Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #253 – Interview with Trish Schneider Cullins from Jesse Palmer’s “Bachelor” Season


    Takin’ it back old school again this week as we have Trish Schneider Cullins from Jesse’s Palmer’s season of the “Bachelor” as our guest. We had her on before – 3 years ago. Man the pandemic has totally made me lose all sense of time. If you would’ve told me Trish was on last year or maybe even 18 months ago, I would’ve said “That sounds about right.” Nope. 3 years! June of 2018. That’s crazy to me. I feel like I just spoke with her. Crazy. Anyway, wanted to have her on again to talk about the role of “villain” in 2005 versus now and how much different things are. Because honestly, she was probably the first true “villain” this show ever had. You … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 7

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 9 Thoughts, A Few of Clayton’s Women, & What Happens to Ivan?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So the biggest thing to come out of last night’s episode that I was asked the most was what happens with Ivan next week. First off, when they had to evacuate because of the hurricane and go to the hotel, it was only for one night. They came back the next day. However, that night is where Ivan broke protocol. While they were supposed to be sequestered or stay in their own rooms, Ivan snuck over to Alexa Caves room (contestant on Peters season) and hung out with her all night. Producers found out about it and busted them. Alexa was set to come on the show late, but once they got caught, she was never allowed on and Ivan ended up getting kicked off … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Imposter Accounts, & Latest News I’m Hearing on Clayton’s Season


    So I had something pretty good and pretty funny for you today to go over, but then, well, the guy (I’m assuming it’s a guy) already quit was he was doing because he got called out for it. I mean, we know there are some crazy whack fans in this franchise. But honestly, this guy takes the cake. Funny thing is, I’ve never spoken about him before. I’ve always meant to but then I just forget. And since I don’t know his true identity, it’s not like anyone can really find out who it is, but, when you do the same exact thing over and over again and numerous women start being duped, I finally remembered to point it out now after it happened again … Continue reading

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