Another show. That just kicked off two days ago was temptation Island. And I’m a guy that has covered temptation Island every year when it was on USA. But that’s when we got one episode a week. You know me, I love to binge shows.
Sometimes I’m pulling my hair out saying, why do I have to wait a week? Kind of like with Paradise on Hulu. It’s like, gosh, it sucks we gotta wait a week. Can’t we just binge this whole thing? Will you drop the whole season at one time? Now, Netflix drops Temptation Island, all ten episodes at one time, and I haven’t gotten around to any of them.
This is conference championship weekend. March Madness is next week. I’m out of thestate. I just I don’t know when I’m going to get around to Temptation Island. I really, I’m trying to stay away. Anytime I come across something on my search bar or in Twitter on my for you page or Tik TOK, I’m immediately scrolling past it.
I don’t want to know, but just know, I will get around to Temptation Island and hope to have Mark Wahlberg, the host on like we have every season. But it’s just been different this year because in the past it was on USA. I was working directly with USA. It was very easy to get them on. Now it’s different.
He’s working with Netflix. I’m going to have to contact Mark myself and just be like, Hey, can I just do an interview with you or do we got to go through Netflix and I need to watch the season now, because before we used to just preview everything and I’d have them on at the beginning of the season.
Sometimes I have them on beginning and the end, but you don’t normally, it was at the beginning of the season. I would just say, Hey, let’s talk about this. Let’s prep, let’s get us ready for the season. What do we, what should we know about these four couples? Don’t obviously spoil anything. And he was always great with that.
And now all 10 episodes are out there. There’ll be so many, there might be some of you right now that have already watched the whole season of temptation Island. I haven’t watched one episode yet, and I don’t know what I’m going to get around to it because I’ve got so many things going on before I leave next Wednesday.
And I want to bank. Some interviews, because like I said, I don’t like recording stuff when I’m out of town, you know, especially when I’m in Vegas. I’m in California. It’s just like the last thing I want to do is go back to my hotel room and record something at 9 at night. So there will be some because I’m going to have to record Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Monday of next week at some point for, for things that aren’t.
So that’s eight podcasts, four daily roundups and four sports dailies. I hope to have maybe two or three interviews banked, so I’ll still have to record four or five. And I do what I can, man. It’s just, it’s just not as much fun when I’m on the road and you just kind of don’t want to, especially, you know, having fun in Vegas, last thing I want to do is go back to my room at the end of the night and record podcasts, but I will for the sports daily because March Madness is happening, especially next Friday’s show.
I think next Thursday’s show leading into the day the tournament starts will be an interview, but Friday we’ll be recapping everything that happened on Thursday and looking ahead to what happens on Friday and possibly the weekend. So we’ll There’s that but just know that coming up next week is going to be very wonky, but we do have some interviews coming up I’m hopefully hearing back from poverty soon since the Deal or no deal island finale is also on the 25th So right now if everything works out perfectly both deal or no deal island and Joe Schmoe show finales are airing Tuesday the 25th Wednesday I plan to have Hopefully Wednesday the next day Ben on the subject at hand of the Joe Schmoe show Ben Frizzone is his name and then hopefully that Thursday My weekly podcast will be with Parvati.
That’s the plan. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope it happens And yes, finally getting around to this story the 90210 mg podcast is with Jenny Garth and Tori Spelling and unfortunately producer Amy Sugarman Who adds absolutely nothing to the podcast, even though she’s supposed to like direct the podcast, get them in the right direction, keep them on track.
They never do anyway. What they do is watch an episode of a past season of Beverly Hills 90210 and do a podcast one a week. And right now they’re in season seven. And if you remember season seven, that was senior year of college. And Jenny Garth’s boyfriend that season ended up being a guy by the name of Dalton James on the show.
His name was Mark Reese and Jenny had Mark Reese, Dalton James on the podcast this week because there has been rumors for years going around that the reason. He was let go. It was kind of, you remember it, it was very abrupt that he was written off the show. It wasn’t like he just disappeared one time.
They definitely gave him a send off, but there was a lot of stuff going around as to why he was. Rumors about Jenny went to Aaron Spelling and complained that there was no chemistry between them or at the very least she didn’t like working with the guy. But in an interview with Teen Drama Whore that you can check out, To go to teen drama, whore.
com to 2010 interview with a writer and producer, Larry Mullen. Larry’s been on this podcast before. I think he was on during COVID sometime in 2020. And in that interview, he said that Aaron Spelling told the writing team that Dalton James is antisemitic. We have to write them off the show. That’s never been proven, but that’s what a producer once said.
And so Jenny actually had Dalton James on the podcast this week. And she said that Acknowledge the fact that she and Tori have heard through their work on the podcast that it came down to a chemistry factor she did or didn’t have with James. He said a producer pulled him aside and told him he’s being let go.
He said, quote, I was pretty bummed about it. To be honest, we were all young. I don’t have any ill. feelings at all. And you know, it was a great job. It’s a great opportunity. I made some great money. He also added he was going through a hard time when he was on the show. He had just become a new father and he was struggling with depression.
And then Jenny said, I’ve been seeing the character and remembering and hearing from different people how it all happened. When you’re young like that, you don’t really look at things objectively from different perspectives. I don’t feel like the chemistry between these characters is working out. She told producers, she explained, I didn’t really look at how that impacted you or your future.
And I’m just glad to hear you say that you don’t harbor ill feelings about it, because I would hate that. So I guess, congratulations to Jenny for coming forward after all these years and saying it. It’s still just amazing to me. And you know, this could be just a memory thing. I can’t really jump down to Jenny’s throat for having a horrible memory, but.
It really takes away from their podcast because when you hear two people recap, one of your favorite shows, you want them to include stories and anecdotes and cool things that they remember from filming. Jenny Garth remembers absolutely nothing about 90210. When she’s watching these episodes before she records with Tori, it’s like she’s watching it for the first time.
She doesn’t remember ahead to storylines. She constantly gets things wrong about what’s going to happen to certain characters. And you’re just like, my gosh, I know more about this show than she does. I know for a fact, I know more about 90210 than Jenny Garth. Hell, I think any average fan who grew up with this show knows more than Jenny Garth does.
It’s, it sucks, but maybe that’s why they go off on so many tangents because they don’t remember anything about this show. Anyway, she had him on, but that’s been the backstory to this. And if you’re following on BH 90210 restored, they’re also in now. Mark’s character has been the Mark Reese character is now off the show in the episodes that they’re in.
I think they’re on episode 20 right now on the Instagram page. That you’ll see me commenting on every single day. So you can go read my comments on BH 90210 restored, but it was really cool to have him on and actually somewhat apologize and saying like, if I had anything to do with your, your being written off the show, you know, I’m sorry.
I wasn’t, I wasn’t thinking about it at the time we were young and dumb and he obviously holds no ill will towards her. So I’m not going to sit here and crucify her. It was, it was an interesting conversation. It’s one of the few that I listened to because they didn’t do a recap of the episode. They just talked to Dalton James and he’s talked about his life since then, but he was not in a good place when he was on the show.
And the funny thing is, and I don’t know if it’s funny, but watching it back right now, season seven. He was her worst boyfriend that they ever cast on the show. It just, to me, as a viewer, I didn’t feel I had any chemistry. He wasn’t believable as somebody that Jenny would go for or that Kelly Taylor would actually go for.
It was coming off the heels of Brandon. Brandon is seeing Tracy and it’s just, it’s like you kind of knew, I understand that they had to give each of them love interests, senior year of college, but we eventually knew. That Brandon and Kelly would find their way back to each other and they eventually did, but it’s an interesting, if you want to check it out, go listen to 90210MG with actor Dalton James that was posted earlier this week.
Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple Podcasts. Also, rate and review, but you gotta hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. Sports Daily coming up in an hour from now. Check that out as well. Thank you all for listening. I hope everybody has a great weekend, and I’ll talk to you on Monday.
See you.