Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” Jason Tartick Interview Update, DONDI, and Your Daily Roundup 3/12 Transcript


We’re listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. A very, very good episode for you today. Got a lot to go over. We’re going to talk about Grant. Yes, I saw the end of the show on Monday night. We will discuss it. I’m going to give you an update on the Jason Tardik.

Interview, we are going to talk about that mind numbing episode of dealer. No deal Island last night because I cannot for the life of me figure out what the hell Philip was doing. The Valley gave us our first full season two trailer along with a start date. We’ve got Madison from love is blind on Caitlin’s podcast.

And did you see the Jenny Garth interview with season seven cast member Dalton James who played Mark Reese on the show? We’re going to discuss that as well. And we will get to all that momentarily. This podcast brought to you by Factor, ready to optimize your nutrition this year. Factor has chef made gourmet meals that make eating well easy.

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Let’s get going here. Starting with the end of Monday nights, women tell all episode where Jesse and Grant were standing on the stage. They had just sown the season ending, what, two to three minute promo for the rest of the final two episodes of the season. He asked Grant, how do you feel? And he’s like, I’m keeping my lips sealed.

And then they show his face. He never cracked a smile once and immediately all the emails started flooding into me. Steve, what does this mean? He didn’t look happy up there. Are they even still together? And I’ll be honest with you. I haven’t heard either way. It doesn’t mean they. Aren’t still together.

And it doesn’t mean they are. I’m just saying, I know what happened in the Dominican Republic and he chose Juliana in terms of where they’re at right now. I do not know, but for those that are saying, Oh, because he never smiled at the end of the show Monday, that must mean they’re not together. I mean. It all depends on what the narrative in your head is.

If you don’t want them to be together, you can easily point to that. If you do want them to be together, you can easily say he was just on stage trying not to give anything away. Because if you look at the final two women, and I know I tell you not to look into social media as much, but. If you’re going to use Grant’s facial expressions, which is essentially his outward emotions about the ending of the show, as we saw on Monday night, if you’re going to use that as a reason to say, Oh, he’s totally not with Juliana anymore, because look at the way he looked, wouldn’t you have to take into consideration what both final two women have been posting on social media?

Literally, LaTia posts pictures of her with heart emojis of pictures from filming with Grant, Juliana, the same thing. Like, they’ve both posted very positive pictures of Grant, so I can’t sit here and say that one certainly means something over the other. We’ll know for sure when the finale airs in two weeks, but again, I would tell you if I heard something.

I, I, and I haven’t heard anything either way, so it doesn’t really mean much. I know that’s not the answer you want, but I’m just being honest with you. I don’t know. I’m not going to read into his face on Monday night and say, Oh, he’s definitely not with her because he didn’t smile at the end of the show.

For all I know, Grant’s acting. And he doesn’t want people to think that he’s happy. Who knows? I don’t know. I don’t know his intentions. But, that’s the way I look at it. And, I know that’s the way a lot of people look at it. If your narrative is you don’t want them to be together, then you can easily just say like, Oh, it’s because he didn’t smile.

But what if they end up, are still together? Then what are you going to say? Oh, remember two weeks ago when you said you knew they weren’t together because he didn’t smile? Well, you were wrong. That’s what I mean. It’s just Whatever your narrative is in your head, you can find a way to justify it by anything you see on social media or grants facial expressions on Monday night at the end of the show.

So I don’t read much into it. I’ll try and get a definitive answer. I’ve reached out to see if I can get anything. I just said, I haven’t heard either way. Yesterday on the podcast, I threw out the Jason Tardik possible interview to everybody and I said, look, would you want to hear it after I read you what a PR team sent me yesterday in regards to having Jason on my podcast, and they specifically said this is a promotional deal that he’s having it is with Ziploc and You need to cover it and I said, but they also laid out parameters that no talk about past relationships, no talk about Jersey Shore, no talk about any controversies.

And I said, well, the email said, would you like a 15 minute interview with Jason Tardik? And I said, look, if I can’t get them to do at least 30, I’m not doing it at all. If they will give me at least 30, then I will think about it. And I emailed them back. They came back to me and said, we’ll give you 45 with him.

So I said, okay. And I said, I noted what you said to me about talking about past relationships. And what about the promotional deal, the collaboration that he’s having with Ziploc? And they even said like, look, you can go over that in the first five minutes and then start talking about everything else. I said, okay, I’m in, I’m in.

So I’m recording with Jason today. When I opened it up to you, the listeners of what you thought, it probably ran about 90%, 10 percent of you saying, go ahead and do it. There were a few. But the people that said no just literally just said, no, someone said, ew, no, it’s just like, okay, well, you clearly just don’t like Jason and I don’t care if you listen to it or not, because it’s not, it sounds like you’re just not even giving him a chance and it’s not like I’m coming, you know, like I said, this is going to be an interview where it’s not like, hey, Jason, tell your side about the breakup.

There’s not going to be any relationship talk about this, but here’s the thing, you know, my thing when it comes to interviews on this podcast. Everybody’s got a story, and whether you like Jason, or you hate Jason, Jason’s got a story, and he’s got a really interesting one, just based on the fact that how many people from this franchise have completely branded out, created their own brand that has nothing to do with the franchise.

And you could say, oh, he only got that brand because he dated Caitlyn for three Shut up. It’s not why he got the brand. He could have easily fell flat on his face. So This interview has nothing to do with, oh, you’re just team Jason now, or, I have no team in any of this fight. I don’t care about their breakup, honestly, because I don’t know anything about their relationship.

And the more I thought about it, the more I was like, even if I was allowed to talk to Jason about his breakups with Caitlin and Kat Stickler, do you honestly think he was going to give me anything that he hasn’t already at least talked about? And frankly, he’s been rather quiet about it in terms of details.

So he was not like he was going to come on my podcast and lay out all the details behind either breakup. So I get it. And look, if your narrative in your head is Jason Tardik. Is nothing without the bachelor franchise, then don’t listen to the podcast. But if you think his whole, if you think his whole persona and his whole brand is defined by the fact that he dated Caitlin for three years then I don’t know what to tell you.

Then you would probably think I don’t want to hear from him, but I think he’s got a really interesting story. He’s one of the few in this franchise and there’s been what over a thousand people. Who have appeared on the bachelor. He’s one of a few that has able to has been able to create a brand That has nothing to do with the show.

He’s written two books on finance. He’s got a podcast where he talks about finance. He interviews some of the best and some of the more popular stars in either reality TV or the sports world. He gets to travel. He gets to go to a lot of cool events. Like, he’s got a story that has nothing to do with Caitlyn.

But if you think his life is defined by because he dated Caitlyn, then okay. I think you’re wrong. I think he’s way more interesting than that. So, I’ve never spoken to Jason in my life. I’m looking forward to the conversation. I’m glad they gave me 45 minutes. Because there’s no way Even without relationship talk, I wasn’t able to get any much talk about his life in 15 minutes, you know, 45, I have absolutely no problem doing.

I’m glad they, they agreed to that. So I’m recording that with him today and it’ll be up tomorrow for podcast number 434. And again. Please, please don’t take the fact that I’m interviewing Jason, meaning I’m not team Kaitlin or I’m pro team Jason. It has nothing to do with either of that because we’re not talking about his relationship.

If Kaitlin wanted to come on this podcast, I’d put her on in two seconds, but she’s never reached out to me. And I reached out to her years ago. And I kind of got a little bit of a run around, but I’m not mad at it. It’s just like, whatever. Caitlin’s a busy person. She’s got a much bigger brand than me. I get it.

She doesn’t have to have me on her podcast and she doesn’t have to respond to me. When I’ve asked, like I said, it was like four or five years ago. And it just never came to fruition or I just never got a return email about it, whatever. I’d put Caitlin on my podcast in two seconds. And I would go on her podcast in two seconds.

But I’ve never been asked. And this isn’t like, well, Caitlin hasn’t had me on so I’m going to go after Jason. I was not planning on having Jason on my podcast. Until two days ago when I got an email from a PR team pitching him to come on the podcast. So, we’ll have him on. It’ll be a good talk. I’m looking forward to it.

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