too many things to talk to him about to do a 15 minute interview.

If they can get me to 30 or 40. Then I will consider it, but I want you to know if you end up hearing this, Jason Tardik interview, just know I’m not allowed to talk about Caitlin or Kat. I can’t. It says it right there in the email off limit off limits topics. I get it. I understand it. Hell, even if it wasn’t off limits again, I don’t know if Jason is going to tell me everything about his relationship with Caitlin.

I don’t know. Should I do it? And this is under the assumption I can get at least 30 minutes. Is this something you want to hear? Basically, it says you can talk to him about this collaboration, which we will. And then I can talk about his time on the bachelorettes and other insights to the bachelor franchise.

I can talk about his podcasts, personal finance, and broader budgeting tips, which actually interests me as well as a money guy, myself and into all that stuff. I’d love to talk to him. I, I, I think his story about how he’s built a completely separate brand from the show, I think is interesting to me.

Everyone, like I said, everyone’s got a story. And Jason has built that out, but yes, I understand that you’re going to be like, we’re going to have Jason on. We can’t hear anything about cat or Caitlin or anything about the drama in his life. It’s like, no, unfortunately. So I get it. I still haven’t decided what I want to do.

And I don’t even know if I can get 30 minutes approved because if I can’t get 30 minutes and they limit it to 15, the answer’s no. If I can get up to 30, would you want to hear that knowing I can’t talk about cat or Caitlin or Jersey shore or any other past controversies? Would you be interested in hearing that from Jason?

I’ll throw it out to you guys. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple Podcast. Also, rate and review, but you gotta hit play. It’s the only way it counts is download Sports Daily coming up in an hour from now, so go check that out. Again, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it, and I will talk to you.

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