Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #219 – Interview with Ashley “Millionaire” Mitchell of the “Challenge”


    Been a while since we’ve had a member from the “Challenge” franchise on, and what better way to break that streak than with “Millionaire” Mitchell. And boy, what a debut she gives. What you’ll hear on this podcast is exactly what you see on TV. And vice versa. She has no filter, she curses, and she doesn’t hold back anything. So get ready. If you’re not a fan of cursing, maybe this week’s podcast isn’t for you. Being this is her first time on, there’s A LOT to cover with her. It’s 90 minutes long, but I felt it could’ve been 900 minutes. So great having guests on like this where basically all you have to do is wind them up and let them go. … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Matt Spoilers

    Podcast #218 (And Column) – Your Finale Spoiler & Audio Emails Answered


    It’s been a couple months, but I figured I’d bring back “Audio Emails” and, I must pat myself on the back for this – I learned from my mistakes. This is more on the technical side, but the first time around, it took me almost six hours to put together the podcast, from downloading all the audio questions, to recording my answers, to then combining them, then putting them all together, etc. Since it was my first time doing it, I was figuring things out on the fly. Last night? Took me maybe 2 hours. I’ve got a new system, so now I won’t be as hesitant in the future to do it. Plan is to do this type of podcast maybe every 2-3 months. … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #217 – Interview with’s Ali Barthwell


    Great podcast today with a first time guest, Ali Barthwell, from If you haven’t read her recaps, you should. I’ve linked to her two recaps this season below to check them out. I only started reading Ali last season, and she’s immediately become one of my favorite recappers of this franchise. Not to mention, her background in comedy, and she got hired as a writer for John Oliver this summer. She’s got a funny, unique perspective on the show, she’s been covering it since Chris Soules’ season so she gets the nuances, the tropes, and is aware of all the tired old storylines they bring every season. Being a black woman who covers this show as extensively as she does, I find that fascinating … Continue reading

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