And the weekly podcast the weekly interview is going to be with Mark Wahlberg.
Not Marky Mark Mark Wahlberg, the host of Netflix’s Temptation Island. You know why? Because I literally finished Temptation Island Sunday night. I watched all ten episodes of Temptation Island over the weekend. Now, I will admit, kinda like Love is Blind, when we got to that penultimate episode, which is Final Dates, Did I fast forward through a lot of it?
Yes, because I didn’t, we already knew who they were going on their final date with. We kind of knew what everybody was going to do with their decisions. But I will say Thursday’s interview with with Mark Wahlberg, I am recording that today and by the time it airs on Thursday, it’ll have been out. The season will have been out for eight days.
I don’t know how many of you have watched the full season. But I’m being honest when I say this, I think this is the best season of temptation Island they’ve ever had. And I’ll explain to you why, when I hype up the interview and then you’ll hear me tell it to Mark. I really, really enjoyed this season.
One of the better character arcs this season of somebody you’d probably be surprised about. I thought, and I just really, I liked the couples. I liked the cast. And I didn’t think the singles were so over the top. Yes. Look, we know what the show is about and yes, there is cheating that happens quite in the same vein as Montoya from temptation Island, Honduras, but it’s fairly close.
Well, you know, we don’t get to see some guy jackhammering somebody in a bed like they did on that show, but do we hear noises? Yes, we do. I really suggest you take the time and watch temptation Island this year. I think it’s really, really good this year. You’ll like it. And I think you’ll like the ending.
I think you’ll like how everything kind of plays out at the end. Did you see the story that Sean Lowe posted to Instagram yesterday? It took about, I mean, it’s in his feed. I didn’t see the timing on it or the timer on it. Maybe I can pull it up real quick and see how many minutes it actually was. I watched the whole thing, but very, very scary.
Instance that Sean Lowe had and okay, it’s not showing a minute thing here. So my guess is it was close to 10 minutes long. It’s just him and Catherine sitting there talking into the camera. But Sean does all the talking. Catherine sat there for support. The short version is. They adopted a dog three months ago.
The dog has been great. It’s a boxer. And unfortunately this past weekend, the dog snapped and attacked Sean. And you don’t want to say like, Oh, dog went a little crazy. No, no, no. This dog attacked Sean. He shows his. The amount of stitches he has in his arms. Cause the dog was literally trying to bite through his arm and he had to go to the hospital.
He said blood was literally squirting out of his arms. And when you see how many stitches he has in his arms and he shows everybody on camera, the stitches that he has, you can tell that that was some serious, serious dog biting and the marks that that dog left. I mean, it had to have been scary. If you’re probably asking what happened to the kids, the kids were not home.
They were at the mall with Catherine when this all happened. However. The next day, as the kids were being loaded into the car to go over to the parents house, because Sean and Catherine didn’t want them there to, they figured out what they were going to do with their dog. The dog came sprinting out of the house and attacked Sean a second time.
So his other arm has a bunch of bite marks and stitches in it because the dog was literally going to kill him. And just a scary situation. I’ve never had a dog like that. I hope people don’t take this story and turn it into something that it’s not. He did not do anything wrong. Sean isn’t even blaming the dog.
He’s sad that his dog, you know, he admitted like, look, this dog has slept in the bed with the kids for three months. Since we’ve had him. The dog was literally on my lap the night before letting me kiss his forehead, but he was barbecuing with his friends. Smoke got into the house from the barbecue, the smoke alarm went off.
He said it was very loud and the dog just snapped. And obviously when he returned it, he obviously has to rehouse the dog. And he returned it to the, the Rescue Foundation. And they had, there was apparently some trauma in that dog’s past that they were, were not privy to. So I, I don’t want people to turn this into.
Oh, I hate Sean Lowe, so I’m just gonna shit on this whole story. Why didn’t you take better care of the dog? Why didn’t you train him better? Anything like that. If your take is that, just save it. I’m glad Sean shut off the comments on that post, because, God forbid, I can only imagine what people who aren’t dog people would have left as comments.
This also has nothing to do with any sort of political views or anything like that. Like, this was A very scary incident. When you look at his arms and the fact that he had to go to the emergency room for all this, and you see all the stitches he had to get in both of his arms, I can only imagine how scary it was.
He’s got both attacks on camera because they have it in there. They have cameras outside, inside their home and outside their home. Like a lot of people do. But he said, it’s so gruesome. He goes, I’m not going to play it for anybody, but we’ve seen the end results, which is how bad his arms were chewed by his dog.
And I feel bad for them because that’s awful. You think about it. And the main message that Sean wanted to get across was. I’m glad it happened to me because if my kids were home, if this would have happened when the dog was sleeping with the kids or something along those lines or attack Catherine I think the results could have been a hell of a lot worse.
So you just feel bad for the whole situation, but man, listening to him tell that story, you’re just like, Oh my gosh, like, look, I don’t even have kids, but I can only imagine how freaked out Sean is knowing that. I mean, like, like he said, he’s happy it happened to him. And if the kids were around, it would have been a much serious, more serious situation because the kids would have been able to fend off a boxer.
You know, so just a scary story all around. All the entertainment outlets are covering it. If you don’t want to watch the eight or 10 minutes of that video, I would just go read any of the entertainment sites that literally just took the quotes that Sean said, but very scary incident. I’m glad that obviously he’s alive.
He said himself, like I can deal with the arm scars for probably going to be there for a while because what could have happened to my family would have been. So, you know, prayers out to the low family for that. Because it’s also sad that he has to give up his dog. Yes, obviously it’s a no brainer. You’ve got three kids that I believe are all under the age of what, seven or eight or something like that.
And you have a dog that does that to you. You, you can’t take a chance. You have to bring that dog back and send him back to the rescue foundation. And that’s what they did. And so obviously, as Sean told the story, he got emotional. Catherine was very emotional, just sitting there listening to Sean tell the story.
Cause I’m sure while she’s sad about the incident and probably thinking about what could have happened to her kids, it’s also very sad to think that you you know, he’s like, look, I don’t blame my dog. Obviously this is something that neurologically was wrong with him. And obviously they found out about trauma in his past that set this off.
Because a dog that has literally never given you any problems for three months and literally sleeps with your kids every night. And some dog that was laying on your lap the night before to all of a sudden hear a smoke alarm go off and absolutely attack its owner. Clearly there was something wrong with the dog they did not know about.
But everyone’s alive. Everyone is safe. But yeah, it’s gotta be sad to have to give up a dog like that. And finally, just wanted to bring this up because I saw it and I was like, I had no idea these two were even dating, let alone married. And. When I saw it, I was like, wait a second. That person looks familiar.
So over the weekend, Justin Theroux, who was engaged to Jennifer Aniston, right? Were they engaged or they just dated? I think they were engaged at one point. Or were they shitting? They might’ve been married. I don’t even remember. Anyway, they were together a long time. I know like five years. Anyway, he has moved on since cause they were a while ago, right?
They’ve been broken up for at least. Seven, eight years. Anyway, Justin Theroux got married over the weekend to Nicole Bridenbloom. I can’t say, I know that name off the top of my head when I saw Justin Theroux, Mary’s girlfriend, fiance, Nicole Bridenbloom over the weekend. I’m like, okay. And then I saw the picture.
I’m like. Wait, she looks familiar. And of course, what have I been promoting for the last two months for everyone to go watch? The show Paradise on Hulu. Nicole Bryden Bloom plays Jane on Paradise. Jane, who has a very important role in season one, especially one particular episode, and also has a very, I think they are leaning towards giving her an even bigger role in season two just based on how season one ended.
And I was like, wow, that’s random. I had no idea they were even dating. Then again, I also didn’t know. I mean, I had seen her on this show, but she never, her face never struck anything to me where I was like, oh, I know her from this. Or I know her from this, obviously Sterling K. Brown, you know him from This Is Us.
And you know him from the OJ Simpson story that aired on FX that when he played Christopher Darden in that, that was his first major role, his breakout role, and then he went into This Is Us from that, but. Yeah, Nicole Bryden Bloom, I was just like, who? And then I saw a picture, I’m like, wait, she looks familiar.
I literally, even when she looked familiar, I had to look her up and Google her name and be like, wait, what was she in? And they’re like, oh, that’s Jane from Paradise. I’m like, got it. Had no idea. She was Justin Theroux’s girlfriend. Congratulations. They’re now married. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it.
Follow me on Apple Podcasts. Also rate and review, but you gotta hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. Sports Daily coming up in an hour from now if you want to listen to that. It’ll have my picks for the first round of the NCA tournament, and then in my column coming up around nine or 9:15 AM Eastern time, it’ll have it in there as well.
Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it, and I will talk to you tomorrow.
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