Reality Steve

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  • Bachelorette Rachel Spoilers

    Podcast #26 – Interview with Jaclyn Swartz, ABC Bios, & Some “Survivor” Links


    I think one thing that I’ve always cared most about when dealing with people is…just be real. Don’t be phony. I cannot stand fake people. And there are plenty of them in this franchise. There’s people you’ll see this season that are fake. Carrying on a persona that really isn’t them. Hamming it up for cameras. This isn’t news. We see this every season. There’s a certain insincerity you get with a lot of contestants that really ends up coming across when you see them on TV. Today’s Podcast #26 guest Jaclyn Swartz is definitely NOT one of those people. What you see is what you get. She was loud and outspoken on the “Bachelor,” “Bachelor Pad,” and “Bachelor in Paradise,” and she certainly doesn’t … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #25 – Interview with Chris Lambton, & Some “Survivor” Links

    Photo Credit: HGTV

    If the schedule holds, today should be the Rachel’s final rose ceremony in Spain. And considering they’re 7 hours ahead of where I am right now, Rachel could very well be engaged at this moment or getting close. Sorry, I don’t know 2 minutes after it happens who she picked. Give me some time. It’s varied from season to season. Sometimes I’ve found out the same day, sometimes I find out the next day, sometimes I find out over the weekend. I’m pretty sure I’ll find out in the next 24-48 hours based on my info this season. I’ll let you know. Another great guest on the podcast this week as Chris Lambton, runner up on Ali’s “Bachelorette” season and host of numerous HGTV and … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Rachel Spoilers

    Update on Filming & Daily Links 5/9

    Photo Credit: ABC

    We’re 13 days away from Rachel’s season premiering, so the coverage will start ramping up here on the site. This week is the final rose ceremony. If you weren’t following on Twitter, I was able to confirm that they are in Spain. Robert Mills hinted at it on his radio show a couple weeks ago, I was given a tip about it over the weekend which I then tweeted out. Not to mention, Chris Harrison posting an IG story from the Madrid airport certainly was another confirmation if anyone needed it. We all know the final 3 were Eric Bigger, Bryan Abasolo, and Peter Kraus. Filming should end tomorrow or Thursday, all depending on days off, etc. Hopefully by next week, I will have your … Continue reading

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