Hey, I am curious if the contestants know how the show is going to go the day it airs? I have heard the lead gets to preview it, but do they let the other contestants watch to prepare them?
Comment: I think some contestants definitely have had access in the past to episodes, but not until late in the season.
Is it my imagination, or did it seem like Ben H was doing Chris Harrison’s job with that convo with Colton at the start of this week’s episode? Any idea why that might be aside from the franchise’s obsession with bringing people back to “give advice”?
Comment: Well, Ben fit that role this episode because he lives in Denver. That was probably a huge reason why he spoke with Colton. I didn’t read too much into it.
Hi RS,
Just wanted to get your take on this. I find it funny or ironic that Colton is upset about some of the women “being there for the wrong reasons” (i.e. wanting fame and popularity) when that’s the only reason he is there. Obviously we all know Colton’s intentions and I get it “makes good TV”, I just think it’s super ironic that’s what the main “storyline” the past few episodes are seeing as that’s the only reason he is there.
Thanks for all your spoilers!!
Comment: Pretty much.
Hi Steve,
I know you get emails all the time about the next bachelorette so I apologize in advance. I just kind of wanted to share my thoughts on potential candidates. I watch this show every season and I pay close attention to the edit and I read everything you post of your site. This is the first season in a while where I really feel like none of these girls would be able to be the next bachelorette. Hannah G is a literal Instagram influencer so that would be bad for the image of the show. It feeds into the idea that contestants are just here to build their brand. Caelynn has that great story line built in but the bachelorette talks during her time on the show would also be a bad image. Even if they somehow manage to give her a better edit, I just don’t know how they can give her the role after all that they’ve shown of her. They seem to always show the mean comments that she says. Given the article that came out today about Tayshia, I can’t see them wanting her to be the bachelorette either. If Colton and Cassie break up before the finale, I feel like they wouldn’t choose her because of the other tv show and the talks of her being the bachelorette during the show. No other girls have really stood out this season because they literally didn’t show any other girls. At this point, I would rather have Hannah B than these other girls. Hannah B isn’t the most articulate but she seems like a hoot so it could be a fun season. I’m just not sure how they can really pick any of the girls from this season. Anyways sorry for rambling. I love your site and all the work you do. This email was sent before yesterday’s column where my friend gave her Pro-Hannah B. speech. So kudos to her for seeing it as well.
Also in addition, I feel like the show needs to at least pretend that they are trying to cast good people for the show. It really seems like the last few seasons that there have been more and more shady contestants and it’s becoming unbearable to watch at times. Like at least cast some normal people to keep the premise of the show alive. As a longtime viewer and a long time reader of your site, it’s just getting harder and harder to watch this show.
Comment: Eh, unfortunately I don’t think that’s gonna change. They’re gonna cast who makes the best television. And outside of casting a convicted pedophile, murderer, rapist, etc., I think they’re looking for whoever will make the best TV for them.
Hey Steve,
What’s up? Long time reader, first time e-mailing even though we’ve briefly communicated on social media in the past.
I have a theory about Cassie and what her intentions were when the whole thing went down. Do you remember prior to Jojo’s season you mentioned having heard that Jordan’s plan was to quit the show à la Brooks in hopes of getting the Bachelor? Later he decided that proposing to the Bachelorette was a better look (or seeing that they’re still together maybe he did fall in love with her). Anyways, do you think that could have been the case with Cassie? That she quit hoping to build a stronger backstory for her being the Bachelorette and creating an is she or is she not ready type scenario/hook for next season? Perhaps Colton’s chase threw a wrench in her plans given that refusing him after all he “sacrificed and gave up” would make her a villain? What do you think? It’s certainly a good conspiracy theory, but I have no idea what Cassie’s intentions were. I don’t know anything about her. I don’t think anyone can say at this point. We need to watch this play out and then I think we’ll have a better understanding.
Also, after tonight’s episode and Caelynn’s portrayal and edit, and the information revealed to the unspoiled about Tayshia’s previous relationship I would find it surprising for either to be the Bachelorette. Have you heard anything new or anything at all on that front? Between your poll the other day and the tweet about Hannah B’s edit, color me intrigued.
Have a good rest of your week!
Comment: For weeks I said I’d be surprised if Caelynn wasn’t the “Bachelorette.” Didn’t know if she’d get it, but she’s always had the best backstory of anyone. But Monday night’s episode did her no favors and now I’d be surprised if she DID get the gig. I just don’t see how she recovers from Monday’s trainwreck where she came across as a mean girl. Yes, she was pissed at Tayshia for what she told Colton, but she handled it about as badly as one could’ve.
Hey Reality Steve,
As always, love your spoilers! What is that pink notebook Colton was carrying around in tonight’s episode?
Comment: Not sure. Maybe she doodled some pictures of people’s mouths she cleaned. Or wrote his poems about how he should floss every day. But I guess it wasn’t too important since it got no air time.
Hi Steve,
I have been a long time reader. I am a bit confused as tonight’s episode focused on Cassie not being ready to get married, which she denied. Flash forward to the finale and she is not ready to get married. Do you think that Katie was telling the truth with what she heard between Cassie and Caelynn? Also, Colton continually says he wants an engagement at the end of this but then chases Cassie. Do you think it’s because it’s Cassie or that he also did not want an engagement at the end of this?
Were we all duped?!
Comment: There are a lot of questions to be answered. As I’ve said since the beginning, there are details I do not have. I just have the basics of who went home when and who he’s with. That’s all been right up until now and will be right through the finale. I think those details of once Cassie leaves, when they get filled in, we’ll get a better picture of people’s motivations.
Hi Steve!
Looking back at this week’s episode, we see Tayshia and Kirpa throw Caelynn and Cassie under the bus based on a opinion/rumor originally heard from Katie. First off, it honestly bugs me that time after time no one learns that you don’t stay on the show by telling the lead someone is not there for the right reasons. Especially if it’s about the girl he really likes.
I guess high stress situation added in with some persuasive producers create this kind of dynamic, but still. These girls gotta know how to play the game if they want to make it far enough to potentially be the bachelorette or rack up those instagram sponsorships.
Anyways, my question is, would you happen to know how much off camera time these girls get? Is it like at night, non-date days, etc.? I’m curious to how much drama, rumors, cattiness happens off screen that we aren’t privy to. For example, with Tayshia and Kirpa basing their drama off of something supposedly Katie witnessed.
Comment: Not very much. Outside of sleeping, you’re constantly being filmed and recorded. But there are instances where you are not, and maybe that’s when Katie heard what she did. Or maybe, just like the Krystal stuff last year, they’re gonna give us something at the WTA taping on Friday of secret footage they’re gonna finally play.
I sincerely hope neither Hannah B or Caelynn are bachelorettes. The smile is fake, especially Hannah G, the smile never reaches her eyes. I think when talking to Colton they say whatever they think he wants to hear. I know many contestants do that but these girls seem to have nothing else.
I agree with your tweet last night (Monday Feb 18th) that the girls ratting out Cassie and Caelynn basically lied. What they told Colton was what someone else said or really just their impression. We shall have to wait for Katie at the WTA as you said.
Given that Tayshia showed her true colors, I hope she also does not get Bachelorette, which leaves Hannah G by default. I think she is ok for her age, but I would miss the maturity of a Becca or a Rachael.
I would love to see Sydney as the bachelorette. Maybe given the poor choices it may be time to break the pattern of top 4 only. Got to happen some time, just like for the men.
Comment: I mean, maybe at some point the top 4 pattern will be broken, but I can guarantee you it won’t be for Sydney. If they’re gonna break that pattern, it’s gonna be for someone that’s highly popular, who the audience raved about all season long, and were devastated when she was eliminated. Sydney fits none of that criteria. She was a ghost for 6 episodes. They’ll never give it to someone who gets that kind of edit.
I am a bit embarrassed by how many times I e-mail you questions..but so many pop into my head and you are awesome at answering so…here they are! 🙂
When the girls are in the house are they being filmed basically 24-7 or just went theres a staged convo going on? Just wondering if all these conversations the girls claim to hear about each other are on camera? There are very few times where the cameras aren’t rolling, but it does happen.
When past people from Bachelor Nation show back up on the show for things do they get paid for the appearance? I think to come on the Tell All shows they do. But to show up during a season for a chat or whatever, outside of paying for their flight and hotel, no.
When music artists come on does ABC pay them? Do they pay ABC to be on? Is it done free with the publicity gained from it being the payout? It’s a trade off. Musicians are usually pitching themselves to the show to get on. It’s all publicity for them.
I am originally from Richmond and my mind was blown when I read how much they paid to be on the show, especially when they decided to showcase it the way they did with the Edgar Allan Poe Museum. Don’t think that will bring the tourism in!
Thanks Steve!
Comment: Yeah, I’ve never understood how the tourism boards think it’s successful or how they measure it. It must be in some way or else no show’s would do it. I’m just not sure what they consider successful.
Hi Steve!
Again, just want to say I look forward to your weekly Bachelor updates and spoilers and would not be watching this show without them.
After last night’s episode I have some thoughts and questions I wanted to share.
First off, if Colton told Caelynn last night that he’s falling in love with her, and then is going dump her next week, do you what that is all about? Does Caelynn choose to leave? Do you know what happens between them that makes Colton send her home? I know crap like this happens often, one week they are in love, the next week it’s over. I get that’s the nature of the show. I just really felt like she had a strong chance to be in the top 3. Not sure what to tell you. Maybe the stuff that happened this week carried over and bothered him enough to where he felt he couldn’t trust her. I don’t really know. All I know is she definitely doesn’t get the rose after hometown dates and is eliminated.
Also, speaking of Caelynn, it seems to me that she and Cassie have formed a pack to make sure one of them makes it to the top 3 or 4 based off of the fact that she rushed to save Cassie last night when she confronted Colton while he was on the group date. Part of me feels like there is something about both these women that isn’t honest. Like, there seems to be more to this story than we are seeing. I also wonder if they pushed Caelynn to do this so she would look good saving a friend because they want her as the next Bachelorette and all this talk about her and Cassie wanting to be the next Bachelorette’s makes her look bad? Well, it’s clear they’re friends as they’ve spent time post-show together. But do I honestly think they were conspiring in the house with this master plan? No. Why? Because they don’t have control of what happens. Production does.
I saw the article you posted to Twitter about Tayshia being in a relationship shortly before Bachelor filming started. Does this ever come up during hometowns or their fantasy suite date? I don’t think so.
Also, why doesn’t Colton want to have a fantasy suite date with Hannah G. before sending her home and pursuing Cassie? He seemed all about her in the shower scenes in Vietnam….One of the details to the season I don’t have. All I know is he doesn’t take her on a date because he’s in love with Cassie and wants to pursue her.
Also, HANNAH B even WARNS him about the girls that are left before she leaves, so are the producers just manipulating a narrative here for drama (because most of this season has been boring TBH) or is something really going on that we all aren’t seeing?
Comment: I think all the “warnings” are producers egging women on because they knew it’d be a storyline.
Will the fact Caelynn called Tayshia a stupid bitch in her ITM affect her chances of becoming bachelorette?
Comment: I certainly don’t think it helps.
Hey Steve!
Regarding the Hannah B. bachelorette situation, I’ve always kind of seen her as the best potential candidate for the gig. She was a little annoying at first, but she really did grow on me (as I think she did with many viewers). The final four just don’t seem genuine with their intentions to find love and an engagement which is literally supposed to be the premise of the show???!? I think Caelynn seems fake and catty, Hannah G. is pretty but not very interesting, and Tayshia…well she’s just not credible (which is really unfortunate IMO because she’s probably the one that I would think is ready for marriage). My eyes are open to the possibility of it now. If you ask me who I think will ultimately get it, I’d say Hannah G.. But if Hannah B. did get it, I can’t say I’d be totally shocked anymore. The story is there, and that’s all they’re looking for.
Also side note, I keep noticing how often Cassie is shown saying how she’s ready to be engaged, but then leaves because she’s not ready to be engaged?! Yikes.
Do you know if Tayshia will be at the WTA?
Comment: No, she won’t. She won’t have been eliminated yet on the episodes the public has seen before the WTA airs, so there’s no reason for her to be there. Neither will Hannah G. or Cassie.
Hi Steve!
A couple questions:
Your recap didn’t discuss the scene where Cassie and Caelynn are talking and Caelynn says “let’s just hope they didn’t name names.” Did you have thoughts on that conversation? It seems clear that they were discussing being the Bachelorette, and were concerned about getting caught. I don’t think that Tayshia and Kirpa heard them directly, but Cassie and Caelynn’s entire course of conduct after hearing about Katie’s “warning” screamed nervous and defensive. Not to mention the resorting to name-calling on both Cassie and Caelynn’s part really showed their immaturity. A couple thoughts here: saying “lets hope they didn’t name names” I didn’t read as implicating themselves. Some people did though. So that’s where the disconnect is. They could’ve just been saying that for the sake of others.
As for the name calling, I think Caelynn calling someone a stupid bitch and having to get bleeped five times like she’s a drunken sailor is a hell of a lot worse than Cassie saying Kirpa was an idiot. You thought those were on the same level?
If Caelynn was really in it for “the right reasons,” why was she so willing to go to bat and crash the date to tell Colton to keep Cassie around? If she was really into him, wouldn’t she want her top competition out? Of course she wanted Colton to keep Cassie so she would have a better chance at being the Bachelorette. That seems to be an argument a lot of people are making. I don’t doubt Caelynn thought about being the “Bachelorette.” I’m just doubting the context of the conversation because I know this happens every season where the women talk about it. I just wish we knew more, and hopefully will after Friday.
I’m sure it’s clear that I’m not the biggest Caelynn fan, but I still think she’s a strong contender for the Bachelorette (in ABC’s eyes). I was surprised at the editing leaving in her negative comments about the other women, but Colton had a really poor MTA edit last season, and still got the gig. It’s too early to tell but her built in backstory and Hannah G.’s practically nonexistent edit this season still makes me think that Caelynn is the front-runner. I wouldn’t call her the front runner anymore. I just don’t see it. Hannah G. is likable, stayed out of drama, and I know guys in casting definitely want her. Is she the most dynamic personality? No. But was Desiree? And we still have her hometown and her getting dumped by Colton to come, so she’ll definitely have fans on her side.
Finally, did you have any thoughts on Colton posting the Spongebob meme saying “tHeY aReNt HeRe fOr tHe RiGhT rEaSoNs” last night? He seemed to try and do damage control by later “clarifying” that it wasn’t directed at any one person. It seems to me a little ridiculous that HE was the one asking them what was going on in the house and what they had heard, and is now mocking their honest responses.
Comment: He’s a dolt, plain and simple.
