Reality Steve

The Bachelor 29 - Grant

The “Bachelor” Grant – Overnight Date Thoughts, My NCAA Round 1 Picks, Temptation Island, & Your Daily Roundup 3/18 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC


You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Tuesday. Lots to talk about tonight. We’re going to talk about Grant’s overnight dates, the news that went down on another Friday news dump this past Friday in Bachelor Nation.

The two main executive producers of the show are now removed. They are out. Today is a big day on the website. Why? Because I give my long awaited NCAA tournament picks that I know you’ve waited 365 days for, I’ve done it since 2017. It’s always the Tuesday before the tournament starts. I’ve got your two plays going up.

Today. Also want to talk about that Sean Lowe story from yesterday. My gosh, that was a rough watch. And if you haven’t seen it, I’ll tell you about it. Also want to talk a little bit more about temptation Island and I’ll get to that celebrity wedding. I was talking about yesterday that I never got around to, and we’ll get to all that momentarily.

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He played a little basketball with Jesse Palmer. That’s just kind of the thing now. Jesse Palmer is gonna play sports with whoever the bachelor is. Whether it’s Joe and he’s on the tennis court, or he’s with Grant and he’s playing basketball, it’s what Jesse Palmer does nowadays. And They go to the Dominican Republic.

And I told you yesterday on the podcast, I probably should have done some research, but sorry, I was lazy when it came to this, I thought the three women that met the three women last night grants remaining three women, I thought it was Daisy, Katie bigger and Kelsey, but it was Daisy, Katie bigger and Rachel, which Juliana was up first.

She met with Daisy and then who went second Zoe. Yeah. Zoe went second. She met with Rachel. And then LaTia went third and she met with Katie Bigger. And we learned during that conversation with Katie Bigger that LaTia has never watched the show before. Because it’s not like we were asking her to pull up some stuff from way back in the day.

Zach’s season was two years ago. And we all know what happened on sex week on Zach’s season. He made a declaration, I’m not having sex with anybody. Then he ends up having sex with Gabby and he tells Katie about it since she had the third overnight date and Katie is relaying this story to Latiya and Latiya is like hearing it for the first time.

She had no idea. She was like, Oh wait, he told you. Oh my gosh. I would never want to hear that. No clue. The season was two years ago. She had never seen it. So again, am I surprised? No, but it is kind of funny that. We all think that the people on this show are very well aware of what they’re getting into and have watched past seasons.

Apparently Latia doesn’t watch it. At least she didn’t watch Zach’s season two years ago. Maybe she watched Joey’s. I don’t know. It was just funny hearing Katie tell Latia the story of everything that went down during sex weeks of her season and Latia was literally like jaw on the floor. Had no idea any of this had even happened.

It’s like, could somebody maybe fill her in to give her a heads up of what possibly could happen on this show? Apparently not. That was too much to ask. So, Juliana went first, Zoe went second, Lettia went third. The biggest thing to come from last night’s episode is Grant specifically told Lettia he was in love with her.

And he told Juliana he’s falling in love with her. And I think after last night’s episode, A majority of the audience is 100 percent convinced he’s picking LaTia and I think that’s going to be your surprise at the end of the season because I do think that people think he’s picking LaTia and I don’t know what to tell you, nothing I say, if you want to believe he’s picking LaTia you’re going to believe it and there’s nothing I say that’s going to change your mind there’s nothing I can do to prove you, prove to you anything about the spoiler, I put the spoiler out there, Weeks before the season even aired.

It hasn’t changed all season. I don’t see it changing in the last week. I doubt I’m going to get some last minute information. I’m making, I guess anything is possible, but from everything that I was told back then he chose Juliana at the end of this thing, how he gets to that point is probably going to be the drama and.

You know, they’ve been promoting it all season that, Oh, it’s my gosh. He doesn’t know what he’s going to do. The two women are on their car right over here. We need to know who to tell to come out of the car first grant, make a decision, all this stuff, rumors about a coin flip. And just let it play out next week, and we’ll see it all play out, and unless I hear something in the next six days, I would just go with the fact that, in the end, ultimately, he’s going to decide on Juliana, and I think Latia, If there’s one thing that I did hear about this, back three months ago, is I did hear Latia was blindsided.

So that kind of makes sense with how they’re setting up the finale. I also thought one format change that was interesting yesterday. I was like, I had to look at the timer on my screen. I had to look at my clock because after the rose ceremony where he eliminated Zoe and we were down to Latia and Juliana, he meets his family.

I mean, usually that’s the beginning of next week’s episode. Whereas it’s like, okay, I’ve got two women left. I’m going to introduce both of them to my family. They spent like the last three minutes of last night’s episode bringing in the family and him already starting that conversation of okay, you’re gonna meet two women.

Which I just thought was weird. It’s like, they didn’t give it ten minutes, they didn’t give it fifteen minutes, it wasn’t a full segment, it was literally three minutes. Could it have been avoided? I mean, I guess. It didn’t seem to really accomplish much other than set us up for next week. I’m just saying they’ve never done that before.

Something new, I guess, but I don’t know if we’re going to see that next week because it leads to my next story. Did you see on Friday that executive producers, Claire Freeland and Bennett Grabener have been released from this show. And when the deadline article came out a couple of weeks ago saying that there were member, we talked about this and there were producers literally.

Giving anonymous quotes, but producers that still worked on the show, calling it a hostile work environment and Claire and Bennett, who are basically the main show runners for the show, weren’t listening to anybody’s ideas. There was a toxic work environment. People were working long hours, weren’t being compensated for it.

All this stuff. The second that deadline article came out, when we talked about it the next day, I said, look. The next two heads that are going to roll are Claire and Bennett, because it’s not like they’re the ones keeping this franchise afloat. It’s not like anything they’re doing is bringing all this attention to the show, and now they get charges of toxic work environment being brought up against them.

And then we look at the ratings for this show, and while it has gone down the last I don’t know how many years in a row ratings have gone down, but you kind of saw the writing on the wall. At least I did. The second that article came out, what, three weeks ago, maybe it was a month ago where we found out that there was a toxic work environment and there were producers speaking on record.

Producers still who worked on the show speaking on record, but anonymously saying, yeah, the work environment here is not great. Claren Bennett do not listen to anybody’s ideas. The second that came out, you pretty much knew that was the beginning of the end for Claire and Bennett. And on Friday, we get the story by deadline.

Another Friday news dump that Claire Freeland and Bennett Grabener, the executive producers for this show, have been fired by. The network or Warner brothers, whoever you want to call it. So starting next season, probably they knew this was coming. That’s probably why we’re not having a bachelorette season.

We know there’s a new show runner for bachelor in paradise, which begins in May, and we will see who the new show runner is once this starts back up, but it kind of makes sense. It’s almost like, Hey, let’s do a fresh reboot here. Let’s bring in a whole new production team and let’s see if we can rebuild this franchise because.

It’s losing badly in the reality TV dating world to shows like love is blind and the circle and other things. They’re just more popular. There’s more buzz around those shows and the bachelor franchise is getting a little bit stale after 50 seasons. So I got to give them credit. The fact that they stuck around 50 seasons, that’s absolutely incredible.

29 bachelors and 21 bachelorettes. Grant is the 50th season of the main show of the franchise, which is just. Absolutely crazy. So today coming up on my website is the day. A lot of people look forward to you’ve waited 365 days for this column. And that is what are going to be my two picks for March madness week one.

It started in 2017 and I go over all of this on today’s sports daily. But in 2017, I decided to give out one pick. It was either a game that was played on Thursday or Friday, a round one pick. And then I did it and I won that one. And then in 2018 I did it again and I won that one. In 2019, I did it again.

I won that one. There was no tournament in 2020 because of Covid. In 2021, I got greedy and I gave out two picks. I won both of those. So I started out 5 0 on these picks. Since then, I’m 2 4, but not bad. 7 4 overall, and 5 of them were outright winners because every pick I’ve given has been an underdog. So of the 11 picks I’ve given since 2017, they’ve all been underdogs.

Because we know underdogs are going to win outright in round one in round, in round one of the NCAA tournament. Happens every year. We know about upsets. So it’s like, why not take them plus the points? Some of them probably will win outright. And like I said, in my 7 4 record of the 7 winners that I’ve picked 5 times, they’ve won outright.

So they’ve won you a little bit of money on the money line. I can tell you today, both picks, underdogs, both games are being played this Thursday. So, if you want to know that, go to my column. Today it’ll be up around, I don’t know, 9, 9. 15 a. m. Eastern Time. And or you can listen to the sports daily and get them a little bit earlier than that, but yeah, I have two picks and then I have some bonus picks and I have a three team eight point teaser, which I won last year last year was the first time I did a three team eight point teaser that I gave out and that one one as well.

So I’m wanting to know, looking to go to and oh, but I like my picks this year. I really do. And I’m looking forward to the games this week as I leave tomorrow for LV. Now, here is the schedule tomorrow. Daily roundup. We’ll just be me recording something. It will be a regular daily roundup, but then Thursday and Friday are both interviews.

Thursday is going to be with Jacqueline Trumbull. And then Friday’s is going to be with Jackie Maroney, one half of she’s all batch. So those are in the can sports daily. I’m just going to have to record Wednesday night and Thursday night from Las Vegas, which. Well, I don’t want to do it unless I can get a, actually, I don’t even have time tomorrow today to record.

So I guess I’m going to have to record two episodes from my hotel room, but that’s the schedule for the rest of this week for the daily roundup. So tomorrow, Wednesday’s daily roundup will just be a regular show. And then Thursday will be interviews with the daily roundup. Will be an interview on Thursday with Jacqueline Trumbull talking about the women tell all and love but mostly love is blind and then on Friday It’s gonna be some women tell all grant season with Jackie Maroney along with some traders talk as well.

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