Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #203 – Interview with @BachelorClues & Lizzy Pace from the “Game of Roses” Podcast


    We’re only 5 days away from the premiere of the “Bachelorette.” Think about that. We haven’t had any Bachelor Nation programming since March. We should’ve already seen a “Bachelorette” and BIP season. But now, we’re gonna get 6 straight months of BN programming assuming Matt’s season that begins filming this weekend goes off without a hitch. If you’ve never listened to the “Game of Roses” podcast, you should. @BachelorClues on IG and Lizzy Pace break this show down differently than basically anyone else on the internet. Today is a very fun talk as we dive into all things Bachelor related, from Clare’s season, to Matt’s upcoming season, to the release of Matt’s women on Tuesday, etc. And oh yeah, I ask them about their dynamic … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Matt Spoilers

    “Bachelor” Notes About Matt James’ Cast of Women

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well yesterday was certainly an interesting day. Last week I told you to expect Matt James’ women to be revealed this week. In the past, it’s come out on early on a Wednesday or Thursday morning. They moved it up a day this season and it was on like donkey kong from the second I woke up (well, when Luka woke me up) at 6:30am. I knew I had a long day ahead of me. Going into yesterday, as I’ve mentioned on the last couple of IG Lives I’ve done, I had 8 women ready to go. 2 of those didn’t end up panning out, so I was planning on posting 6 yesterday. But once the cast was released, the job was to find the … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #202 – Interview with “2 Black Girls 1 Rose” Hosts, Justine Kay & Natasha Scott


    A brand new guest, or guests I should say this week, as we are joined by Justine Kay and Natasha Scott of the “2 Black Girls 1 Rose” podcast. Never had them on before, Ashley Spivey had been on theirs and told me I needed to get them on, and here they are. A fun discussion about the franchise, how they got started, their Patreon model they have set up now, and their thoughts on two black leads the next two seasons. To start, I briefly discuss yesterday’s spoilers posted here in the column. Please read yesterday if you want information on the “Bachelorette” this season. It’s not every detail or even and episode-by-episode breakdown, but it’s an overall view of things you will see … Continue reading

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