Hey Steve,
I just finished watching Jason and Molly’s season for the first time and fell in love with them. I seem to remember that you had them on your podcast once upon a time, but iTunes only shows the most recent 100 episodes so I’m not seeing it. If you did have them on your podcast, do you know how I could listen? I’ve never had them on.
Side note: I read through your old “Apology to Jason and Molly” you posted way back in 2010. It helped me to understand your stance on double checking facts and never posting rumors so much better. I’m glad things worked out for everyone in the end as well!
Thank you!
Comment: Yeah that was probably the biggest mistake I ever made on this site. But it was my first spoiler, I was new to it, and I’ve learned a lot since then. The best part is, I was able to patch things up with them at the time and they accepted my apology.
Hi Steve! Long time listener first time caller! (or something along those lines :-)). Just a some questions and thoughts:
-Since Tayshia is in the top 3 that means she most likely won’t be at the women’s tell all right? Without her there, do you think there is a chance of her having a boyfriend the night before she left to the Bachelor will be brought up? I wish it would. I always find it so funny when someone/multiple someones say, “so and so isn’t here for the right reasons” when it’s clear that NONE of them really are. I mean come on, who are you trying to kid? No, she won’t be there. I doubt the boyfriend would be brought up as a topic. But could I see someone taking a shot at her by making reference to it.
-After reading some comments on IG last night on Cassie’s page – some people are saying, due to the outcome (Cassie saying she’s not ready to get engaged) that Tayshia/Kirpa are actually telling the truth and Cassie is lying. However – when Cassie spoke with Colton, I don’t remember her saying specifically that that rumor of her was false. Maybe I didn’t listen well enough but from my recollection she tells him that she’s here for the right reasons and not to be the next bachelorette or something along those lines, but never specifically addresses the “not ready to be engaged” issue. My point being that she wasn’t denying the engagement rumor but basically didn’t address that part. I heard that Cassie was originally picked to be on Arie’s season, but when she found out it was Arie she dropped out. So I think maybe it gives her some credibility that yes, even though she’s on this show to most likely further her fame (which EVERYONE on that series comes on for), she at least came on the show for someone she could potentially have a connection with. Otherwise she’d gone on Arie’s season if all she really cared about was the fame. I’d have to go back and watch the episode to see exactly what it was Cassie was denying. But frankly, that whole episode made me want to pull my hair out that I really don’t wanna sit through that again.
I have heard as well through the grapevine that Cassie was selected for Arie’s season and chose not to do it.
Also, to me the whole, “not ready to be engaged” thing is kind of a joke. When the Bachelor contestants do end up engaged most of them either break up shortly after, or remain “engaged” for years before breaking up or actually going through with the wedding. So in reality, what is the difference between dating and being engaged in the Bachelor Universe other than the ring? Not a whole hell of a lot since the engagement on the show doesn’t mean much. It’s a product of what the show wants you to do, and while it is a real engagement, there have been way more breakups than success stories, so yeah, people tend not to take it as seriously.
-And a change of topic, I know you like Survivor, The Challenge and others. If could be on one of those or others (Amazing Race, Big Brother… am I missing any others? Sure, lets throw Bachelor/ette in it too) which would you choose and would you ever actually go one one if you could? I’d love to be on Survivor but I don’t care for rice or fish which is basically all they eat so I’d probably die in a matter of days.
Thanks for all your spoilers!
Comment: No. I have no interest in going on any reality TV shows. Not my thing. I know too much about how it works to ever want to be a part of it. I’m totally content with what I’m doing now. Much more fun.
Hey Steve!
As always, thanks for the spoilers.
Do you have any insight into the context of Tayshia’s odd remarks to Kirpa after Katie went home in Vietnam? I found the whole exchange a bit odd.
Comment: No. Not really sure what that was and if she really thought she and Kirpa would be final two.
Hey, Steve! Hope you are well.
Couple of thoughts and couple of questions.
1) I was actually going to write you last week, but ended up not having the time to do so, but my question actually makes more sense now. Hannah B. is coming back on hometowns, right? Giving that her exit was very clear cut and she handled it very well it makes zero sense for her to come back for Colton or whatever, except if she was led to believe she could be the next bachelorette. So, last week I was sure she would never (like ever) get the gig, but due to the fact the none of the top four are getting a decent edit except for Hannah G (all we actually know so far is that she is drop dead gourgeos). Hannah B. makes sense. Your friend made a great case about her and I totally agree. I’ll watch it regardless of who the lead is, but I’d like her in that role. Steve, do you think she went back to talk do Colton on the week of hometowns because producers told her it would increase her shot to become the next bachelorette? After all, she’ll be as freash as Caelynn on people’s mind come the end of this shitty shitty season. Yeah, this whole time I’ve looked at Hannah B’s goofiness and being dorky as a negative thing, when in reality, it’s probably a positive and makes her more relatable than say women who competed in Miss USA pageants. At least Hannah B. was only in the state one.
2) Colton is so boring I’m barely making through this season, the only reason I’m still watching is because I wanna know the future cast for BIP, but, not even the women are helping this season, even the drama is boring. I noticed that a lot of people in the “reader emails” saying this season feels very young, and I know the avarage age doesn’t change each season, but I believe there was never a final four SO young. I mean, they usually cast the same age, but the final four usually is in the middle of the pack, 26-27ish. Given the end result this season, which was an absolute dream for this show, I mean, the immaturity and the drama this season is so over the top, the absolutely dramatic ending will have people talking for weeks, it’s better than mike fleiss wet dreams! Do you think they will keep casting leads that are so young? I mean, compared to some reality tv shows focused on relationships this franchise tries to be a little more classy and sell the ideia of a couple actually finding love, etc. If they keep this up, soon enough it won’t be the show we once knew.
Thank you for all the spoiler and the inside gossip, Steve. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be watching thid show if it wasn’tt for those. Such a shitty, shitty season I just want it to be over already.
(English is my second language and I’m at work writing these, so I apologize for possible errors and if I wasn’t able to make myself clear.
Comment: You did fine. I think the “Bachelorette” leads will usually be in the 25-28 range with a couple of exceptions here and there and the “Bachelor” leads will be in the 28-32 range. I don’t think they’ll ever change much.
Hi Steve!
Just read your recap and wanted to say I all-in agree with your friend on Hannah B. I know the whole audience doesn’t necessarily keep up with the girls “real life” drama outside of the show (like most will never know about Tayshia’s boyfriend or the pageant makeup artists essentially siding with Hannah) but between what’s come to light about who is most likely the “mean girl” in the pageant drama (Caelynn) and the edit that she’s getting now, it hardly seems like they’re setting her up for the Bachelorette. Not to mention they show her trashing Hannah G being all looks but no substance. That’s mean girl stuff.
If what the girls are saying about Cassie and Caelynn not being ready/just wanting to be the Bachelorette are true, and then we see Cassie literally leave the show because she’s not ready (after already crying and denying it this week) then all that will do is validate what the girls have been saying about them for the last couple weeks. I just find it hard to believe they’d give Caelynn the Bach job after Cassie basically proved everyone right. Colton has been so boring I’ve only been half watching and just reading your recaps. Hannah G. is sweet but she’s boring too. Hannah B are her personality would definitely bring something to the season that these pageant girls are lacking. And if I remember correctly you said a bunch of times before Chris Soules season aired that Kaitlyn would never get the gig because she was too weird. I know she ended up in top 4 so puts her ahead of the pack than Hannah B. but Kaitlyn’s quirkiness proved to work and her season was fun to watch!
Anyway, I guess there was no actual question here. Thanks for helping me get through this season which has been a total snooze!
Comment: My thoughts on Kaitlyn at the time was I thought she was too raunchy as she was overtly sexual. Which is fine, but we hadn’t seen a “Bachelorette” like that before her, so I didn’t think they’d go that route. Then what’d they do? Made her main storyline all about sex. Guess we should’ve figured that.
Hi Steve,
Long time reader, listener etc. Fellow Dallas resident and new dog owner.
Two things:
I was so happy to see that you changed your opinion on Hanna B. and I loved reading what your friend had to say. I‘ve enjoyed watching her from the start and have been very frustrated with the amount of people that have been calling her crazy and fake and all those other adjectives. The thing is I totally relate to her. In interviews for Miss USA she has admitted to having to deal with anxiety. So first of all, that’s commendable that she was able to win Miss Alabama and compete for Miss USA (even though she had a disappointing finish) and then go on the bachelor. I can only imagine how any self-confidence she had going in to the show was shot when she saw that a girl she had once considered a friend and also someone who is the epitome (in Hannah’s eyes} of beauty and the success she had aimed for when she got into pageants. Hannah’s weird and out there and I think very relatable to a lot of girls watching the show. I don’t think it’s fair that someone who isn’t completely polished and has her own sense of humor is called “crazy”. I’m just adding to things that have already been said and wanted to thank you again. Regardless of where or not she can get the bachelorette, I think she’s the type of person we need more of on the screen. She’s definitely the most relatable contestant to their demographic audience. And easily has shown the most personality this season. Whether you like her personality or not, she’s at least showing one. We know exactly who she is. Can’t say that for many others.
Secondly, there seems to be a lot of complaints recently about the things that producers choose to show and not show from the dates – most notably all the kissing and “chemistry” between the lead and a contestant. This season it has been with Colton and Hannah G, and with him and Cassie. On Rachel’s season it was with her and Bryan. Previous bachelor contestants, the current contestants, people who recap the show, and Colton himself have all complained about this and wish they had shown more of the conversations they had. Do the producers listen to people’s complaints about things like this? I know you’ve said before that they don’t listen when it comes to choosing the lead, but wouldn’t you think that they would want to show different aspects of people’s relationships, especially in a time where people are saying the show is outdated and not “feminist” enough? Obviously they still get the viewers no matter what they show, it just seems like a lot people aren’t happy with the lack of depth at times and it would be nice if they listened to viewers.
And now I am officially embarrassed with how invested I am in this show.
Comment: I really don’t think they listen. They want to tell a story, and that story with Colton this season seems to be focusing on surface level stuff and not deeper conversations. Will it change? Probably not. Because as you said, we see it every season.
Hey Steve!
Long time, first time.
So we all know Colton’s game from the beginning was to get the batchelor gig. And now he’s obviously upset and shocked that his girls might have the same intentions. I think most people thinks it’s completely ridiculous.
Anyway, my question is Cassie related. Let’s assume the girls last night were correct and she has really been gunning for the batchelorette gig from the beginning, having no intentions of “falling for” Colton. She gets to the end, realizes he wants to be with her and she freaks bc that would ruin her chances of being the batchelorette? I don’t know, I just have a hard time her going on the show and going all the way to the end to just “not be ready.” Just wondering if you think something more calculated was at play here or if she was just genuinely confused.
Thanks! You da best!
Comment: I don’t know the exact answer to it, but I’m just trying to think of scenarios. It’s very possible that maybe she went on the show thinking she was ready to settle down if Colton was the right one, and then when it finally gets to overnights, everything hits her like a ton of bricks, and as much as she thought she was ready to get engaged, she realizes in that moment that she wasn’t. Is that far fetched? I have no idea if that’s it, I’m just trying to think of possible reasons. Sounds logical because you can’t really know until you’re in it and experiencing it, right? Maybe the experience wasn’t at all what she expected it to be? Maybe she thought she’d see Colton way more during filming, then when she gets to that point, and she realizes how much this guy is into her, she’s not there with him (like Colton has said he isn’t with others), and that’s what makes her leave. I don’t know. Just trying to think of scenarios. I don’t think any of those are far fetched. Is that what happened? Hell if I know. But I could see it possibly being the case.
What was this pink journal Kirpa was carrying around and Colton had also on the group date? No idea.
I liked your opinion on Hannah B being the bachelorette. I am the most excited about her doing it as she is entertaining. The others are just boring to watch, similar to Colton. We need something personality! Well, it wasn’t mine. It was a friend of mine who I talk about the show with on occasion. She always has good insight. Not anyone from the show. Just someone who I can talk TV with from time to time and she always seems to have a pulse on this stuff.
Will you report on Friday or Saturday what you hear from the WTA? I’ll report when I hear and I don’t know when that’ll be.
What is with all these formal pant suite jumper things? Do men find these attractive? Some of them I love. Others not so much.
Often the leads break up with who they pick. How come they never end up dating their second or third choices? For example nick and Andi are both single, did they just not like each other as much as they seemed to, or Nick and Kaitlyn (I know she’s taken now). I can’t answer for them. Only they know the answer to that. And btw, Andi isn’t single. She just hasn’t made it official who she’s been with.
It seemed like Caelynn defened herself and said she was ready to get engaged, but Cassie never said that, just that she wanted to be there and liked him. Did you catch that? Actually, I thought Cassie she was specifically there for him. Or maybe I missed that.
Have your or would you ever date someone from the franchise?
Comment: No and yes, I would. But I think it’s a long shot. I’m much older than most of these contestants. Like 15 years older. Most of them want to date within the franchise, or so obsessed with the franchise, they want to be involved with it in some capacity. And, well, if you’re dating Reality Steve, there’s a good chance you’re getting blackballed from stuff. You never say never, but it would definitely take someone who isn’t wrapped up in the franchise, that’s for sure.
Hey RS,
Hopefully this isn’t too late for this week’s batch of emails but I just had a few thoughts to chime in about the Bachelorette. I think your friend made a compelling argument for Hannah B and I personally find her to be the most intriguing to watch by far however I have a feeling once the sh*t storm with the season ending happens and we get a heart broken Hannah G who made it to the end without becoming involved in any of the drama all season, the audience will be rooting for her the way everyone quickly rallied behind Becca last season and no one will even remember Hannah B by that point. She will no doubt be a star on Paradise this summer though. Yeah, we still have that coming, and that’ll help her chances. But honestly, we just don’t know where the producers heads are at right now and what they want for next season.
One last thing – Rachel was announced as Bachelorette before the After the Final Rose as well and I remember only because it was very bizarre since Nick had not technically eliminated her yet in the season.
Thanks for all of your sleuthing and spoiling!
Comment: You’re right. Rachel was announced a week earlier.
Hi Steve! Do you think they will decide to have Caelynn vs. Hannah B. on night one of Bachelorette? Like Kaitlyn vs. Britt? I think the Tell All will help them decide. Remember Kaitlyn was pretty much a sure thing until Britt was so sympathetic on the Tell All? Caelynn better be on her best behavior! I wasn’t a fan of Hannah B. after that one on one but your friend is so right. When Caelynn found herself in yet another situation where she was saying, “She is lying! It’s not true!” I kept thinking, this is not good for her cause. She may be better in Paradise. We still know nothing about Hannah G. I highly doubt they’ll do the two Bachelorette thing again.
Heather’s exit had to have been the friendliest in Bachelor history right? I couldn’t help but laugh during the beginning of the episode when Colton kept saying, “One of the girls may not be ready for marriage!” Like Heather?! Who just had her first kiss last week?! Duh! (Obviously I knew he wasn’t really talking about her.) Maybe he and Cassie will be good together because neither of them should even consider getting married for years!
Do you think they will show us the conversation between Colton and Caelynn next week? Or do we just assume she was sticking up for Cassie? Not that it was even necessary…
Comment: Colton and Caelynn’s conversation? Like when she went to talk to him? I doubt it. This isn’t Lost where we see earlier conversations ha ha. Episode 7 is done and they’re out of Denver. Next week is hometowns so I don’t see where showing that conversation fits into anything.
Hi Steve,
My view of all this nonsense is that it isn’t the fault any of the women. It’s all Colton and his insecurity. He’s already asked several women what their views of someone else is, then run back and tattled, often inaccurately, about what they said immediately. He’s worse than any of them. His conversation with Tayshia was the most perfect example. She clearly did not go into that date with some self destructive agenda of slinging dirt at someone else. She was wisely focusing on her own relationship with Colton. He started the conversation and pushed her. At that point she would have been wiser to say nothing, but she took his bait. I was yelling at him while watching as my long suffering husband tried to ignore the whole thing. He seems to be clearly searching for validation of his feelings for Cassie, and he keeps asking until someone, anyone, agrees with him. Tayshia, whatever her relationship with the boyfriend she went on vacation with, is not stupid, nor is Kirpa. Neither one seems vindictive, and neither one was rushing to tell him anything until he probed. As you wisely say, we can’t know who said what, who overheard or participated, or any other real details. I hope the Women Tell All clears up some of this and puts a group of women who seemed to mostly get along back on friendly terms. Colton’s immaturity and insecurity are painful to see, and they’re causing even more hurt feelings among the women than usual.
Comment: Agree with pretty much all of this.
Hi Steve!
1. I love your site so much! I don’t think I would watch the bachelor without it. Good. Thank you.
2. I agree with you that the Bachelor producers don’t care that much who their viewers want for Bachelorette so it’s silly trying to base who it will be on online popularity. For the past few weeks you have said you will be incredibly shocked if it isn’t Caelynn because the producers will want to use her past to get ratings and fit into the #MeToo movement. But on your last post, you seemed to think Hannah B. has a shot? I love Hannah b. because she seems real and awkward and it is relatable and Caelynn seems fake. We don’t know the full story but she has irked me since Miss USa. Have you changed your mind? Is Caelynn not a shoe in anymore? And can someone not in final 4 have a shot? Or will they just forget Hannah after the next episode… I’d even take Hannah G. over Caelynn. I don’t know if Hannah B. has a 10% shot, 20% shot, 50% shot or what %. All I’m saying is IF she got the gig, I wouldn’t be nearly as surprised as I would’ve been if you asked me a month ago. Hell, a week ago. I can see a story arc there with her that I never saw before. And that’s what a lead needs. Good story, a good edit, a fan base, and likability, and she’s got all those. Before I didn’t see that and now I do. I have no idea if that means she’ll get it. Nobody does. But if she did, I can see where it came from. Kinda like Colton this season. I never thought he’d get it, but once he was named, I saw WHY they gave it to him. Better storyline to play with over Blake and Jason.
3. thank you for introducing me to Temptation Island! One of my new favorite shows!!!!!! Bless you for that lol. I love sweet Kaci but I have to disagree with her decision that maybe she was wrong and she had no right to ask for marriage. I feel like once you’ve been dating on and off for 10 years and someone isn’t ready, it’s a fair question. I was wondering what your opinions are on her decision on the show to say she had no right to ask that of Evan. From her podcasts she seems to have a slightly different view now post-show. I just feel like if someone can’t commit after 10 years, then it is okay to have worries.
Thanks Steve!!!
Comment: It’s a good question and something you’ll hear me address with her in tomorrow’s podcast. We have A LOT to cover. Not only going over Tuesday’s episode, but Evan will be on the podcast as well (separately), and I’m sure she will have something to say about that.
Hey Steve,
Gotta say, I couldn’t agree more with your friend regarding their endorsement of Hannah B for bachelorette. I know she’s not top 4 but the thought of Caelynn, Hannah G, or Tayshia leaves me flat. There’s nothing, and I mean nothing, interesting about any of them. I know you’ve said Caelynn is a frontrunner but I can’t have ABC selling me “sexual assault survivor bachelorette”. I think it reeks of exploitation. Will the guys ask her about it every 5 minutes like the girls asked Colton about his virginity? I find both of those topics to be extremely personal and really don’t think either should be used to sell a show. The virginity stuff was tired and annoying. Now, back to Hannah B. Girl is a gamer. She’s the only one who showed personality and spunk. I thought she went out on a high note. Loved how when Colton told her she would find someone she immediately was like “I know”. Then she commented that “I will not allow myself to not feel chosen every single day”. I’ve got a 20 year old watching this show and if there’s one takeaway I want her have after the years we’ve spent watching this ridiculous show it’s that sentence. My only concern is that next week when she shows up to see Colton in Alabama it might set things back for her bachelorette edit. Do you know what they discuss? If she’s begging him to take her back kind of ruins all the things she said on her way out. I don’t know what it is, but based on her edit, I doubt she comes begging for him back. I think it’s more of “what happened” to us.
Finally, if I can’t have Hannah B. give me Becca Tilly. She’s the one girl on the list of past contestants that I think would be perfect. Mature, beautiful, funny, and already comes with a 1.1 million person fanbase. We would know she’s not there for Instagram followers or to build her brand. She’s one of the first who’s been there done that. She might actually be there for “the right reasons” at this point.
Thanks for reading my novel! As I said in a previous email. Ummmm…errrrr…uhhhhhhhh…no. Becca is not going to be the “Bachelorette.”
P.S. I’m sure people have told you, but Tanner has said that he is now an “Instagram husband” and he and Jade moved to California to basically sell stuff on Instagram and get their You Tube channel up and running. I don’t know if I should roll my eyes or high five him. I keep thinking the insta thing can’t last, but I really don’t see an end in sight!
Comment: I’m sure there will be an end at some point. What nobody can say right now is when that’ll be. 2 years? 3 years? 5 years? Something else will come along and Instagram will lose it’s popularity. Something always does.
Hi Steve, couple things! (Gonna be longer than my normal weekly email!)
I read how you said they rented out that apartment for Tayshia’s date but Colton tweeted that it was in fact his apartment but he has moved since filming? Any truth to that?
Also, I feel as if Cassie and Caelynn’s words probably did get taken out of context. Nevertheless I don’t think anyone is telling the truth. Tayshia and Kirpa didn’t actually hear it and are probably blowing it way out of proportion and Cassie and Caelynn are lying about ever saying anything. I don’t think Cassie’s intentions were Bachelorette (though obviously there is truth behind her not being ready) but I 100% believe Caelynn’s intentions were. Everything she has done thus far looks like a bid for bachelorette. Even last night when she went to defend Cassie, it looked like an “oh $h!t if Cassie gets sent home, I will win. Which means I won’t get a shot at Bachelorette!!!” Even Hannah B said at the beginning of the season, “she will put on whatever face for whatever goal she has in mind” and called her manipulative.
I bet what actually happened was Cassie got caught up in Caelynn talking about Bachelorette because that was her best friend. Who knows.
Even though they seem guilty as day, Tayshia is just as if not more. She is the one who left a serious relationship for the tv show.
Do you think there is any chance that all of the top 4 are at tell all? Considering how the show ends this season. Like maybe they would have the top 3 out for hot seats and discussing with the women and then when it’s time for Colton come out they leave?
Non-bachelor related question. Are you still doing podcasts with Ashley Spivey? I haven’t seen one in a while.
Thanks for all you do!
Comment: Yes, we just skipped last week because Ashley was in Idaho and schedules didn’t match up. Podcast #16 will be next Tuesday.
Hey Steve! I may be too late for a question this week…but been wondering this for years. What exactly happens right after someone is eliminated in the later episodes (when there are less than 6/7 left)? Do they leave that day/night? Go straight home? Are they allowed to resume normal life…do people they are around (family/close friends/work) all have to sign contracts not to speak about it? So many questions about this!
Comment: They’re on a plane the next day and go home. Yes, they resume normal life. Everyone does. They just have to be careful about doing anything publicly that could spoil the show. But assuming they didn’t quit their job, most just go back to their job and have to keep quiet.
Will the final 4 be at the WTA ? (Cassie, Tayshia, Caelynn, Hannah G). The final 3 won’t be there. Caelynn will because her elimination on TV happens before we see WTA. Cassie, Tayshia, and Hannah G. wouldn’t have been eliminated yet, so there’s no reason for them to be there.
Since the final episodes and what they airing is an unknown, do you know if the Tayshia/Cassie/Caelynn drama will even get brought up. If Tayshia/Caelynn/Cassie are not at the WTA then they won’t be there to defend themselves and have their say in what happened. So, will the show even air any of it or just come up with other topics to focus on. I’m sure it’ll be talked about because Caelynn/Kirpa/Katie were major parts of it, so they’ll address it I’m sure.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.
