Reality Steve

Chris’ Girls


1. Tandra Steiner: 30, Salt Lake City, UT. Executive Assistant at Also models in her spare time and is a motorcycle enthusiast. Can almost guarantee you her entrance on night one will be on a motorcycle.

Facebook – Tandra Steiner
Twitter – @TandraDanielle (old page she hasn’t used in 3 years)
Pinterest – TandraDanielle
LinkedIn – Tandra Steiner

Tandra1Picture courtesy of


2. Whitney Bischoff: 29, Chicago, Ill, originally from Kentucky. Registered Nurse at the Fertility Centers of Illinois. Graduated Univ. of Kentucky in 2007 with a B.S. in Nursing.

Facebook – Whitney Bischoff
Instagram – Whitb624 (currently set to private)
LinkedIn – Whitney Bischoff


And it looks like she is friends with Jaclyn Swartz judging by these pictures…




3. Tracy Darakis: 29, Wellington, FL. 4th grade teacher at Royal Palm Beach Elementary School. Graduated University of North Florida in 2007.

Facebook – Tracy Darakis
Instagram – Tracyd85 (currently set to private)
Pinterest – tracydarakis


4. Jillian Anderson: 25, Washington, DC. Has three other sisters. Currently works at the Fox News Channel’s DC Bureau and also is a Washington Redskins cheerleader. Graduated Youngstown State University in 2012. In case her FB gets set to private today, here’s what she wrote yesterday as her status update:

“I want to say first off God is good and he has provided me with enough blessings in my 25 years to last me a life time I am taking a temporary LOA from social media for a bit but before I do I just wanted to give a shout out to some very special people that really went out of their way to support me. From my family in the mecca that is Ohio, Cali, Fl and Md, my Redskin sisters, my Fox News family, to the random friends in between you have all been amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart I am beyond humbled to have so many great people in my life. I love you all so much!”

Facebook – Jillian Anderson
Twitter – @Jillie_Alexis
Instagram – JillieAlexis
LinkedIn – Jillian Anderson


5. Kara Wilson: 25, Edmonson County, Kentucky. Teaches English at Grayson County High School. Tried out for “American Idol” back in 2011. Graduated from Western Kentucky University. Younger sister Kelsea Wilson just got engaged last month. You can’t see it by her Twitter account since she just set it to private, but she has rededicated her life to God. Her gimmick is that she is not going to kiss another man until her wedding day. Wonderful. She’ll last about a nanosecond on this show. Here is a mall performance from over a year ago. You know if you’re singing in front of a JCPenney and Top Nails, it must be a big deal. Needless to say, she looks a lot different now than she did then:

Twitter – @KaraGreyWilson (currently set to private)
Instagram – KaraGreyWilson (currently set to private)



6. Michelle Davis: 25, Provo, UT. Got pregnant at 17, married shortly thereafter, and has been divorced a couple years. Daughter Sadie turns 8 next month and son Cohen just turned 6. Currently works for Vivint in Provo, UT and attended Utah Valley University. UPDATE 10/10: She no longer works for Vivint. Here’s an About Me page she has.

Facebook – Michelle Davis (currently de-activated)
Instagram – MichelleD02 (currently set to private)



7. Christina Scherenberg (goes by Trina): 32, San Clemente, CA. Originally from Algonquin Hills, IL. Special Education teacher. Has two Masters Degrees. No kids, never married, father passed away in January of this year. According to her Instagram, she’s obsessed with her dog, Lulu.

Facebook – Trina Scherenberg (currently de-activated)
Twitter – @TrinaScherenberg
Instagram – TrinaScherenberg
LinkedIn- Trina Scherenberg


8. Megan Bell: 23, Nashville, TN. Graduated from Middle Tennessee St. University with a degree in Public Relations. Works as a barista at The Perch in Nashville. Has appeared as an extra in “Nashville.” Her dad died in July of this year. Has purple highlights in her hair because the show wanted her to.

Facebook – Megan Bell (currently de-activated)
Instagram – MeganElizabethBell
LinkedIn – Megan Bell
Pinterest – Megan Bell


9. Jordan Branch: 24, Denver, CO. Just graduated Colorado University Denver in May. Went into casting for this show immediately thereafter, so wasn’t working when she left for filming. In case you couldn’t tell, in her family picture she is the one with blondest hair. The pictures of her and other girls, she is on the left. All social media currently de-activated.


POSTED 10/30

10. Becca Tilley: 26 (her birthday is today, Oct. 30th), San Diego, CA. Originally from Shreveport, LA. Attended Louisiana Tech University until 2008, then moved to San Diego. Currently works at Salon Salon in Rancho Santa Fe. Has an older sister, Katie Hester, who’s married to Jacob Hester, a former running back on the LSU football National Championship team in 2007. I’m pretty sure the dinner portion of the hometown date is going to be at Jacob’s house. Becca is the 2nd oldest, followed by brother Chris Jr., sister Caroline, and sister Hannah. I mean, this is the All-American family if I’ve ever seen one, here’s everyone and Jacob in a family photo from 4 years ago, then one from earlier this year:


Also, Becca used to date Dez Duron, who was on an early season of the “Voice” on Christina Aguilera’s team. Here’s his audition and you can see the quick shots of Becca when Carson Daly starts spazzing out backstage like he’s prone to do every episode (at the :38 mark and the 1:15 mark):

Dez Duron Audition

Facebook – Becca Tilley
Twitter – @beccatilley5
Instagram – BeccaTilley5
Pinterest – BeccaTilley5



11. Jade Roper: 27 (will be 28 Dec. 19th). Currently living in Los Angeles. Originally from Gering, Nebraska. What does she do? Well, her LinkedIn page says she’s involved in cosmetics. Also heard she works at a restaurant. Has a website at However, even though the website alludes to it, it doesn’t include the pictures from when Jade once posed for Playboy Amateur. And has a 3 minute video to go along with it. We’re not talking, “Oh, she took her top off and there’s one shot of her on the internet topless.” Ummmm, no. WARNING: This link shows a photo and a video of Jade Roper completely nude in a photo shoot for Playboy Amateur. View at your own risk.

Jade Roper Playboy Amateur

If you want to see all 15 photos from that photo shoot where Jade is not shy about showing the whole world her goodies for free, I’m not going to provide the link due to the graphic natures of the ads on the page, but a quick “Jade Roper Nude” Google image search will show you everything you need to know.

Facebook – Jade Roper (currently de-activated)
Twitter – @JadeLizRoper
Instagram – JadeLizRoper
LinkedIn – Jade Roper


POSTED 11/24

12. Nikki Delventhal: Pretty sure she’s based out of Connecticut. According to her Twitter, she’s a jack of all trades: Fitness trainer, model, host/actress, and a hair stylist. She was a NY Jets cheerleader from 2011 to 2013, and a UFL cheerleader in Hartford, Connecticut before that. She competed in Miss Connecticut 2013. Has her own website at where you can see plenty of what she’s about. And if you want to see her working out, well here you go:

Facebook – Nikki Delventhal
Twitter – @nikkidelventhal
Instagram – Nikkidelventhal


13. Alissa Giambrone: 24, originally from New Jersey (with a last name of Giambrone? From Jersey? No way!), but currently resides in Miami, Fla. Flight attendant for Frontier Airlines. Graduated Magna Cum Laude from St. Joseph’s University in 2012, even making the Dean’s List . Smart cookie.

Facebook – Alissa Giambrone
Instagram – alissagiambrone
LinkedIn – Alissa Giambrone


14. Juelia Kinney: Originally from Oregon, but currently living in San Diego. Has a B.A. in Business Management from Oregon St. University in 2007. Currently works as a mortgage loan officer for American Internet Mortage. Previously married in Las Vegas to Dustin that she had a daughter named Ireland with. Unfortunately, Dustin committed suicide in 2013, just a couple months after landing a new job in San Diego. A donation page was set up through the AFSP. Sad story. Seemed like a really selfless, charitable guy.

Here’s a video tribute to him:

And a video that Juelia uploaded for their 1 year anniversary:

Dustin and Juelia from Juelia Kinney on Vimeo.

Facebook – Juelia Kinney (currently inactive)
Instagram – jueliakinney
Pinterest – Juelia Kinney
LinkedIn – Juelia Kinney


15. Kelsey Poe: 28, originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan, but currently living in Austin, TX. She is a widow. Was married to musician Sanderson Poe before he died suddenly in 2013. Got her Masters degree from UT Austin in 2013 and currently teaches at Premier High School in Austin. She has a website that she’ll start back in February (you know, once the show is on air). Here is one of Sanderson’s obituaries.


16. Ashley Iaconetti: Originally from Great Falls, Virginia but currently based on New York. Attended James Madison University then went to Syracuse to study broadcast journalism. Looks like that’s the career she wants to get into. Seems mildly obsessed with Kim Kardashian as she has a beauty blog dedicated in Kim’s name, not to mention she even kinda looks like her. Also, has done some work with the NY Jets as well (hey, maybe she knows Nikki Delventhal) as she wrote for and did videos for the Jets Insider. Here’s her demo reel:

Hey, if Amy Long can turn her demo reel and two episode appearance on the “Bachelor” last season to hooking up with Brooks and now moving to LA and dating Drew Kenney, the sky’s the limit for Ashley.

Facebook – Ashley Iaconetti
Twitter – @ashleyiaco
Instagram – ashley_iaconetti


17. Tara Eddings: 27, originally from Washington state, but currently living in Miami, FL. Was on a rowing scholarship at the University of Miami, and now is an aspiring model. Wow, that’s a first. Also, big into sport fishing (as evidenced by her pictures), and is trying to get sponsored for it. Has a twin sister Chelsie Eddings.

Facebook – Tara Lee Eddings
Instagram – _insta_twin1


18. Kaitlyn Bristowe: 29, Vancouver, British Columbia. I don’t have the faintest idea what she does, but judging by her social media activity, my guess is not a whole hell of a lot. I’m kinda in awe of this girl and her antics on social media. I mean, if your last instagram post before leaving for filming back in September is an expletive quote from Mr. Chow from the “Hangover” movies, that tells me a lot. Holy moly this chick is out there.

Here’s her in a music video parody that is supposed to be funny (I think):

Wanna watch 9 minutes of her road tripping with her friend 5 years ago to the Britney Spears concert in Canada? At your service:

Or her and a friend eating whatever with a crazy filter on their camera saying basically nothing and listening to a horrible song:

And for good measure, a few vine videos she made of her mom: vine videos

Twitter – @kaitlynbristowe
Instagram – kaitlynbristowe
Pinterest – Kaitlyn Bristowe


19. Mackenzie Deonigi: Seattle, Washington. Not sure what she does, but she has a son named Kale that she posts all over her Instagram. She also looked to be back together with Kale’s father because she posted this picture with him a few weeks ago:


However, she’s since taken it down so they either broke up, or producers got to her and told her not to post pictures with other guys since they want the audience to believe MacKenzie actually has a chance in hell of lasting with Chris. Can’t post the pictures with your new man until AFTER the episode you’re eliminated, MacKenzie. You should know better.

Twitter – @MDeonigi (never tweeted before)
Instagram – mackenzie_deonigi


20. Britt Nilsson: Originally from Michigan, this model/actress currently living and working in LA. Has an older modeling page, and a newer one which said she’d never had a head shot before, but needed this shoot because she was reading for the 90210 remake. Well then. Basically that makes her my favorite person in the world now. And yes, she was the girl who got the group date rose in South Dakota at the Big & Rich concert. Also did a short film called “Innocent Attraction,” that frankly went to a place I never saw it going to. If you have 8 minutes of your day to carve out, you might wanna check this out. Ummmm, disturbing?

Facebook – Britt Nilsson (says Bert Carolina Neilson now bc I guess she was trying to disguise herself)
Twitter – @brittkarolina (hasn’t tweeted in 4 years)
Instagram – brittkarolina


21. Samantha Steffen: Beverly Hills, CA. Her bio says she’s an entrepreneur. I guess because she didn’t want to put “pageant girl” on there. Finished in the Top 10 in 2013 for Miss California, you can the results here and here.

Twitter – @SammiSteffen
Instagram – samanthasteffen_


22. Ashley Salter: Atlanta, GA. Works as an assistant controller at Lynx Chemical Group. Just ran in the 5 Points Challenge 5k in Cumming, GA two weekends ago in support of the non profit organization, Friends of Tony.

Twitter – @_ABSalt (currently set to private)
Instagram – absalt
LinkedIn – Ashley Salter


23. Amber James: Chicago, Ill. Well, she was once up for Chicago’s Hottest Server, and also has a tie-in to Sean’s season. Even though it didn’t happen in Canada, she’s also done the Polar Bear Plunge.

Instagram – ambriella22


24. Amanda Goerlitz: 25, Chicago, Ill. Graduated with a BA in Pubic Relations from Western Illinois University. Also a graduate of the Judith Svalander School Ballet and currently teaches there. Pageant girl that made the top 32 in Miss Illinois 2013, and finished in the top 5

Twitter – @misswindycity14
LinkedIn – Amanda Goerlitz (currently shut down)
Google Plus Page – Amanda Goerlitz


25. Carly Waddell: 29, Arlington, Tx. Younger sister of Zak Waddell, 4th place finisher on Desiree’s season.

Facebook – Carly Waddell
Twitter – @CarlyWaddell
Instagram – carlywad
Pinterest – Carly Waddell


26. Bo Stanley: 25, Carpinteria, CA. A plus size model who also is a competitive surfer.

Facebook – Bo Stanley
Instagram – bostanley


27. Brittany Fetkin: 26, Orlando, FL. Currently in the WWE minor leagues as an announcer going by the name of “Devin Taylor” for NXT.

Facebook – Brittany Fetkin
Twitter – @brittanyfetkin
LinkedIn – Brittany Fetkin

Here’s one of her demo videos for her wrestling career:

Brittany Fetkin/Devin Taylor Diva Search Training by DJ8946


28. Kimberly Sherbach: 28, Long Island, NY. Yoga instructor who also acts and sings. No way! They never cast people like that on this show. Amazing. Has a website of headshots for her acting resume. Here’s a clip of her singing:


29. Reegan Cornwell: 28, Manhattan Beach, CA. She’s a cadaver tissue saleswoman, which we can certainly say is a first on this show. And probably the last. In English, she’s a sports tissue and biologics sales rep at MTF, which of course we all know is the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation. Graduated Pepperdine University (Booooooo) in 2008 with a B.A. in Communication and Media Studies.

LinkedIn – Reegan Cornwell


30. Nicole Meacham: 31, Scottsdale, AZ. She’s a real estate agent at Russ Lyon Sotheby’s International Realty. Graduated Arizona St. University in 2005 with a B.S. in Marketing.

Facebook – Nicole Meacham
Pinterest – Nicole Meacham
LinkedIn – Nicole Meacham




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