Reality Steve

Beverly Hills 90210

  • Beverly Hills 90210

    RECAP: Beverly Hills 90210, Season 5, Episodes 1-2


    It might’ve taken a national emergency for me to finally do this, but honestly, this is something I’ve kinda wanted to do for a while. For however long this takes, I’m going to be recapping old episodes of “Beverly Hills 90210.” For those that don’t know, it ran from 1990-2000. Once they worked out the kinks of how many years these kids were in high school (3 “seasons”), their college years coincided directly with mine, and that’s where my obsession with the show began. When they were freshman in college, I was a freshman in college. And this was back when this show was producing 32 episodes a season, which is unheard of nowadays. So their “seasons” would start in September (when I started school) … Continue reading

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