Daily Roundup 8/19 – Gotcha Day, Three Bachelor Nation Pregnancies Announced Over The Weekend, Rachel Recchia Dealing With Toxic Bachelor Nation, & Big Brother Becoming A Snoozefest
You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality, Steve podcast. I’m your host reality, Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Monday. Good show for you today. A lot of stuff to go over. Yesterday was a big day in my personal life. We have not a whole hell of a lot to update you from the men tell all, but it did happen on last Thursday.
We have. Three count them three pregnancy announcements in bachelor nation that all happened over the weekend. We’ll talk about those. Rachel Rekia, get some heat from the trolls. We’ll read you what the trolls said to her. It’s embarrassing. I feel bad for her and it’s just awful continuing on. … Continue reading