Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #195 – Interview with Colton Underwood


    Well, it’s finally here. Can’t say I ever thought Colton Underwood would be on the podcast, but he is today for podcast #195. And I’m glad he is. It’s a loooong discussion (over 2 hrs), that goes in chronological order of his appearances in the franchise. From Becca’s season, to BIP 5, to his “Bachelor” season, then post-show – we cover it all. I’ve had many criticisms of Colton over the years, and he addressed all of them, which is all I ask for in a guest. Colton is definitely a lightning rod in the franchise as people definitely feel strongly one way or the other about him. I don’t expect people who already don’t like him to do a 180 after this podcast. However, … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #194 – Interview with “One To Watch” Author, Kate Stayman-London & Thoughts on “Bachelorette” Filming


    A very fun podcast this week as the author of “One To Watch,” Kate Stayman-London joins me to talk about the book, which is a fictional depiction of the “Bachelorette” essentially. In the book the lead for the season of “Main Squeeze,” is Bea, who is plus sized. Something we’ve never seen in the history of this franchise before. How will someone who knows Hollywood has never depicted many plus sized women on TV feel to now be the center of one of America’s most popular dating shows? How will she think the men on her season will view her? The book takes a lot of twists and turns that really get you to think as a reader of how we as a society view … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #193 – Interview with Bachelor Season 1’s Shannon Oliver


    A throwback today to where it all started on Alex Michel’s season as Shannon Oliver (Robinson) joins us this week. If you didn’t watch the show back then, or didn’t see her during the GOAT episode a couple weeks ago, it shouldn’t matter. Her story is great. From all the stuff she tells us about how different the show was back then to what’s happened in her life over the last few years, I’m telling you, it’s one of my favorite podcasts ever. Everyone’s got a story, and just because Shannon is someone who isn’t on your radar or most of you who only started watching the show in the last few years, doesn’t mean her story isn’t as interesting. It definitely is. Hope you … Continue reading

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