Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    The “Bachelorette” Gabby/Rachel – Two Women Speak on Nate Mitchell

    Photo Credit: ABC

    There is not much to recap today regarding last night’s episode. I will give my thoughts tomorrow and then some along with your Reader Emails, so get those in today. Today is a story about 4 months in the making. Keep in mind, these used to be way more frequent. I have not posted one negative thing I’ve been told about a contestant in well over a year. You’ve heard me say it time and time again. I’m out of that business. I’m done being the middle man. The exception would be is if someone who came forward to tell me something about a contestant put their name behind it, showed me proof, and wanted a platform to share whatever it is they had. Today … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #298 – Interview with Louise Barnard, Mia Jones, & Tamaris Sepulveda from “FBoy Island”

    Photo Credit: HBO Max

    A great podcast today as I believe this is the first interview released today with the women of FBoy Island – Louise, Mia, and Tamaris – talking about their finale which dropped on HBO Max earlier today. You will find out what went into each of their decisions, any regrets they may have, an update on where they’re at with their relationships, and a whole lot more. One thing in particular I want you to pay attention to is in my 11 min open, reading one of the awful DM’s that Tamaris received today. I know it’s become the norm now to send death threats to contestants, but that certainly doesn’t make it right. I can’t believe losers are taking time out of their day … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” Injury News (Sort of), Rachel/Gabby Talk Their Season & Today’s Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Doctor visits are fun, aren’t they? Didn’t get much of a diagnosis yesterday, got an X-ray because they said I needed that before I got an MRI, Achilles is still swelled, I walk with a sever limp, and they didn’t have any boots for me, so I bought one online that’ll arrive tomorrow. And I got some anti-inflammatory medicine to take. Other than that, nothing got accomplished. The good thing is, it hasn’t gotten any worse. I do notice a little black and blue now, but the swelling hasn’t gotten worse. It really feels like right after you roll your ankle. You just don’t have a lot of range of motion because it’s stiff. Same with my heel area. Just feels very stiff and I … Continue reading

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