Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” I’m Now On TikTok (@realitysteve20), & Shayne Lamas Part 2 Interview Coming Tomorrow

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Welp, I did it. I’m on TikTok. Posted my first video last night, which is a breakdown of the next episodes spoilers. Granted, we never know if the episode will end with a rose ceremony, so technically it’s the rose ceremony #2 spoilers. But you get what I mean. My TikTok account is @realitysteve20. Every week I’ll be putting up a new video that gives you the spoiler breakdown for the following weeks episode. It’s all stuff I’ve laid out in my column, podcast, and IG already, but because TikTok is the #1 platform on the internet right now, I’m missing out by not being there. Well, now I am. So follow me there, like, comment, and do whatever the young kids are doing there … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 26 - Clayton

    The “Bachelor” Clayton – Episode 1 Recap, Salley’s Story, First Night Impressions, & More


    Whew. What a long ass break I tell ya’. I feel like I haven’t written in like two…weeks. For those not keeping score at home, we are beginning month 6 of a 9 month journey in Bachelor Nation where there’s only been 2 weeks of breaks in between shows. It all started with Katie’s season beginning on June 7th, then went straight into BIP mid-August, which ended on Oct. 5th. Then Michelle’s season started up on Oct. 19th. It ended on Dec. 21, we had last week off, and here we are. Recharged and ready to go. And when I say “recharged” I mean the gas light is approaching “E” and there isn’t a gas station within 200 miles. I’m running on fumes here. But … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #267 – Interview with Shayne Lamas, the Winner of Matt Grant’s “Bachelor” Season (Part 1)


    A podcast so good, I split it up into two parts. Ok, well that’s part of the reason. The other reason being it’s a busy weekend and it’ll be tough for me to get another guest next week. So here we are, the winner of Matt Grant’s season of the “Bachelor,” Shayne Lamas is a first time guest and she doesn’t disappoint. Like, at all. Part 1 is all about her time on Matt’s season to how she got cast, what TV role she was up for at the time, how she felt during her season, why they only lasted 2 months, and much, much more. It’s really refreshing speaking to contestants so far out of contract because they have no filter. Shayne has zero … Continue reading

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